Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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@Phoenix no no! You have every right to be impatient at this point! I have been in your shoes, and I will have something up by tonight! And I will make sure to get my CS on the character page!
@Phoenix I have a post coming soon!
Now that the holiday season is almost over, I should be able to post a bit more frequently.
Hey, Happy Holidays everyone. I'll have a post coming up soon.
Looks like everyone else is doing it, might as well say my peace. I've been here for quite a while with this RP, I've seen people come and go, but the ones that have stayed? You guys have been amazing to tell this story with. I couldn't ask for a better Superhero RP.

Happy Holidays you guys.
Posted! Angel and Trent are finally out!

Awesome! I'll get a War-Pulse post started soon!
Alright! There we go! A quick post for @Phoenix for the moment! It might need some re-working, but the general idea of what he is doing is there.
“Boss...are you sure this is wise? Those are Jedi out there, and from your reaction, they can’t be mere novices.”

“It’s not like I have not faced Jedi before, dear Pyrra.” Darth Seducus said, his course changing drastically from the ship he was going to take off world. “But the fact remains, if the jedi come across any of our associates on either side in a planet like this, all our hard work up to this point will be for naught. I cannot allow that to happen, the best possible course of action is to have them trail my scent rather than conceal my way off planet. If they can sense me, all other problems become meaningless to them.”

“Fine, should we assist?”

“No...in fact, make sure nobody else interferes.” The Sith Lord ordered, moving down an alleyway with his saber in hand. “The more the Jedi are kept in the dark, the better. I fight these Jedi alone, that way when I drive them back, they will not have any idea who I’m working with and won’t call the Republic Army down upon Nar Shadda.”

“As you wish, Master Seducus.”

"Go to the others, hasten their departure from this planet and then keep business as usual on the planet's surface. Meet with the Hutts and oversee the deals made. I will return shortly."

With that notion, Darth Seducus turned on his heel, his cape flickering behind him as he hopped down a nearby alleyway and took off into the bustling city. Judging by what he could sense, this was no ordinary pair of jedi, nothing like the last grouping he took on. These weren’t diplomats, at least not by the way they felt in the Force. They felt legitimately powerful, enough to cause the crafty Sith Lord some concern.

At least, had he not felt the doubt and frustration coming from one of them.

Even with a tiny handhold, the Sith Lord could bring that kind of leverage to his advantage, but only time would tell if he even would engage them at all. As he moved, he tried to make himself more apprant, utilizing his connection in the force to channel his anger outward, trying to make himself into a beacon even a novice Jedi would sense. If they were the Jedi he believed them to be, this kind of impression would be impossible to ignore.

Navigating his way through the rusty metallic city-planet, he found himself lower and lower in the depths of depravity. The world around him transitioned from the scum-filled nightclubs of the surface, shifting to only the most depraved of species, and eventually leaving him as the only sentient organic in the area, surrounded only by maintenance droids and the bestial freaks in the depths of the sewers.

All things he could use to his advantage. He took notes of every passageway, every few thugs patrolling the streets, every homeless Twi'Lek scrounging around in the garbage and scrap metal for food. While not much of it had any value, he took note of the hidden passageways, he would need them to cover his escape later. Nar Shadda was a maze, a cruel metallic maze who could entrap and ensnare even the most stalwart of men, reducing them to shaky grease-covered pariahs within days if they did not know the way out.

As he moved, he was sure to leave a visual trail for the Jedi to follow as well. His control of the force maneuvering the world around him in a variety of ways. A crushed droid here, a moved pipe there, things that only the force could do without manual labor. The Sith Lord ducked into a large pipeline, remnants of water barely flowing through its plating and sifting into a nearby drainpipe. He was quick to follow its trail, leading him straight into a large control room for the colossal generators around him, ingrained into the world itself. The “Old Machines” as the crazies called them now surrounding him, a perfect place to meet Jedi.

And subsequently a perfect place to escape from if things became to hairy. All that remained was for the Sith Lord to sit and wait. The Jedi would catch his scent, and they would meet him down there. Another flicker of his cape signified his turning back to the control room's entrance, his lightsaber in hand as he stood, patiently waiting for his pursuers to meet him in this rotten cesspool of unwashed mechanics.

Hopefully it would test his limits this time.
I should have something for @Phoenix tomorrow.
I'm still here! I'm just a little slow on the posting as of late. Nitemare Shape and the others are also sporadic, but we are all still here. I've known the guy long enough to know he has not abandoned this RP. I'll be posting within the next day or so myself, Christmas shopping is just keeping me busy.
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