Avatar of Nobility
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 33 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Nobility 9 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by whizzball1>

Sure. Who do you want?

<Snipped quote by Nobility>

What even is that?

Simple way of putting it,

Me and star vs. The forces of evil = MLP with you guys.
<Snipped quote by Nobility>

Oh my gosh you're my best friend ever now

I even debated setting the show's theme song as my ringtone.
<Snipped quote by Nobility>

I don't watch TV anymore.


Look up Star Vs. The Forces of Evil.



<Snipped quote by Nobility>

It's fine. I just ate too.

Also, who watches Disney XD here?
<Snipped quote by Nobility>

Funny enough, I only adopted tha because of the RP.

<Snipped quote by whizzball1>

But joy should be able to give you happiness regardless of a situation. And if side effects are experienced outside of a medicine, then they're not necessarily side effects of the medicine.

Cool. Sorreh for ze late reply, work was longer than expected. I'm just now eating dinner.
Question. Would Shinji, Alucard, and Kirina be in limbo as well due to their direct contact with the group, I need to know before I post.
<Snipped quote by Nobility>

You. You stole my catch phrase.

<Snipped quote by Nobility>


<Snipped quote by Nobility>

I'll see what I can do.

<Snipped quote by whizzball1>

I would venture to say that Joy is the disease, and Happiness is the symptom.

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Alright, man. All our hearts are with you.

<Snipped quote by Extra>


Nice to meet you, avis.

*Shinji walks in*

And there's that son of mine, feel better?

- yeah, I'm alright now. I wish things would just go according to plan though, we were so close.. Now I'm going to have to destroy GNYSYS03, and build another prototype...

Alucard: sometimes these things happen.

*walks in*

-Shinji, there you are, are you doing ok?

*looks to the others*

Hello everyone.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Meh. It's grown back, and I'm almost to full power. It'll glow again once I am, and I'm stronger than I was before.


Oh, fun.

-Alucard, I can't seem to find Shinji, he called me a few seconds ago to meet him in here...


Hm, haven't seen him.
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