Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I got a War-Pulse and Cowl post coming, hopefully the Street Crime can get back to form.
I said inconvenient, not emotionally scarring.
@Dedonus Which would be the most inconvenient for her?
I'll probably get it, my awakening game got corrupted right before I was going to finish it, but I'm looking forward to the next one.

Just downloaded Corrin in Smash, I already have many questions.
Eh, this thread gets big traffic in spurts.
Tybalt Argyris

Tybalt was about to answer Hiro when the new man came in, a ruffian with a foul mouth deciding to kick the door in and barrel his way into everyone’s life. Tybalt couldn’t help but emit a soft chuckle, he found the man’s entrance comedic, a man who dared to gain all the attention in the room just to refer to everyone’s intelligence and rummage off to his own corner. It was a good ice breaker, if nothing else, but Tybalt seemed more than content to discuss things with Hiro for the time being.

“Oh, my home was filled with many magical texts.” Tybalt responded to Hiro. “I spent most of my adolescence in my private study since father would not let me go outside and associate with the locals, so they were all I had aside from dueling lessons with the steward.” His smile dipped a little, the conversation reminding him of his father was a touchy subject, especially when it brought up the old man’s cruelty. “When I finally was able to go out and mingle, I had my fair share of knowledge in magic, and since my steward said I had a natural talent for the craft, I practiced, becoming the best mage I could be...and I learned a few petty tricks along the way.”

He chuckled, holding his hand out flat, parallel towards the ceiling. With a flick of his opposite hand, a glass of water magically appeared in his hands...or so he would leave an audience to believe. “I’m as much a trickster as I am a practicing magi...the parlor tricks tend to compliment the actual magic I can wield.”

Taking a sip of the water, he placed the glass on a nearby bedstand before continuing. “Oh, but I digress. You said you were from a family of hunters? You must tell me what that was like! I only hunted for sport, but that was with royal hounds and assistants, they never let me hunt on my own for my own food! Was there times of strife? Did you not eat if you didn’t bring food home? What kind of animal was the best hunt?”

Tybalt Argyris

Tybalt could not help but exhale a large sigh of relief once Hirotsuka had anounced they indeed finished her test. With incredible skill, wits, teamwork, and a fair share of luck, the squad had indeed routed the flying pursuers. He beamed wholeheartedly at his teamates, proud of how quickly they had come together to try and overcome the incredible odds they had faced. Without Pauline, Diana, and Hyakuya keeping him safe, there would have been no way for Hiro of himself to get such clean shots. There was clearly a shred of hope among the group to act as a unified squad.

Which made it all the more startling that Hirotsuka came to him and commended him for trying to lead. He was taken aback, his eyes wide even from the suggestion. Leading? He had not been leading the group, had he?

“I-I was only trying to do what was best for the squad, Lady Hirotsuka,” He said, smiling warmly as she approached with a confident bow to her. “But I certainly proved I’m more than just a handsome face with a sense of humor, didn’t I?”

His confident remark was immediately interrupted by her hand slamming him in the back, knocking the wind out of him in a wicked slap. He gasped, she was much stronger than her little maid form let on, it took quite a bit to actually stay on his feet. He was quick to try and play it off as nothing more than a mere gesture however, hiding his grimace as he tried to stand back upright.

“Oh, I’m looking forward to it.” Tybalt answered when HIrotsuka delivered her warning. He was eager to pursue the next challenge, the sooner he could try to become a knight, the sooner he would win back his family’s honor.

And that was a promise he would swear on his life to keep.

It had taken Tybalt a bit longer to get to the dorm, he had made arrangements for Itazu’s burial and paid for the young man to be traditionally buried as his Fox Spirit heritage would permit. Despite his singular and selfish nature, the young thief had made taken out one of the flyers, that alone was worth a proper burial.

When he finally did arrive, he could already see his teammates talking with the other squad, Triginita. He did not immediately join the groups, instead choosing to survey the living quarters. Huffing in disapproval, he noticed that it was just one big room, with one bed for each of them in bunk formation. This was unfitting for a noble of his stature, he was used to living in embroidered silks and fine linens, not cots with what looked like cotton bedding. He placed his hand on the pillow, gasping silently in disgust. Good Gods, was that duck feathers? He’d get poked by the little stems all night!

Another frustrated huff escaped his lips, running his fingers through his hair as he laid his tomes neatly onto one of the beds, claiming it as his own. He understood he would have to get used to such drab accommodations if he was going to keep trying, but he was not going to be happy about such circumstance.

Not one to show such ugly distaste, he blanketed his disappointment behind an optimistic smile as he turned his attention to who was present. It seemed Hyakuya and Diana were already entertaining some new faces, most likely from the other squad. He considered joining them, but it would be rude to just interrupt their conversation just to introduce himself, so he let them be for the time being. Instead he made his way to Hiro, who was already claiming his bed as well.

“I have to say, I am incredibly impressed at your skills, Sir Hiro. You are an amazing archer.” The mage said, leaning against the wall near the archer’s bed. “Who taught you to shoot a bow like that?”
I will have a post up after work tonight, hopefully.

The endless night was faced with a plethora of obstructions as it followed the opposing force, the cosmic body slowly keeping up with her. She was leading it into the endless net of asteroids of the mighty asteroid belt and trying to crush it under the mighty rocks, hurling a swarm of astral boulders in its direction. The obstructions collided with the black body of the being, each one rupturing the darkness, visible shockwaves erupting off with each thundering impact.

And yet they did nothing to stop its advance, like throwing peas into a tempest. It seemed undaunted by her attacks, and responded with its chilling bodiless words.

I will have whatever World I wish, there is no way to stop fate.

It punctuated its remarks with a vicious array, blasts of dark matter ripping from within its celestial body which tore through the silence to barrage the belt the Light had hid herself in. A few beams she could avoid, but she would not be so lucky with all of them, a concussive shot tagging her as she tried to escape, the sheer force launching her backward, slamming her from asteroid and asteroid as the entity pursued, a blackened moon-sized fog moving what seemed only like inches due to its size, but its travel time was extreme, absorbing passing rocks as it descended upon its miniscule prey.

You cannot defeat the inevitable, Oblivion comes to all.

As she tried to gain momentum, she was once more intercepted by an extension of the void, a tendril of dark matter enveloping her leg. She was still moving too fast to pull her back and absorb her into its body, resisting its pull with everything she had. This Light was proving to be quite a nuisance, fighting hard to keep from being swallowed by the eternal void. A ripple came from deep within its colossal core, the extension swaying wide from the base so that the Light could see the horrifying momentum forming from the swing before it launched her through space.

Straight towards the gas giant in the distance, a colossal ball of storms and chaos awaiting the oncoming cosmic beings as they continued their fateful struggle. The Light was still trying to recover, trying to come back as she was launched through the celestial plane, but she was only met with a colliding array of the belt, the colossal boulders being launched towards her preventing her from being able to regain any balance as the Destroyer pushed her towards the World of Storms.

You call me Pestilence? A disease? I am the Will of the Universe, and I am eternal. Everything faces an end, Little Mercy, if anything I am this World’s sweet release. A cure for their endless corruption.

Its words got more poignant as it ripped into the Light with another beam of Anti-Matter, a cold burst of nothing that parted the universe around it before its sickening impact into the light, the mighty storms and gas now covering the two as they entered the mighty gas giant’s atmosphere

To have come out this far to face me, you must have some semblance of potential, so I will speak to you with honesty. Have you lived among the people of your World? Have you listened to their thoughts? I have experienced what is called ‘humanity’ on that moss-covered spec you call ‘The World’, and I find it laughable. My intrusion upon that pebble was hardly even a noticeable difference from their day to day lives, they threaten themselves with annihilation almost daily, potentially threatening the tiny rocks around their tiny rock. I can assure you, this Civilization will not be missed.

The planet’s mighty winds caused the celestial darkness to sway and swirl as it came towards the girl, once more surrounding her. With a lash, it slammed her in the chest with a mighty tendril, knocking her back and forth between parts of it miles away, her body whipping through storm after storm before thrown into another lash of a second tendril among the mighty hurricanes.

Try as she might, the odds looked against her, she could not rush out and collide with only a mere fraction of the entity, nor could she escape deeper into the planet and be torn apart by the gas and the storms.

It was cornering her, with each passing second darkness filled her vision more and more, The Light barely being able to avoid its grasping Darkness.

It is no mere chance that I come bearing the End. It is Fate. I come to bring peace within Oblivion. I come to bring Silence to the Chaos.

I am an End, Little Mercy, and who are you to get in the way of Fate?
Of course, feel free to PM me and I'll make up spots for you.
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