Avatar of Nemeses


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<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*The fist disappears and I shoot eight X-Blaster shots at you*

*Protects my face as they hit, sending me further back*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Brings my shield back up on that arm and delivers a percussive wave at point blank range*

*Slides backward once again, this time losing my balance slightly until I stop*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

PlatFist, battlechip in, download!
*Smiles as the shield retracts and an oversized platinum gauntlet takes its place*
It's through the friendship that binds us all together.
*Dashes toward you with no decrease in speed and punches your center of mass*

*Catches the fist in my palm and delivers a right hook to your face*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*A large shield materializes on my arm and repels you with a percussive wave*

*Slides back halfway across the room*
All your normal attacks are being amplified by an unrealistic amount. Do you know how he’s doing that?
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

NeoVariableSword, battlechip in, download.
*A glowing yellow sword replaces the cannon—when I swing it, a wide arch of its power flies toward you*

*Dashes toward you, dodging the arc by turning sideways and cartwheeling, and gets right in your face, inspecting you*
This is the most curious thing.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Lifts my arm up, which converts into a cannon with an X-shaped barrel*
X Blaster.
*Shoots a large X at you that does both damage and acts as a limiter*

*Goes to block it, but my eyes widen at the last moment and I instead dodge to the side, “landing” on the wall*
He’s using the very Outside to channel power into you, isn’t he?
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Steps to the side*
I hope you never thought that Muramasa was my last stand. FolderBack, battlechip in, download.
*My chip folder is recycled*
I'm just getting started.

What is he doing to you now?
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Slams your face into the ground*

*Grabs your arm, immediately springs to my feet, and throws you at X*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I'll do it.

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Alright then, brace yourself!
*Several tendrils that are a very noticeably deeper purple than the air around us round the corner and enter the room, shooting toward you. When they hit you, you immediately feel not only revitalized, but overcharged unfathomably beyond your normal level of power*
Feel that? I hope so. If you do... Just try and maintain the connection.

ATARHE! Why isn’t he dealt with already?!
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Finishes converting the substance*
I intend to.
*Elbows you in the spine with ten times my previous maximum force*

*Slides forward, then turns around*
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