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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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There we are, posted and got my gmail up. Sorry I couldn't finish it last night, work was brutal.
Tybalt Argyris

Tybalt couldn’t help but let out an encouraged cheer as he saw the impressive maneuver the Manakete had pulled off to take two of the six opponents down in one fell swoop, toppling in a mass of flapping wings. He did noticed the dragon take a hit, but the young mage noticed how little the wound truly slowed the dragon down. He took a personal note to help find a healer for the dragonkin later, hopefully being able to help him in return for what incredible aid he just offered the party. This was almost immediately followed by an equally impressive movement by the group’s lance fighter, the girl who had introduced herself as Diana leapt up and in an astounding display had thoroughly incapacitated yet another rider. He had to admit, there was a definitely good reason these people were being chosen as candidates to protect the king, even as recruits these people were simply amazing fighters.

He wondered if he would even be in the running after the archer, lancer, and Manakete had just made such a mark.

Of course, he had to remain focused, Hiro had laid out another Pegasus who had tried to advance on Diana, knocking her off of her Pegasus knight and once more incapacitating one more rider. There was only one more set of wings in the sky, a single Pegasus knight now trying to fly back in the sky and retreat from the fight.

“Oh no you don’t!” Tybalt shouted, flipping his book open and lining up another shot. With a fiery gesture, he flung another bristling gust of wind, rocketing through the trees and ripping branches asunder.

The last knight never even cleared the treeline before the wind tumbled it head over heels, the pegasus shrieking as it was yanked out of its flight path. Tumbling back to the ground, the resulting descent was softened by the plethora of branches before the beast tumbled back to the ground.

“Haha! We did it!” Tybalt said in another ecstatic cheer. “That’s all of them, right?”
Almost done with my post, going to need one more day to finish it.
<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

I wouldn't say any of them "stuck it to Iron Knight". Boom probably came the closest, but I would not say that they turned on him yet. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Lyger would have applauded IK.

However, Iron Knight still needed to call out War-Pulse. That was War-Pulse's offer to accept, not Iron Knight's. Sure, War-Pulse said he accepted the "deal", but he made it seem like Iron Knight was the one who needed to accept. Doesn't help that he threw all the redemption stuff in his face.

I'm okay with it, War-Pulse made it very clear he wasn't playing by their rules exactly, he was setting his own terms in a place he had no footing to renegotiate other than the information he had. The fact he was not assaulted and taken in on the spot is the most surprising, given his work. I'm happy the way it played out, tentative alliances are always the most interesting.
Great, now I'm trying to fancast this group...I should be asleep, but all I'm doing is racking my brain for actors.
I like them, they definitely have a good reason for the picks even if they weren't what I had in mind. Tom Cruise has shown us time and time again that he can be a very physical and impressive actor, so putting him in the shoes of the merc is a pretty good choice. Eric Roberts has that smooth, classy feel of The Cowl, definitely another well thought out choice.

I don't have a good choice for the eternal void, either. I'd actually be curious if we could find a person that everyone collectively agrees to play Umbraxis.

@Athinar to answer your comment about Chinatown and Little Sicily being the seedy places a few pages, you'd be correct. But this is The Cowl we're talking about, the Shroud's got their greasy little fingers all over town, illegitimate business is a city-wide thing, from Little Paris to Sherman Square.

Speaking of which, there's a Cowl post and Umbraxis post coming.

I'll try to finish up and have something within the next day or so.

A brow raised as Iron Knight shot heated comments right back at him despite the fact that War-Pulse had already agreed to help. He had not even bothered to acknowledge the handshake, instead deciding to further demonize and attack the mercenary’s stance rather than listen. Either this kid was very bad at negotiations or he had a lot to get off his chest. While he could not say anything about Icon, he could tell this Iron Knight was not one to make compromise lightly, or even shut up for that matter. In any other situation, War-Pulse would’ve slapped his helmet in right then and there, but Iron Knight heard what he wanted to hear and just had to be an arrogant dick about it.

He was just lucky that he was making some sense with his talk. While D-Day was a bit of a toss up between entertainment and necessity, there was the very real complication that with more metahumans work would be much harder to come by. There was no doubt in his mind he was the best of the best, powers weren’t going to change that, he had gone through enough lengths to make sure that on the off chance he ran into a person as strong as he that he could win on skill alone. He had done it before, he could do it again, powers alone did not make him a top-rank mercenary in his own mind. However, a potential employer might not be able to make that differentiation, which would absolutely mess with business. Part of him relished the challenge a world like that would bring, but he could almost hear Warden silently groaning at the thought that they would not be as profitable.

However, even with the facts laid out, that alone would not have stopped War-Pulse from giving Iron Knight the beating he very clearly needed.

It was the others that did that.

The speedsters, their words caught War-Pulse off guard, even caused his features to soften, combined with Icon’s previous words they provided a case he actually seemed to respond to. They did not seem to care if War-Pulse was doing it out of the good of his heart or not, but both just seemed happy that he agreed to join them. If he had said no to their proposal, it could have easily been seen as more scripted nonsense in a desperate attempt to guilt him into joining.

But he already said he’d help, and they still spoke as if they believed Icon and Iron Knight thought he could be redeemed. Did that mean they meant what they said? Were they really being so sincere?

Before he really got the chance to contemplate their motivations, Iron Knight had gone on to explain the next phase of his place. He had displayed another hologram of another metahuman, explaining his need to recruit this person last as part of the team for taking down this superpower threat.

The mercenary’s eyes popped wide, he recognized the girl almost instantly.

“Hey! I know that girl!” He jutted in, moving towards the group while pointing at the display. “I saw her during D-Day. She and I fought some kind of snake-demon in the sewers together, has one hell of a roundhouse kick from what I remember. If you want to send someone to go after her, send me. Icon’s your big gun, your poster boy, you’re going to need him in the city a lot more than you’ll need me for both publicity and for tactics. Lost Haven would lose their shit if the boy scout was seen bailing town.”

As he continued to plead his case, he did take the time to turn his attention momentarily to the girl speedster, who made it clear she was very happy with his choice. He returned her sentiments with a smirk underneath his facemask, giving her a thumbs up.

“Hell yeah, Sprint!” He shouted to her, giving her a nickname off the top of his head, intentionally poking fun at her exhaustion for the run. “Just don't make me regret my decision, I ain’t doing all the fighting for you!”

As he turned to Icon and Iron Knight, he motioned to where the two speedsters ran off. “I like those two. The guy’s a straight shooter, and the girl’s one hell of a firecracker...you know if she’s seein’ anyone?” He laughed, waving the two off before they could answer. “Yeah yeah, I know, not the point right now. Anyway, like I was saying, I know the Spider Chick and it makes much more sense to send me out to Ohio than it does Lost Haven’s prize fighter. Plus, I got an information broker on call, if anyone can pinpoint your lady, it’s him.”

He tapped his earpiece to emphasize his point. ”I can have him synchronize our frequencies so I can radio when I have her on board. Once her and I get back, I can tell you everything I know about the four metahumans who beat me. If this is a leap of faith we’re taking, then we’re dropping off that first step together. You have to trust me, I’ll get Madame Web to get on board.”
@VATROU I was about to get to that actually, the Cowl owns at least a significant hand in most areas of Lost Haven and controls a good portion of it's gangs, everything else it at least has an eye on and its fingers in.

But I'm probably going to sit down in a bit and level out what exactly the Cowl 'owns'. I've already talked to some other gang keepers, but I've got a few ideas for some of the surrounding area. A few lounges in Little Sicily and Little Paris, a large amount of property in Sherman Square, and a chunk of some other undisclosed areas, especially with the amount of contraband The Cowl had smuggled into Lost Haven during the night of the riots. The Shroud Syndicate are getting kick-ups from minor gangs, so really any tree you bark up will most likely lead to them. You let me know you want to mess with the Shroud Syndicate, I'm always more than happy to offer my crime kingpin to the fire. He's been on the backburner since all this cosmic and world chaos occurred, but trust me, he's still out there.

I'll try to re-connect with everyone and see where their territories lie.
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