Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I've thought about making a few crowd-controlled organizations littering the world as a sort of 'punching bag groups' giving any hero something to beat down.

The Steel Lotus and Egragore Consortum are two organizations I've made a bit of lore with, if they could be contributed to the villain pool.
Excellent, Tybalt and Hiro are going to be bros.

A rank supports.

Just as soon as I can make a response that doesn't sound like Tybalt is trying to control the party again. :/
Hmmm...should I post again? I don't want to oversaturate the thread with my posts, but I feel like hyakuya's post warrants a response from at least one of us.

It is fact there is no sound in space. There is no air to carry the sound through, and even if there was, there would be no one to hear it.

And yet, in that moment, if one were near the asteroid belt, they could swear they could hear screaming. In an instant the entity known as Umbraxis, the blackened cloud that dwarfed moons, was engulfed by light, wreathed in an aura that lit the heavens in a blinding gleam. The darkness was curled back, writhing and twitching before ultimately enveloped in the destructive power that was brought to its doorstep. The power ripped through the skies, seeming to track down whatever pieces of the eternal shadow it could and destroy it, rending it from the fabrics of space and time in a violent coalescence of brilliance.

The vibrations stopped only after what seemed like hours, the powerful attack eventually subsiding and billowing into the emptiness of space.

Had the entity finally been stopped?

Had the attack ended the eternal shadow?

The answer came in shocking disappointment as the swirling mass flowed back into vision, a wispy fog of eternal night flourishing back into vision, the very movements causing cold shudders among the celestial plane.

Though it bore no ocular means at the moment, the attacker would know very well that Umbraxis had its full attention on her now. It snaked through the cosmos, propelling its way through the cosmos towards the other entity, grasping with wispy tendrils as it neared.

Was that it? Was this your grand plan to stop me?

Those were the words that crossed the girl’s mind, the mighty reach of the eternal void surrounding her, choking her in its darkness, its overbearing sense of oblivion weighing down on her very essence.

What were you planning now? Were you planning to return to Earth? Commended in your victory as you wiped away my power?

The gloaming energies swirled around her, blocking her escape and closing in on her. They twisted and pulled, inching closer to her in an attempt to swallow her whole.

Come, little Mercy. Tell me what else you have to offer, or submit to the end of all.

As its words came in more clarity, there was a hint of curiosity in its tone. This being, this shining beacon that had appeared on its doorstep, it was certainly more than it had encountered on Earth, a winged entity much reminiscent of Earth's 'angels'. She bore a anger, her emotions in conflict with one another, it could tell by the grim emotions it could read on her face as it tried to envelop her.

Perhaps Earth did have such god-like beings after all? The twilight horror would have to investigate further, it did so love to be tested.

It made the inevitable defeat all the more sweeter.
That is a very nice OP.
Rule of 2? Who said I was following in Darth Bane's tutelage?
I could use an apprentice...
Hey, crits aren't always kills. And even if so, technically in fire emblem there is no differentiation between killing someone or knocking them out, mechanically you just always deplete the persons's health and the story decides if you killed anyone or not. For example, in fire emblem rekka no ken there were several boss characters you could fight and they wouldn't necessarily be dead, like Erik in chapter 14, you kick his ass and he lives until fire emblem 6.

But, if you don't think it was a crit, we'll just say that was a really good knockout blow. Game mechanics don't always got to be 1-to-1.
Think I just landed the game's first critical.
Tybalt Argyris

The sound of the Wyvern falling from the sky caught Tybalt’s attention, but the sound of his trainee comrade being crushed caused him to jump slightly. Up until this point, he had waived off the idea that the training would be lethal, nobody would haphazardly kill their own recruits to prove a point, right?


Their thief had died, he brought down one of the wyverns, but had perished in the struggle leaving the mage in momentary shock. His tried to form words for a second, but nothing came out. He snapped back out of his shock to the sound of Hiro shouting to make a break for the fort and beginning to run off ahead.

“Sir Hiro! Wait! Don’t split off!” He shouted, only to be a half-step too late. “They’ll pick you off!”

Tybalt hated being right, seeing two Pegasus Knights drop out of the sky to try and take the young archer down. Hiro only had time for one hastily fired shot, which caused one of the pegasus to veer off course. The other one continued its course, the attack unavoidable for Hiro.

Luckily, Tybalt was more than ready to fight back, his original panic turned to focus and determination. Nobody else would die today. He charged forward, his arm glowing in magical power with increasing intensity with each passing step, his cloak flowing behind him as he ran to get within range, hoping the lance fighter was at his side to prevent a counter attack. He ignored the Pegasus that veered off course, concentrating only on the one descending on Hiro. He had only an instant to get the shot in before the lance struck the archer.

“DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!” He shouted, jutting his arm forward to release a cone of wind, a tornado of wind crescents imbued by green magic. The Pegasus Knight noticed the attack a half-second too late, trying to ascend and avoid the blow only to be caught up in it. The tornado slammed into the beast and its rider, causing the both of them to be launched backward, away from Hiro, before bouncing off of a nearby tree and thundering into the ground, kicking up dirt and rock as they landed. As Tybalt continued to jog toward the archer, he took note of his defeated for.

He could see they were still moving, causing Tybalt to breath a sigh of relief. His foes were still alive, thank the gods, but they would not be getting up any time soon.

“Are you alright?” Tybalt asked Hiro, placing a hand on his shoulder. “These knights are trying to split us off, like I said before. If we split up, we’ll end up like the Fox Spirit. We have to stick together, alright?”
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