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    1. notmypresident 9 yrs ago


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I agree with RhineQueen.

Some people can create a picture that looks cool then dissect it piece by piece to explain the reason things were designed in a particular way. Others can think of a picture they want to paint, then create an image step by step until it resembles the idea they were trying to convey. But I think both are highly intuitive and can be equally effective in the creative process, depending on what makes sense to the artist. But due to literary devices such as flashbacks and foreshadowing not all stories have to be told in a linear fashion. Particularly if this one is going to involve time travel at some point.

In all honestly, it probably takes a unique balance of both these aspects to craft something truly engaging for both author and audience. Which is why I'm glad this story is being looked at from three different perspectives opposed to just one. I'd like to think the end result will be far grander than anything any one of us could come up with single-handedly. I just hope we can continue to inspire each other to create... as I think that's the main purpose of this activity even if the story arc still up for debate. Besides, little nuances can be hard to plan if they're just subject to change anyway. But I do agree that structure is key to any successful RP.

Generally speaking I like to think it metaphorically in terms of a dungeon. The players involved start in a room where they find a key which will unlock a door. The new room is comparable to a new idea being introduced to the party, with the key being the hook that invests their interest and the unlock door being the pay-off for their efforts. So I suppose the real question isn't so much thinking about what we should be putting into it, as it is establishing what it is we're hoping to get out of it.
Space Jazz sounds really swanky, Dex sounds like a Galactic Gatsby!

I'm beyond stoked to meet everyone. My apologies on the lateness of the bio though, clearly I'm a bit tardy to the party.

I've attempted to build it in character hub and thought you had to fill in all the blanks in the questions tab. But seeing as that's a bit excessive I think I'll just leave the ones that are most telling. Thank you 1n5tant Ar50n for sending some info on Kento spaceport and System 14. I feel I have a much better grasp on the atmosphere you're striving to accomplish, and I will do my best to match it.

Although I should probably mention that I feel like the questionnaire was an entire waste, as it made me ask myself some hard questions to distinguish where my character's morals and ethics lie. Who I've ended up with is very different than who I started with and for that I thank you. Let's just say that his sense of direction will be way stronger than his moral compass. He's young, dumb and full of... radium lol.

Well, in the words of my shit-faced childhood hero, I need to stop over thinking things and "JUST DO IT."
Shia Labeouf may have been a lot of things that day he got arrested, but wrong wasn't one of them.
Seeing as this is a universe of your own creation, I shall leave the introductory post in your capable hands.
I'm down. Just in the process of writing my starter now. Are we all just there at are own leisure? Or have we been recruited?

I'll post my character bio once I get home.

Try as I might, I just can't bring myself to be that one douche bag who brings their laptop to Starbucks and takes up all the table space setting up a home office lol
Also, are we all going to start somewhere different but be brought together due to circumstance? Or is this under the assumption that we've been recruited for a particular mission and are now meeting each other intentionally?
Ah. I dig it. I shall use this as a template for my muse's bio page.
Right on. Is this an ultra modern future or a post-apocalyptic future that you're picturing?

I suppose I'll just wait until someone posts their bio first and then refer to that as a template.

Following your lead ladies.
Works for me.

Although I'm sure even if some Fantasy elements are mentioned it won't seem entirely out of place in a Sci-Fi setting.
After all, history is doomed to repeat itself, right?

May I ask which plot device we've decided to go with? I'd like to comprise a character bio, but I find that hinges greatly on picking something that won't sound out of place given the established canon. Like if you guys are gonna be Space Nazi's I don't want to roll in with the Millennium Puzzle, you know?
Dear Reader,

I think Chuck Palahniuk captured it best in this scene from Fight Club when the narrator finds out he’s been living the life he’s always dreamed of through his alter ego whenever his mind goes to sleep. And although I wouldn’t recommend that anyone start their own Project Mayhem I do strongly agree with finding a form of escapism which works for you. For me is has and always will be writing. I’ve always been fascinated with the concept of creating a world in your mind then being able to capture it on paper so that you can take everyone else there with you.

I find all novels to be romantic in the sense that even if you’ve been dead for hundreds of years someone else can read the concepts and ideas you came up with as if they knew you personally, and still be able to connect to them and be influenced by them long after your passing. It’s one thing to have a modern day person read your story and feel inspired by it, but imagine being able to capture the hearts and minds of someone you’ll never meet because they were born long after your time. Even though you’re dead and gone your soul can still live on through your words. People can immortalize themselves though the pages they write because books are timeless.

But most of all, there’s the fact you can generate genuine intrigue towards something that does not exist. Your emotions are real, but the character is not. Although in a world where you are not restricted by the laws reality anything can happen. If you want to fly, you can. It may not seem realistic, but in a fictional universe one can make it sound believable. If you wish to possess inconceivable power it’s yours. Sure, it’s only in your mind, but that’s the one place you will always retain them because your thoughts are the one thing that no one can ever take away from you. So go ahead and fall in love… even if at the end of the day it’s only with your own imagination.

I dare you to dream.

Beggars can't be choosers as I always say. However, if the tie breaker were up to me, I think I'd lean slightly more towards Fantasy. Although, if you still wish to do Sci-Fi I'd be completely open to the idea of someone being from a parallel universe or a time traveller journeying between worlds. On a more unconventional note, how about a robot who's been rebooted hundreds of years in the future, or perhaps a wealthy noble family who's been cryogenically frozen and unthawed at a later date? Or maybe a Mage who's attempt at controlling time has backfired and trapped them in the past? Only due to their extensive research in the present they're actually well versed enough to make surviving entirely possible. That is until they can find a way to undo the spell... but if they're enjoying themselves who says they would even want to go back?
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