Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I should be coming up with something in the next day or so.
Okay! That took longer than expected, but I got an Umbraxis post up and set it up for @Facepunch's big finale attack! There will be a War-Pulse post coming soon, most likely getting the two out of the base so we can transition right into @Dedonus's story arc!

Icon’s mighty fist had indeed sent the Endless Void to the ground, the blow sending a shockwave rippling through the air as the shadowy form was sent flying backwards before sinking into the pavement. However, it was up on its feet again almost as soon as it hit the tar, its body reforming almost instantaneously. However, before it made an attempt to retaliate, the rest of the group was upon it. With Earth-shaking force the team resumed their assault on the entity, a flurry of fists, bats and optic blasts slamming into it in an attempt to prevent it from retaliation.

For a moment, these efforts were successful, the being was forced onto the defensive as it was staggered back from another haymaker from Icon's mighty fists, followed quickly by a right cross from Skybreaker and a flurry of blows from Boom, pieces of matter slashing off of Umbraxis like inky stygian blood. It was forced to erect walls of Dark Matter to keep distance, and seemed to be slower in its attempts to reform from each blow that did land. However, the success was short-lived, the entity responding in kind with its arm morphing to a thick and vicious black whip-like appendage, lashing out to knock Skyquake and Skull Thrasher back, the two of them bouncing off of pavement and sliding to a painful halt. Boom was harder for the creature to hit, its tendril slamming impacting the ground and nearby cars as Boom managed to duck and dodge out of the way. However, as it morphed the appendage back to a normal hand, it was clear Umbraxis had a plan to beat Boom’s speed. Its attacks had distracted her long enough to a small pool of Dark Matter to be erected in her running path, her lack of concentration meant she did not see the shadowy blotch in her way. Upon contact Boom was ensnared by a large shadowy blob, enveloping her and lifting her off the ground. With no time to consume her like it did with Demolition, Umbraxis simply commanded the formless snare to throw Boom with a gesture. With the force of a baseball pitcher, the mass expelled Boom, her body singing through the air until she came to an abrupt halt bouncing off the side of a dumpster and slamming into the wall of an alleyway before landing in a pile of refuse.

Of course, this left only the most threatening of the party, Icon, who was still coming strong. Super Cell was a little too far away to assault just yet, but he would fall all the same in due time. As Icon let loose his punches, Umbraxis met each one with pockets of dark matter spontaneously conjured before him, the hero's fist colliding with plate sized obstructions, which seemed to disappear when Icon withdrew for another punch.

Umbraxis had crossed its arms, watching intently as Icon attacked. While having no face to speak of, there was certainly an air of curious glee coming from the entity. Its posture was mocking, head cocked to the side while Earth's mightiest hero moved ever closer with each punch.

"I'll admit, you have far exceeded my expectations." It called to Icon, its white orbs drifting to notice the other heroes getting back to their feet and advancing on it. "Each one of you is something far more than your species should be able to produce...though some of you are 'human' in a very loose sense of the term."

As Umbraxis spoke, Icon threw another right hand, aiming for its cheek, now past the floating plates of dark matter, the punch found nothing but air, however, as the shadowy entity sidestepped the blow. Now within Icon’s personal bubble, Umbraxis leaned close to Iron’s face, his words becoming ever more sinister.

“However, my curiosity is beginning to devolve to boredom.” It continued before hastily retreating from Icon’s strike zone, narrowly escaping a right hook from the hero. At the point, the others had gathered back to Icon’s location and the group was once more upon the cosmic power. “While this has been fun, all good things must come to an end.”

With a gesture, a wave of darkness extended from its feet, enveloping the floor around the advancing party. With a raised hand, another sea of tendrils erupted from the ground. Ensnaring, grasping tendrils of inky blackness snaring the resistance group. While heroes of mighty strength were able to resist the pull for some time, eventually they were forced to their knees by the surrounding tendrils, grounded by the pull of so many.

Icon was the last to drop, the pull becoming stronger as Umbraxis magnified the density of his tendrils. It was slow to advance on the party, clearly taking pleasure in placing the group on their knees. It took a victory lap around Icon, swirling around him like a predator moving in for the kill.

“The game is over.” Umbraxis whispered to Icon’s ear. “You should have run, like your friend. Now you and your friends will join me in oblivion.”

With those words, another mass of Dark Energy crackled into being in Umbraxis’ hand, now standing before Icon with the energy now pointed point-blank at Icon’s face.

“Once you are one with the dark, there is nothing to stop me.”
I've been finishing it up, did you want to post thunderbolt's attack? I was trying to incorporate the impact into my post.
Hey guys, I'm unexpectedly gone for this weekend. I wasn't able to finish my post yesterday, but hopefully after the weekend I'll be able to post it up!
War-Pulse: "I save your ads and that's what you do with your freedom? Money well earned..."

Umbraxis post should be in by tomorrow, I've been having trouble deciding how the conflict ends.
It's alright if he isnt, though. I think I have a plan which involves @mattmanganon's cult if you want to move on.
Hey! Sorry for my posting was taking forever, but since @Cold Hands Hasn't responded in weeks, I had to move on with my character. Hopefully now I will be able to move forward with getting something going.
The darkened skies began to clear away as Malov’s space cruiser moved into deep space, away from the Umbaran homeworld and past its patrol fleet sitting in orbit around the planet. As he pulled his mask from his face, a cold sneer crossed his lips. After he had carried out the orders to kill the two jedi, Malov had been ordered by Darth Crudelis to return to exact his full plans, the unchallenged rule of Umbara.

However, that day was coming to an end, and Malov knew the cause. With the flicking of a few buttons, the conniving Darth Seducus brought a screen to his face, an open channel opening up at his command. It took a few minutes for him to bring up his master’s home channel, and he was aware that his master was not home, not yet.

But he will be, and this message would be the last thing he saw.

The Sith Lord took a few minutes, the Zeltron scratching his chin as he considered the words to be delivered to his master’s manse in the last few seconds of his life, but he well knew the message he wanted to send. With another push of a button on his cruiser, the man took a few steps into the recording droid’s camera, and from his lips were uttered this message.

“Hello, My Master.” Darth Secudus began, his hood and mask pulled back to reveal his face, a sneer engraved upon his features. “I want you to know that your final will is done. The Sylx family will be no more and those jedi will never deliver their message, you are no officially unopposed to rule on Umbara.”

A brief pause, but Seducus’ face only became more menacing and conniving as time went on.

“However, you’re probably wondering why I’m not back with you awaiting your next orders...I have good reason for such a move.” His words were followed with a scoff, now pacing back and forth in front of the recording droid. “While normally, rigging up the Sylx manse to have some electrical failures would be the end of it...I may have told my men to bury a few blaster bolts in them as well...and add a few clues at the scene…” He gestured with a free hand. “Not to mention that I was...sloppy in taking the security footage from the bar, implicating it was someone in your manse that stole the footage.” He pointed at the recording droid, his eyes bearing into its camera as if he was looking at Darth Crudelis himself with each word. “I’ve set you up, my master, and I know what you’re thinking. ‘But Seducus, you know I will just explain this all away, I’m the most powerful man on Umbara!’ This is true...if you have the time, you can cover all this up rather easily.”

Malov paused for only a moment, his smirk returning to his face as he continued.

“That is but only the reason I put this so late. By now, you’re probably already feeling the Dioxis gas I’ve had circulating your Manse since I left, and are far too weak to fight back. This will be followed by one of my men, a Clawdite I told to disguise himself as a vengeful Slyx loyal, to blow your room the termite charges I’ve been subtly placing within your Manse for weeks. You will die in your home, and the Umbarans will discover that you were a Sith Lord with two dead jedi under his belt in a dump outside of a bar. With the Sylx retaliation, they will think the threat of the Sith is finished.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand this is not the typical way Sith change hands. We usually duel on a mountain with lightsabers until one of us dies. A display of power and anger and emotions until one of us shows how powerful we are. However, you were the one who decided to make a career criminal into a Sith, and if this isn’t a display of how Powerful I truly am, then I’m not sure what is.”

With those words, Seducus placed his mask back on, pulling the hood back over his head.

“Besides, Umbara? One planet? Who wants to rule one lousy planet? With the plans I have, I’ve got a much better design for this galaxy.”

He turned from the recording droid, making his way to the window as he spoke.

“I’m going to take this galaxy back, My master. The reign of Darth Seducus will make these systems shake and quiver as I cut my legacy into each any every one of them…

We will rule the Galaxy once more.”
No need to worry about changes, that is a pretty awesome post. Expect my post up by sunday.

I gotta get my ass in gear, man. I have not been posting as much as I want to.
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