Avatar of Neziul


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1 mo ago
Current Old-school OWoD style VtM?
1 mo ago
When you're ugly enough that you know you'll never get a date in the next few years, does that count as being a hopeless romantic?
2 mos ago
Spare me the soul-wretching diatribes, give me an interest check that's actually interesting .
4 mos ago
Happy Humility Month! 😊
4 mos ago
I want to live a more alive life. I want to love. I want to overcome strife. I want to wake one day and no longer have to fight my ancient enemy. The one who noone else can see. A demon inside of me


Just a starfish alien trapped in a human body on Earth.

In the language of my people, Neziul means Noone, Nonesuch, or Noname. It is a word similar in flavor to your earthlings' "Nemo".

Most Recent Posts

Camarilla clans only??
The Tremere are blood mages.

But a Malkavian could believe wholeheartedly that she was a mage even in a world where none exist.
@Ignorancebliss I might actually not be able to come up with something. I've been lore diving in the forgotten realms wiki trying to come up with a solid background for my PC and I just have nothing. My inspiration is at an all time low. But I really do love this idea and hope it's a very successful rp, though.
@Ignorancebliss I am working on a character as well. A Dragonborn fighter from Waterdeep.
I find it interesting.
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