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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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None of raptorman's or his affiliates were involved in this mini-arc(which now looks to be a full-blown arc) which means it can continue as planned once I make the requisite PMs and posts to really get the ball rolling.

As for this time skip to season 2, I think we need to take a small step back and clarify a few things. We all have to keep in mind that the 2 week timeframe is taking effect once the pax metahumana arc is over, and we have no set time for when that arc ends, could be in a few weeks, could take months, we are busy people and we barely even know anything about the villain other than War-Pulse giving him a lousy name, so I don't see that arc coming to an immediate and anytime soon.

That being said, if this arc Fallen and I start ends up being cut in the middle due to a time skip, it would be a bit of a complication. While I can set up contingencies, I'd prefer to have everything compact(despite how many moving parts it has) and finish it by the end of season 1. I know that is a difficult request, but I understand Fallen's concern and hopefully we can establish a sort of compromise. Maybe the time skip is shorter or we can make a contingency, I'd like that to be up for a debate with the GMs in case of either result.
Man, I almost feel like all my villains are just being so attacked right now and I can't fathom why. :P

@Sep I'll finish what he's doing now and get back to you on that.
@Hound55 I can't tell you how happy I am for that reference.

Also, I got so caught up with this, I did not finish my post for @Melonhead, but I will try to finish it tomorrow morning.
@Fallenreaper It's true, I'm at least honest that I'm just three kids sitting on one another's shoulders trying to sneak into an R-Rated movie underneath a trenchcoat.
Wait, did they all tell different stories?

I honestly have to give this guy credit, he was super creative to make this many accounts and personalities and keep them for as long as he did.

I feel you @VATROU, having that kind of free time I'd make so many stories.

That being said, looking at it now, I feel like this is Raptorman's supervillain origin.

Meh, it's a setback, but we'll recover.
Makes sense, would provide the least amount of suspicion if none of his accounts had similar personalities. I think what caught him was the same three accounts probably went to all the same RPs.

Still...why make three accounts in the first place?
@Dedonus I'm actually kind of bummed about that. I had a solution for the dilemma but it was going to open into a manhunt for War-Pulse after the current arc, which I was kind of excited for.

Oh well, no big whup, I'll just hope someone picks up that slack and make some other plans in that wake.
Wait what? That makes no sense, why would a person use multiple accounts? I mean I didn't even know that was a rule. I'm genuinely confused by that, do you make different accounts so you can play by yourself or what?

So let's see...raptorman...marra mistborn...fair lady...

Welp, there's half the collabs I was writing up. Bad news is that was a lot of writing that's never going to be used now.

Good news is guess who is free for more collabs? Also this means an Umbraxis post is coming soon so watch out, world!

My vote's for Gene therapy.

Or the Viral arc, as this does revolve around a virus.
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