Avatar of Nightfall
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    1. Nightfall 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Reborn from the ashes


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I'm interested and will give it a shot :)

I am definitely down for this!
WIP as well


Name: Derek Knight

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Role: Caring Caretaker

Likes: Animals, reading, caring for others

Dislikes: Pushy people, conflict, arguing, his child-hood.

Personality: Kind, caring and gentle.

Relationships: Single, has apprehensions about the others.

Biography: Ever since his days in the reformatory school, Derek has worked to better himself. He is ashamed that he used to be the main one who would bully Jack, call Tia 'Godzilla', and just be a giant prick. Once he got to the big world and realised that he had been selfish and a nasty child, he turned his life around. Now he dedicates himself to looking after others. Haunted by his past and the things he did (some of which he cannot recall because he has buried them so far down that they have become majorly repressed) he continues to strive to help others, hoping to find solace for his past actions. He chose to go to the reunion to make good with the others, to apologize for what he did.

Other Notes: Has a fear of spiders.
Room for one more?
It's supposed to be a shorter roleplay, and it is not just a tent, it is a few blocks of rides, attractions and various buildings of various themes. Edited the opening post to make it a carnival rather than a circus, which could be quite limiting.

The Harlow Brothers Carnival is a giant attraction on the outskirts of town. A large carnival filled with fun and wonder for kids and adults of all ages. One of the biggest crowd-pullers is the variety of animatronic creatures. Specifically seven of them. Day in and day out, people come to enjoy their day with all the rides and attractions. These robotic entities parade around, playfully interacting with kids in accordance with their advanced AI. Not that it has ever been needed, but there is a kill-switch, which shuts them all done with a single press in the main maintenance room.

One day, after closing, employees of the circus found that some of them had began to start malfunctioning. Their speech program appeared to be out of whack, talking out of tune and in gibberish. Some were seen making sudden jerky movements. One employee even swears that one stopped mid task and turned to look at him, and failed to respond to any input. The head maintenance man hit the button, decommissioning them all. A small troupe of five mechanics were called in to fix them up over night, and have them ready for the next day.

Upon setting foot in the circus, they instantly knew something wasn't right. The mechanical figures were not where they were supposed to be. A strangle crackling could be heard over the intercom, followed by a metallic slamming. The gates were slammed close, and electricity coursed through the metal fencing around the circus, an extra security element installed earlier that week. The five mechanics soon found themselves locked in a nightmarish hell-hole with seven animatronics running around. As they turned to try and find a way out, one of the mechanics was grabbed by one biggest of the mechanical structures, and torn limb from limb in front of the other four. In a rush of fear, they ran away, hoping to find some way to get through the night.
So here you are...four mechanics against seven metallic constructs who want you dead. You can either try to find out why and stop it, or survive.

I will be controlling each of the robots, and I am looking for four people to play the mechanics.
I don't need much in the way of a character sheet. Here is what I do need.

And here are the seven demonic robots you will be encountering:

Used to be the main attraction in the space-themed ride 'Robot Rumble.' Would pretend to be shooting the customers.

Used to be the mascot for the 'House of Relaxation.' Normally on rest mode for the day unless enough kids interacted.

Used to be the assistant robot in the 'Build-a-Friend' attraction, where children could play with what is essentially large lego. Known for hoarding spare parts as to not hurt the children.

used to be the meet-and-greet droid at the entrance. Was programmed to speak to the adults in a more adult manner than the children.

Used to pretend to make food and interacts with people around the eateries.

Used to operate around the art-wing, and would praise children for their work and tell them that they should be happy with all their creations.

Used to hide in the horror-maze attraction, playfully running around and scaring people. Would use a husky low voice and laugh and snicker as it stalked. Would give warning like 'I just want to leave' and 'Why do you get to leave but not me?'
Raymond Arachnos, or 'Slinger' to anyone who didn't want to find themselves suspended from the ceiling in a web prison, watched from the shadows. Position wise, he had opted to deviate from the rest of the group, as was normal for him. Observe and surgically strike, eliminating key targets while they were unaware of his presence. With lithe agility he scurried from the shadows of one warehouse box to the next, shifting ever closer to the gathering of people. He could hear the commotion of the stupid dragon and the blood-thirsty demon over the comm system. Once he had served his term with this crack group, Ray was going to leave as fast as he could. With a shake of the head, he returned his head to the situation at hand. His primary targets was the one holding the launchers. Supernatural or no, that would cause harm. Second target was the operator of the forklift. The rest could be dealt with in any order. A small flick of light far to his right caught the Arachnes attention. One of the guards had slipped behind some containers away from the others and had lit up a cigarette. Not one to waste an opportunity, Ray slunk over to his location. With a sick and twisted smile, he whispered into the comm system: 'Time for a little fun' and then clicked it off.

The guard walked forward slightly, flicking his cigarette ash into the wind. It was half-way back to his mouth when he suddenly felt it fly from his hands. Turning around, his mouth was suddenly filled with web. Reaching for his gun, he found his hands had already been bound to each-other in front of him. Turning to run, he tripped over, his feet snagging on a line of web. He was caught before he could land on the floor and make a noise though, and was slowly turned around to look eyes to eye with a humanoid with eight long spider legs protruding from his back, short brown horns and a gleaming white smile filled with fangs.
"Good evening."
The smile widened as the creature gently placed him against a container. The guard tried his best to do something, anything, but all he could manage was a muffled gurgle. The spider creature just smiled and began to run its spider legs over him. Long silken threads began to be drawn from the tips of the legs and before long, had bound the man completely, leaving only his neck an d head free, his mouth thoroughly filled with web.. The spider creature nodded at his handiwork.
"Now, I want answers, but I am too worried you will scream. So, first I am going to...soften you up..."
Without any further warning, the spider creature bit into the mans neck. The man convulsed involuntarily as neuro-toxin was pumped into his system. He felt his already bound body go stiff from paralysis. The fear in his eyes just seemed to fuel this monster on.
Raymond Arachnos, but goes by 'Slinger' or 'Ray'





Raymond comes from a long line of Arachne royalty. Noble aristocrats, the Arachnos family were known advocators of anti-human relations and the forced subjugation of species they felt to be inferior. Raymond however did not share many of his family’s ideals. He instead chose peaceful co-existence. He soon discovered that it wasn’t for noble reasons though. As someone who liked to torture others and have them bend and break to his will, he couldn’t do that if supernatural creatures were seen as enemies. And he legitimately held no ill will to anyone or anything. Only a deep love and respect for all life, and how it could help better his sadistic urges and knowledge. All that mattered was learning, and pleasure. And lucky for him, the two could co-inside.
He was soon found and forcefully recruited into the Extermination Squad. At first he was unwilling, but when he discovered the free reign he could have and the specimens he would have access to, he soon came around.

~Wall Climbing (self explanatory)
~Swift Movement (capable of quick and silent movement)
~Presence Suppression (The Arachne are naturally light on their feet and adapt predators, allowing them to not be noticed if hiding in shadows)
~Intellect (Having studied many species though…less that savoury means…he has great knowledge on many species)
~String Shooting (Raymond uses this Arachne staple in a number of ways, like trip wires, precision shooting to disable targets, binding, etc)
~Venom (Capable of delivering powerful neuro-toxin into something system by biting into a fleshy part with his sharp teeth, paralyzing their system and leaving them incapable of talk or movement, but alive. Multiple injections will kill most targets.)

Other Things of Interest:
Personality wise, Raymond is very passive and detests confrontation. If a target can be taken down without being killed, he will advocate that option. But just because he doesn't like violence or death doesn't mean he doesn't have a sadistic side. Raymond has been known to play with his victims, torturing them for prolonged amounts of time. Silent most of the time around others, and cold in general. He is far from a people person (read spider) and prefers to keep to himself.

Role wise, he is the scout, interrogator, and the alive-but-silent take-down specialist within the group.
Raymond Arachnos, but goes by 'Slinger' or 'Ray'





Raymond comes from a long line of Arachne royalty. Noble aristocrats, the Arachnos family were known advocators of anti-human relations and the forced subjugation of species they felt to be inferior. Raymond however did not share many of his family’s ideals. He instead chose peaceful co-existence. He soon discovered that it wasn’t for noble reasons though. As someone who liked to torture others and have them bend and break to his will, he couldn’t do that if supernatural creatures were seen as enemies. And he legitimately held no ill will to anyone or anything. Only a deep love and respect for all life, and how it could help better his sadistic urges and knowledge. All that mattered was learning, and pleasure. And lucky for him, the two could co-inside.
He was soon found and forcefully recruited into the Extermination Squad. At first he was unwilling, but when he discovered the free reign he could have and the specimens he would have access to, he soon came around.

~Wall Climbing (self explanatory)
~Swift Movement (capable of quick and silent movement)
~Presence Suppression (The Arachne are naturally light on their feet and adapt predators, allowing them to not be noticed if hiding in shadows)
~Intellect (Having studied many species though…less that savoury means…he has great knowledge on many species)
~String Shooting (Raymond uses this Arachne staple in a number of ways, like trip wires, precision shooting to disable targets, binding, etc)
~Venom (Capable of delivering powerful neuro-toxin into something system by biting into a fleshy part with his sharp teeth, paralyzing their system and leaving them incapable of talk or movement, but alive. Multiple injections will kill most targets.)

Other Things of Interest:
Personality wise, Raymond is very passive and detests confrontation. If a target can be taken down without being killed, he will advocate that option. But just because he doesn't like violence or death doesn't mean he doesn't have a sadistic side. Raymond has been known to play with his victims, torturing them for prolonged amounts of time. Silent most of the time around others, and cold in general. He is far from a people person (read spider) and prefers to keep to himself.

Role wise, he is the scout, interrogator, and the alive-but-silent take-down specialist within the group.
Raymond Arachnos, but goes by 'Slinger' or 'Ray'





Raymond comes from a long line of Arachne royalty. Noble aristocrats, the Arachnos family were known advocators of anti-human relations and the forced subjugation of species they felt to be inferior. Raymond however did not share many of his family’s ideals. He instead chose peaceful co-existence. He soon discovered that it wasn’t for noble reasons though. As someone who liked to torture others and have them bend and break to his will, he couldn’t do that if supernatural creatures were seen as enemies. And he legitimately held no ill will to anyone or anything. Only a deep love and respect for all life, and how it could help better his sadistic urges and knowledge. All that mattered was learning, and pleasure. And lucky for him, the two could co-inside.
He was soon found and forcefully recruited into the Extermination Squad. At first he was unwilling, but when he discovered the free reign he could have and the specimens he would have access to, he soon came around.

~Wall Climbing (self explanatory)
~Swift Movement (capable of quick and silent movement)
~Presence Suppression (The Arachne are naturally light on their feet and adapt predators, allowing them to not be noticed if hiding in shadows)
~Intellect (Having studied many species though…less that savoury means…he has great knowledge on many species)
~String Shooting (Raymond uses this Arachne staple in a number of ways, like trip wires, precision shooting to disable targets, binding, etc)
~Venom (Capable of delivering powerful neuro-toxin into something system by biting into a fleshy part with his sharp teeth, paralyzing their system and leaving them incapable of talk or movement, but alive. Multiple injections will kill most targets.)

Other Things of Interest:
Personality wise, Raymond is very passive and detests confrontation. If a target can be taken down without being killed, he will advocate that option. But just because he doesn't like violence or death doesn't mean he doesn't have a sadistic side. Raymond has been known to play with his victims, torturing them for prolonged amounts of time. Silent most of the time around others, and cold in general. He is far from a people person (read spider) and prefers to keep to himself.

Role wise, he is the scout, interrogator, and the alive-but-silent take-down specialist within the group.
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