Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I know I keep saying this over and over again, but A COWL POST IS COMING! I am trying VERY HARD to get this done.
Yeah, last week kicked my ass, but I'm still banging away on a post. It'll come soon, I promise!
Gauuuuuugggghhh....morning shifts are killing me...I am still working on that Cowl post.
I will FINALLY have a cowl post up hopefully by tomorrow.
War-Pulse watched from afar as the woman's face shaped and molded into a subtly monstrous grin, her attitude also seemingly thrilled by the idea of a fight. Definitely metahuman was the phrase that echoed in War-Pulse's mind, the best conclusion for her agility and strength. It was probably why the mysterious employers he was working for had an interest in her, to see who made her, what gives her these powers, possibly adapt on her tech. Her vocal response was expected, even anticipated, but cutting it off and shooting acid at him was not. By muscle memory alone, War-Pulse managed to dart out of the way of the acid spit, the ooze grazing and singeing the tail ends of his jacket. He did not get a chance to retort, however, as the combined scream instantly disoriented the merc. He winced, raising his hands to hold his ears, rendering him helpless to the opponent's powerful shot to the chest. The contact echoed through the room, causing some of the glass in the windows to crack as he was pushed back a few steps by her attack, holding his chest in surprise. It was clear to Pulse she was attempting to overwhelm him, keep him on his toes long enough so he would never get the chance to strike back, keeping his offense at bay with a series of contraptions and tricks. A clever strategy, especially combined with her impressive speed. This was no novice he was dealing with, he probably would have been screwed by this point if he was a normal human. Her flickering speed allowed her to continue with her assault, the small explosives detonating in War-Pulse's face before he got a lock on her, covering him in fire and smoke with a deadly burst. Crates and rubble spread over the warehouse with each detonating orb, craters now filling the ground around where the mercenary stood, enveloped in a haze of black powder. He was hidden now, rendered concealed to a human's eye, possibly even looking temporarily defeated by the attack. However, an audible chuckle could be heard after a few seconds from behind the smoke. "Not bad, Jaws, not bad. I'm starting to get the feeling you're a little more than just some lab rat's playtoy." Almost as soon as he spoke, a blue aura became visible through the smoke, highlighting his humanoid form only for a second before the smoke was blown outwards as he shot from the smog, his body a blur as it erratically darted across the room in a surprising display. With a spur of momentum, he tried to catch the already speedy woman off-guard with a straight jab, catching her right in her grin and sending her hurtling back into the wall behind her, cracking into the hard concrete and steel walls. If this would not remind her that she was not dealing with a human, the follow-up energy ball he was cooking in his other hand would, as he hurled the baseball-sized charge directly after her, detonating at her chest region with just enough kinetic force to push her back into the wall she rebounded off of. He did not want to hit her too hard, after all, he needed her alive. He zipped back out of immediate striking distance, keeping his guard up for her rebuttal, though not before passing another taunt her way. "Could be wrong though, maybe a few more love taps will enlighten me!"
Excellent! I look forward to it. I have been meaning to post something for the Cowl, but I have huge writers block with him.
I need to get back into the swing of things. Now that the Guild is running normally. Though I'm not sure what I'll do with Ramsey. He still needs to develop more, and the best way to do that is to bruise and batter his ego. And the easiest way to do that is for him to face a opponent stronger than himself. I was going to use a hitman for that. But maybe a Colab would help as well. Or I could go with a new character. But I don't think I'm quite ready to scrap Ramsey yet. Perhaps I'll see how things go.
Tell you what, work for the Cowl and he'll run into all manner of super-villany. Oh, I also may have another villain in the works...what are we missing in terms of threats, galactic monstrosity, or world-conquerer?
The sudden onslaught caught the veteren mercenary by surprise, in his nonchalant arrogance he was caught off guard, and only whirled about to catch sight of the woman before the hardlight explosion detonated on his back, causing him to stumble forward into her arms. Very quickly the attacks turned for the worse, her hands making contact with him very quickly, the loud thuds shaking the warehouse with their impact. She was fast, very fast, it took effort for him to place his arms up and guard the strikes against him, and even then he still caught one or two of the fists to a soft spot. One of her hands managed to wrap hold of his coat, and before he was even able to try and counter the strike, he found himself flying into some crates, crashing through a collection of odds and ends before bouncing and skidding off of the concrete floor. As the dust settled, the mercenary slowly took to his feet, an impressed smile on his face. For the first time in what felt like forever, someone had actually managed to get the drop on him, and even fly through his guard. With an amused huff, the mercenary dusted himself off as the woman struck a mechanism to close some sort of field around the two. She was boxing him in, hoping that with her sudden display he would feel trapped and insecure. What she got was a laugh and a crack of his knuckles, energy sparking off of them as they snapped. "And here I was thinking I ran into a dud." War-Pulse murmured to himself, seemingly thrilled by her display. He turned his attention to the woman, his eyes scanning over the free moving hair and bloodthirsty grin as he called out to her. "I may look like a sheep, but that's only because I'm wearing its clothing." And with that remark, he dropped into what looked like a boxing stance, hands up now to deliver his strikes. However, he was still curious, this woman had speed and some degree of super-strength from what he could tell, but what else did she have in store for him? He gestured to her, his fingers curling to himself in a 'bring it on' motion. "Don't let that stop you, though, you seem like you're on a roll. Show me what you can really do!"
WEll shit. Just as I was typing up my post I see nexus has bailed on the fight. :(
No worries! I edited the post! Should still work with your post and everything, I shouldn't have been so hasty to move on, I am terribly sorry!
The explosive mercenary had been rounding circles around the warehouse for what felt like months, scanning the place for bugs of traps to the best of his well-trained ability. For this outstanding effort and tense scrutiny, the reward was fairly lackluster in the fact that there simply was no reward to speak of. Despite his best efforts, War-Pulse turned up little to no results from his initial scanning of the room, either she was very good at hiding herself, or he was in the wrong warehouse. However, Pulse's disappointment was interrupted by the crackling of his communicator, apparantly Warden had finished with whatever had drawn him away from managing the mercenary's efforts. "Pulse, any luck on the target?" "Oh yeah! I also found Waldo and the Loch Ness monster having a tea party with an Alien!" "A simple 'no' would have sufficed." "Pbbtht, that's not fun." Came a snap from Pulse as he exhaustively sprawled into one of the lone, musty chairs that surrounded a table in the middle of the warehouse. "However, in all honesty, I think I may have the wrong place, it does not look like there is anything of significant value here, woman or otherwise." "Hm. Usually my intel is never wrong, the contact must have given faulty information, or this woman really is as good as they say." Warden took a pause for let out a firm breath, a silence filling the link before he continued. "Keep your guard up, she may be trying to get the drop on you." "Shouldn't you be looking for that?" "I am, but I'm not perfect, the contact was not very clear when they gave you her abilities, I'd be ready for anything." "Frankly the only thing I was not ready for were the size of the rats in this warehouse, I think the last one I saw could eat a tabby cat." "Focus, Pulse. This is a big job on our hands." "I'm always focused, you know this!" "Then why can I see on your vest cam that you aren't even sneaking anymore?" "Meh, sneaking is boring. You know what's easier?" And without warning, War-Pulse struck the front door with his palm, casually turning about as the heavy metal door was ripped from its hinges and sent bouncing along the street, crashing into a dumpster a block down from where he was. As he turned to face the silent room from the doorway, he called out in a display of brazen boldness. "Alright! Ollie Ollie Oxen Free! I'm done playing hide and seek! Let's get to the real game!" "Did you really just--" "Yup." "You are such a moron."
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