Avatar of nitemare shape
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  • Old Guild Username: Nitemare Shape
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skype: NMShape53

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I'm gonna go ahead and approve this. Welcome aboard. Feel free to post in the character tab

Several days had passed since the attack by the Anzat, Drast'une, an attack which had forced to reveal his true nature to those closest to him. Nyna and Kelsa had been understanding. Though they had difficulty wrapping their heads around what they had learned, they had accepted it for what it was.

Dono on the other hand, was another matter.

The Mandalorian had hardly spoken to Joren since that night. He had felt betrayed by his friend. Although he still thought of Joren as his brother, Joren had lied to him from the day they had met. In a way, Dono understood why Joren had not told him the truth. The Empire had been actively searching out surviving Jedi since the end of the Clone Wars, and revealing his true nature could have possibly put him in danger. Yet, Joren knew that he would never betray his trust, yet decided to deceive him anyhow.

Joren sat alone in the room that Breia had given he and Dono to share while they stayed in her home. He packed the last of his belongings into his bag. Though they would have liked to stay a little longer with their new friend on Tatooine, the attack by Drast'une was a stark reminder of why they came to the desert world in the first place.

They were being hunted.

First by the Imperials on Nar Shaddaa, and then by Drast'une. The fact was, the Anzat had been hunting Joren from before they landed outside of Mos Espa. In fact, he had been after Joren from the moment they got off of the Smuggler's Moon. The Anzat may have been dead, but Joren didn't know if he had been alone, and he and the others had decided that the time to leave was now.

As Joren placed the last of his items into a bag, his hand brushed against something which caused him to wince slightly as he felt the metal object against his hand, He picked up the lightsaber and held it for a moment. Mixed emotions filled him as he stared at the silver hilt of the weapon. On one hand, this weapon had once belonged to his father, and it was all that he had left of him. On the other hand, being forced to use the weapon had caused so much strife between himself and his best friend. He contemplated attaching the weapon to his belt, however, he hesitated for a moment, and then stuffed the saber into his bag.

“So, you are really leaving, eh?” Breia's voice came from behind. He had been so focused on his father's lightsaber that he hadn't heard her enter.

“Yeah, it's time.” Joren told her.

“Too bad, I was just getting used to having you guys here. It's been a nice change.” Breia confessed.

“It has been nice. But we have to keep moving. We can't stay in one place for too long. It's not safe. For us, or for you.” Joren admitted.

“But Chandrila? What are you going to do there?” Breia asked.

“I don't know.-” Joren paused. He hated not having a plan, and for the first time in his life after both his father had died and his mother had vanished while out on a job, he truly did not know what he was doing. Back then, things had fallen into place shortly after he met Dono. They had taken care of each other, and it was together that they had survived on the streets of Nar Shaddaa. Now, he didn't know that this would still be the case. For all he knew, as unlikely as it seemed, the moment they touched down in Hanna City, Dono could for all intents and purposes walk out of his life altogether. “-I suppose find a place to stay, look for work.”

“And keep your heads down?” Breia said with a smirk.

“And keep our heads down.” Joren nodded.

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Breia said letting out a chuckle.

“Right.” Joren laughed.

“Look, you'll be going right into the heart of the New Republic. Do you think that's a good idea? How do you know they aren't just as bad as the Empire?” She asked, suddenly becoming very serious.

“We don't.” Joren admitted. “But the New Republic isn't looking for us. The Empire is.”

“Fair enough.” Breia told him. “But do me a favor, will you?”

“What's that?”

“When you're out there doing whatever it is that you're going to be doing, don't forget about us here. You guys will always have a place here.” She told him.

“Thanks Breia, that means a lot.” He said, feeling a sudden pang of guilt over their abrupt departure.

Joren reached down and picked up his bag, tossing it over his shoulder and turned to leave the room. As he reached the doorway where Breia had been standing, he stopped and met his new friend's gaze. He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

“We will come back to visit, I promise.” Joren said.

“Good.-” She said. -”I'm going to hold you to that.”

“I know you will.” Joren said with a smile as he continued past her and made his way to the Twilight Dreams, which had been sitting outside Breia's home since the day before.

“Joren!-” Breia called after him as he walked up the ram to the Dreams. “-Be careful. And stay out of trouble.” She said.

“I'll do my best.” He said with a laugh as he turned back and boarded the Dreams.

As Joren entered the Dreams, Kelsa was sitting in the lounge area and Nyna and Dono were already in the pilot and co-pilot seats. Joren tried to reach out and get a reading on Dono, but he wasn't able to discern exactly where the Mandalorian's head was at in the moment.

“I half expected you to leave without me.” Joren joked.

“Another minute and we would have.” Dono said evenly. Joren couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He knew that they would have to have a conversation about what had happened soon, but he knew that Dono wasn't ready, and he wasn't entirely sure that he was, either.

“Alright, well, what do you say we get out of here.” Joren said in a jovial tone, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

“Right, let's go. Joren, you may want to take a seat.” Nyna said as she punched the coordinates to Chandrila into the navcomputer and fired up the engines.
Been working on some stuff which will be up shortly. Also having an idea for another character...
People of Interest

Groups of Interest

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:


I'm gonna go ahead and approve. Welcome back
....I'm going to add I think I just deleted the entire "sample post" and need to rewrite it now. Gaaaaaaaah

Edit: OK done. I remembered 80% of it at least.


Just kidding, I like it.

Welcome aboard
I should have something up this weekend
Alejandro Fernando Roberto Grange:

Speech Color:
Lime Green

Character Alignment:
Walking the line...in more ways than one

Only his two friends, sister, and dad know about his powers, but only one friend knows everything that he does with those powers.

Hero Type:

Brick/Gray Matter

Power Level:

City Level


Also, just a clarification, the city is Lost Haven, not New Haven.

Welcome aboard

A sense of dread began mounting within Icon as he stood in the street watching as the smaller ships raced toward the city. Moments before, he had been in orbit above the Earth having barely preventing the massive space rock from flattening Lost Haven. While he was relieved to have been able to save his city, he also saw first hand the wholesale destruction that these invaders had wrought upon the world.

Not here you don't. Icon thought to himself as he watched the swarm of ships racing toward Lost Haven.

“Officer, get these people off the street.” Icon said to a police officer standing close by. “I'll cover you, just get them to safety.” He finished as he left the ground to meet the ships head on.

The city went by in a blur as Icon raced toward the descending ships. He was still reeling from the sheer destruction that he had witnessed on a global scale, and was determined to prevent these invaders from destroying his home. He gritted his teeth as he accelerated toward the alien fighters. As he got closer to the ships and he finally got a good look at them, they reminded him of a Klingon Bird of Prey from the old Star Trek movies, except they were matte black and sleeker. They were also small, only large enough for a single pilot. Suddenly, there was a flash of green-white light as the smaller vessels opened fire on him. He did a barrel roll, avoiding several energy bolts as he approached the incoming vessels. However, before he could reach the mass of ships, they showed just how maneuverable they were, breaking formation and going in every direction, firing their laser weapons almost indiscriminately as they buzzed the city below.

“Guardians, Gather up.” Came the call from the Guardians com device that Arthur had given him. Icon winced at the words as he banked hard to the left as he went after one of the ships that had begun firing its weapons into apartment buildings below.

“I've already got boots on the ground....So to speak. Get here as quick as you can, there's too many of them.” Icon said as he caught up to the ship, balled up his fist and hurled an energy blast at the alien vessel, sending it careening into an abandoned construction site below. It was then that he saw more ships descending toward the city. These ships were larger than the fighters that had been attacking Lost Haven/ They were square and bulky, almost like what he could imagine the military of the future might use to deploy troops into an active war zone.When he realized that they were not attacking but landing, he knew that is exactly what they were.

“Guardians, we have troop carriers landing all over the city, we have to try and contain them before they can cause too much damage.” He said as he flew toward one of the carriers to head off the invaders.
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