Avatar of Nikki Moonlight


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5 yrs ago
Current So, wont be getting replies out for a while. I was recently diagnoses with a severe disorder and am dealing with some stuff regarding that... So once well enough to reply I'll be back! Thank you.
5 yrs ago
Oh no.... SNOWING...
5 yrs ago
Okay. Question. If I got a group together for a discord server for an RPG for a specific fandom, would it be considered advertising inappropriately?
5 yrs ago
Responses might not come for a bit. I'll respond as I can. Being homeless and attempting to find a home is a bit of an arduous task.
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5 yrs ago
Six hours on my feet, no breaks....I'm dead


Hey, y'all!

So I've been a long time RP'er since I was 13, and am constantly working on honing my skills as a writer.

Side note: Please check my statuses regularly if you have a roleplay going on with me. I have a lot of stressors in my real life so I will post a status to update my partners on what's going on, and if I cant reply as much as I usually do. Even if you dont wanna hear about my life offline, it still is a good idea to read my statuses so you know if I cant reply in an immediate manner. Thank you for understanding.

Most Recent Posts


Would I be able to be a Jinchuriki? O.O
Niki sat in her home, wondering, for once, what was going on in the outside world. She brushed her long silver hair away from her face, her unnaturally bright green eyes narrowed. She rocked back and forth. She was whispering, but not to keep herself sane. No she had lost sanity long ago. No, she was speaking to the two voices she heard inside her mind.


Elizabeth said, "B-but Lucien...I have a debt to repay to the king..."
Name: Aya
Clan: Shi
Village: Konohagakure no Sato
Age: 15
Abilities: Aya has a Kekkei Genkai known only as the Shi Clan's Secret Technique, a Doujutsu where the user's eyes become sclera black (Meaning their entire eye becomes black) save for slitted white pupils. This technique can actually physically affect the target while trapping them in a Genjutsu-like state, sometimes making the target(s) heart stop due to the fear the Doujutsu can cause in the target. Aya is good with Genjutsu and Taijutsu, as well as Kenjutsu, however Ninjutsu is not something she is very good at, which makes her a bit vulnerable. However, she has many Genjutsu techniques down pat.
Weapons: Twin katana, string, senbon needles.
Personality: Aya has been closed off from others since the death of her parents and siblings at the hand of her Clan Head because they refused to give Aya up to him to train as she showed much promise at the age she could walk. So he killed her mother, father, and four brothers and took her by force. Aya rejects emotion, because her Yin demon, which every Shi clan member has, takes her emotions and mimics it to a twisted degree. She pretends to care for her teammates because her clan's loyalty is often questioned. Aya often prefers to train alone, however.
Back Story: Aya was born into the Shi clan, a clan said to be cursed by the gods themselves. As soon as she was five her eyes awakened, showing promise. The clan head wanted to train her himself, as he was the strongest in the clan. Her parents continued refusing to give her up, so eventually the clan leader killed her parents and four brothers, stealing her away. Aya closed off her emotions, rejecting the very thought of feeling such trivial things like grief or sadness, or, heaven forbid, love. As a result she grew up a very cold girl, ruthless, using every method to get what she desired. She awakened her Yin along with her eyes and found emotion would just give Yin a reason to torment her. Luckily thanks to her mentality on emotion, she has not lost control of her Yin demon as of yet.
Family: The Clan leader: Aya's uncle Tsukito Shi, Elite Jonin.
Other: Aya has a seal that starts at the nape of her neck and wraps around her body, ending at her midthighs, which would act as a restraint should her Yin demon take control of her.


Elizabeth wiped the tears on her face, but they kept coming. "I-I told Annie t-to get t-the family to s-safety...." She hiccuped.

Elizabeth was hiccuping now, almost hysterical, when Lucien arrived. She looked up at him. "L-Lucien..." She sniffled. She had been using her own life force to keep Princess Amalia alive, but the Princess's heart was alternating between racing and threatening to stop, and her heart skipped a beat, making Elizabeth gasp in pain, stopping her channeling. She began to sob harder. Then she began to try to draw power from the elements. Elizabeth's face was stark white with terror.

What am I, chopped liver? :p

Elizabeth placed her hands on the wound and began to try to heal the princess as best she could, tears falling from her eyes. Please... She thought. Please be okay....
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