Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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Speaking of arachne...where is @Dedonus With that arachne post?
Tybalt is the man. "Just took an axe to the frieking kidneys. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna casually melt a dude's face. But if you could spare a moment to heal me though,

Hey, he may be a mage, but push come to shove he ain't takin' shit.

On that note...has anyone been counting how many bandits are left? We said there were ten, but counting the amount killed...

Tybalt: 2
Joan: 1
Alexandria: 2
Diana: 1
Hyakuya: 1

There are 3 bandits left according to the initial count...does that count the leader? If so, considering Heike is strangling one to death, Hiro hitting one in the knee, and the leader fighting Alexandria...I think the fight's over.
Tybalt Argyris

Tybalt turned his attention to the man screaming at the top of the hill, judging by the silver weapon in his hand and the boisterous tone, this was very clearly the leader of this band. The man’s pointed words were punctuated by the tip of his blade pointed at Tybalt, the man had assessed the mage as the biggest threat, and was rallying the group to,move on him to attempt to fool his plans.

Perfect, his strategy was working, and it did not take it long for their initial rally to immediately falter when the manakete suddenly revealed himself behind the enemy lines. Once more the bandits were thrown into disarray, now being attacked by both the wyvern rider and Manakete from their midst, while he, Diana, and Hiro would be able to push forward.

“Hmn...maybe I over thought this attack…” Tybalt murmured to himself, tossing another ball of flame into the midst of the barbarians. He could see now that even among their rally, the Manakete’s appearance had synced the inevitable victory for them. However, even with the overwhelming offensive they had completed, there was still one outlier that needed to be addressed.

The bandit’s female captive.

Glancing to where he had last spotted her, the mage’s eyes popped as he saw the woman tackle a current assailant and go tumbling down the mountain, towards them. If that was not a clear sign the woman was not on the side of the bandits, Tybalt did not know what was. With that in mind, Tybalt knew what he had to do next.

“Diana, I’m going to make my way towards the captive, if you or Hiro cold cover me, we could save--”

His words were cut off when the sound of a whirling hand axe cut him off, spiraling towards his face. Luckily, the mage had enough reaction time to sway to the side of the flying weapon, the item spiraling behind him.

Unfortunately, it was enough of a distraction for the suppressing fire to be halted just long enough for an axeman to rush him. With a wicked cleave, Tybalt let out a shriek of pain as an axe buried into his side.

“GAUGH!” Came from his throat, the sneering bandit trying to wiggle the weapon deeper into his body. However, the bandit’s initial glee from success turned to a wide-eyed pale panic when he realized the enraged spellcaster was not going down.

“You....brutish bastard!” Tybalt growled, fire wreathing his hand. With a twist of his hips, he pulled the bandit closer to him, before shoving the flaming hand into the axman’s face. There was a brief screaming as the bandit’s head was engulfed in flame, but it did not last long as the Arcfire’s explosive punchline cause the bandit’s head to immediately vaporize and disintegrate, leaving a headless, smouldering corpse to collapse in front of the mage.

Tybalt winced as he yanked the axe from his body, throwing the poor quality metal to the ground. He weakly fired another fireball at the advancing squad, though they could probably see that he had been wounded. Blood was staining his robes now, though it was unknown the amount of damage Tybalt had received from the axe swing, the only thing Tybalt did know was that letting up now could spell his end.

“Y..y’know what? I might just stay back and keep suppressing, if someone else could grab the lady.” He called out weakly, but still having the gumption to blast another advancing axeman with an inferno of fire, forcing the man back towards cover “And -ungh!- while I’m making requests, Lady Joan? Could you come and lend a hand, please?”
@Katakon Sounds like a plan to me!
On another note, I'll try to have a post in today or tomorrow.
@Light Sounds like a plan, but with this in mind I'll try keeping with a bit of the theme, making their practices a little bit more similar.

Also @Katakon you have a mage on your party who'd be happy to teach you spells.

EDIT: Also Tybalt may make his way into the 'tactician' class soon, but maybe he won't wield swords. I'm thinking axes, we're short on those. Axetician.
@Light You know, I thought the description of the magus on Aika's character sheet sounded familiar. The Magus is a badass pathfinder class, I'm running one in my Pathfinder game now and he is far and away the most damaging PC on the party. Please tell me this means that Aika has the power to spellstrike people(SHOCKING GRASP MLG PRO).

To answer your question, while I suppose the D&D method of spellcasting could work, I was modeling Tybalt more in the vein of Fire Emblem games in practice. Both Fire Emblem and D&D require some sort of material or focus to use spells(so long as you aren't a sorcerer, bard, or druid). However, in the case of D&D, you have a limited number of spells known to your spellbook, and even then it's limited to castings per day. For me, that doesn't mesh with FE Play, as for many magic-users in the past the use of magic is their only weapon, only now having them use swords and weapons as well as spells. Similarly, D&D has very rigid and well-known spells that do specific utilitary things(grease, black tentacles, fireball, etc.) but not much more or less, whereas in the Fire Emblem universe it is simply utilized as a weapon, with no real evidence of other practical uses.

With this in mind, I was utilizing Tybalt's magical prowess as more superhuman than practiced specific spells. I figured he had a natural energy that he would focus through the use of something like an Arcfire tome to project an effect of fire, while using an Arcwind would produce a different effect with the use of the same amount of energy. I suppose that would be closer to a sorcerer than a wizard in D&D standards, but with no limit on how many uses per day and is heavily reliant on the focus. Of course, in FE fashion I would have these tomes degrade over time, due to the amount of magical energy being forced through them causing them to deteriorate. In this way, I'd keep true to the utilization of magic in the Fire Emblem Universe.

However, if we don't want to have two entirely radical different methods of magical practice, we could collaborate over PM and try and find a good system for how magic works in this world, that way everything in this kingdom flows together well and creates a good grounding for future magic users.
Oh my, our first pre-promotes class! Welcome aboard @Mega Birb!

@Katakon From what I can see, reclassing and promoting should be IC things entirely done by RP. It doesn't make sense to make it some mechanical change, as we aren't playing with stats or die rolls. In my head, the characters should be able to practice other talents without some obtuse "class change" to bump the plot around. Keep it seamless, maybe just have someone like Pauline cast a spell, or have Viviane fight on foot, simple things that show a chracter is "training" in another class.

That's my two cents, though, I'm not sure what @Grafroy Zeppeli has as a ruling on the matter.
And there! 2/3 posts done, War-Pulse post is up with a bit of comic relief!

Now for the Umbraxis post, @The Fair Lady I hope this has not been too much of a delay.

“What do you mean ‘you don’t have a plan?’”

“Eh, figured I’d just wing it.” Trent said, standing on a street corner in Ohio. He had made the commute with a short flight, having touched down mid-morning to a light snowfall. Once he got his bearings he had ditched his battle attire temporarily, switching it out for a leather jacket, t-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans that he ‘borrowed’ from a nearby clothing outlet just off-site of the college campus. “I got a general idea, but in terms of actual specifics...I’ll figure that out later.”

Warden let out a deep, salty breath at the response, taking a few moments before asking. “And what is your ‘general idea’ then? Because you told Iron Knight you were going to get Audrey to sign on, and I’d hate to see how he reacts if you show up empty handed.”

“Let me worry about him, Warden.” War-Pulse said. “As for the general idea...well the dossier had her home address, why not just go there and ask her?”

“Oh god…” Another audible sigh, more annoyed than the last. “Trent, that’s a horrible idea.”

“Wha? Why?” He responded, waving a car off as he crossed a small intersection. “Being direct has always worked out, at least that way she knows exactly what she’s up against.”

“She’s a costumed crimefighter, Trent.” Warden said. “Tracking her to her home and blowing her cover is going to cause her a sense of panic, she’s going to start wondering who else knows her ‘secret identity’.”

“Well, I’ll just be honest with her, then.” Trent said. “The girl deserves that much.”

“You want to just blow all the secrets gathered on her?” Warden asked. “Just give her everything?”

“It’s a good way to get her trust.” Trent chuckled. “Plus, I’m kind of curious to see what goody-two shoes like her do in her off time. What’s her home life like? Especially with that spider-butt.”

“I’ve been surveying the Ohio newsfeeds for the past few months, there has not been any reports of any women with spider abdomens in the area. My guess is that she’s been utilizing some sort of suppressor to keep herself hidden amongst the crown.”

“Really? You think it hides her new hooters as well?”

“You were listening when those four were droning on, I’m impressed.”

“Hey, I’m not totally thickheaded. Before you I had to collect intel on on my own.”

“And you had a shitty reputation because of it.”

“Pft, fair enough,” The mercenary said, slipping through the doors to the apartment complex. “You should at least be happy I’m not walking up there in super attire, we’d be really turning heads then.”

“You and I both know what happened last time you walked into a target’s house wearing your full battle-ready suit.”

“Ugh...way too well,” Came the mercenary as he visibly shuddered, making his way down the street. “Idiot thought I was part of his ‘roleplaying’ harem...eckh…”

“At any rate, I do not think anything I say at this point is going to change your mind, so...I suppose I will just say good luck, and hope you do not do anything too stupid.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Warden.” Trent quipped, offering a scoff to punctuate his statement. “You really know how to make it sound like you actually have faith in me.”

Of course, Warden had already switched off his end of the comm, though Trent had no doubt the craft information broker had left the audio on in case he needed to tell Trent anything important. Warden always only spoke when he felt the need to speak and nothing more. As much as the man talked, it was only about anything relevant to the current situation. He never spoke about his past, nor did he speak about his personal life. Even Trent could not truly say he knew his compatriot, but at least he always had good information.

The mercenary took no time in walking straight through the door to the apartment complex, making his way over to the complex’s mailboxes to align the apartment number from the dossier to the requisite floor he would need to climb to. He pulled one of the papers free from his pockets, the one with her address, before slowly scanning the mailboxes for the one with the matching apartment number.

“Uhhh...can I help you, mister?” Came a voice from behind the merc. The soldier of fortune turning to see a woman behind him. She was a skinny girl, rather plainly attired and clutching a large number of what looked like textbooks. She was dressed in a mini-skirt despite the weather being nowhere close to warm enough to pull that off, with raised heels that clacked on the tile floor as she moved closer.

“Wha? Oh, well…” The mercenary said, already slightly off put by the amount of perfume that was overwhelming his nose. “I’m looking for someone.”

“Oh? Well who would that be?” She asked, legitimately sincere in tone, flipping her curled brown hair over her shoulder as she placed a hand on her hip. “Maybe I can help?”

“Oh, really? That’d be great!” Trent said. “Do you know where a woman by the name of Audrey is?”

The woman’s face hardened almost automatically, twisting into a scowl as the merc uttered the name. “Oh god, you’re another one, aren’t you?”

“I’m sorry?” Trent asked, raising a brow. “Another what?”

“Another one of her creepy fucking stalkers,” The girl responded, snarling as she clutched her books. “You’re just here to try and get in her pants, aren’t you?”

“Wha? Hell no! I’m here on business!” Trent said.

“Sure you are, fabio.” The girl responded, clearly not buying his explanation displayed by her pouted lips. “You and the last five guys making excuses to find her address. I swear, ever since her ‘changes’ she’s been getting all the attention around here.”

“Soooo...are you protecting her or jealous of her?” Trent asked. “Because right now I can’t tell if it’s one or another.”

The girl, clearly offended by the comment, gasped in an exaggerated fashion, her hand coming around in a flash to slap Trent directly in the face, the sound echoing slightly even as she stormed off towards the stairs. “You can just help yourself, creep!”

“Ack! Friggin’ psycho!” Trent said, grabbing his face more out of anger rather than pain. He snarled, readying another mean comment her way only to realize she had walked off. He glared at her, watching the woman leave while holding his face in a mixture of confusion and frusteration. “Okay...looks like the rumors about her ‘assets’ were true, then…” Trent murmured to himself. “Better try and keep eye contact if this is going to work.”

“You know you won’t.”

“Oh, shut up, Warden!” Trent snapped at his comm as he headed up the stairs, continuing to grumble as he made his way upwards from the ground floor. This pattern continued as he slogged his way up the flights of stairs, slowly looking at each room number to try and collaborate with the information given until he found her room, a single wooden door seemingly in the very middle of the long hallway, the room number matching what was given to him. Rolling his shoulders, Trent took a short breath in, giving himself a short preparation to try and brace himself for what was sure to be a very interesting conversation.

“Well, here goes nothin’.” He murmured to himself before rapping his fingers three times on the wooden door, the sound echoing down the hallway with each rhythmic knock.

The mercenary could only hope he would have a good explanation for Audrey before she answered the door.
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