Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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Sorry guys, things got hectic, I can't join too many games anymore, go on ahead without me.
Fair enough, count me in otherwise.
@Light I'm on board as a co-Gm as well.
I'd be down with that, might make Tybalt into a tactician for another RP.
I think this rp is dead otherwise.
Phoenix has been having some technical difficulties resulting in our big sith/jedi post being delayed, I've been working on an Emperor post myself.
@LeeRoy Fair enough, just elaborating on my position, I didn't mean for it to come out as an attack. I apologize if it sounded that way.

We're cool either way, I'm looking forward to seeing where things go from here.
@LeeRoy Alright, I think I see where you're coming from, and I honestly do agree with your opinion. I understand that in order to make a story more dramatic there does have to be some sort of stakes, a give and take. If the villain isn't threatening something, then it's not doing its job. Things need to be threatened and damage needs to be done, there is no motivation for a hero if the villain isn't going to try and either hurt the hero themselves or the people close to them. That's fine, I do agree with that. And for the record, I have caused damage with my villains, the NPCs killed did mean something to those characters. Umbraxis killed cops, fueling the rage of both Thunderbolt and Boom, and The Shroud Syndicate killed Lyger's best fried(unintentionally, but that's still a driving point). It may not be what you had in mind, but that's still hurting them.

However, I'm simply pointing out this is a collaborative effort, and I'm not looking to end anyone else's fun because I need to make my character more intimidating. Sure, NPCs only matter in universe, but that's still important motivation for the heroes. Even your recommended villain Ozymandias(who I would agree is more interesting than Galactus) had a grand scheme that killed a bunch of supporting characters nobody cared about instead of the actual characters, with the Comedian being the obvious exception(Rorschach was killed by Dr. Manhattan and was not part of Ozymandias' plan). It is not the act that causes the rise, it is the reactions from the other characters that brings the weight, NPC or otherwise. This isn't a single person's story, everyone has something important they want their character to do, and I respect the interest of a person to try and keep them in mind when I want to attack or permanently injure their character. Sure, throwing someone like Eva against someone like Nightmare alone will more than likely result in Eva's death, but it should at least be conversed between the two players to make that event meaningful.

Impact is very as important as you said, and if I were writing the story on my own, many existing characters would die. But I'm not writing it alone this is a collaboration, and I'd rather see everyone's characters serve their purpose rather than become fodder because I need them to. If I want to hurt someone's character, I'll talk to them about it. I'm not looking to upset the players, just the balance in game. A dramatic act like killing or hurting another player's character only works if everyone's on board, otherwise what is the point of collaboration? Judge my characters as you wish, but I do think I've made efforts to cause dramatic tension among the game and not its players. Saying things like 'I guarantee the death of three heroes' implies taking the story in your own direction, not collaborating with someone to see if their character's death could fuel a good plot point in the future.

I'm not disagreeing with you on the idea of hero/villain dynamic at all, you're absolutely right. I just want to do it respectfully, and we admittedly have differing views on what hurts a PC.

And @Dedonus You were right with Umbraxis not using his full power, his avatar form was what touched down on Earth.
That was my mistake @Raptorman, The Good Doctor totally does.

And I'm not exactly out hunting superhero heads @LeeRoy, if villains happens to kill heroes, it'll happen, but I'm not looking at it like a contest, just a good story. People are reasonable, and villains don't need to be hero-killers to be interesting or intimidating from my experience.

This is a complied story, from what I see if it'll make the story more dramatic for a villain to win, I'd see it done, but if it makes more sense for a compiled narrative for the heroes to win out, I'd rather see that. This is a story, I'm just seeing how we can make that story better is all.
@VATROU With Nightmare and the Cowl, I feel like all the heroes do is fail.

To be fair with the Cowl, everyone who has tried to track him down didn't 'fail' just something else happened to them. Out of the three people who specifically called out the Cowl, Ares got beat by Athena before he got the chance, Equilibrium was captured by STRIKE, and Lyger's now embroiled in Pax Metahumana. The only one who still has a beef with him is the Cancer, and we haven't been focusing on a gang war because The Cowl has been primarily focused on keeping his operations in the dark.

It's not like it's going to be easy, but The Cowl's one big success is his smuggling job so far. I'm hoping his open bounty on Jack Grey's head will cause some commotion, but one can only wait and see.

<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

This made me laugh because Rach, depending on her influences, can lean toward either bad or good. Her personality doesn't make it really that hard for her to be a baddie and her history gives her a primary excuse for it really. I think Hero had to ask if I had plans to turn Rach into a villain at one point which I answered: Depends on those she's mostly connected to.

Which again, is just great, but I'm starting to see that's a pattern with both existing and new villains. Even on the character page, I count about 6 true-blue villains and 13 heroes. The walking the line characters may occasionally get wrapped up in both, but it leaves those 13 heroes with a lot of people focusing on one or two stories, which is fine. Of course, this doesn't count the unlabeled villains, characters without a CS like Nightmare, Good Doctor, and Forsaken, and Jaqueline, but I'd certainly like to see more public villains with a CS pop up in case we ever want to make a sort of 'Injustice League'. I'm talking about world conquerors, masterminds, people who got henchmen and assassins at their fingertips. Hell, I got some ideas for more villains, and I'm always willing to contribute the foils for my own lore.

However, it's not really a concern, just an observation. I'm not exactly fretting because we're going to run out of ideas, but hey, someone else we can pool into the villain side for the heroes to duke it out with later isn't such a bad thought.
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