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<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Traitor to who? You didn't bother introducing yourself before you started choking out my host.

The IA, and her family by proxy. Did old “Sideslash” not have any info on where she was sending you? How irresponsible.
*Jets of fire erupt like geysers around the sides of the base, all up and down the mountain*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Aye aye!
*Flies through the stage and up to the surface*

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Stares at you with a deep, but not obviously hostile gaze and picks apart any details not restricted from my supernatural vision, including underlying makeup, power distribution, movement patterns, and energy traces*
Hey! What do you say we talk? Why do you want this girl anyway?
*Materializes the familiar platforms the moment before each destructive droplet would hit the ground, taking the brunt of the force and shattering with a gonglike ringing*

She’s a traitor. We’re tak-

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*with a bright flash of light a concentrated fire beam near instantly is shot at you*

*Glances to the side just as it hits me in the face, and I quickly shield my face with my arm as I glide away from the blast, looking annoyed despite the relatively little damage it seems to have done*
Got more of you hiding about, huh?
<Snipped quote by Session>

Just warn me if he's about to knock me out of the air like that again.
*Places my hands against the walls of the cavern, crumbling and pulling toward me at my touch*

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Lesser Golem's Touch!
*Spindles of the stage's metal weave around the destructive beads like streams of water and stop on either side of you; they morph into enormous fists that slam together with you at the center*

*Disappears for just a moment in between them, but then a streak of heat surges along the edge of one of the fists, as my hands pry them apart from the inside. I climb out from between them and tear a long, thin strand of metal from them as I do*
This one should make it very clear what exactly is happening to you.
*Hoists the red-hot metal up over my shoulder like a javelin and heaves it straight into the ground. It burns and drills cleanly through dirt and rock until it comes barreling through the cavern ceiling directly into your chest while still retaining blinding velocity*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Halfway through cratering, jams my scepter into the surrounding metal of the stage, which fuse together and slow my descent enough for me to dip into the surrounding shadows*

*Holds my hands out to my side and starts spraying a luminescent energy that behaves like water spraying from a hose out of either palm, lighting my immediate space and raining down violently explosive rain below in a downpour of droplets that annihilate everything they touch on impact with deafening detonations*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Somehow I don't think I have a choice.
*The bead dissolves in my hand to manifest as a magic circle around each of my feet, which I use to leap toward the boulders with inhuman agility*

*In what seems like a predicting manner, I appear in your path right as you leave the ground, dropping my fist squarely down on top of your head like a hammer with force enough to blast you through the old concert vessel, setting off a chain reaction of explosions*
<Snipped quote by Session>

An overwhelming threat. Great.

Want to see how someone keeps a living weapon like Ona afraid?
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

That works for me! After all...
*My expression morphs into an ominous half-smile*
I’ll be sure to make it equally as excruciating for you.

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*A curtain of pure light parts on either side of myself, revealing me reaching into a pocket of darkness*
Don’t threaten her with a good time.

You’re only amused while you can talk. Your confidence will die fast when one of you has to live without the other.
*Swipes my thumb across my chin with a grin, and, outside the sphere of influence we’re currently in, a beam of light blasts diagonally through the mountain where the base resides, sending the mass of rock and rubble crumbling and falling toward where we are*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

<Snipped quote by Nimda>

*Holds out my hands toward the light*
Advancing trigger spell: Greater Gate.
*The white light expands to include the entirety of the stage*

*Stands up straight and rolls my shoulders back*
Everything you do from this moment on, is an act of cruelty against Gio.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

If you really wanted to kill me...
*Strains against the hold with surprising strength for my size*
You chose the wrong way to frame us.

It’s like we already said: This isn’t about that now.
*Grips your head and whips my arm to the side, snapping your neck almost entirely in a circle*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

It wouldn’t be the first time.
*Ignites the magic potential of the gun, converting it to a directed explosion aimed at your torso*

*Shifts my hand that’s in the gun such that it catches and contains the burst, scattering out from between my knuckles and releasing a puff of smoke*
How about the last?
*Crunches the barrel of your gun in my hand, the moves my free hand to the opposite side of your head*
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