The only thing is I don't know if my character would fall into Lancer or Rider territory, since im going by historical Lu Bu rather than the existing fate extra's Lu Bu.

Name: Lu Bu
Noble Phantasm: An aura that makes everyone but his master gradually more bloodlusted as the fight wears on.
Noble Phantasm (if 1st doesn't seem right): Lu Bu dons his golden armour and his spear becomes the huge halberd he wielded one handed. His strength skyrockets to the degree that even his movement causes huge gusts of wind.
Class: Lancer or Rider (I'm unsure because there is such a big deal made about his horse.)
Personality: Lu Bu was widely considered the greatest warrior the ancienct world has ever seen. A prodigy from a young age he was adopted by a noble fmaily (historians unsure who) but eventually grew disatisfied by his father's attempts to use him as a living weapon. The Tyrant Dong Zhuo then gifted him Red Hare - the king of horses. As he served under Dong Zhuo he met the love of his life Diao Chan and his comrade/rival Zhang Liao. Dong Zhuo kidnapped the Emperor setting up the battle of Hu Lao Gate.
At Hu Lao gate Lu Bu stood alone against the coalition forces, earning the reputation of a demon. It took clever strategy and desperation for the coalition to bypass Lu Bu. (I would RP some stuff here) but Lu Bu was ordered to retreat, as Dong Zhuo set the capital alight to spite the coalition forces a she made his retreat. Upon regrouping his forces, the tyrant was slain by Lu Bu. Who then wandered the land with a fearsome army in tow.
Until his betrayal by his men at Xia Pi, Lu Bu was believed to be immortal due to the feats attributed to him. (RP fun here for the master/servant dreams) His hated foe Cao Cao, the one man to defeat his army in the field executed him outside Xia Pi castle. As China's noble spirit - he seeks further challenge and wishes to carve a path through the greatest of foes to gain hiis one desire.
Personality wise: He's a bit of a brash dick. He is a brilliant tactician when he wants to be - but his love of the fight always gets in the way. History books have him in at over 7ft tall. His training showed him excelling in everything from rapiers to archery. But I think I'm going to stick with his Halberd and Spear.
Also when summoned; "Take me to your dwelling, I wish to ensure you are worthy of my time!" The line is just too good not to use.
Also in China there was the saying: "Among Men - Lu bu. Among Horses - Red Hare"