Avatar of Nikki Moonlight


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current So, wont be getting replies out for a while. I was recently diagnoses with a severe disorder and am dealing with some stuff regarding that... So once well enough to reply I'll be back! Thank you.
5 yrs ago
Oh no.... SNOWING...
5 yrs ago
Okay. Question. If I got a group together for a discord server for an RPG for a specific fandom, would it be considered advertising inappropriately?
5 yrs ago
Responses might not come for a bit. I'll respond as I can. Being homeless and attempting to find a home is a bit of an arduous task.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Six hours on my feet, no breaks....I'm dead


Hey, y'all!

So I've been a long time RP'er since I was 13, and am constantly working on honing my skills as a writer.

Side note: Please check my statuses regularly if you have a roleplay going on with me. I have a lot of stressors in my real life so I will post a status to update my partners on what's going on, and if I cant reply as much as I usually do. Even if you dont wanna hear about my life offline, it still is a good idea to read my statuses so you know if I cant reply in an immediate manner. Thank you for understanding.

Most Recent Posts

Lilith felt the boat jolt a bit and she cursed, running with a slight limp further back into her crevice. She growled low, her rose-colored eyes narrowing further. She waited for them to stop shooting at her. She groaned in annoyance as her wound began to throb slightly in pain. She applied pressure onto her wound, then grabbed some bandages from a medical kit that happened to be there, wrapping the wound.
@Roseletta@Joshua Tamashii

Rin turned to look at Ryu, then blinked. She could see such a bright light running through him, she resisted the urge to shield her eyes, even with the sunglasses. She wondered why he was brighter than the others. However, her face still did not show emotion. It had been so long since she had felt anything emotionally. She had given up trying to feel emotion.
@Joshua Tamashii@Roseletta

Rin stood there and simply nodded. "Yes. My powers have to do with light...." She said in that still void-of-emotion voice.
@Joshua Tamashii

She said, again with no emotion, and cryptically, "My greatest strength is also my greatest weakness." She summoned a light ball, it spun in her palm before dissipating. "And I prefer not wearing my sunglasses if I don't have to."
@Joshua Tamashii

Rin looked at the rooms and she told Joshua, "I want the darkest room you have." She could see the light energy moving around in his body through what looked like veins. Her tone held absolutely no emotion in it. She stood, her duffel bags slung over her shoulders showing a bit of her tattoos.
[@everyone in the Rp]

Rin stood there silently, simply putting her shades darker. She took her earbuds out of her ears and she simply watched mr. Fellows from behind her sunglasses. Her pale lips curled slightly in distaste as she looked at Souls, but she kept her mouth shut. Rin sighed softly and watched the people in the room, no emotion on her face now.
@Ryougu I wouldn't drop this one, it's actually challenging me, this rp is x3
Lilith sighed softly, then she got behind cover, firing swift shots at the divers who fired at her. Although she had a graze on her calf from the bullets, she was otherwise mostly unharmed. Only when she was sure she was safe did she turn to look at her wounds. She sighed softly, not bad enough to warrant using her septima to heal it.

ACH!!! Sorry, totally forgot about this RP xDDD RL issues currently Dx
Rin simply stood at the back of the group, blue eyes narrowed slightly at the tall man. Why would he invite her here if he knew about her? She was a cold heartless killer. Her nose twitched, her only signal of emotion one could see.
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