Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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My internet shit itself, so I can't finish my post tonight. I'll get it in tomorrow.
@Dedonus Pfffft, what could go wrong?

*Cue transition to Ohio, the entire state is on fire.*

War-Pulse: "Okay, before you start...there is a very good explanation for this..."

PS, That post should be up by tonight,
Yes, from the sounds of it, a Ninja and Manakete would be able to take some sort of roundabout path(either by lightly scaling the mountainside or just giving the encounter a wide berth) to be able to scale behind the enemy as they come down the mountain towards us.

My post is up, took me a bit longer than I had hoped(Again) and it may need some editing, but hopefully the strategy Tybalt made makes sense, I'm still trying to get a general visual of the area other than mountains and snow.
Tybalt Argyris

Already the signs of their opponents were coming clear, the weather masking their enemies’ approach as they descended from the ruins, the flash of a sword or axe glinting as they descended the rocky terrain. Tybalt smirked, flipping open the pages of his Arcfire tome as the others prepared, he had figured they were going to run into this trouble sooner or later, why not on the cold, snowy hill. He could only make out a few popping up from the ruins, the occasional glower of a menacing brute ready to snap them in half, rip the whole team to shreds and take the woman for a victory lap.

A worthy challenge for his skills.

A hard glare took hold on the mage’s face as he took in his surroundings, a battle plan beginning to form as the original potshots were being taken to size each other up.

The fine Lady Alexandria had taken the assault first. Mounted on her trusty wyvern she had spearheaded the assault against the bandits in a grand show of force, even obscured by the ongoing blizzard, it was clear she was making quite an impact. Though he had little interaction within the month of training, he was well aware of Lady Alexandria. He had known of the Demon Baroness before her addition to the squad, hearing her name passed among the lips of nobles during his family’s dinner parties back when his family still had the standing to have parties, a beautiful woman who had lost her beloved husband, and instead found solace in companionship with a beast. They had said it was unfitting of a lady of her standing, flying about on a winged pseudodragon like a common fighter.

Looking at the two now in the midst of battle, even through the blizzard, the only truth from those rumors Tybalt could see was she was indeed beautiful. His enamoured gaze snapped free once Hyakuya spoke, bringing him back into the here and now long enough to respond to his request.

“I couldn’t agree more, my friend. The element of surprise is a valuable asset.” He replied to the dragon-kin, before turning his attention up north, scouting out the ruins. “If what the woman says is true and there is only ten, our best option is to trap them, force them to fight on our term.” He motioned to the top of the hill, near the entrance point where the bandits had spawned from. “Which is why I’m trusting Pauline to get you behind their ranks. If you and our ninja friend can sneak past them and cut off their escape, you can change into a dragon and strike from their rear. We will lock them into a pincer maneuver, forcing to fight on two fronts. It’s a risky manuver, but if it works, we’ll strain their resources enough to annihilate them.” His eyes glanced to their ninja compatriot, who had been relatively silent since their arrival. “I put the stakes of this plan into your hands, and I have the utmost confidence you’ll be able to get a safe path to place our Manakete in the right spot for the pincer maneuver to be successful."

He placed his hand on Hyakuya’s arm, offering the man a cheery grin to calm his conscience. “If you are spotted, make sure you change and defend yourself, try and regroup as soon as you are in trouble, and get Lady Alexandria to cover you. I’m not looking to risk your life if I can help it.” He turned his attention to the others, Hiro and Diana specifically. “Sir Hiro, Lady Joan, Lady Diana, if my plan is to work, we need to cover their infiltration, and that regards getting their attention.” A wild glint in his eye seemed to shine through the snowy tundra as his attention turned to the advancing bandits. “We need them to focus on us for the moment, force them to advance out into the open, and to do that we need to convince them to target us. In other words; let’s give them something to fear.”

With that, he stepped forward, a fireball erupting in his free hand. In an enthusiastic cry, he let loose the mighty inferno, bursting onto a rock one of the bandits was hiding behind. The enemy shrieked, jumping back under the rock to pin him behind his measly cover.

“Come on, you ruffians!” Tybalt shouted, hurling another explosive flare into the enemy midst. “You predators of helpless woman! Goblins of the mountains! Bring your axes and swords to my flame! See how much your talents fair when faced with our spears, arrows, and spells! Show me what a bandit of the north is really capable off!”

He tossed another blast of arcfire into the terrain, this time colliding with a myrmidon who had thought he could get the drop on the overconfident mage. His mistake was realized a half-step too late as he was immediately immolated when he hopped out of cover, the flames washing over him in a sea of painful death. HIs screams filled the mountainside as he desperately attempted to put himself out, rolling on the floor as his flesh blackened and crackled, quickly reducing him to a charred skeleton.

Tybalt laughed wildly, revelling in taking the piss out of the ruffians. Of course, he knew he was setting himself up as a target, but he trusted his comrades. If everything worked according to plan, this was assured to work.
I'll try to have a post up today.
Welp, I'm back from the Deadpool movie, it was pretty good from the eyes of a fanboy of the character for 8-9 years. Not sure about everyone else, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

However, it has come to my attention that there is a point of contention that comics are occasionally referenced in game, and I'm not sure why. It's not hurting anything, and I'm inclined to agree with the side that Marvel and DC could exist in some capacity. The only heroes that really existed and were public up until a few years ago were in WWII, and even at that point it's a one time incident. Not only that, comics did not get their origins from heroes anyway. Up until Superman it was cowboys, soldiers, or supernatural horrors that starred in comics, superheroes came later. The idea that these markets stop because actual metas exist does not add up, that's like saying movies and books involving murder mysteries would not have a market because murderers exist.

I don't know, I don't see the harm in the occasional referential humor, it keeps the world grounded in a reality we can connect to. Having these characters have references to things that exist in our world gives the CaH world something that we can equate things to, one that a fictional publisher or fictional heroes within the fictional world wouldn't match up to. Many of our characters seem to be slightly nerdy or understand pop-culture references, having parts of pop-culture removed can take parts of a character away.

Again, I'm not seeing the issue in the references, but that's just my two cents on the matter.
Anyone else seeing the deadpool premier tonight?

I am super excite.
I would reply, but...deadpool is premiring tonight.
I'm still chugging away at a war pulse post.
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