Avatar of Nikotine
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 36 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Nikotine 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Replies will have to come at a later date, I'll keep you all updated but my daily migraines are sending me to the hospital. Bbs hopefully.
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6 yrs ago
Also, it's 4:30am and I'm exhausted, and I have to walk to the bus stop in freezing weather... I'm gonna die.
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6 yrs ago
Apologies for the absence, work has bee quote hectic. All replies to come tomorrow.
6 yrs ago
All replies to come tomorrow either before or after work.
6 yrs ago
It's not midnight yet here but MERRY SAINT NIKOTINE DAY!! I MEAN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
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Linkle stood back and watched as Sheik managed to get the rupee out of the tree. She smiled to herself, grateful that they didn't need too much more money for the shield, as Linkle was too impatient to keep playing Mido's games. Sighing quietly, she uncrowded her arms and walked over to stand next to Sheik.

"Nice job," She said with a soft smile. She reached up, tugging on one of her braids absent-mindedly as she tried to to do the math in her head. She was terrible at math. She was sure they didn't need too many more rupees. Pulling out the ones she'd gathered, Linkle started to count them slowly.

"We almost have enough for the shield." She said with a nod. "I take it you know how to get to wherever this special sword is right? So, lead the way," Linkle said with a small smile, holding her hand out as if gesturing to him to show her where they needed to go.
Updated and bumpity~
Bumpity~ could possibly take a couple more. Craving Dragon Age, Criminal Minds, and Hunger Games currently tbh.

Also jonesing for a fxf teacher/student, or a band rp, :)
Linkle huffed, stuffing the rupees into the deep pockets of her trousers and blowing a loose strand of hair out of her face. "Okay okay, you're right," She said with an irritated look on her face. She knew that Sheik was right, and she shouldn't take her ager out in the other Kokiri just because Mido knew how to push her buttons.

Linkle looked around, her blue eyes curious as she wondered where the sacred sword was hidden. She was sure Sheik knew, as he seemed well versed in the goings on around them. Running her hands lightly over her hair, Linkle closed her eyes for a moment, willing herself to calm down. She needed to think with a clear head, the Great Deku Tree was not to be taken lightly.

"Let's go get that ten and then we can set off for the sword. By then, we should have enough to get the shield like you said, and then we can find out what is going on," Linkle said with a small nod, her face still serious.
Linkle sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment and then dropping her hand back to her hip. She shook her head,[color=palegreen]"That Mido, one of these days I'm gonna thump him one good time 'round the head," and then walked off in a huff. Her mouth was set in a thin line as she stalked over to one of the houses in the small clearing. It was the triplets' house, and Linkle stomped inside without a second thought.

"Hey, I need to borrow whatever rupees you got. I promise I'll pay you back, but I have to buy a shield so Mido will get off my back," Linkle told two of the three triplets as she walked over to a random pot. She picked it up, throwing it on the ground and watching it smash. The two girls in the house at the moment gasped, looks of shock on their faces.

"Why are you breaking our stuff?!" one of them shouted.

"Blame Mido," Maiyah said angrily and picked up the blue rupee that had been hiding in the pot. She then broke the other pots, collecting one more two green rupees. Sighing in irritation, Linkle stormed out and walked the three feet to Sera's house. She wasn't inside, and Linkle guessed she was hiding in the Lost Forest somewhere as she often did.

Linkle gathered two another blue rupee and another green rupee but nothing more. She stalked out, intent to hit every house in the village if she had to. She would get the stupid shield and the stupid sword, and she'd wave them in Mido's stupid face.
Linkle crossed her arms over her chest, her green tunic bright against her pale skin. She frowned in irritation, used to dealing with Mido's attitude. It wasn't a secret that Mido didn't like them, he might even be jealous of them because they were so different. Linkle couldn't be sure, but she knew something was going on. No one was simply that mean, right?

"You know Mido, you're not actually the boss of us. But since you seem so set on the idea Grumpy, we'll play it your way," Linkle said with a shake of her head. She placed her hands on her hips, balling them into fists."What do we need to do to get past you? Because the Great Deku Tree specifically asked to see us, so eventually we will have to get past you."

Mido looked shocked, and Linkle smiled wickedly."The Great Deku Tree has summoned YOU?! I don't believe it for a second, why would he summon you?"

"Hey, your guess is as good as mine,"Linkle said with a shrug."So, can we go?

"Be that as it may, I certainly can't let you into the Deku Tree's presence without you first being dressed properly. You have to equip a sword and shield first," Mido said with a serious look.

"... Why? That doesn't make any sense," Linkle said in confusion.

"I will not let you past until you have equipped the proper sword and shield!!"Mido screeched.

"Okay okay, sheesh,"Linkle said and dropped her hands, turning to look at Sheik. "Well now what?"
"The Great Deku Tree wants to see you..."

Linkle opened her eyes slowly, seeing the wooden ceiling above and Sheik standing next to her bed with a annoyed expression in his eyes. Linkle pouted slightly, reaching her hands up to rub at her eyes with a small sigh. She tried to remember her dream, for it had been extremely vivid. A giant man on a horse? Prince's Zelda? And did the giant man on the horse blast her with some sort of ball of energy or was that just a part of Linkle's imagination.

Groaning softly to herself, Linkle managed to sit up slowly, still rubbing at her eyes with the palms of her hands."Why does the Great Deku Tree wants to see me? The only thing special about me is that I don't have a fairy" She asked curiously, looking up at Sheik as she sat on her bed, legs hanging over the side. Sheik and her had been friends ever since Linkle could remember, they did everything together. So it didn't surprise Linkle that he was the one to come wake her up and give her the news. But it did surprise her that The Great Deku Tree wanted to see her.

Linkle had always felt out of place in Kokiri Forest, maybe because she was the only one without a fairy and there were certain people--namely Mido, who were always good for making her remember that she would never actually be one of the Kokiri for that very reason. So, she'd never felt like the forest was really her home. But it was also the only home she knew, it was a very odd feeling.

Standing up, Linkle started braiding her hair into two even braids, one behind each ear. The process only took her a spare moment or two, and as Linkle grabbed her green shawl from where it sat folded up on the top of her dresser and pulled it on, leaving her hood down. She then turned to Sheik, placing her hands in her hips and smiling happily."Alright, I'm all ready to go," She said brightly and then smiled brightly.

Would you be down for a fxf soldier x civilian roleplay with me playing the civilian?

Lemme know! :)
I feel like roleplaying with you would be highly entertaining, and I'm interested.
@WhiteAngel25 I'd definitely be game for teacher x student and could play either role. I have an idea for a character for the teacher role, but would also really enjoy the student role and have an idea for that too.. Hmm

Though if you're familiar with the Dragon Age franchise I've been dying for a good Inquisition roleplay as well.
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