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    1. Neruu 10 yrs ago


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Hsir Confederacy
Hsir City - Capital of Hsir Confederacy
Within government building the Speaker was busy at work. The message had gone out about Speaker Angor requesting a meeting. However even with word traveling fast it would take some time to gather everyone required for the meeting. The secretary had informed Angor that it would take at the very least a week to get everyone. In that time the Speaker Angor would look over economic records. While the Hsir Confederacy was still young it had kept extensive records so was a pile of paperwork for Angor to read. Since he couldn't take the records out of the building he would have to stay at a hotel in the capital. The guard assigned to him would escort him each day on his walk from hotel to capital building.

As the week would go by various officials outside the capital would slowly arrive one after another. Most officials had arrived though were a few delays as some trains were delayed by weather. While most of the train network was kept underground when possible there was still a amount above ground where expanding tunnels in a timely manner was unrealistic and thus those tracks were susceptible to snow fall. Thankfully the delay was only a few days. As it came closer to the meeting one of the officials would enter the office of Speaker Angor while he was busy finalizing some notes on records he had read. The official from one of southern regions of Hsir Confederacy and used a cane to walk. He was far older then Angor and had to use a cane to help himself walk.

Official Khor "Speaker, I hope this sudden meeting is warranted."
Speaker Angor "Of course it is, why are you concerned Khor? And you can call be Angor."
Official Khor "Very well Angor. Meetings are scheduled regularly to address issues to arise."
Speaker Angor "I know this but I thought it best to not wait this time."
Official Khor "Patience would do you well. Can you at least tell me why a meeting was so urgent?"
Speaker Angor "I am sorry but I cannot, you have to wait like everyone else."
Official Khor "Bah, very well."

With it clear to Khor that Speaker Angor wouldn't spoil any details of why he had arranged meeting the elderly gentlemen decided to leave the office. The old man was one of the oldest to be elected as a official and so had some sway. He had wanted to test the Speaker, see if he would spill the information. If Speaker Angor had told Khor what the meeting was about he would of used what sway he had to foil what plans Angor had but he admired the strict adherence to protocol. If he had found out about the meeting then Angor would of been in trouble as records could only be looked at one who had withdrawn them to read due to fear of record tampering. As far as Angor was concerned the speaker had just wanted to know the information early. In the coming days would be beginning of the great meeting of all high ranking officials within Hsir Confederacy before Speaker Angor.
Hsir Confederacy
Hsir City - Capital of Hsir Confederacy
Sounds of a train stopping to let passengers disembark could be heard in heart of the city. The oldest city where Hsir Confederacy got its name from was dominated by the massive pit cave in center of city. Immediate area around the pit cave had been worked with ornate stone with railing along the edge and several shrines built around the pit. One passenger disembarking from the train was Speaker Angor who wore a heavy long jacket to keep his more formal cloths clean. The first and current Speaker lived outside the capital city so had to make commute by train each day. His colleges had tried to talk him into moving closer but he preferred the small town life. It wasn't too much of a issue as most matters were handled by local government so Angor being late to work was rarely a issue. A guard would approach Angor having been waiting for him to arrive.

City Guard "I have been sent to escort you to the government building Speaker."
Speaker Angor "A escort? Very well, I do not see the need for it but lets be on our way."
City Guard "It was order by the mayor of city to provide protection to the Speaker."
Speaker Angor "Seems like waste of time, times are peaceful and I keep my own gun on me."
City Guard "As that may be, it would reflect poorly on the capital if anything were to happen."

Followed by this guard the Speaker Angor would make his way to one of larger buildings with a front facing the pit cave. Outside was a statue of Angor in military uniform holding the flag of Hsir Confederacy. As Angor passed the statue his mind would reflect back onto how he got himself into the position. It had just been a few years ago the mountains were not united and he was a simple soldier of one of the many nations that once filled the mountains before unification. Times really seemed to be changing rapidly, during the famines that occurred when global trade had broken down he made a name for himself by keeping order after local lord died in small city state he served as a soldier. It would only be a month before he would welcome the unification forces that came with food and supplies and was glad to see mountains unify. Despite the cramped conditions of inside the mountains, wars weren't uncommon. When still a child Angor would be told stories of war from his grandfather. After the Hsir Confederacy formed he had planned to return to quiet uneventful life but was talked into trying to get elected as first Speaker by friends he had made traveling with unification force to help areas plagued by famine within the mountains. To ensure was no corruption candidates needed to wield no political power already which Angor qualified for that having just been a simple soldier. It was his fast thinking that saved lives and demonstration of leadership during famines which won him election though the stories of him traveling with unification force also helped. Angor did not mind the job as he didn't really have much power, he felt more like a figurehead then anything else. If anything the job was boring. The city guard stopped at the door to building.

City Guard "I will wait here Speaker."
Speaker Angor "Very Well."
City Guard "When you leave for day I will accompany you to train."
Speaker Angor "Very well."

Speaker Angor would walk down the halls heading for his office. He expected usual paperwork that his secretary would help him with. It was mostly uneventful work except for when he would ride train network to tour the various cities in mountains and meet various political figures inside Hsir Confederacy. Starting his day he would hang up his jacket then sit down and look at various papers already on his desk. Seemed like a usual day though he had been wanting to try and exercise what power he had. He would go to ring a bell to summon his secretary. It only took a few seconds before she entered room.

Secretary of the Speaker "You rang sir?"
Speaker Angor "Yes, I would like if you organize a meeting."
Secretary of the Speaker "I will send out the message."
Speaker Angor "Oh, before you go I also would like to request some records."
Secretary of the Speaker "What records would you like?"
Speaker Angor "Economy records, see how the Confedercy economy is doing."
Secretary of the Speaker "The message will be sent out then I will bring you the records."
Nation Name:Hsir Confederacy
Type of Government:Republic
Head(s) of Government:Speaker Angor
Economy (Main imports, exports, industries, etc.):
Imports:Wood, Meat, Leather, Cotton, Sugar, and Fish
Exports:Heat Crystals, Precious Metals, Ice, and Stone
Industries:Mining, Metal refinement, and Underground Farming
Unique Technologies:Heat Crystals and Cores
Heat Crystals:Quartz crystals charged with fire magic that when stimulated by electrical current produce light. The crystals can be recharged with fire magic when it runs out but every subsequent recharging increases likely hood of the crystal shattering.
Cores:Intricate metal cylinders that act as heat source for heating, and cooking primarily. They are charged by fire magic and sort of like a magic battery. Due to durability of being metal they can be recharged much more then Heat Crystals.
Primary Species:Ragors
Population:67 Million
Culture:The Ragors have always had a mistrust of outsiders and that has lent the Hsir Confederacy to rely on isolation. If a idea or technology from outside mountains is discovered the Hsir are ready to determine if it is useful then incorporate it if beneficial. The alphabet used in Hsir Confederacy is that of the native dwarven population of mountain that are long extinct and the spoken language has many dwarven words. Hardwork, family, tradition, religion, and fearlessness are trademarks of the Hsir Confederacy people. Every home has a shrine dedicated to prayer and multiple generations will live in same home together.
Religion and Other Beliefs:The religion in Hsir Confederacy is ancient having first developed in ancient jungle home when the Ragors were tribes. It is rooted in darkness and death worship with pit caves greater then 300 meters in depth seen as great holy sites. The ancient creation myth of the Ragors is that they simply rose from the darkness.
Darkness is seen as something that is protective and safe. The shrine in each home dedicated to religion is a room that is without any lighting. The death worship is more so death isn't seen as a large negative. Souls of the dead will simply join ancestors in the darkness where light does not touch. The great holy sites that are deep pit caves are seen as where one can commune with spirits of ancestors.
Location/Territories:Karakus Continent largest mountain range
Military: Due to the topography of mountains Hsir Confedercy call home the military is primarily ground forces. The ground forces divided into three groups within the Hsir. First are the armored divisions which operate artillery and tanks of the Hsir. Secondly is the infantry which rely on the third group motorized for transportation. The motorized section of ground army also have many civilian roles which them being in charge of maintain the network of train based transportation that run above and in the mountains.
Second most numerous portion of military are the wyvern riders. The geography of Hsir Confederacy has made development of any airports difficult so instead wyvern are still ridden for air combat. A wyvern will usually have a rider and then another on the back with a high caliber rifle. In the past mages would also ride wyvern and through them casting magic the wyvern could breath fire but its a dying skill not actively trained anymore.
Lastly the Hsir have a very tiny handful of ships meant mostly for protecting what little trade does come to port. The ships are poorly maintained and mostly meant for show as the real defenses on coast are artillery and other static defenses.
Magic Prevalence/Usage:Magic is part of life, every individual of the Ragors species can use magic. Without magic the Ragors would of likely never been able to live in the mountain range. The magic that average member of Ragros can wield is simple fire magic where they can channel its energy but not preform a spell like creating actual fire. True mages are distinguished by having wings and are capable of great magical feats like summoning fire out of thin air.
History/ Background Info:The Hsir Confederacy was founded 8 years ago after the great cataclysm rocked the world. Old trade routes to various nations and city states in mountains dried up causing mass famines. To avoid total collapse of civilization created by Ragors the mountains were forced to unite into a confederation. The name Hsir was chosen as the ancient holy city of Hsir was chosen as the capital. Some estimates put the deaths from famine in the millions.
Nation Relations (Can be as simple as a brief two line summary for your neighbors): Isolation has served the Hsir Confederacy well in solidifying its power. Trade relations have been kept minimal, especially with Hastur where the border is almost closed completely. Immigration into the Hsir Confedercy has been outlawed since its formation. However is a desire for more trade to import resources not within mountains so the Hsir are open to talks with neighbors except for the Hastur.
Work in Progress sheet. Very WIP. I have done some edits.

Nation Name:Hsir Confederacy
Type of Government:Republic
Head(s) of Government:Speaker Angor
Economy (Main imports, exports, industries, etc.):
Imports:Wood, Meat, Leather, Cotton, Sugar, and Fish
Exports:Heat Crystals, Precious Metals, Ice, and Stone
Industries:Mining, Metal refinement, and Underground Farming
Unique Technologies:Heat Crystals and Cores
Heat Crystals:Quartz crystals charged with fire magic that when stimulated by electrical current produce light. The crystals can be recharged with fire magic when it runs out but every subsequent recharging increases likely hood of the crystal shattering.
Cores:Intricate metal cylinders that act as heat source for heating, and cooking primarily. They are charged by fire magic and sort of like a magic battery. Due to durability of being metal they can be recharged much more then Heat Crystals.
Primary Species:Ragors
Population:67 Million
Culture:The Ragors have always had a mistrust of outsiders and that has lent the Hsir Confederacy to rely on isolation. If a idea or technology from outside mountains is discovered the Hsir are ready to determine if it is useful then incorporate it if beneficial. The alphabet used in Hsir Confederacy is that of the native dwarven population of mountain that are long extinct and the spoken language has many dwarven words. Hardwork, family, tradition, religion, and fearlessness are trademarks of the Hsir Confederacy people. Every home has a shrine dedicated to prayer and multiple generations will live in same home together.
Religion and Other Beliefs:The religion in Hsir Confederacy is ancient having first developed in ancient jungle home when the Ragors were tribes. It is rooted in darkness and death worship with pit caves greater then 300 meters in depth seen as great holy sites. The ancient creation myth of the Ragors is that they simply rose from the darkness.
Darkness is seen as something that is protective and safe. The shrine in each home dedicated to religion is a room that is without any lighting. The death worship is more so death isn't seen as a large negative. Souls of the dead will simply join ancestors in the darkness where light does not touch. The great holy sites that are deep pit caves are seen as where one can commune with spirits of ancestors.
Location/Territories:Karakus Continent largest mountain range
Military: Due to the topography of mountains Hsir Confedercy call home the military is primarily ground forces. The ground forces divided into three groups within the Hsir. First are the armored divisions which operate artillery and tanks of the Hsir. Secondly is the infantry which rely on the third group motorized for transportation. The motorized section of ground army also have many civilian roles which them being in charge of maintain the network of train based transportation that run above and in the mountains.
Second most numerous portion of military are the wyvern riders. The geography of Hsir Confederacy has made development of any airports difficult so instead wyvern are still ridden for air combat. A wyvern will usually have a rider and then another on the back with a high caliber rifle. In the past mages would also ride wyvern and through them casting magic the wyvern could breath fire but its a dying skill not actively trained anymore.
Lastly the Hsir have a very tiny handful of ships meant mostly for protecting what little trade does come to port. The ships are poorly maintained and mostly meant for show as the real defenses on coast are artillery and other static defenses.
Magic Prevalence/Usage:Magic is part of life, every individual of the Ragors species can use magic. Without magic the Ragors would of likely never been able to live in the mountain range. The magic that average member of Ragros can wield is simple fire magic where they can channel its energy but not preform a spell like creating actual fire. True mages are distinguished by having wings and are capable of great magical feats like summoning fire out of thin air.
History/ Background Info:The Hsir Confederacy was founded 8 years ago after the great cataclysm rocked the world. Old trade routes to various nations and city states in mountains dried up causing mass famines. To avoid total collapse of civilization created by Ragors the mountains were forced to unite into a confederation. The name Hsir was chosen as the ancient holy city of Hsir was chosen as the capital. Some estimates put the deaths from famine in the millions. (Very WIP)
Nation Relations (Can be as simple as a brief two line summary for your neighbors): Isolation has served the Hsir Confederacy well in solidifying its power. Trade relations have been kept minimal, especially with Hastur where the border is almost closed completely. Immigration into the Hsir Confedercy has been outlawed since its formation. However is a desire for more trade to import resources not within mountains so the Hsir are open to talks with neighbors except for the Hastur.
Fibor Dynasty
Grand Palace of the King - Courtyard
It was early morning on isle of Tiagrav which the capital city of Fibor Dynasty was located. The sun would rise up behind the Grand Palace causing the palace to cast a shadow over the city below. Long ago the largest hill in the area had top flattened to construct the Grand Palace atop it. The high vantage point allowed the Grand Palace to tower above even the tallest building in capital city. Normally just the guards would be standing attention outside the palace keeping the royal family safe but today was extra commotion. The process had begun for workers to clean soot and grim from marble of the Grand Palace. A peaceful busy morning except for sound of gunfire in the palace courtyard. King Inroc had gotten up early today to practice with his prototype rifle he had gotten a few years ago when crowned. It had only now started to be produced in any number with most going to royal guards and officers in the military. A servant was also in courtyard with the king as he was needed to operate a clay disc launching machine. The machine was a popular contraption among nobility.

A lot had been on the mind of King Inroc lately. Time seemed to go so fast as it was only a short three years ago when he was crowned king. His father having passed from poor health and as is tradition the youngest adult male haeir is crowned king. Long ago the idea was founded to increase stability as a younger king would have time to father many heirs. Though Inroc was still young as far as new kings went being still in early prime of his life at age of thirty two. He had a younger brother who was meant to be groomed for the role as heir but was still a child. This life as king was never what Inroc had wanted. His ideal life would of been as a soldier but that possible life was just a memory to him. The day his father unexpectadely passed from illness was still vivid in his mind like day it happened. Was a rainy day at officer academy where noble sons and promising soldiers would be sent to become officers. The graduating class Inroc was part of were having a wrestling tournament in the mud of academy courtyard to decide who was really top of the class. A sigh would escape the king as he fired and hit a clay disk. Those days not having to think about politics were truly great. In the middle of his fight with his academy rival was when royal guard came to escort him by train back to capital city. He never got to finish that fight with his Hog family rival in academy. Another disk would shatter shot by his rifle. Inroc would sit on a bench to reload his rifle while servant reloaded clay disk launching machine. It was at this moment when military advisor Bar came up to him. The military adivsor was one of many but Bar was by far the oldest at one hundred and fifty eight years old. He had been a close friend of previous king and had been educator of Inroc when he was a child.

Military Advisor Bar "King Inroc! You are needed urgently in the radio room. If you would please come to the radio room with me."
King Inroc "It is good to see Bar. I hope that it is something urgent? I was enjoying my free time practicing with a rifle. Have to keep all my skills sharp as you would tell me when younger. You could join me and we could make a game of it to see who hits the most targets."
Military Advisor Bar "I am sorry my King but this news is most urgent. Is important information I cannot disclose out in the open. Others are waiting for us inside. Perhaps after we could have a game."
King Inroc "Very well, I will be expecting a game later. Our last match had you win but I've put in more practice lately. Servant! I need you to clean my rifle while I am gone. Keep the machine loaded for my game against Bar later."

King Inroc would toss his gun to the servant who rushed over. Then with a sigh followed his military advisor inside. He had a feeling that they wouldn't get to play that game later. With the king gone now the servant would go to a table with small box on it. Opening the box would reveal that it contained a variety of tools for cleaning a gun. It was rare for king to let a servant do this task but the king was clearly in a hurry. The servant would work slowly unloading the rifle not wanting to even risk scratching a bullet.

Grand Palace of the King - Interior
While the exterior of palace was marble the interior was walls covered in plaster. The plaster had intricate designs and patterns painted on it while floor of particularly hallway was tiled. Various works of art would decorate the halls along with the latest in lighting. The previous king had ensured updating of palace to have lighting in form of light bulbs. A servant was even in process of changing a light bulb in a wall light when the king would pass following advisor.

King Inroc "I assume that the other advisors are all accounted for?"
Military Advisor Bar "All except for the elf. He was I believe away visting his family. However one of your brothers arrived at the palace today."
King Inroc "Did you send messengers to get the elf here? An I do hope it isn't Tiyel... he has always been a bit odd since his accident."
Military Advisor Bar "Your fastest runner has been dispatched and I am afraid to say it is Tiyel. But do not worry. I am sure he will only be in capital for week. His annual check up for his health."
King Inroc "Time sure flys by... I'll never understand why he stops here. Our mother lives in a estate outside city that isn't far away. Lead the way."

Up the stairs of one of palace spires was the radio room. It was a rather important room in the palace. The inside normally wasn't too crowded with four workers at most inside however at current time it was packed. All the advisors except for one sent to retrieve the king and the elf advisor were packed into the room. Was one figure who wasn't a advisor or working the radio and that was the eldest brother of the king who was named Tiyel Fibor. He was a imposing man with a badly scarred face from a accident. In his youth he had been inspecting a newly constructed factory when one of the machines suffered a catastrophic failure maiming him. It had been lucky Tiyel survived. The damage was absolutely catastrophic losing his leg, arm, and eye on left side of his body. Never would Tiyel be fit for a martial education so had poured his life into scholarly work. It was a rare occasion to see the first son of previous king go to palace as he spent most of his days in his own private estate. The only thing to get him out of his estate was annual check with doctors in the capital. The door would swing open with Inroc walking in first.

Tiyel "If it isn't my little Brother! You have to hear this, this news is spreading like wildfire over radios."
King Inroc "Please don't call me little brother. Is this news actually worth my time or was my time wasted coming here. I had finally managed to get some time to practice with my rifle."
Tiyel "Haha! You on the radio tell the king about whats been reported by our informants."
Radio Worker "Y-Yes! Uh... my king I have to inform you that word of instability in Yllendyr has been reported. Our spies have been doing best to try and catch anything that might just be- Oh! I have something coming in. Let me reroute it into the main speaker."

The room would grow quiet once the broadcast came in through the main speaker. Times were changing, after such a long status quo. It was no secret that the oldest officers in Fibor military were eager to rectify the embarrassing defeat of nation even if it was caused primarily by a hurricane that wiped out the navy all those years ago. The first one to break silence of Tiyel who burst out laughing so hard he dropped his cane.

King Inroc "What are you laughing about? This is serious! We are a vassal state."
Tiyel "That is what is funny! You see little brother... I mean king. You should see the bigger picture."
King Inroc "...I will retire to my quarters for now. Advisors prepare the great hall for a gathering and make sure to get everyone of importance. Even those that are away spending time with family. These discussions will require all of the various greater noble family heads. Tiyel you can return to your estate."
Tiyel "Oh no, I can't miss this, to see you use that education of yours. I can also offer my assistance."
King Inroc "...very ...well. I will be going now."

Red Castle Temple on Ember island
A gathering of the most powerful flame tenders had been issued. The castles red clerics who worked as servants were busy preparing things while those that acted as guards were on high alert. It had become clear in recent days that Grand Brazier Heroldess the Old was not long for this world. The body of Heroldess was so old that he had only been kept alive last few days by around the clock care from red cleric doctors. It was job of the flame tenders to choose a new grand brazier so the council had been gathered. Once the council had voted they would then have to wait for votes from flame tenders not in attendance. However were strange reports coming in of trouble on the southern continent. Those reports would need to be addressed by those gathered.
Nation Name: Fibor Dynasty

Type of Government: Monarchy
Head(s) of Government: King Inroc III Fibor
Economy (Main imports, exports, industries, technology level, etc.):
Main imports: Steel, Cotton, Dyes and Salt
Exports: Refined Petroleum Products, Fish, Slaves, Textiles, Aluminum, and Copper
Industries: Petroleum Extraction/Refinement, Fishing, Textile, Mining and Lumber.
Technology level: Fully Industrialized and High Literacy Rate
Primary Species: Ogre
Secondary Species: Half Ogre, Oni, Giant
Tertiary Species: Orc, Human, Other
Population: 64 Million
Culture: Maritime Traders and Mercenaries.
Religious and Other Beliefs: Etholfi and Grese (Co-Dominate Religions)

Location/Territories: Detailed Map of Fibor Territory. (Will get more detail as time goes on)

Climate: Temperate Broadleaf Forest primary climate
Magic Prevalence/Usage: Only allowed usage is by Ogre nobility. Most prevalent type of magic is mind.
History/ Background Info:
The Fibor Dynasty is the 9th unification of the ogre nations under a single banner. It rose to power 845 years ago unifying the warring states after death of Hog Dynasty King with no recognized heir. The Fibor Dyansty expanded reuniting the shattered ogre nations fully a feet not seen since the legendary 6th dynasty. However this great task would spell the downfall of Fibor dynasty.
For centuries after complete reunification the Fibor Dynasty would focus inward struggling to quell rebellions. The stabilization of realm would come at such a great price as the ogres ignored large continent to south. Looking inward for so long that only seventy years ago was the massive wooden fleet rallied. However a hurricane would shatter the backbone of Fibor strength forcing a humiliating surrender and becoming a vassal state. The boon of being a vassal was ability of rapid industrialization but only with great shame in the oldest generation.
Ancient History:
As chronicled by ogre recorders of history. Long ago before the first metal had been forged the ogres existed as slaves. The greatest of the giants known as titans ruled supreme upon island of Tiagrav. So great were the titans they towered above even the forests of primal Tiagrav and their magics were terrible. It is claimed that the neighboring islands around Tiagrav were raised by the powerful magics commanded by the titans. Ogres were powerless to fight the titans for simple wood and stone weapons were worthless against these great giants.
The blood of heroes would be born on Ember island. Legends have long forgotten this ones name but he was the first ogre to ever wield magic or so the legends say. The smallest of the titans lived upon Ember island and would be the first of his kind to die at hands of a ogre. Using the power of this magic the legendary hero would lift the severed head of the titan to the cheering freed ogres. From his heroic blood would be a lineage of heroes who would go forth wiping out the titans and all who sided with them. Only a single tribe of hill giant would see the wisdom of siding with ogres and side with them. It is recorded in legends with copper weapons the ogres were unstoppable and by the age of iron the last titan known titan drew breath. Bloodlines of heroes became the nobility who became kings.
However the last titan would get to enjoy its long life due to treachery of the oni. Up in the north the elder titan was cared for by oni. Feeble in body but powerful in magic the great noble King of the 6th dynasty would slay the final titan. Foolish oni fought back but the glorious ogre empire would not sit idly by trying for centuries to capture the northern island. The oni were monsters in eyes of contemporary ogres but by the 8th dynasty outright extermination attempts were stopped.
Fibor Dynasty
Northern Province - Oni shanty town.
The word of revolutions and fighting for independence took a few weeks before it reached the northern province. It had purposely been done by noble family in charge to keep the oni population in the dark for as long as possible. However when word had arrived it had spread quickly throughout the entire oni population. The oni had long lived in poverty and word of nations fighting for freedom resonated with one particular oni who did not fear the ogres. A male oni by name of Skul who still was in prime of his life at age of ninety. He had painted his red face with white and climbed on top of a crate in the town square. Those walking about would gather around as Skul would begin to speak.

Skul "Our time is now! Across the sea others are fighting and we too can fight! Do not forget it is the ogres who came to OUR land and took it for themselves! This land is oni land and it will never be ogre land! Follow me and we will march upon the foul governors castle and burn it to the ground!"

The younger oni in the gathered crowd would cheer then they would rush off to tell others and gather what weapons they could. The Fibor Dynasty had been in control for a few centuries and oni couldn't afford newer produced guns so most only had very old muskets passed down through families. While everyone was preparing to marsh a flag would be painted. The flag would be red with a white skull on it to symbolize the one who was speaking Skul. By time everyone was prepared was around two hundred oni that would march out from the shanty town. It would take them a week at best to reach governor but they planned to stop at any village or twon them came across to try and recruit more.
<--Flag of oni rebels

Northern Province - Governors Castle.
Word had traveled fast over radio about the oni acting up in one of the mining towns. The governors castle was built up high on a plateau that let it overlook the surrounding area, highest point in the northern province. The castle itself a relic of the past having been built centuries ago though kept in working order with minor upgrades over the years. Governor Hathre was seated in his office sharpening his sword as a messenger waited to hear orders. Both the messenger and Hathre were half ogres. The minor noble family that acted as governor of the northern province was entirely half ogres.
Hathre "If the vermin are gonna march to my castle then they will learn the price. Send soldiers to gather the elders from nearby villages and prepare the guns. Also no word of the oni acting up must reach the ears of the king or greater noble families. I will handle this spectacularly. I will go down in history for my brilliance in handling this. Now leave me be."
The messenger would just give a nod before leaving quickly. Once alone Hathre would stop sharpening his sword and would laugh. It was all legend to him, the tales of fighting the oni and taking control of northern part of this island. How he wished to of been born in those times so he could participated in the fighting. Now he finally would get to fight like in stories he heard as a child. Hathre would look to the oni skull mounted on the wall of his office. It was if the stories he was told as child were correct the last oni king of this northern part of the island. He would add whoever started this rebellion to the wall. He would crush the rebellious spirit of the oni through brute force.

Grand Palace of the King - Great Hall
Talks had been very heated on topic of exactly how to respond to everything that was happening. Despite agreeing that independence should be the goal the talks were going in a circle for a while. One point would be brought up then another point that would lead back into previous point resulting in just repeating arguments. It was frustrating for all involved. The encrypted telegrams once decrypted did sway talks into siding with Olarth for a few days however the talks would go in a new direction suddenly. A new idea was brought up by the kings older brother Tiyel. By ogre standards Tiyel was a bit eccentric but his idea of simply declaring neutrality was a bold suggestion. Talks would immediately go in direction towards this neutrality idea. Not picking a side at all. It would be Tiyel who would bring up that independence was already a thing technically. With this civil war ongoing the original government that Fibor Dynasty was vassal to was not around. So in effort to remain neutral trade relations would be unchanged until one side claims victory. It would benefit the Fibor Dynasty to keep up trade with both sides. Changing diplomatic relations would go on hold as well and the Yllendyr currency would still be used for trade. However construction would begin on the ships that were restricted in number previously to increase strength of the defensive fleet. It was hoped that trading with everyone would prolong the civil war into the winter for southern continent.
Fibor Dynasty
Grand Palace of the King - Kings Quarters
The door would swing open to the kings quarters of palace and Inroc would step inside. He rubbed his temples in frustration. This wasn't the life he wanted, he wasn't fit to be a king or head of his family. He would walk to cabinet he kept his liquor. However as he was about to grab a bottle a feminine voice would speak up. The voice of his wife, Queen Consort Vilae. By ogre standards she was beautiful with long black hair and dressed in most expensive of dresses. She had been in corner of room reading a letter.

Queen Vilae "Put that down, you are to get ready for the meeting."
King Inroc "Thank you... I would of made a fool of myself."
Queen Vilae "You do not need to thank me. I am doing my duty as your wife. Now lets get you in proper attire for the meeting. The servants haven't been very quiet moving about frantically to prepare."
King Inroc "I couldn't do this without you. Any word from any of our children?"
Queen Vilae "Just a letter from our son but you do not have time to read now."

Inroc would nod walking over to a closet inset into the wall. He would open up the closet revealing a suit of plate armor. The armor was made of steel polished to a shine without much ornamentation. A handcrafted suit of armor expertly crafted to fit the wearer. A suit of armor meant for a king to wear upon fields of battle but in this age of peace and guns it was regulated to collecting dust except for ceremonial use. Vilae would help putting the armor on Inroc as it was a task impossible for a single person to do alone.

King Inroc "How do I look?"
Queen Vilae "Good though missing one last part."

Vilae would step behind Inroc who was looking at himself in the mirror. In her hands was a cape bearing the Fibor family symbol. A important part of armor so that the wearer could be identified easily even with helmet on. Inroc would give Vilae a nod then exited the room. Heavy footsteps echoing in the hall as he made way to the great hall.

Grand Palace of the King - Great Hall
The great hall of the Grand Palace of the King was by far the largest room. A circular room with walls decorated in flags bearing the colors of various noble families. Though the domed ceiling was most extravagant part of hall with paintings depicting battles of the ancient ogres against titans. Servants were completing the preparing of a massive round table with thirty one seats. Was ten seats for the advisors of nation. Then was the seats for highest ranking general, admiral, and head magic user. With thirteen seats taken and one for the king were the seventeen seats for greater noble families.

It would around eight hours to contact the greater noble families and for them to send family head by train to the capital. Luckily the greater noble families were located either on the main island Tiagrav or nearby islands. While Inroc waited for the nobles to arrive he would spend the time discussing things with his advisors and his brother. Was mostly catching King Inroc up on the happenings in the country and what resources they had. Deciding on a course of action would come with arrival of the nobles family heads. As the noble heads would arrive over course of the evening talks would mostly be of nobles catching up as was rare for some family heads to meet. Once everyone had arrived the King would announce that tomorrow would be beginning of talks. Rooms were prepared in palace for noble heads to stay in for duration of talks.

In just the first week the arguments and discussions would dominate the great hall late into the night each day. It was a real mess of discussion, far too much for those in room trying to record what was being spoken. Attempts to write down discussion as it happened for record keeping was abandoned on the the first day. However were two sides emerging from the arguments. One side wanted to declare independence like other nations who had been so bold to do so. The pro-independence group had many of the older men in room who remembered the embarrassing defeat that resulted in Fibor Dynasty being vassalized. While the other side was more cautious on declaring independence right away. The more cautious side did not want to underestimate the Yllendyr. King Inroc would sit listening mostly to various arguments but it was difficult for him. He was not a man fit for political machinations but his older brother Tiyel was invaluable as a neutral voice of advice. A problem was emerging though as talks were grounding to a stand still during second week until reports started coming in about what happened during third week of month on the thirteenth. Word of devastation caused by Yllendyr magic users quickly ended discussion of flat out declaring independence and fighting it out. Fibor Dynasty relied on its ports greatly and prospect of getting a port destroyed would be disastrous to the economy. The course of action was agreed upon that independence is the desired outcome but it must be achieved with no conflict if possible. Now discussions would be on what side to pick in the civil war... and that will take far more discussion. For now orders would be given to merchants to remain neutral. There had been letter received from Olarth but was must suspicion about it. It could not be taken at face value until it could be identified with absolute certainty that it was real. Though even if proven real discussion on if the words are true as was possibility of lies.
Fibor Dynasty
Grand Palace of the King - Courtyard
The early morning sun would rise behind the Grand Palace casting a shadow over the city below. Long ago had the largest hill in area had its top flattened which the palace had been constructed on to dominate the surrounding countryside and now made it tower above the city that surrounded it. Besides the guards around palace one could see workers busy cleaning the marble of soot and grime from smoke produced by the city. Was the sound of gunfire in the courtyard indicating that King Inroc was practicing with his rifle. It was a newer model of rifle still yet to get widespread production presented to the king as a gift during his crowning as king. Besides Inroc was a servant who was operating a machine that would launch a clay disc to act as a target. A peaceful silence except for sound of the machine and firing of the gun.

Inroc had a lot on his mind of late having only been crowned king three years ago. It was tradition among the ogres to make the youngest adult male heir king. This decision was founded on idea of stability with a young king having time to father many heirs in case one were to die. His age though was still young compared to most new kings historically as Inroc was still in early prime of his life at age of thirty two. The old kings bad health had caused him to perish unexpectedly as Inroc had a younger brother who was meant to be groomed as the heir apparent but was still a child. Never had Inroc even dreamed of being king and that life as a soldier was all but a fond memory he often would think back on. Just as vivid in his memory as day it happened Inroc could picture the day he heard the news of his fathers passing. Was a rainy day at officer academy where noble sons and promising soldiers would be sent to become officers. The graduating class Inroc was part of were having a wrestling tournament in the mud of academy courtyard to decide who was really top of the class. A sigh would escape the king as he fired and hit a clay disk. Those days not having to think about politics were truly great. In the middle of his fight with his academy rival was when royal guard came to escort him by train back to capital city. He never got to finish that fight with his Hog family rival in academy. Another disk would shatter shot by his rifle. Inroc would sit on a bench to reload his rifle while servant reloaded clay disk launching machine. It was at this moment when one of his military advisors came up to him.

Military Advisor Bar "King Inroc! You are needed urgently in the radio room. If you would please come to the radio room with me."
King Inroc "Can you not see that I am busy at this moment? A king must keep his skills sharp. When I am done with the next set of targets I will go."
Military Advisor Bar "I am sorry my King but it is urgent you hear this. There is very important radio chatter going on that I insist you most hear for yourself. Please your majesty if you would follow me."
King Inroc "Very well, I can finish the next set later. Servant! I need you to clean my rifle while I am gone. Keep the machine loaded so I can continue the set once I return."

King Inroc would toss his gun to the servant who rushed over. Then with a sigh followed his military advisor inside. With the king gone now the servant would go to a table with small box on it. Opening the box would reveal that it contained a variety of tools for cleaning a gun. It was rare for king to let a servant do this task but the king was clearly annoyed by his advisor interrupting his relaxation time. The servant would work slowly unloading the rifle not wanting to even risk scratching a bullet.

Grand Palace of the King - Interior
While the exterior of palace was marble the interior was walls covered in plaster. The plaster had intricate designs and patterns painted on it while floor of particularly hallway was tiled. Various works of art would decorate the halls along with the latest in lighting. The previous king had ensured updating of palace to have lighting in form of light bulbs. A servant was even in process of changing a light bulb in a wall light when the king would pass following advisor.

King Inroc "Hopefully this isn't like time storms knocked out the radio in northern island province. Was talk of the Oni relocated to the north rebelling. If radio contact hadn't been restored we would of made fools of ourselves."
Military Advisor Bar "I assure you my king that it is not something like that. It can be discussed once in privacy of the radio room."

Up the stairs of one of palace spires was the radio room. Inside normally wasn't too crowded with four workers at most inside however at current time it was packed. All advisors except for one sent to retrieve the king were in the room and another figure. The figure who wasn't a advisor was the eldest brother of the king who was named Tiyel Fibor. He was a imposing man with a badly scarred face from a accident. In his youth he had been inspecting a new constructed factory when one of machines suffer catastrophic failure maiming him. The damage was absolutely catastrophic losing his leg, arm, and eye on left side of his body. Never would Tiyel be fit for a martial education so had poured his life into scholarly work. It was a rare occasion to see the first son of previous king go to palace as he spent most of his days in his own private estate. The door would swing open with Inroc walking in first.

Tiyel "If it isn't my little Brother! You have to hear this, this news is spreading like wildfire over radios."
King Inroc "Please don't call me little brother. Is this news actually worth my time or was my time wasted coming her. I had finally managed to get some time to practice with my rifle."
Tiyel "Haha! You on the radio tell the king about whats been reported by our informants."
Radio Worker "Y-Yes! Uh... my king I have to inform you that word of instability in Yllendyr has been reported. Our spies have been doing best to try and catch anything that might just be- Oh! I have something coming in. Let me reroute it into the main speaker."

The room would grow quiet once the broadcast came in through main speaker. Times were changing, after such a long status quo. It was no secret that the oldest officers in Fibor military were eager to rectify the embarrassing defeat of nation even if it was caused primarily by a hurricane that wiped out the navy all those years ago. The first one to break silence of Tiyel who burst out laughing so hard he dropped his cane.

King Inroc "What are you laughing about? This is serious! We are a vassal state."
Tiyel "That is what is funny! You see little brother... I mean king. You should see the bigger picture."
King Inroc "...I will retire to my quarters for now. Advisors prepare the great hall for a gathering and make sure to get everyone. Even those that are away spending time with family. These discussions will require all of the various greater noble family heads. Tiyel you can return to your estate."
Tiyel "Oh no, I can't miss this, to see you use that education of yours. I can also offer my assistance."
King Inroc "...very ...well. I will be going now."
Nation Name: Fibor Dynasty

Type of Government: Monarchy
Head(s) of Government: King Inroc III Fibor
Economy (Main imports, exports, industries, technology level, etc.):
Main imports: Steel, Cotton, Dyes and Salt
Exports: Refined Petroleum Products, Fish, Slaves, Textiles, Aluminum, and Copper
Industries: Petroleum Extraction/Refinement, Fishing, Textile, Mining and Lumber.
Technology level: Fully Industrialized and High Literacy Rate
Primary Species: Ogre
Secondary Species: Half Ogre, Oni, Giant
Tertiary Species: Orc, Human, Other
Population: 64 Million
Culture: Maritime Traders and Mercenaries.
Religious and Other Beliefs: Etholfi and Grese (Co-Dominate Religions)

Location/Territories: Detailed Map of Fibor Territory. (Will get more detail as time goes on)

Climate: Temperate Broadleaf Forest primary climate
Magic Prevalence/Usage: Only allowed usage is by Ogre nobility. Most prevalent type of magic is mind.
History/ Background Info:
The Fibor Dynasty is the 9th unification of the ogre nations under a single banner. It rose to power 845 years ago unifying the warring states after death of Hog Dynasty King with no recognized heir. The Fibor Dyansty expanded reuniting the shattered ogre nations fully a feet not seen since the legendary 6th dynasty. However this great task would spell the downfall of Fibor dynasty.
For centuries after complete reunification the Fibor Dynasty would focus inward struggling to quell rebellions. The stabilization of realm would come at such a great price as the ogres ignored large continent to south. Looking inward for so long that only seventy years ago was the massive wooden fleet rallied. However a hurricane would shatter the backbone of Fibor strength forcing a humiliating surrender and becoming a vassal state. The boon of being a vassal was ability of rapid industrialization but only with great shame in the oldest generation.
Ancient History:
As chronicled by ogre recorders of history. Long ago before the first metal had been forged the ogres existed as slaves. The greatest of the giants known as titans ruled supreme upon island of Tiagrav. So great were the titans they towered above even the forests of primal Tiagrav and their magics were terrible. It is claimed that the neighboring islands around Tiagrav were raised by the powerful magics commanded by the titans. Ogres were powerless to fight the titans for simple wood and stone weapons were worthless against these great giants.
The blood of heroes would be born on Ember island. Legends have long forgotten this ones name but he was the first ogre to ever wield magic or so the legends say. The smallest of the titans lived upon Ember island and would be the first of his kind to die at hands of a ogre. Using the power of this magic the legendary hero would lift the severed head of the titan to the cheering freed ogres. From his heroic blood would be a lineage of heroes who would go forth wiping out the titans and all who sided with them. Only a single tribe of hill giant would see the wisdom of siding with ogres and side with them. It is recorded in legends with copper weapons the ogres were unstoppable and by the age of iron the last titan known titan drew breath. Bloodlines of heroes became the nobility who became kings.
However the last titan would get to enjoy its long life due to treachery of the oni. Up in the north the elder titan was cared for by oni. Feeble in body but powerful in magic the great noble King of the 6th dynasty would slay the final titan. Foolish oni fought back but the glorious ogre empire would not sit idly by trying for centuries to capture the northern island. The oni were monsters in eyes of contemporary ogres but by the 8th dynasty outright extermination attempts were stopped.
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