Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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I think this RP died because the actual fire emblem game came out.

Please don't let this die.

*Locks box*
From what I see, @LeeRoy's character is pretty unique in terms of powerset, and looking at it analytically, he is right to an extent in terms of balance. He is only matching physical strength and durability to a degree, but he can't mimic laser beams or alternative powers, nor can his strength mimic anything supernatural or enhanced by technical prowess. So while he may match up to someone like War-Pulse or Icon in terms of physical power, he can't utilize things like Josie's knife blades, and characters like Iron Knight and Equilibrium will flat out outclass him as he is matching the person, not the craft. Personally I think it separates him from being another superstrong guy and makes encounters with him quite interesting, albeit one sided if he teams up with literally anyone.
Tybalt Argyris

“I am quite alright thanks to you Lady Joan,” The mage responded to her inquiry, taking her hand to get back to his feet, resting on her shoulder as she finished healing him. "I truly appreciate the assistance."

Tybalt had always appreciated the staff, and their wielders. The expedited healing Joan had given him certainly showed she was more than competent in the healing arts, making her a blessing to have on the battlefield. While he wanted to say more, Hyakuya had drifted in with the bandit hostage, showing she had been injured as well and asking for Joan to heal her. Joan's attention would most likely immediately go to that, so Tybalt hurried off towards the remainder of the conflict. He would have to remember to show his thanks to Joan later when they returned to camp.

As he returned to the battle, he grimaced as he felt the area which he had been struck, his skin as smooth as if he had never been hid at all, a testament to Joan’s healing power. However, this left his more important gripe; his outfit had been ruined in the course of the battle.

“Those miscreants! This was Jotenvarr satin!” He whined, “Do they have any idea how much this costs?”

He sighed, there was no point in continuing to complain when they had a fight to win, and this fight was very much in their favor. By his count, there were only two men left, and both were visible from his position.

He could see the bandit leader was far more talented than his brethren, leaping onto the wyvern and threatening Alexandra with a fair bit of confidence. They were going in a death spin now, driving themselves downward in an attempt to shake him off, or have the three of them slam into the ground.

“Oh gods...please don’t die, Alexandra.” Tybalt whispered, not wanting to see another squadmate be taken in these hellish trials. He wanted to help her, try and shoot the bandit off or somehow physically get up there himself to assist.

But he could do neither, the position the bandit had put them in had been one that made Tybalt entirely useless. Magic was not known for being precise, and blasting at the bandit leader would absolutely engulf the three of them, a sacrifice he could not risk. All he could do was pray that Alexandria knew what she was doing, and that one of his other party members would be able to help.

This did not mean there was nothing Tybalt could do, however, as there was one other player on the field. Hiro had laid an arrow into one of the last bandits, immediately halting his progress towards the party and rendering him immobile, and while Tybalt was more than happy to get revenge for his ruined petticoat, there was something more important than that.

He heard these men speak, their leader especially. They were all men of Alistaf, people from his country, all most likely driven to this state due to the loss of the war. Tybalt’s face drooped in sadness, though he tried to had it by hardening his gaze at the last advancing barrier.

“I’m going to ask you once. Surrender your weapons now, and your life will be spared.” He said, raising his hand to show another Arcfire blast ready to be unleashed. At this range, it would be nearly impossible for the man to sway out of the way of the raging inferno, leaving him little choice if he was a smart man.

Impossible. That was the only word appearing deep within Umbraxis as the Light responded and changed, transforming into something more than what her humanoid form had suppressed. The entity was pushed back by the sudden offensive, pieces of its body torn asunder and vaporized by streaks of light, slicing its body to pieces as it was battered back to the heavens. The attacks were so fast and so sudden that not even the mighty encompassing darkness could prepare a reasonable defense before the next devastating wave washed over it, cutting a purging swath over its form, like a scythe blade through a crop, each crippling swing shaking the gas giant as the darkness was violently ejected from the endlessly turbulent atmosphere.

There was just no way, how was it being pushed back? What force in the universe could not only bear the threat of Umbraxis, but meet in in such a fashion? It was in shock, the supercharged hurricanes battering its form and ripping the formless black asunder, causing the entity to feel what could only be described as pain among its existing shock. It buckled and writhed under the other entity's powers, her assault causing substantial wounds upon its formless shape now. There was light among its shadow, crisp burns marring the blackened fog that was its body. This was of course not permanent, the Destroyer already manipulating the matter within to recover the lost mass.

Yet this was alarming to the entity, nothing had ever made such damage to it in such few strikes. There had been such attempts from armadas and fleets of Lost Empires, people who had attacked and failed who had used either supernatural powers or incomprehensibly advanced technology, and yet they had only been minor inconveniences to the Endless Well of Oblivion.

But This was different, this was an assault that actually hurt it, that damaged it, that pushed it back. What new force had it come across? Was it truly something that would push the mighty Destroyer in a way it never had?

Then its opponent stated her existence, labeling herself as not only the name ‘Mercy’, but the representation of Creation. She proceeded to declare ownership of this system, a remark that echoed in Umbraxis’ consciousness, a spark of something long forgotten. It knew those names. Had it heard them long ago in some ancient world it devoured? Had someone passed a myth or legend across a galaxy?

No, this was a deeper memory, an intimate one, as if it had just been reunited with a sibling. It could not necessarily pinpoint the exact connection between the two, but it had the notion this was not the first time it had come across this entity. As it attempted to reform the parts of itself that were ripped apart, the heavens shook with its laughter.

Creation, you say? Umbraxis asked, its swirling darkness attempting to recover after Mercy’s last attack. If that’s truly what you are, then you should already understand my being here is only the Universe taking its course. Nothing lasts forever, little Creation, I am merely the Destruction that brings about that end. If you are what gives it the life, I am the one that takes it away. This is not a declaration of ownership, this is an acceptance of time.

With its words, large orbs were projected from its body, the size of continents. Swarms of anti-matter coalescing with dark matter in several masses from the Endless Void. These orbs hurtled back towards the planet, trying to smash into this newly revealed opponent, and subsequently the gas giant she was hiding in, trying to rip both her and the World he was guarding apart in large anti-matter explosions as it continued to speak to her.

Yet you continue to stand in my way, why? It asked, its tone becoming much more out of curiosity than malice, genuine interest hinted in its words. Do you feel for these...humans? Do they have some other quality that I have missed? What more can this collection of little pebbles offer the Universe, and why does it grant them continued existence?
I think they have chainsaw swords for some reason.

Also, I'll have a post up by tomorrow.
Umbraxis post on the way!
I will probably buy birthright when I get my next paycheck. I know it's the easier of the two, but my friend already got conquest.
I've been wondering if I even really want fates. I downloaded corrin in ssb4 and he's...I don't know, he feels like they tried to make him too much of a special snowflake.
*Waits patiently in her corner for a new Umbraxis post.* :P

I didn't want to double post ._.
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