The vagabond nodded, taking a few steps back to allow Marcus in the lead. He made sure marcus was still withen his range, enough so that he could help him if anything came out of the forest. He took the silence time to think. If they were hitting mountains then they were far indeed from his old hometown. He was reviewing his leads to the first relic in his head.
"Reports of useless relic"
"Unseen king holds the key"
"You cannot harm"
Mostly aimless, of course. But that was the nature of the first relic. It would be difficult to find, but starry knew it would bring the fate of the evokers to a close. After all, starry knew the truth of the relics. Of how they changed someone, and how it bound evokers together, forcing destiny upon them. The Evoker blood was not a blessing, its a curse. A curse to all those who wish to force their own path. If the string of evokers had not bound starry and the noble, his family would be alive today. But that was another matter. Starry had kept that mans relic, a memento of how he had actually killed the noble. He had stabbed his leg, and after poking his eyes out he had taken the nobles money and sigil, which he kept around with him even now. He had taken the relic and simply walked away, letting the string snap before ending the life of the noble. Now that starry was thinking of that, It occurred to him that he didn't remember which of his valuables was the mans relic.
He shook his head, holding his arm out to stop artemis.
"I feel odd. and eerie. Can you look around? Tell me if there is anyone else nearby?"