Shayre turned around to look at Jane, hesitating for a moment before letting down the now entirely sucked dry moss. "I... I don't think they will be poisonous... I had a bit, not enough to kill me if it were poisonous... However I think I would at least feel a bit sick if they are. But I don't want to kill this group off by being careless..."
He grimaced realizing his words might have a bit of a disheartening effect on the girls. They needed morale more than anything if they wanted to get through this. Morale... And decisiveness. There was nothing he would gain from standing around wondering, twisting and turning. There wouldn't be a one good path, one direction to take, that would get them out of this place. There would be hundreds of paths, and both could just as easily kill them as safe them. The only thing that wouldn't work for sure was waiting, wondering, hesitating. They needed to move, get things done, go in one direction and stick to it.
He frowned as the thoughts followed eachother in his head. It seemed as if the words belonged in a certain rythm, a certain pitch. They sounded an awful lot like some kind of speech someone would give... He wondered whether he had been told this by someone before, or had it been in a movie? As he tried to remember it, or anything else, he felt the beginnings of a headache come up. It was starting to get familiar now... Not that a familiar pain is much better than a foreign one. He turned his attention away from the subject by concentrating on the problem at hand. Whoever had come up with that speech, if it hadn't just been himself, they had been right.
Making a decision, he nodded and stood up straight. "We won't know for sure whether they are poisonous or not. I suggest we go to sleep now, and if the fruits haven't made me sick until tomorrow morning, we have to assume they are safe to eat.
He looked over at the girls, hesitating for a moment. "That is, if you guys can keep up another night."
Shayre frowned at himself, wondering whether he was taking too much authority, or too little. He wasn't really sure whether he wanted to lead them, be responsible for failures... Then again, he wasn't sure who else would do it. The new girl seemed to think about things, but he didn't really know her yet... And she had been awfully ready to trade Jane's blood with that monster. Akuma had worked hard, but didn't come up with her own ideas, being content following orders. A good girl to have around, but no leadership material. Jane... He trusted her, and her leg was healed now, but it seemed like she had been here for quite some time now, and her powers had depleted quickly. It was good that she was drinking water, she was probably parched with thirst, and it was probably affecting her behavior.
You're one to talk, he chuckled as he felt his head. He walked away from the tree, ready to continue the effort of hauling the shelter towards the place he intended to have them sleep tonight.