Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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Oh, then like...half the group knows where it is.
Well, unless she explains that to the group, it would be hard for the rest of us to know where those ruins are. I may hold off on posting until I see her next action. I'll still post tonight, but spending on what is said, I'll have Tybalt take a different action.
@Facepunch That's totally fair. I will start churning something out with all three characters, since all three now need to take action.
I will get a post up tonight. @GrafRoy Zeppeli does our team know where those ruins are?
I like her, reminds me of War-Pulse in the 'lovable dick' sense.

@Dedonus It's fine, he probably would've landed anyway, though aren't Thunderbolt and Boom preoccupied with a Tentacle Rex right now?
@Dedonus That last War-Pulse post wrapped up his and Angel's interaction, hopefully with some words of wisdom from an asshole merc. He's ready for recruitment now, come and get him. :D

I now have more posts to work on, hopefully they'll show up sooner rather than later.

Also, you know who needs some serious movement? @Facepunch's SuperIOR story, I went back and skimmed a few pages, has that been resolved at all?

The merc patiently listened as the young man, now introducing himself as ‘Angel’, began to open up to him. It became increasingly clear by Angel’s words that he wanted to be a tool of justice, a man who would clean the streets of crime and violence, to bring peace to the city of Lost Haven, and other cities if he could by any means necessary.

But that was what Angel wanted, not what he was. Now being able to see the man without robots or explosions, Trent could see Angel as just a man trying to do right in the world with the powers he was given. That idea hit caused Trent some inner turmoil, something he had not felt in years. He knew of men and women, goody two-shoes who believed that what they were doing was right all the time, citing the written law as a moral compass, regardless of its wording. Those people Trent shrugged off, they were naive morons with a one-sided opinions in his mind, idiots with nothing but the law guiding them like lemmings.

This was a different, he had rarely met someone who doubted his resolve in such a way, and he knew he was not the best guide for such a question. He had always taken the path that was easy for him, he knew how to kill and fight, so he made a business out of it. He very rarely thought of the ramifications of those actions, they didn’t always concern him.

But he had to say something, especially if he did not want this man to end up like him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, Angel. Take a few deep breaths and relax. I was not trying to stress you out with what I said, I’m just trying to keep things real with you.” He offered a casual, reassuring smile behind his mask, despite whatever confusion he was feeling inside. “The truth of the matter is that there the only person who can decide your purpose is you, pal.” Trent said bluntly, gesturing to him. “There is no ominous force that tells you what’s right and what’s wrong, no higher power holding your hand, and if there is they’re just an asshole trying to get you on their side.”

With those words, he floated up towards the cockpit, the hum of continuous kinetic emissions bringing a small reverberation to his voice, “At the end of the day, the only person you get to hold accountable is yourself. You can’t blame anyone else for the actions you take and you can’t go back and change them, no matter how much it is going to keep you awake at night.”

He chuckled, reaching out and clapping Angel on the shoulder. “But you know what? It’s okay, people make mistakes. It’s human to do so, even metahuman. We aren’t perfect beings, no matter how much we want to tell ourselves we are. We’re all going to fail on some note, but you know what? That’s just part of living and growing. You can’t learn from your mistakes if you don’t make any, and you can’t improve as a person if you don’t make those original mistakes”

He pointed at Angel with his other hand, pulling a little bit on Angel’s shoulder to try and force eye contact. “Take it from me, Angel. You have a hell of a heart, and that’s something to be friggin’ proud of. You could take those powers and do anything, you could coast for the rest of your life hacking old lady’s bank accounts and living off their credit cards until you grow old and die, but you don’t. You pick your ass up and try to save your city, damned what the law says. Are you going to screw up sometimes? Absolutely, everyone does, but it’s our actions in the face of challenge that makes us who we are, that’s part of letting your actions stand for what you believe. You don’t need this half-assed pep talk to work for it every goddamn day of your goddamn life. You know what you want to do, and you will do anything to get it. That is the one definitive thing I see when I look at you, and that’s something I see as one hell of a good thing. Just stay true to who you are and nobody will have the right to judge you for it.”

With that, he let go of Angel, floating back into the clearing. “So, with that note, it’s about time we should part ways. STRIKE is going to be after both of our asses after that jailbreak, and it’s best we don’t give them a single trail to follow. I’ll bug out and do...what I usually do to get attention, so they’ll spend all their resources tracking me down. You seem to know how to keep a low profile, falling off the grid seems like a goddamn specialty for you, so they’ll forget all about you while they come for me, so it’ll all work out.”

He drifted towards the sky, his legs beginning to hum as they built up energy. “Oh, and tell your AI buddy this one is on the house, he can keep his money. I had a hell of a lot of fun on this one, was well worth the workout. And for the record, I never beat you in that fight, you dropped a helicopter on me. If anything, that’s a tie. I’m sure we’ll cross paths again, and next time, I ain’t holding my punches, you got that? You come at me with everything you got, and I’ll make sure to do the same.”

The smirk apparent under his facemask, the last thing Angel saw of the cheeky merc was a small wave before the energy in his legs suddenly launched him into the sky, the booming sound echoing through the street.
Earth isn't going to be ready for this, good thing it's happening in space.
@NeutralNexus actually,she did say we all have to get to the ruins to count as a win.... well the surviving ones anyways.

also, how attached is Hiro to that cape/hood, we could probably attempt a switcheroo to divide and conquer.

so long as @GrafRoy Zeppeli doesn't mind us talking in game strategies in the ooc

also not to repeat myself, but what kind of inventory do these guys have that we could see.

From what I could see, her direct quote said "Incapacitate all 7 riders, or get to the ruins" there was no specification on who or how many had to get to the ruins. Figured it was simply 'put someone in the end zone and it counts as a touchdown' kind of victory.

But that's fine, we will just play it as an oversight by Tybalt, my mistake for reading it wrong.

Tybalt just has his books, all tied on a cord to his belt.
Tybalt Argyris

Tybalt felt his breath be drained from his body as he felt the lance brush past him, the weight of the situation coming strikingly clear as the wind off of the pegasus' wings flutter his coat back. He recoiled quickly, reaching for his shirt to feel the tear in the cloth that the lance had made as the Pegasus knight returned to the sky to reel around for another strike.

"That was Alistafan silk, you clod!" He joked, letting his mouth bely the obvious terror he had felt evidenced by the color lost in his face. The maid want ahead and explained the situation as Tybalt managed to once more regain composure, citing the rules for this original training and the stakes for failure. Tybalt's eyes widened as she mentioned that death was a very real ending, these winged knights would be more than glad to put the whole squad down of they did not perform. Was the nation of Jotenvarr really so cavalier with their trainee’s lives? He knew training would be brutal, but threatening death upon their volunteers? It seemed tactically insane.

However, a smile crossed his face as the exercise began, his cunning mind beginning to relish the idea of such an opportunity. This was not some recruiting for the main army, nor for the reserves, this was for the best of the best. The Royal Guard, the men and women who would serve the highest power in the land, the Lord of Jotenvarr. Of course the training would be lethal for such a position, the very position they were being considered for would be to protect the most powerful man in the country, and Tybalt relished in the opportunity. If not for his honor, than for the challenge alone was this task worth pursuing, as a task is only worth completing if it one has to work for it. He needed this, his family needed this, and if he was going to be sent home, it would be in a body bag or not at all.

Another pegasus knight made an advance, but the mage was ready for it at this point. With a well-timed leap, he avoided the second strike, a tome of arcwind coming to his hand from his belt as he once more touched ground. With a twist of his waist and a flick of his wrist he managed to whirl about and fire off a crescent of wind rippling through the air after the retreating knight, intending to clear her of her mount in one fell swoop. Unfortunately the knight was more than prepared for his retaliation and easily maneuvered out of the way, the wind blade slashing into a tree and bisecting the tree from its trunk.

Cursing under his breath, he was quick to get a bearing on his surroundings as the situation unfolded. Visually, the wyvern knights and Pegasus knights were moving too fast to get a bead on and take them down on his own, and trying to take them down as they came for him was far too risky. He darted for the forest, barely scraping by a wyvern knight's swooping axe strike as he maneuvered deeper into the trees. They brush would provide cover for now, enough cover so the flying mounts could not maneuver to them and give him time to think, though he clearly could not stay there.

He had to come up with a plan, and luckily for him, he was within earshot of the others, especially the archer known as Hiro.

“Ah! Mister Hiro! Perfect timing!” He called out to the Archer, regrouping with the others at least in earshot. “We need to discuss a plan if we’re going to pass this test!”

He glanced up as he spoke, still trying to lock on to the patrolling squad.

“Those mounted bastards will skewer any one of us who tries to make it through the clearing to the ruins, so I’d suggest we try to work together to take them down. If you fine folks are willing to listen, I may just have an idea to fight back.” He said, trying to get a read on the group’s respective professions were before trying to come up with something. “Itazu, Pauline, if you think you two can get by the riders unnoticed, then the ruins are probably where you should head, they can’t stab you if they can’t see you, and Miss Hirotsuka didn’t say all of us had to get to the ruins to pass the test.” He turned to Hyakuya and Diana, though he had to take a double take at Hyakuya. “Okay, in all honesty, I have zero idea what you are capable of, but if Miss Hirotsuka knows you personally, then chances are you’re stronger than all of us, and probably a good choice to help equalize the playing field. Diana, I can only guess that you are a ground unit, but with that fancy lance you are toting around, I can imagine they will have a hard time swooping past that spear point for a clean hit. Hiro and I can take those winged scoundrels down, but we have to be out in the open to do so. If we’re going to do so, we’ll need the two of you covering us. The range on Diana’s spear point and your...uh...whatever you do should be able to prevent swooping assaults, which gives us opportunity to strike back.”

Finally, he whirled around to Hiro, a confident and enthusiastic grin beaming from his face. “Which means it comes down to us to actually take them down. Neither one of us is going to be able to reliably strike down a mounted unit on our own, so it may be within our best interest to target the same unit, take them down one at a time. If I can guide them with my wind magic, do you think you’ll be able to land a clean shot?”
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