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Zane620 said
Mok put his gun to his head when he saw Gio yet again coming,contemplating if killing himself might be a better option, instead of facing the arguing monster that lies within Gio. "And again you tell them to go fuck themselves, and find someone different. You really don't have a backbone, until someone tells you your wrong do you? There are hundred of people out there that aren't in a squad that can train you. Yu Amagi for example, he was trained by that Hakuda idiot I mentioned, and he resides on a mountain. Hell Tabo wasn't even a member when he trained Hikari. And not true, I was brought back because, if he didnt bring in anyone, we would only have five captains. Maybe four if you count wherever the fuck Rinkei goes. And a world above them is not true. The lieutenants of most squads could probably give me a challenge as they have been in that position for a long time. You just became it, you are not some skilled master at anything yet. Its takes years and understanding. One of which you seem to lack, yet if you must show me what you can do, then by all means." Mok said as he sealed his shikai and now rested his sealed state on his shoulder. "Fair warning though. I will be twenty times much harder on you now."

Gio made a mental note of who Mok was 'recommending' but he had already made up in his mind where he would go for his training. same place he went last time, the Sect. though last time he trained with them...holy shit it was the same thing. they had forbid him from using kido too...but but weight seals on his arms and legs. in hindsight it was pretty effective..but going back meant more weights and more fights... but of course he was going to go back anyway.

now that he was given a second chance, along with diminished odds he flew forward towards Captain Mok. "Senkienton” he started out seemingly right where he left off, except the smoke was coming from his blade instead of an ‘explosion’ from his hand. With a spinning downward slash he wrapped the smoke around himself while aiming from Moks neck, but pulled back at the last second. The entire blade disappeared into the smoke that was still expanding. Suddenly it shot out in a thrusting motion rapidly, over and over again in instantaneous succession. Each thrust sending out a trail of red smoke effectively covering the area. The speed of his attacks slowed down slightly as he moved through the smoke stabbing at different angles. Mok probably noticed the expansion of his strikes as they became wider in their grouping, aiming without a clear pattern. But at the same time the strikes were precise and quick, as one might expect from a rapier such as his blade. Without warning the blade was replaced with a glowing blue first aimed for Moks face. It wasn’t a prefect execution of the technique Mok had shown Gio not too long ago but it was pretty close. And getting closer to his face
just leave my flawless nurse alone
"i was not told to stick to what my squad does. i was told to stick to my squad in terms of training." Gio clarified "but for you to call what i did "shit" makes me think your used to the old system, back when everything was much much stronger in general. which stands to reason that you could have been blindfolded, weighed down with your hands tied behind your back and i probably still wouldnt have been able to hit you. but that is a testament to your strength, not a fair assessment of mine. your a world beyond the majority of the seirietie, thats probably why you were asked to come back." Gio shunpoed after the man yet again. he didnt really notice that he was technically demonstrating his Hoho skills, not that the man was paying any attention to that. It wasnt the Kido ban that was bothering him, ok thats a lie. on top of being told he was shit at what he was good at, he was bared from getting better, and expected to get better at things he was actually shit at... kinda backwards but what ever. He wasnt looking for excuses, just a fair assessment.
gio kinda just floated there" dude seriously? i finally go on an offensive and you stop before i demonstrate the things you said i didnt demonstrate, ... and for the record. i attempted to train under others...I was told to stick to my squad." there were at least 4 other frustrations Gio had with the entire exercise, the real big one being that the entire mood changed half way through. somehow he was being judged he had not presented....that would have been to his detriment to to demonstrate. being shot at makes it exceptionally hard to punch somebody. so when he closed the distance it realy irritated him that that was the end. Gio thought for a second...." wait a minute. I only used 6 Kido. 4 bakudo and 2 hado" by this time he was already alone in the sky so he Shunpoed after his captain to argue. Sure he got the point The man was trying to make. it wasnt good to rely on kido, noted. but he had been working on that since the merger. it would at least be fair for Mok to see his skill in other areas before makeing such a judgement.
Gio's eyes, saw one thing. a frozen hado. the captain spoke as if he knew Gio's strengths and weaknesses and that Gio didnt know his. and unfair advatage in a unfair fight. somehow that didnt seem right. thats what he physically processed. But his senses burned, he could feel his own energy barreling at him but his mind wasn't processing it at first. By the time that he did he erected a bakudo 73 Tozansho around himself. the speedy conjuring of the Bakudo made it not as sturdy as it could have been. it took the brunt og the hado but the bullets shot through the barrier like glass. Gio curled himself up trying to be as small as possible while he took hits. "bakudo 39. Enkosen" this barrier he erected in the form of a circular shield was denser. he was pushed back to the edge of the large barrier b the sheer impact of the bullets. a smoke screen wouldnt work...actually yes it would. "bakudo 21. Sekeiton" Gio made a smoke screen erupt and cover the entire area while he was still getting hailed by the bullets.with his vision obstructed he didnt have to rely on his eyes, only his sense. and in such close quaters that might help him. Gio pushed off the wall/barrier toward Mok as he fed his energy into the barrier to keep it from breaking.
Zane620 said
Mok watched Gio continuously flee which made him sigh in shame. He tried man ways to flee from the oncoming shots but that was all he was doing. "Well I've seen all I needed." Mok mumbled to himself as he shunpoed in front of Gio with his hands forming a circle. "Bakudo 89, Enkei seru." A giant blue orb then formed around both Mok and Gio cutting them away from the outside. "The object of this, was yes to test your ability to sense others, but even though you may have sensed me. Why didn't you try to stop me from attacking? When you run, you give your enemy a great chance to kill you. Sure placing traps is all and good, but you have to judge if that's wise or not. Some ploys were decent such as moving around the squad twelve people. Granted if I was an enemy I would have just killed you all. Oh well, enough fooling around." Mok said as he aimed a Gatling gun at Gio. And soon he find more than a hundred bullets flying at him.

once gio was trapped in the blue orb he let out a sigh, trying to catch his breath. "i didn't try to stop you because i wanted to test you as well. to see what my captain was capable of" there was that and the fact that bringing a sword to a gun fight wasnt the best idea in Gio's head. the level of control Mok had was astounding and he had gotten to see some of it for himself. Buuuut now he was looking at a Gattling Gun. Gio held his sword up with the flat side facing Mok. "hado58. Tenran, Hado 68, Raikoho" with both Kido being a part of his elemental affinities they were a bit stronger than normal with his shikai activated. Additionally because of his shikai's ability that gives him a masterful control over his own energy the two kido were fired perfectly in tandum creating a devastating Lighting twister that he hoped would overwhelm the hail of bullets while flying quicking toward the captain.
a canon...are you fricken serious....damn it

with several bullets behind him and hundreds infront of him, the obvious moved would be to move laterally and quickly. Instead he busted a U-turn and headed back to the ground. "roar, sorareo-O'' his rapier sparked but it was his body that went up in lightning, boosting his speed. it was a painful process so he used it sparingly, but now seemed like a decent time. he weaved around the bullets and hit the ground and bolted. with a elecbang style flash he shunpoed straight ahead. to control those bullets was pretty astounding. With his speed boost wearing off he needed a plan. there were far too many bullets tailing him. and the captain kept intercepting him. his barrier wouldnt be able to block this many, and he would take more than his 8 remaining hits. so that was out. He Launched himself through an alley way "Bakudo 37. Tsuriboshi" he dropped a glowing orb that shot out and created an elastic construct to catch some of the bullets. he tried to time it to make it too close for a majority to maneuver. but he kept his attention ahead of him. instead of coming out the allyway he went up and stayed close to the roof tops as he flew.
Sinai made it to Squad 10. she probably should have looked for Haruka, but instead she asked to speak to the captain directly. it might of pissed a few people off, might not have. She honestly didn't care. It wouldn't bother her if the Captain didn't have time to see her. they tended to be very busy, especially in light of recent events. Sinai waited at Tabo's door after knocking. In the back of her mind she was playing over her past. she hated doing that, but the little flash back this assignment gave her were on her mind. What really pissed her off was that it was her fault. She was the one that went back and continued the investigation.
Zane620 said
Mok watched him dodge some bullets, while two of the bullets had hit him so far. Mok frowned at this and cracked his neck. "Two already? Geesh, you need work kid. Well At least i can see where he need training." Mok said as he picked up his sniper rifle and shunpoed off appearing infront of Gio in a matter of seconds. Instead of holding a sniper rifle the form now looked like a shotgun, except for the fact there was now two of them in his hands. Mok wasted no time in pointing both of them at Gio, and firing off them, sending Bullets spraying through the air at him.

Gio sensed his captain moving rapidly toward him, right in front of him even. He was surprised to see two shotguns pointed at him but quickly dropped into a dive avoiding the spray of bullets. note to self, multiple firearms = Mok. from a sniper rifle to two shot guns was a peculiar skill. Gio wasnt sure if it was his shikai or even related to his zanpakuto but it was becoming clear why the man was picked for squad five. or maybe not. the game was still young. it wasn't smart to assume Gio had the advantage in the sky, but it was safe to say it improved his odds. Gio flew low, weaving through people near the squad 12 barrack as he flew around its perimeter then back into the air. he would be able to gauge the captains control by seeing how many bullets avoided other people in pursuit of him.
the first thing Gio noticed was the change in velocity of the kido being shot at him. they were coming at him faster but the distance he made made the trajectory noticeable. untill they started following him. the slightly wooded area didn't cover him as well as he thought it would have which proved on of his suspicions right. the Captain wasnt just testing his detection skills. Gio pressed his back to Sogyoku hill and Shunpo'd up, some of the bullets hit the wall. of course others followed him. He kicked off the wall but took a hit to the shoulder which made him spiral. that shit hurt. "Harmonize, Sorareo" he grabbed his blade at his side and drew it. it was only so that he could fly fluidly, so he flew toward the squad 12 barracks. He lost the ability to make the bullets hit things and stop chasing him..but he loved flying and was pretty good at it. his maneuverability had increased in the air letting him dodge easier. but it opened him up to more bullets, like the one that caught his leg.
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