Avatar of NeutralNexus
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 698 (0.19 / day)
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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At this point, we probably have the whole spectrum of D&D alignments, but who represents each one?
*Careens though twelve buildings and crashes into a dumpster*

Alright @Dedonus, you heard the lady, hold still! This is for the good of the thread!
Dangit! You're right! I'll have to make a stop at the local wal-mart, I think they're still open for candles...but where am I going to get an innocent's blood at this hour?
*Watches the doll fly away*

Crap...took me way too long to put that into a doll...now it's free once more...

*Grabs a spellbook and incense*

I'll be back, maybe.
I'm absolutely okay with that comparison.
@Fallenreaper, I just noticed you stopped calling my villain 'The Crowl'

*Sniff* I'm so proud...
If you want Dark and Edgy. Just watch Daytime TV in IC. With Dr. Wayne. It's basically Bruce Wayne as Dr. Oz, with his Batman voice.

"Today on Dr. Wayne, we find a suitable vitamin supplement to fit your health needs...FOR DISPENSING VIGILANTE JUSTICE."
What do I gotta do to make Umbraxis darker? I think its murder-sprees are dark enough...
Our timelines right now in visual form:

Also, has it really been a year and a half since Aubrey and Pulse's first collab? Wow, we've been playing for a long time.
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