Durlag gro-Shag

Name: Durlag gro-Shag
Age: 38
Race: Orsimer
Appearance: Broad shouldered and powerfully built, Durlag gro-Shag is everything one might expected to see in a mountain orc. Long years of service to the Empire, along with nearly two decades working the forge, have transformed a once long, lanky youth into a veritable mountain of meat and muscle; while life constantly lived on the Imperial frontier, has turned his dull, gray-green flesh into rough, well worn leather. Small, amber eyes gleam with a ferocious love for life, and his thick jaw and wide chin seems all the wider whenever he grins a toothy grin.
At a height of nearly seven feet, he is tall, even by orcish standards. Rumors abound that there might be, perhaps, a small touch of ogreish blood in his ancestry, a claim he vehemently denies. Typically, he is seen in heavy armor. On those rare occasions when he is not, he tends to favor simple garb, not at all unlike that worn by a village smith or miner.
Personality: Durlag gro-Shag is one jovial and boisterous when drunk, yet silent and contemplative when sober. Perhaps a touch more cerebral than others of his kind, he is prone to long bouts of melancholy. His thoughts are often turned inwards, and it is wise to leave him be whenever he is taken by one of his so-called “black moods”. However, when gathered amongst fine company, with a horn of mead in hand, he is quick to raise his voice in valorous song of deeds past, and of deeds yet to come.
Imperial Legion (Formerly)
Cheydinhal Fighters Guild
History: Durlag gro-Shag was born the son of an orcish warchief in a minor stronghold in the Wrothgarian Mountains during the bloody years leading up to the Miracle of Peace, which some name the Warp in the West. He was seventeen years old when Orisinium was at long last granted provincial status by the Empire. At eighteen years of age, he was among the first orcs to enlist with the Imperial Legion.
Having been schooled in the ways of the forge from the time he was eight, Durlag found himself pressed into service as a quartermaster. His days and nights were filled with long hours mending the broken armor and weapons of his fellow legionnaires, and even forging new ones when demand was great enough. He saw is fair share of combat as well, as all were expected to take up arms whenever camp or fort came under attack.
Durlag met his destiny some years later during the Oblivion Crisis, when all of Tamriel was nearly brought to its knees. No longer left to slave away at the forge, he was dispatched face the Daedric invasion along with just about every other legionnaire in the Empire. Battle after battle, he slaked his axe's thirst for Daedric. Battle after battle, he narrowly avoided death by the skin of his tusks.
The end of the Oblivion Crisis, also marked the end of his service to the Empire. Martin Septim's sacrifice had brought peace to a war weary Tamriel, and Durlag found that he was no longer interested in facing death on a daily basis. He sought quieter work, as a porter of the Cheydinhal Fighter's Guild. The Guild's many mercenaries always need their weapons sharpened and repaired, or needed their armorer mended, and here he didn't have to worry about ever being asked to fight.
The last five years have been among the best of his admittedly short life, though the thrill of battle has once more begun to creep its way into his heart. A letter delivered to him by a harried looking courier, has set him once more upon the road. Obeying its cryptic message, he now makes his way to Skyrim, and to Helgen...
Class: Warrior
Major Skills:
- Armorer – Expert
- Blade – Apprentice
- Blunt – Adept
- Block – Apprentice
- Heavy Armor – Apprentice
- Light Armor – Novice
- Marksman – Novice
Minor Skills:
- Athletics – Apprentice
- Leather Working – Novice
- Enchantment – Novice
Spells: None
- Steel Battle Axe
- Steel War Axe
- Steel Armor
- Leather Traveler's Pack
- Armorer's Tools
- Armorer's Hammer X10
- Inkwell and Quill
- Leather-bound Journal
- Map of Tamriel
- Trail Rations x14
- Filled Waterskin