Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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That's great, looking forward to it. The dark side at this point needs all the help it can get. We're starting to look outnumbered.
@LeeRoy Had I more character slots, I'd be happy to make a foil for you. It's a shame we don't have more villains running around.

So did War-Pulse! For...completely opposite reasons...

He may have been paid to capture her...

He's not the greatest guy...
Oof, might need to drop that association if it's that recent. No worries, I can work without the scary genderless death nebula. :P

If you want to let me in a little bit on your character's story, I can help you incorporate the big scary death cloud into your backstory.
At this point? It's been probably a week or two, from what I've gathered.


Guys, I may have all my characters in multiple collabs.
Y'know, everyone just assumes Umbraxis is male, I've never assigned a gender to it.
@VATROU I definitely understood the original concern when I debuted Umbraxis to the game. A matter manipulator with ungodly powers always raises a red flag, but my reasons for its existence in this game were genuine. I play mostly all villains because I like giving heroes a challenge to overcome. Something that is all-powerful and imposing gives the heroes something to band together against.

There is always a thanos or darkseid in the comics world, a galactus or brainiac that the heroes know for a fact is far too powerful to take on alone, and super groups are formed to combat them. I took that position of a cosmic threat to do that exact thing and it worked, making a terrific street brawl between Boom, Thunderbolt, and Icon which resulted in one of the coolest victories in game to date pulled out of their asses to overcome this challenge. I am always a fan of heroes beating near-impossible odds, making their struggles all the more meaningful and tense, David vs Goliath type brawls.

From a narrative standpoint, if the villain isn't imposing or a legitamite threat, then the final battle doesn't have the same weight. Even having the hero and villain on equal footing lessens the tension as it is two people who teeter on a 50/50 chance, I like the odds much more favored toward the villain for the heroes to really feel good about winning.

Hell, one of the most popular vs matches right now is batman vs superman, a match which on paper weighs heavily in superman's favor, but the majority wants batman to win. Not because batman has better powers, but it is just that much more impressive when he inevitably lands that victory. Will Umbraxis destory the world? I don't know, maybe that will come up again, but from a storytelling standpoint, I made it to be a plot element, not a character I would tote around just to hold over other people's heads as "lel I can beat errybody 1v1". I think @nitemare shape understood that when I made it and okay'd me to have it.

TL;DR: Umbraxis is balanced because it would be shitty if I godmodded my way to destory the planet.
Any reccomendatioms between conquest and birthright so far?
I know, right? I'd want to continue the legacy just out of our characters being cool in some other way. I'll give it like another day or so before really worrying, though.
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