Avatar of NeutralNexus
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  • Posts: 698 (0.19 / day)
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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@Dedonus I think after that last post, I know Iron Knight's real power.

It's keeping it real.

I've got some posts I'm churning out, might be a few days before I finally post all of them.
I'll try and come up something today.
<Snipped quote by Kalistar>

I don't think it was meant to be all that good, more so to make a point. Still it was enjoyable enough for me. Off topic what is everyone currently watching? Any favorite new shows?

Trying out that 'Gotham' show right now.
Makes sense to me, I'll follow what you think is best for your game.
We could also just run with the whole team in one group, make is a squad of 8. Or just keep is as squads of 4.
You do what you have to do.
Take your time, I got to make my next Umbraxis post.

“You know what, Warden? I feel really good helping that Angel guy out, it’s not often I get to screw STRIKE over and make a new friend in the same mission.”

“I can’t believe you said no to the money.”

War-Pulse gave a hearty chuckle, rocketing across the Lost Haven skyline.

“Aw, come on, sometimes the experience is payment enough. I think we made some new friends.”

“We aren’t some kind of temp hires, and experience doesn’t put food on my table. And those ‘friends’ of yours will absolutely put a bullet in your head if they catch you again.”

“Pfft,” War-Pulse scoffed, waving off Warden’s chastising. “Don’t be such a downer, this was fun! You got to flaunt your tech skills, I got to punch things, Angel got his freedom, it worked out for everyone!”

“You are insufferable.”

“Well now you’re just being a di--”

War-Pulse was immediately cut off by some kind of warning signal coming from Warden’s comm link. A brow raised as he put his hand to his ear.

“War-Pulse, you have company. I have a bogey on your six, looks to be about human sized and moving well past your current velocity.”

The mercenary frowned, glancing behind him to see a man in a metal silvery suit coming his way.

“Warden, did Angel make a fun-sized ATD to trail us?”

“Negative, systems don’t match up, that’s--”

“Iron Knight?” War-Pulse interjected, recognizing the armor as soon as it came into visual range from his experiences during D-Day. They had both been part of the team that closed the portal, though he had not spoken to the mech-man personally. "Aw, crap, do you think he knows about the whole ‘attacking a STRIKE base’ thing? Because I'll bet he's pissed if he does.”

“I’m not sure if that’s the case...his weapons aren’t powered up. I don’t think he’s looking to fight you.”

“Really? Then what’s he--”

“War-Pulse, I presume.” Chris suddenly said through the speakers on his suit to the mercenary in mid-air, “I hear that you have been quite the busy man as of late. I have a little proposition for you. If you don’t want S.T.R.I.K.E. swarming this area, I would suggest that you land yourself.” Chris gestured down towards the ground as he finished speaking.

When Iron Knight spoke, the threat was clear, but the response was not immediate. Never one to back down, War-Pulse made a point to eye the emotionless mask of his pursuer, a cold stoic glare trying to get a read on Iron Knight’s intentions. He was intrigued, had the Knight wanted to take him in, could he really trust STRIKE to get the job done? What was his angle? He had to hear this.

Landing on the ground, War-Pulse crossed his arms and let Iron Knight give him the so-called ‘proposition’ he had in mind. At their landing, Iron Knight very quickly discharged a device onto the ground, whirring and buzzing to immediately display a full screen, playing back the message that was delivered to the full city all but hours ago. His eyes narrowed at the mention of his defeat by the Doctor’s forces, and their subsequent interest in making the world metahuman with the vial he nabbed.

As the transmission came to a close, Iron Knight continued his proposition.

“I don’t know whether you have seen this, but there is kind of a situation going on now. You are probably wondering now why I have come here. The reason is that I believe that this man is referring to you when he talked about his own team of metahumans foiling a plot on the Lost Haven water supply. We need all the information we can get on what we’re up against.”

“I know that you might have done some things that you are not proud of, whoring out your skills for the highest bidder. But I also know that you are also capable of doing the right thing. I don’t think you would have helped us back on D-Day if all you cared about was the cash reward. I assume you have a sense of honor and these guys probably embarrassed you badly when they whipped you back in Lost Haven proper. We’re offering you a chance to show that you are more than just a hired gun.”

With his words, War-Pulse’s brow rose as more heroes gathered by Iron Knight’s side. He recognized one instantly, as the man known as Icon was worldwide famous, a public name on everyone’s lips. How could anyone not know who Icon is by this point?

“I know that you’re not a bad guy, and I don’t think that you want this device to go off. We can stop it, but we need your help. It’s time for you to step up and stand for something. Help us stop this thing.”

The reaction was subtle to the words, but there was a shift in War-Pulse’s stance. A mixture of flattery and hesitation welled up in the Mercenary. Icon, the hero of heroes, had asked War-Pulse to assist, but if they were asking him they must be desperate on this affair.

However he did not recognize the two speedsters, but immediately tried to get a read on them as they came into being. The boy seemed capable, but the girl was out of breath, strained by her exercise, and both of them had an air of green about them compared to Iron Knight and Icon. They were also afraid, judging by their body language alone. The way the man kept looking at the woman, the way the two hid between the big guns, there was a sense of paranoia and unease to their actions. They were worried, nervous, there was no doubt there was discord among the pair with even being here.

They expected something to happen here, and from War-Pulse’s guess, it would not be pretty.

The mercenary did well to eye each and every one of his opposition, assess them slowly as he kept his hands to his sides, his footing placed to be ready to move in an instant if the four heroes decided to jump him. There was confidence in his stance, a glint in his eye as he continued to exchange glares with each hero. The pitbull that was War-Pulse was nowhere close to backing down from the four despite the overwhelming odds against him, especially not with the representative of an organization he just blast his way through.

“Well, you certainly know how to sweet talk a guy, tin can. Really bringing your A-game today, eh Knight?” War-Pulse remarked, beginning to pace in front of the four heroes now arrived to him. “Calling me a whore with a heart of gold? What am I, Julia Roberts trying to win an Oscar?” He chuckled, now pacing in front of the four heroes now standing before him. “And you say you offer a chance to redeem myself, but what about the other three here, huh?” He gestured to Icon, Thunderbolt, and Boom as he spoke. “You guys all here to give me the same ‘come to jesus’ talk? Or are you just here in case I get violent? From where I’m standing, this isn’t a chance to redeem myself, this is strongarming me to play for your team. And you know what? That pisses me off. If you want me to punch guys for you, you could’ve just offered me money or a good time. Hell, you even could have just told me the truth from the get-go, I'd probably sign on if the pay is good. Don’t pretend you give half of a shit about where my morals lie.”

He sighed, placing his hands on his hips, glancing up to the sky, the cool air whipping through his coat as his chest sunk from a long, deep exhale. “And even if I believed that you were really here to offer this ‘shot of redemption’, then you’re shit outta luck. You guys have me pegged for someone else, someone with the need to do something for the good of the people...I’m not a hero, I’m not interested in being some kind of caped role model to kids like Big Blue over there. I’m a mercenary, and I’m not ashamed of that. I’m good at what I do, and I make good money doing it...however...”

He turned back to look at the group, a wild gleam in his eyes as he cracked his knuckles, kinetic energy snapping and crackling off of his hands as he spoke. “If you’re offering the chance to get back at four no-named assholes who cost me a job, screw their boss’ operation over and rub his stupid giraffe neck in it, then by all means; count me in. I’ll tell you anything you want to know about the four metahumans who jumped me and help you take on Dr. Worm Neck.”

He was quick to qualify his acceptance, pointing at Iron Knight. “But let’s get one thing straight, Knight. I’m not working for you, I’m working with you, you don’t give me orders unless you are willing to pay me for it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to violate your little codes and ethics. As long as we are working together on this I’ll respect the need to compromise, but don’t expect me to follow everything with unquestioned loyalty. Also don’t expect me to suddenly turn myself in or stay on some kind of ‘super team’ when we finish the job. After this, it’s back to business as usual.”

He turned his finger point to a handshake, taking another few steps forward towards Iron Knight. “Do we got a deal? Because either way, I think the pretty young lady is going to pass out from exhaustion if someone doesn’t get her a bottle of Gatorade or something.”
Sad, but acceptable. Looking forward to it either way!
I'm still here, I've never left.
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