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skype: NMShape53

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ISD Waylander- Above Nar Shaddaa

Captain Dram Cruvee sat behind his desk as he watched the security holo from inside of the base of the Kath Hounds. When he had first brought his Imperial forces to Nar Shaddaa, he was met with fierce resistance. The Hutts had fought hard to keep the remnant of the Empire off of the Smuggler's Moon, employing street gangs and other criminals as foot soldiers to fight their battle. And though Cruvee was happy to engage the criminals, he soon realized that it was a wasteful conflict. Soon after that realization, hoping to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed, he approached the Hutts with an offer of an alliance, which the Hutts eventually agreed to. Once he had the cooperation of the Hutts, he had been able to bring some of the street gangs to heel, and the Kath Hounds had proven to be a valuable asset in enforcing his rule over the moon.

Until today, when two men, a Mandalorian and a street urchin, broke into their compound and released a prisoner that was being held there, costing the lives of not only several of the Kath Hounds, but of a number of stormtroopers as well. And to Cruvee, that was an unacceptable loss, and he was determined to understand what had gone so terribly that two men were able to do so much damage.

His eyes remained glued to the holo as he watched the pair engage with Kenso. The three men spoke to one another, and then Kenso, clearly not pleased with what was said, drew his blaster and pointed it at the prisoner's head. What happened next left the seasoned Imperial speechless, as one of the intruders seemingly knocked Kenso's blaster hand away, with nothing more than his mind.

“Interesting.” Cruvee said to himself as he watched the pair free the girl and make their escape from the compound, however, not before the supposed street urchin used his gifts again, this time on a stormtrooper.

Cruvee pondered what he had just seen as he deactivates the security holo. He had been a young officer in the early days of the Galactic Empire, shortly after the Republic had been reorganized following the end of the Clone Wars. He had heard tales of the Jedi, and the amazing things that they were said to have been capable of. He had even seen it first hand when he witnessed Lord Vader choke the life from one of his superior officers for some perceived failure during the Rebellion. If this street urchin was indeed someone with command over the Force, perhaps if he could be recruited into his ranks, he would give Cruvee the one weapon that would ensure his ascension in the ranks of the Imperial Remnant.

A new Vader. One that would serve him. One that would all but guarantee that not even the Grand Imperium would question his authority.

“Ensign.” Cruvee called to his underling.

“Yes Sir?” The ensign, a young man of slightly darker complexion replied.
“I want you to contact Sargent Dozner on the Moon's surface. I want these men in custody and brought to me by nightfall. Also get word to our underworld friends that I do not want these men harmed.” Cruvee demanded.

“Yes Sir.” The ensign said as he rushed off to complete his superior's bidding.


The speeder raced through the skylanes above Nar Shaddaa towards Kelsa's home, where the quartet of friends had hoped her father would be able to use his underworld connections to get them off of the Smuggler's Moon. However, as they approached the palatial estate that she had called home, their hopes dimmed as they saw a billowing column of thick, black smoke coming from the general vicinity of her home. They rode in silence as they approached, hoping that it was not her home, but a nearby structure that had burned to the ground. However, the closer they got, the more they realized that it was no such coincidence, and something terrible had happened.

Their fears were confirmed when they pulled the speeder up to the smoldering ruins of the home. Nyna had barely brought the speeder to a stop when Kelsa jumped out of the back seat and raced toward what remained of her home. Joren took off after her, not wanting her to go in alone, just in case whoever had done this was still there. Dono and Nyna followed behind Joren, who called after Kelsa to wait for them.

Kelsa entered the house first, going directly into what remained of the greeting chamber, where their worst fears were realized. Laying in the rubble were the charred remains of Dresa, the Sila family servant who had practically raised Kelsa from the time that she was a small child, taking over care for the girl after her mother had passed away. Kelsa stood there in the center of the room staring down at the remains of the woman before Joren rushed over to her, grabbing her and forcing her to look away.

“Don't look.-” He said, shushing her as she began to cry. “-Don't look.” His voice was soothing, however, Kelsa was inconsolable.

“Joren, we've got to get out of here.” Nyna said, her voice cracking at the sight of the servant.

However, suddenly Kelsa broke away from Joren's grip and ran up the broken stairs to what remained of the second floor.

“Dad! Dad!” She cried out as she ran from room to room, avoiding debris as she went. She made her way down to the end of the hall to her father's office, and she went in. Then she let out a blood curdling scream.

When Joren and the others reached her, they were horrified to find Kelsa's father laying on the floor of the office behind his desk, his body still smoking where the blaster bolts had hit him. Kelsa was kneeling by her father's body, cradling his head in her arms, begging him to wake up. Joren's heart broke at the sight. He had also lost both of his parents, and in a way, he knew how she felt. He wanted nothing more than to console her. To grab her and pull her close to him and take her pain away.

However, the sounds of footsteps coming down the hall put an abrupt end to that line of thinking. Dono put a hand on Joren's shoulder and pulled him away from Kelsa.

“Vod'ika, we have to go. They're still here.” He said as he drew his blaster.

“Kelsa, we have to go.-” Joren said to her. “Kelsa, we have to go, now. They're here.” He said again, this time over the sound of blaster fire.

Kelsa looked up, and when she saw the white armor of the stormtroopers entering what had been her father's office, a look of hatred etched itself on her face as she drew the blaster that they had given her while there were escaping the Hounds' compound, and fired several shots.

“They've got us pinned. We can't get past them!” Nyna shouted as she fired on the troopers.

“We don't have to.” Kelsa said, her voice suddenly calm.

“What?” Dono asked, unsure of what she had meant.

“My dad. He has an escape hatch that leads to the landing pad. I just have to get it open.” She explained as she went over to the desk and started to key in commands on the console. After several tense moments, the hatch slid open.

“Let's go!” Joren called as he pushed Kelsa into the narrow corridor that led to the landing pad.

The four friends raced through the winding corridor, dodging stun blasts as they went. Eventually, after rounding one final turn, they emerged from the corridor at the landing pad. There was only a single ship docked on the pad, a Starwind class pleasure yacht.

They reached the ship and managed to get up the boarding ramp just as the stormtroopers emerged from the corridor behind them. Dono and Nyna jumped into the pilot and copilot seats and began the pre-flight checklist.

“No time!-” Joren yelled to his friends as he watched more than a dozen stormtroopers move into the landing pad, making their way toward the ship.

Dono cursed to himself as he fired up the repulsorlifts, and the ship began to lift off even as the Imperials opened fire on it. Within moments, the ship took off, away from Nar Shaddaa and towards the void of open space.
Kaylee Starsmore and TyrellOmi-Ren/Aboard the Nighthawk

Thriik paused as she responded. “So, Jedi Starsmore. Just who exactly is this Master Skywalker? I’ve heard reports about him, but as of now the only Skywalker I know off is one Anakin Skywalker who died with the Jedi Order. I suspect that your Master is merely using his name to gain notoriety-”

“Thriik, that's enough.” Tyrell came walking through the doors to the machine room into the spacious cargo bay. He bowed his head out of respect to the woman present to Thriiks grilling. “Jedi Knight Tyrell Omi-Ren, at your service.” Tyrell then turned to Thriik. “She is our guest on our mission to Nal Hutta, she will help us to find Grakkus’ hidden vault of Jedi artifacts. That’s something you can get behind, right Thriik?”

He grumbled as he stormed out. Tyrell smiled at the Jedi. “Sorry about that, he’s a bit protective over everything we’ve done. Nice to meet you…?” He trailed off in order to allow the Jedi to introduce herself.

“Kaylee Starsmore.” She replied, somewhat taken aback by the Gotal’s sudden interrogation. She wasn’t accustomed to people questioning Master Skywalker’s legitimacy, and she had the urge to defend her master’s honor, as well as her own as the Gotal’s accusation had challenged her legitimacy as well as that of the entire New Jedi Order.

“I’m sorry, Tyrell, did you say that we’re looking for the hidden vault of Grakkus the Hutt?-” Kaylee asked in surprise. She had heard of the Hutt. Master Skywalker had mentioned his own run in with the gangster, but she was under the impression that the artifacts that the Hutt had collected were lost. The thought of taking possession of such a treasure and what it could mean for the Order to reclaim these artifacts excited her. “-Where do we begin?”

Tyrell sensed that she was rattled, offering her a reassuring smile. “Yes we are Kaylee, we’ve had reports from Megalox that Grakkus is claiming that his escape is coming and once he does he will reclaim his place and position as a high ranking member of the hutt cartel thanks to the ‘possessions he has left behind’. Knowing what Grakkus is famed for myself and my master believe that this can only mean more Jedi Artifacts, ones that Darth Vader didn’t manage to confiscate from Grakkus’ palace.” He indicated that she should walk with him through the ship. Walking through the cargo bay she would feel a pull towards one of the escape pods, while it looked like the other pod it was in fact retrofitted into a safe. Full of several Jedi artifacts and as such radiating in the Force.

As they walked through the cargo bay and through the doors to the machine shop she would see various training remotes, wooden practice sabers and trinkets that gave the ship a lived in feel. “Once we’re in the palace we’re going to go to Grakkus chambers and find something, anything, that belonged to him. I have a… unique skill within the Force. It allows me to get images, feelings and impressions from touching an object. We’re hoping that will lead us to the vault.”

The very mention of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith who had served as the Emperor’s enforcer was enough to send a chill down Kaylee’s spine. She had heard stories of the legendary Sith who had hunted down and killed most of the Jedi who had survived the initial Jedi Purge at the end of the Clone Wars. When she had been a child, and she started to become aware of her attunement to the Force, the fear of being found by the Empire, and specifically Lord Vader himself had kept her up at night. However, she pushed those feelings deep down inside as Tyrell led her through the ship, afterall, Vader and the Emperor were dead, and she no longer had anything to fear from them.

Kaylee listened to Tyrell as he led her through the ship’s cargo hold. She was amazed by how much this particular area of the ship radiated with the Force. Then something that Tyrell said got her attention.

“Like Psychometry?-” Kaylee said, unable to mask her surprise. She was only vaguely familiar with that particular Force gift. She had found some mention of it in one of the tomes that Master Skywalker had collected, however, the information in that particular volume was somewhat limited, and she had never met anyone who professed to possess that particular gift. “-Do you really think that it will lead us to Grakkus’ lost collection?”

Tyrell nodded. “That is what I’ve been told it is called. So yes, exactly like that.” He frowned as they went through the door of the machine shop into the common room. Doors were laid all around it into the various different cabins. “If it doesn’t work we’ll have to go take more old fashioned measures. Though I’m hoping this will work as we’ve tried to get permission to get into Megalox to see Grakkus but we’ve not made much headway, though perhaps with your help we could-” He stroked his chin, not that there was anything more there than just a little bit of stubble. He may have acted older and wiser than he really was at times, but he was still only in his early twenties.

He pointed out a cabin and hit the buttons beside it, opening up to a musty cabin that obviously hadn’t been in use. “This’ll be yours. Feel free to set a lock, and set up shop.” He pointed at one of the doors closer to the cockpit. “That one’s mine, beside it is Relani and Thriik is across from you. The one farthest away from everyone else.”

“Do you think he’ll be alright with that? He doesn’t seem to like me very much.-” Kaylee said. “-but thank you, this will be perfect.” She continued as she opened the door to her cabin to store her bag. Once she had stowed her bag, she turned to Tyrell, who she just realized looked to be about her age, maybe only a couple of years older. She had to admit that she was impressed by the young Jedi Knight, he had been all over the galaxy hunting for Jedi artifacts, seeing and doing things that she could only dream of, while she had been spending her days stranded on Yavin IV, longing to do half of the things that this man had seemingly been doing all along.

“But why would I be able to help get us access to Grakkus in Megalox?” She asked, going back to his earlier statement.

Tyrell shrugged. “He’ll get used to you, besides it's not like we’re putting you right next door. Just don’t do anything to make him think you’re trying to steal any form of artifact and you’ll get along fine. Helps if you get him some form of artifact, or get him talking about the ‘Golden Age of Jedi.” He chuckled slightly to himself. “Just make sure you have a couple of hours.” He stretched as he guided them towards the cockpit.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Kaylee said in reference to the less than friendly Gotal. She did hope that Tyrell was right, and that he would come around. Though she found the prospect of sitting down with him and discussing Jedi history with him to be a downright terrifying idea, perhaps the Gotal could provide her with insight that she hadn’t had before, and it might be something worth considering.

“Megalox is one of those interesting prisons that changes with the times, it really belongs to whoever holds Galactic Power. There’s probably still some Separatist criminals in there, and some from before the Clone Wars. Very few people travel down to the surface of Megalox, as you can only go through a highly secure turbolift as the planet’s gravity would crush any ship or anyone trying to enter. You being a Jedi would score us points with the guards who could give us access to Grakkus, and then also bring us back to the surface once we were done.”

At first she was slightly puzzled by Tyrell’s words. Was he not a Jedi? Wouldn’t his showing up at Megalox with his credentials be enough to garner enough favor to get him in to see the Hutt? Just as she was about to say as much, the realization that while he may in fact be a Jedi in the stricter sense of the word, he was not one of Master Skywalker’s Jedi. He was not a member of the New Republic’s Jedi Order, and then it made sense to her.

“I understand.-” She said. “Perhaps we should get on our way then.” She finished, barely able to contain her excitement for the journey ahead.

posts incoming

In Orbit Above Widek

Hurried footfalls echoed off of the durasteel floors of the Lazarus' bridge as Admiral Kava stormed to the command center. The Lazerous had been on its way to Coruscant to offer assistance to the so-called Grand Imperium to offer assistance to its leader, Koren Ozzell when it had suddenly been ripped from hyperspace, where it remained now. It was an unexpected, and as Kava saw it, an unacceptable delay. And she wanted to know who was responsible.

“Why have we stopped, Captain Bryce?” She demanded as she approached the captain, who was busy looking at a holodisplay.

“We were pulled out of hypersapce by a gravity well, Ma'am.” The captain started to explain.

“An Indterdictor?” She asked, stunned by the captain's explanation.

“Yes, Admiral. It appears that the Interdictor Vandor has taken up residence in this sector and is detaining anything coming through the Widek Bypass. I was just about to contact them..” Bryce told her.

“Vex.” Kava glowered, her crimson eyes narrowing as she turned to Bryce.

Kava knew the captain of the Vandor, Camus Vex. He was a weasel and a coward, only achieving his rank of captain because of who he is, or more precisely, who his father was. An Imperial noble who was good friends with Wilhuff Tarkin, who had personally assured Vex's rise through the ranks. If it hadn't been for the fact that Tarkin had personally vouched for him, Vex would have found himself on the scrap heap a long time ago.

Apparently there was something to be said for connections in the old Empire.

Now he was an aspiring warlord, in reality, little more than a common pirate on a fancy ship, hiding in open space and plundering any ships that came within range. As little regard that she had for Vex, Kava always had use for another Interdictor. It's captain could always be replaced in time.

“Captain Bryce, hail the Vandor, I want to speak to Vex immediately.” She barked.

“Yes, admiral.” Bryce responded dutifully as he hailed the Interdictor.

Moments later, the the holoscreen came to life. On the screen was a tall, lanky man in an Imperial Officer's uniform. He had slightly graying hair that could be seen around the edge of his captain's hat, and a long, pointed nose and sharp features which gave him an avian like appearance. He stared contemptuously at Captain Bryce with arrogance oozing from his posture.

“What is the meaning of this, Vandor?” Pryde demanded the moment the connection to the Vandor had been made.

“I am merely protecting my territory from invaders. Which begs the question, what are you doing here, Captain. Vex said with a cold disdain.

Before Bryce could answer, Admiral Kava stepped beside him, coming fully into view of the holoscreen. She met Vex's contemptible gaze with one of her own.

“Hello Vex.-” She began, her tone was cold, but not unfriendly. “-We are on our way to Coruscant with an offer for the Imperium. You are more than welcome to join us. It is beyond the time for the Empire to once again unite as one against the Rebels.”

“Tempting offer Admiral Kava. But I must decline. I am doing quite well for myself here, and would hate to ruin a good thing.-” He said with a mock sincerity. “I'm sure you understand.” He finished with a condescending smile.

“Very well. If that is your decision...” She trailed off for a moment. “I wish you the best.”

The holodisplay went dark and she turned to Captain Bryce.

“We can't allow for a rogue Imperial agent like Vex to roam the galaxy. Contact the Dominus, I want all turbolaser batteries to fire on the Vondor on my command.” Kava told him.

“But ma'am, the Dominus is not here-” Bryce was cut off as the Dominus as well as the rest of the fleet dropped out of hyperspace beside them.

Kava simply looked into her captain's eyes and smiled.

“Fire at will, Captain.”

Posts coming soon
Thanks so much for the Spotlight. I'm really appreciative of the kind words and support.

Nyna steered the speeder through traffic, switching lanes multiple times until she was sure that no one was following them. After she confirmed that there was indeed no one chasing them, she settled into a single lane and headed toward the Corellian Sector, each member of the quartet lived. Though she knew that it could be a risk to go back to where they lived, Nyna felt that being on their home turf gave them a slight advantage over anyone who might come looking for them. Although no one seemed to have followed them here, Nyna knew that they needed to find someplace to hide, at least until they had a plan.

“My place is right around the corner. We should ditch this thing and go there.” Joren said from the back seat.

“That's insane. They're looking for us, don't you-” Joren cut Nyna off.

“Exactly. They're looking for us. They'd never think that we're stupid enough to go to our homes.” Joren argued.

Nyna had to admit, even though she didn't like the idea, it did make some modicum of sense. So she took the speeder toward Joren's apartment, then about another block further south where she parked the speeder in an alley that didn't seem to have much foot traffic, and then the four friends made their way back toward the apartment.

The trip back toward Joren's apartment was uneventful. There had been no signs of either the Kath Hounds or the Imperials, and they were able to traverse the city block without any trouble. They moved through the crowd almost as if it were just any normal day, nobody seemed to pay them any mind as they made it to Joren's apartment building. As they reached the front door, Joren reached down and scratched Nara, the stray rib-cat that hung out in the neighborhood on the top of the head and went through the door.

To Joren, the hallway leading toward his apartment seemed darker than usual. The building itself seemed more run down than it normally did. Or perhaps; he thought, that maybe he was finally seeing the place for what it was. Though this building was never what anyone would consider nice, for most of his life, it had been home. It had been the place where his father would play all kinds of games with him as a child, some of which were little more than exercises to hone his skills as a Force wielder. It was where his mother, when she wasn't out on a job, would cook them dinner. It was the last string of connective tissue that he had to his family.

But now, it was his past.

The quartet made their way down the hall and to the turbolift which would bring them to Joren's floor. Like the rest of the building, the turbolift looked to have seen better days. It creaked as they stepped on, and made a mournful whining sound as it made its journey upward, before coming to a stammering halt when it reached its destination. Joren led the way down the hall toward his apartment, passing an Arcona that Joren recognized as Bax, who lived several doors down from him. Joren gave a halfhearted nod of acknowledgment as they passed by, and continued on to the door to his apartment.

Once they went inside, the four friends gathered in the living quarters where they began planning their next move. The truth was, none of them knew what to do or where to go from this point, though they knew that between the Imperials and the Kath Hounds, they wouldn't be able to stay on Nar Shaddaa.

“We need to get off world, we can figure out where we're going once we're on the move. The longer we wait here, the harder it will be for us to get out.” Dono said

“Well, that's a problem itself. We've got no transport off this rock.” Nyna said hopelessly.

“We should go see my dad.-” Kelsa chimed in. “-he's got a couple of freighters that he can smuggle us out on. Then we can figure things out from there.”

As the others agreed to Kelsa's plan, Joren silently excused himself and made his way to his chambers. The room itself seemed dark, almost cold. To Joren, it was strange being in the room where he had slept every night from the time he was a child, knowing that this would be the last time he would be there.

There was something there that he needed to get before he left this cesspool forever. He made his way over to his closet and began rooting through his things. He pushed aside clothes and souvenirs that he had collected over the years, until finally he found it. It was an unassuming durasteel box, however, to him, it may as well been a treasure chest.

He fumbled with the lock until it finally opened. Inside the box there were several things that he'd held dear. There were several notes that his father had written after he had become sick. Some were words of wisdom, lessons of the Force that he wanted to pass on to his son, reminders of the Jedi way. There was one that his father had written just days before he passed away, telling him just how proud his father had been of him, and how it had been his privilege to call him son.

There were also a few other keepsakes, some baubles that his mother had brought back to him after her various “business trips.” There was also his mother's prized necklace. It was a beautiful piece of art, said to be made from songsteel, which gave gave it a certain luminescence. His mother always wore it, or did so whenever she wasn't on a job. He took the necklace out of the box and held it between his fingers for a moment.

Then his eyes fell on his prized possession.

His father's lightsaber. When he held the weapon in his hand, he felt a true connection to his father. He remembered the first time he saw the brilliant blue blade, and how transfixed he was on the glowing blade and the droning humming sound that it made. After his father had passed away, he would take the lightsaber out and just hold it in has hand, occasionally activating it, allowing the blue-white glow and the hum of the weapon to make him feel closer to him.

After a few moments, Joren snapped out of his reverie and closes the lid of the box and tucked it under his arm. He didn't know why he'd been so transfixed on the weapon, or really why he'd been drawn to be box and its contents, particularly the lightsaber. It had been almost as if something had called out to him and led him to it.

He was no Jedi. He had no use for the weapon. Then he realized, it wasn't about the lightsaber at all. It was about maintaining the one thread that still connected him to his parents. Everything in that box was all that remained of his parents, and even though he was leaving his home, he wasn't ready to let go of them just yet.

He made his way back to the living chamber and rejoined his friends. They looked tired and worried, and they appeared to be ready to get as far away from Nar Shaddaa as they could, and put this all behind them.

“Alright, let's get out of here.” Joren said as the others got up and they headed for the door, hoping for an uneventful return to the hidden speeder.


Also, love the Quint stuff from Jaws. One of my all time favorite characters from one of my all time favorite movies. Welcome aboard.

If you like, there's a link to our discord on the first page.

In the three days since Icon had shown up at his doorstep, Lyger had kept his promise to the cobalt and silver hero. He had searched high and low for any clue as to who had attempted to assassinate Alexa Winstone, and thus, who it was that had discovered his secret identity. The very same people who had left a note for Icon, a note with a small insignia, a symbol which announced themselves.

He had tracked down every lead that came his way, he pounded what little information was to be had out of any lowlife thug that seemed to have any possible connection to this shadowy group of assassins. He learned that someone had put a hit out on all superheroes, no matter what city they called home. He learned about assassination attempts that had been carried out against others, and he even came across someone who had been looking to cash in on such a bounty at his expense.

However, much like Arthur and Icon before him, Lyger had learned absolutely nothing about whoever this group was. None of the lowlifes that he had tracked down who supposedly had any connection to this mystery organization knew anything about him. Either that, or they were more afraid of them, then they were of him.

He had even reached out to Harry, who had up until that point been enjoying his retirement in a beach house in Maui, having put this life behind him after nearly five decades of service. He had hoped that perhaps Harry may have come across this symbol before, or, through his contacts in the espionage industry, knew someone who had. However, the old man hadn't gotten back to him with any information that could help him come any closer to solving this mystery.

Frustrated by his lack of progress, he decided to end his nightly search early. He hopped down from his perch on the ledge of Mac's Place, a local dive bar which was popular with criminals and thugs, as well as those who were simply down on their luck. Since his return to Crown Ridge, this place had proven to be a good resource in his search for answers, as those who tended to have the information that he needed, also tended to frequent Mac's in order to drink away their troubles.

But not tonight.

On this night, Mac's was nearly deserted. So after descending to the street, he made his way to the side alley where he had stowed his motorcycle and revved up the engine and raced off into the night. He moved through the streets, traveling at speeds well over one hundred miles per hour. The speed was cathartic in a way, it helped him think.

Soon, he found himself back at the abandoned post office which sat atop the Den. He pulled the bike up onto the secret lift which would bring him down into the heart of his base of operations. After punching in his security code the lift made a slight groaning noise, which had gotten louder over the last few weeks, and was something that he had meant to bring up to Ash, but for some reason had failed to mention up to this point.

Once the lift came to a stop, he directed the bike to its parking spot next to what was left of Kaiju, which was currently being worked on, as well as the remains of his previous bike, which met an unfortunate end due to an accident several days prior. Once he parked the bike, he took his mask off and was about to ask Whisper if she had heard any updates on their mysterious foe, however, he noticed that the woman sitting in the seat usually occupied by her, was not in fact, Whisper.

Instead sat a beautiful young Asian woman, tattoos covering her arms and chest. She wore an expression of amusement as she recognized the look of shock on his face.

“Who are you.” Lyger said as he stepped toward the young woman ready for whatever she might through at him.

“This is the guy?” She said incredulously as if calling out to someone.

Suddenly, Lyger felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to face the person, swinging his upper body around, prepared to strike. But when he saw that it was Whisper, he immediately lowered his fist.

“Cassie, what's going on.” Lyger asked, confused.

“Kyle, we need to talk.” A familiar voice said from the shadows.

Lyger looked to the source of the voice, and much to his shock, saw Harry emerge from the shadows cast from the corners of the Den. Lyger just stood there, speechless as the old man approached him, placing his hand on his shoulder. Harry looked into the younger man's eyes and nodded as he smiled proudly at what his protege had accomplished in his absence.

“Kyle, this is Kenna, my granddaughter. However, full introductions have to wait, we have something urgent to discuss.-” Harry said. He paused for a moment and his face took on a slightly darker expression. “-I got the note that Icon had given you, and I came right away.”
“You know who these people are.” Lyger said simply, to which Harry just nodded.

“Kyle, it's time I told you about The Eye of Osiris.” The old man said as he motioned for Kyle to sit.

Kaylee Starsmore/Aboard the NIGHTHAWK/Yavin IV

As Kaylee made her way through the ship, she was startled when a Gotal suddenly emerged from the shadows, making his presence know. The creature questioned her presence on the ship, and then accused her of being there in order to steal the Jedi relics that they had collected during their time together, then accused the Jedi that had come before of doing much the same.

"What?-" She asked, startled by not only the creature's sudden appearance, but by the accusation as well. "-by the stars, no. I'd never..." her words trailed off for a moment.

The Gotal had taken her by complete surprise. The abruptness that he displayed was not something that she was accustomed to. She wondered to herself why this creature was so hostile toward her. Clearly, he did not trust outsiders, which of course, she was. But there almost seemed to be something else to his line of questioning.

Something deeper.

"I'm sorry, my name is Kaylee Starsmore, Master Skywalker sent me to assist a Tyrell Omi-Ren on his mission." She said, trying to start the introduction over.
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