Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I am super excited for how the group is going to contact War-Pulse when he an Equilibrium get free.

Also, it might be time for a cowl post, see what his take on these shenanigans are.
And an Umbraxis post to close out the fight with @Facepunch and @nitemare shape! Now all that's left is to close up the Chike incident and get Equilibrium free from S.T.R.I.K.E and we should all be on the same page!

It took Umbraxis a millisecond too late to realize what was about to impact it to effectively defend, and the result was devestating. As the collision turned the nearby area to a crater of ash, Umbraxis’ body was ripped apart by the explosion. The dark matter of its form, strong as it was, was unable to maintain its form under such a powerful impact of pure unmitigated power that had run straight into it. Almost instantly the humanoid form dissipated into disconnected ropes of dark matter, swirling in a disjointed agony as the resulting explosion tore it apart, separating the pieces into smaller and smaller fractions before dissipating into the air.

When the explosion subsided, and the smoke cleared, only one man stood where the being had. Thunderbolt had a handful of what remained, ashes of what was once an insurmountable obstacle.

The temporary silence after the blast spoke more volumes then anything, Thunderbolt found himself in cratered emptiness where part of the city once stood. Had Thunderbolt done it? Had Umbraxis truely been defeated?

The unpleasant answer came when the ashes in Thunderbolt’s hand wrapped around and held his hand in place, forcing the palm up to reveal two white eyes glaring at the boy, the sound of amused laughter now only audible to Thunderbolt, as the others were transported far from earshot.

“Poor mortal, all that power and all it’s done is set me back slightly.” The being whispered from Thunderbolt’s hand. “Nevertheless, you have impressed me...your kind is far more potent than I originally gave you credit for...though not without a fair bit of help from...others.”

As Umbraxis spoke, what remained of the shadow on Thunderbolt’s hand began to dissipate, trickling down to the floor with another weakened chuckle.

“You can have this fight, I no longer desire to continue in the state I am currently in.” Umbraxis said in a weakened sigh, a brief hint that it had experienced some semblance of pain from the raw destructive strike. “But mark my words; you have accomplished nothing here other than gaining my attention, and that price cost you dearly. Do you think it bothers me that you do not fear me? Fear is simply a feeling, an emotion, and in the face of oblivion what does it matter if you fear me or not? Inevitability does not change on one mortal’s fear, it happens regardless.”

As the final bits of darkness left Thunderbolt’s hand, the final, chilling words were uttered before the entity disappeared into the cracks in the tar.

“I will make a return, dear speedster. There is no outrunning fate. Until then...I suppose I am content with watching for the time being...you enjoy your Earth and your victory...for however long I can be amused by it.”

Another laugh echoed from the ground, followed by an uneasy, painful silence marred by a large, empty mass where buildings once stood.
Alright! A quick post for @Athinar(sorry this came so late, I'll try to be more punctual about my posts) and I'll have a last post for Umbraxis for @Facepunch so they can move on to Dedonus' arc within the week!

War-Pulse could barely hear Angel quipping back to him outside of the ringing of rifle fire and the screaming of soldiers as more men piled into the now cramped hallway. Another energy blast rang out from Pulse’s hands as he tried to quell another wave of men and robot trying to get past his barrier, warping the hallways with the forceful impacts.

“Yeah yeah, kid! Tell me all the things that are impossible later,” The mercenary shouted back before delivering another powerful haymaker into a robot’s chest, collapsing its structure immediately. “just get that tin can started now or we’ll-”

The sound of the Mech coming to life cut the mercenary off, who had to jump out of the way of the advancing Equilibrium as it came hurtling out of the doorway. In fact the silver-clad fighter had to leap out of the way to avoid being trampled by the mech as it barreled past his energy barrier and straight into the oncoming masses, cutting a swath of destruction through the mechanical monstrosities that made up the front line. The sudden push Equilibrium made even caught War-Pulse off-guard, momentarily rendering him speechless. In the brief moment that he had been leading this youth down to his robot, he completely forgot the kind of power this mech suit had, a reminder that came at a impressive cannon shot through the swarm.

There was no time to gawk, however, there was still a limited window they would have before the cost of S.T.R.I.K.E soldiers outweighed the effort to get Equilibrium out of the base. They had to move.

“Hey! Wait up, Iron Giant!” War-Pulse charged on behind the mech, blasting any person who managed to avoid the mech’s assault. “I’m the only one who knows where the exit hole is!”

With that quip, he slipped out in front of Equilibrium, now deciding that flight was the best way to keep in front of Equilibrium’s jump jets, he darted towards where he had originally broke through the base’s floors, knowing he hit with such impact there was enough room for the mech to fly out with.

“This way!” He called out. “Let’s get a move on before they cut off our exit strategy!”

As he booted another robot straight in the head, he clicked on his comms link. Although he knew they could now be tracked by the radio signal, they could definitely be out by the time S.T.R.I.K.E would be able to amount a reasonable task force.

"Warden? Sherlock? I'm on my way out with the kid!" War-Pulse shouted into his comms link, grabbing a soldier near him and delivering a firm punch to his face before tossing the fellow into a crowd of men. "Equilibrium and I are almost at the exit, once he and I hit the air, you two down the whole building, make sure none of their AA guns can take us out of the sky. Equilibrium and myself cannot afford to touch ground until we are out of sight. As soon as you get a visual, you hit the switch, is that clear?"
I'm thinking with nobody minds, feel free.
<“Master Seducus...I know I’m speaking out of turn, but what you are proposing sounds insane.”>

On the planet of Nar Shadda, far from the eyes of the Republic or Imperial forces, deep within the heart of Hutt territory resided a meeting. In the backdoors of a club known as “Krazy Krayt” far past the dance floor and the open bar, sitting within a private lounge behind a guarded patrol of Weequay guard, some of the most powerful players in the galaxy resided around a glowing table, a cloaked figure standing before them, pacing back and forth in front of a crowd of influential dynamos. The creature who had just spoke, a Chagrian Republican senator by the name of Vralek Mish’ta, as now bearing down the Sith Lord, his face hardened by the Sith Lord’s question.

“I assure you, it’s much less crazy than it sounds, Senator.” Darth Seducus replied, “As much stake as you have with the current ‘Republic’ regime, you and I both know it’s simply two halves of a dying whole.” The Sith Lord explained, gesturing to the senator. “These two governments that exist are stagnant wells of corruption and squalid repugnance, neither delivering a firm sense of governmental power over their people. Economic collapse is a legitimate concern on the Imperial side, they have never truly recovered from their loss of the two Death Stars that nearly drained them of their coffers. On the other side, the Republic has money and power, but has no interest in utilizing it effectively. You have seen it, Senator, the lack of progression, the disinterest in their eyes and hearts. The people in power prefer satiating their ravenous hunger and...foul interests instead of leading their people.”

“So to remedy this situation, you propose war.” Another man spoke up, an imperial Admiral serving under Grand Admiral Vonn by the name of Lutrec Zerat. “Pray tell, Master Sith...how do you propose such a thing to even work, let alone put anything in power?”

“Oh Admiral Zerat, straight to the point as always...it’s what I’ve always liked about you.” Seducus stated, his red visor locked onto the Admiral as he spoke. “You’ve always been direct.”

“Get to the point, Sith.” Another Imperial man, a Moff by the name of Rend Bolair spoke up.

“Oh, of course, I can see this conversation isn’t about pleasantries anymore.”

<”It was never about pleasantries, you called us all here to ‘make our move’.”> A hutt in the room, Drugga, spoke up with a bit of vitriol in his tongue. <”And it better be good seeing as how many Hutts you’ve been killing in the past year to gain power.”>

“Of course, Master Drugga, I assure you once our plan is in place, you will all be powerful members of the new regime.” Seducus responded. “All I need is your continued support, and to do exactly as I ask.”

<”Then get on with it, what is the plan?”> The blubbery mass responded, the scar over its left eye flexing as its eyes narrowed down.

“For starters, as I’ve explained, the Republic and the Empire need to go to war.” Darth Seducus replied. “We need them focused on each other while we do our work. This is not a difficult task, I assure you, but one misstep could dissolve the whole thing.”

<”And how do we do that?”> Senator Vralek spoke up. <”We can’t just announce the other to go to war.”>

“Simple, we just need a trigger.” Darth Seducus said. “Both sides are itching for conflict, they still bear those old wounds of the Rebellion. The Imperial side is itching for vengeance, while the Republic wants to put those Imperial dogs down for good.”

<“And...you think starting a war will fix this?”> Drugga asked.

“Starting? Oh, my dear Hutt, the war’s already started.” Seducus responded. “Thanks to a ‘Republic Tip’ I had sent to the Grand Admiral about a envoy to the Rodian people, the violent leader of the Imperial Fleet with begin a war all by themselves.” He walked towards the Hutt, who’s originally bitter and violent face began to quiver and shake as the Sith Lord got closer. “However, I do not know if the Emperor will follow suit...Which is what our Admiral and Moff are going to convince him is the right thing to do.”

“And? You just want us to continue this war while you do...what exactly?” Moff Bolair asked. “You have not told us your part, or the part of these grotesque gangsters you’ve brought into this. I want answers Sith, we can’t just keep blindly following your example, I need to kn--”

The Sith whirled on his heel, his gaze falling onto the Moff, who almost immedtialy trailed off on his threats as the Sith got closer. There was a long silence, a whisper of anger quickly squashed, whether it was by Seducus’ influence or his natural pheromones is unknown.

“Moff Bolair, I assure you.” the Sith spoke slow, his tone direct and firmly pointed at the Moff. “My part is simple, I have my own resources to amass while these opposing forces destroy each other. By the time this war ends, I will have the army necessary to overwhelm what is left of the Republic and the Empire in one fell swoop. Until then, I need you two to keep pushing the Emperor to accepting this war. I need Senator Mish'ta and his supporters to keep advocating for war on the other side, keep the Republic and Empire focused squarely on the other side.”

He turned to Drugga, placing a finger into the squishy chest of the hutt. “And I need you and all your affiliates to send out your best Clawdites to keep an eye on things, keep rallying the people of the galaxy to war for their government. You are also going to utilize all the gangs under your control, the Sunspots, Le'Cudosch, Sand-Dwellers, Hak’fel, every single gang you can gather to begin projects on the planets we’ve already discussed." The red visor of his mask glowing as it made contact with the hutts eyes. “We need to begin gathering now, if we have not already started. There will need to be a stockiple of armaments and equipment soon.”

<”You will have it, Sith.”> The Hutt responded, almost with a defeated sigh as the Sith moved away from him.

“Good, you should all get back to your respective homes before this begins.” Darth Seducus confirmed. “I will be keeping in contact with all of you.”

With a swift bow, the Sith turned heel, cape flowing behind him as he made his way out of the lounge. As soon as he left, an armored companion quickly moved to his side, garbed in light durasteel plating, she briskly strode at Darth Seducus' side.

"Your ship is prepared, My Lord." She said in a monotone voice behind a reverberating armored mask. "We should be able to move within the next few hours. Your conctacts on Kamino will be expecting you shortly after that."

"Excellent, I will be sure to--"

The Sith cut himself off, his stride coming to a complete halt as his companion nearly walked past him. Whirling about, she cocked her head in reaction to the Sith Lord's abrupt stop, while not able to see his face behind the mask, his temporarily frozen frame alerting her to an anomaly.

"Sir?" She asked. "What's wrong?"

"A potential fluctuation in our plans." Darth Seducus responded. "Jedi have just landed on the planet..."
We're still alive, though some of us (such as me) are procrastinating slightly.

On another note, I feel like due to last post, Thunderbolt should be upgraded to world level power. Anyone second that motion?
@Facepunch Holy crap, that was a super hardcore post! Nice job, man!
I do! I mean we are already in talks, but I do!
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