Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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Hype is real.

Game on.

In space, in the deep, dark, soothing silence of vast reaches of space, the eternal void sat. It drifted along aimlessly in the vacuum, mulling over its previous encounter with humanity. How amusing they had turned out to be, what interesting and strange ways had they developed. Through whatever fate may have it, these ‘metahumans’ truly had surpassed the limitations of their race. They had potential, the future of their puny civilization extended far beyond the reaches of its technological inferiority. Truly, there was something about them that continued to gather the intrigue of the endless shadow.

And yet, in one moment, its train of thought was broken, something had disrupted the soundless vacuum, a ripple in reality caused the endless shadow to shift and fluctuate, its obsidian from flowing through the nothingness to turn its attention to the source.

An asteroid perhaps? A comet drifting aimlessly through space?

No, nothing of the sort. In fact it was something else entirely. The threads of time and space moved with it, flowed through it, and it was bringing something with it. This new entity, this visitor to its realm, it had not felt something like that in what felt like eternity.

And yet, the everlasting blackness considered this nothing more than a spec, an unusual one, but nothing more than an insect flying towards its doom.

Still, Umbraxis would be hard pressed not to give it a welcome for coming this far. After all, who would have thought any denizen of Earth could even survive the vacuum of space?

It spoke to the intruder in its true void, its thoughts seeping into the mind, wrapping around their very soul and hearkening into the deepest depths of their consciousness. To most mortals, it would be unbearable and incomprehensible, a tearing of the soul that would result in their very body being torn apart by the entity’s very voice.

To the traveler, it was merely a message; Who are you, and why do you come to me?

The message grew more clear with each passing second, the reverberations enhancing in intensity, to the point where its very words would tear a mortal body apart. As it spoke, its form shifted and groaned, swelling and expanding to cover the stars around them.

Who are you, and what do you bring to me?

The uttering shifted as it repeated, the sound of millions of voices combined together in one unyielding bass tone, ripping into the space all around the visitor to convey its messages. The darkness grasped and snared, blotting out the light of the sun as it encapsulated the intruder. The creeping shadow etched ever closer, and its words boomed through what should not even carry any sound.

Who are you, and why do you court your own annihilation?
There's always the Shroud Syndicate if you're looking to look into the criminal underground of Lost Haven. speaking of which, @Fallenreaper can you share some of the Lore you were sent? I'd like to see what lore was shaped out for the criminal underground, especially if I'm to make the Shroud Syndicate ingrained in the world's systems like it's supposed to be. Organized Crime doesn't work unless it's making a profit, and making a profit requires information, right?
Well, this is what I get for not being on the forum for a single day.

I'm almost done with the Umbraxis post and moving to the War-Pulse post, but more importantly, I wanted to put my two cents on the idea of a lore thread.

I don't see a compendium of all the combined lores and histories being particularly useful if they just come out super long. If we have 10 pages just devoted to how magic works, what new player is going to go read 10 pages of just magic lore just to get caught up? Just looking at the characters that already exist, I'm absolutely sure most of these existing characters have years of backstory attached to them, my own characters included. I don't think a new player needs to read all about it to get a feel for what's going on. If they want to find out about extended histories, they should do it in game with their character, not wikipedia it to be entirely covered.

Instead, if we do have a separate thread or lore page it should be a cliff notes, not an encyclopedia. It should only include things that have happened in game, or relevant information to what has happened since the beginning of this game, nothing else. It should be something revolved around public knowledge, things you would be locked in a basement for 30 years to not know. Icon is a superhero, the city was attacked by demons, Pax Metahumana, gods like Ares have made an appearance on Earth, things that very clearly have been seen by the general public and have shaped the current, existing world. No rules on how magic works, no extended dossiers on existing factions, we have character backstories if people want to explore existing characters, we don't need a separate page or thread for that.

Like any good record, we should keep it short and to the point. As much as everyone wants to show how awesome their lore is, I don't feel the need to share what we don't have to. Especially for people like @Raptorman, who have gone to great lengths to keep his actions in the dark.

I think I have probably repeated what a few have said before me, but that's my thoughts on the matter.

SIDE NOTE: We might want to re-evaluate those original rules for the game...I feel like we may have bent those.

SECOND SIDE NOTE: I have some lore of my own that I'll send to @Fallenreaper, but I'll try to keep it concise.
I'm sure nothing will go wrong...


I'll get the Umbraxis post done this weekend, then try and make the merc's response once Facepunch gets his post up.
They tend to kick up during weekends.
Tybalt Argyris

Tybalt’s eyes popped wide as the man known as Hyakuya morphed and shifted into what could only be described as a modern legend, a Manakete. Of all the beings and myths, this was one of the most rare. He personally had never seen one up close, and one making himself so apparant so quickly caused his heart to skip a beat.

“O-o-oh my gods, you’re a--” He began in shock before the screech of a wyvern snapped him back into the reality of the situation. “Right, that’s extremely useful, especially since that means we have a flyer on our side.

Hiro made his concerns clear as they continued to talk, he wanted everyone to try and run for the ruins. Tybalt pursed his lips, though he had brought up that Hirotsuka had not specified how many of them had to make it to the ruins, the concern in Hiro made it very clear that they did not share in Tybalt’s belief of the way the task was stated. Then it hit Tybalt; she only meant the survivors who made it to the ruins would pass, those who did not make it would more than likely be slaughtered by the wyverns, which changed the situation drastically.

Either they all make it, or the ones who don’t will perish. The daring mage would have to act accordingly.

“You’re right, Sir Hiro, we should starting moving to the Ruins, but as a unit. It will be harder for them to attack a group in comparison to picking us off one by one if we scatter.” Tybalt responded to the archer, motioning to the woods. “But you need to lead the way, I’ve honestly never been to Jotenvarr so I’m not sure where those ruins are, so I’ll follow the lead of those that do and provide what cover I can. However, whatever way we take, I suggest we to stick to the forest, as Lady Hirotsuka said the riders can’t maneuver very well in the forests, and we can utilize the terrain to our advantage.”

As he spoke, he could hear the whinny of a Pegasus Knight dropping out of the sky and through the trees to make another pass, but Tybalt was ready for the descending foe this time. With another flick of his arm, a wind cresent met the attacking Knight well before she was able to get within range, forcing her to pull up and clumsily avoid a large tree. She was off balance.

“Quick! Someone bring that one down!” Tybalt shouted, trying to cut off her escape route with another blast of wind, the brush around him being torn apart by the current.
MY apologies, I passed out before I got to post last night. I'll have something up today.
Man, everyone's hopping on the 'Umbraxis is a poo head' party. Merlin, Mercy, now this new guy? It's like Umbraxis is evil or something.
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