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    1. Oblivion 11 yrs ago


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I'm very partial towards elves like a lot of other people because I like their kind of mysterious aura. Not much is known about them and most is left to the reader's imagination, which both irks me to hell and back and fascinates me. I find their biggest flaw, in my own personal opinion as a reader, to be their "holier-than-thou" attitude. Sure, the dwarves have some too but I find them and Men a bit more bearable. Plus, the elves and Ents both speak in riddles, which can tend to get frustrating. Or maybe it's just Tolkien's style of writing? As much as I love the story and plot, I can't say I dig the way he writes. Too vague for me, though if he were more descriptive, just The Fellowship of the Ring would be a 700-page book.
Lucien Vuković
Lucy, much to his intense internal dislike.
Eighteen… or so he says.
A true mystery.
At first glance, Lucien doesn’t strike you as a very unique individual and is definitely someone you wouldn’t look twice at in a crowd. However, upon closer inspection, his smooth features are curiously distinctive, so much so that his ethnicity isn’t all that clear. His average-toned light skin hints towards a European descent but that’s all there is to it, with long burgundy hair serving to further confuse the onlooker. He keeps it in a long braid down his back, with the rest cut short to frame his face. Along with his rather angular features, Lucien sports a pair of light grey eyes, pale to the point of being creepy in the right light. Though they’re occasionally overshadowed by his bangs, they allow him to pull off a killer flirtatious look. There’s not much that Lucien doesn’t wear; he doesn’t discriminate in what he wears, and his lean 183 cm form certainly doesn’t hinder him from wearing all sorts of clothing. He goes with the flow and occasion, showing up in a tuxedo to a fancy dinner to casual sweats and a T-shirt to jeans. The only thing he draws a line at is “gangsta”-type clothes, with saggy pants and thug-like clothing, as he finds those distasteful. Needless to say, he’s not into feminine clothing either. However, one thing you’ll always find on him during the winter is a coat. During his time in Japan, Lucien got himself tattooed and pierced. An oriental dragon spans across his left arm, curls over his shoulder and ends at his chest, colored a deep black with occasional red accents. However, due to his preference for long-sleeved clothing, that tattoo has only ever been seen by himself.
Lucien is an… interesting person, to say the least. Harboring a personality that’d make a master manipulator cringe, he’s someone you wouldn’t want to pick a fight with. He’s the owner of a sharp, barbed tongue that can spew vile insults at a moment’s notice; however, ironically, his temper isn’t too explosive for that. Instead, he bides his time, offering his victim a Cheshire grin before going back to normal. Even so, his “normal” isn’t entirely so, by a regular person’s standards. Lucien is a flashy, extroverted sort, starved for conversation and fun; his playful nature lets him flirt and interact easily with most. Though he can be a downright menace and a hassle to deal with, he’s very approachable and can even be considered friendly. What he shows people changes according to who he’s talking to; skilled at reading people the longer he interacts with them, Lucien adapts to his environment much like a cold-blooded reptile. And a reptile is a good way to describe him, for his inner nature is nothing short of sneaky and cunning. While his friendly interactions and harmless fun are genuine, he has a certain nasty side of him that tends to get in the way of lasting friendships. Petty jealousy and being unable to settle for one person or thing is the reason why he’s never had a close friend. In a nutshell, Lucien changes personas like underwear. There’s rarely a drastic difference between them but he switches between them so fast that it disorients him sometimes. He takes life head-on and rarely plans ahead, using his remarkable intuition to cruise by with minimal problems. Well, most of the time. Being a natural tease and a bit of a professional troll, it makes up for his manipulative tendencies. Though a possessing a very relaxed disposition, to the point of not caring about much at all, Lucien has a pretty scary, vengeful side. He never forgets.
A few likes in general
1. Coats. 2. Snakes. 3. Extroverted, talkative and fun people. 4. Cats.
A few dislikes in general
1. Boredom. 2. Cookies and biscuits. 3. Ignorance. 4. Commitment.
Allergies, phobias and medical conditions
Severely allergic to cats and peanuts, though he’ll add “idiots” to that list too. Has occasional heart problems that forces him to take medication once in a while and, due to that, has to take a certain kind of pill every 3 days. In terms of phobias, he has a heart of steel. Unless it’s a big, hairy tarantula, there’s probably nothing that can get him to scream. Yet.
Oblivion apologises, she's in a dilemma. Coming soon.
Fighting Type
Prefers to use words but you’ll see.
A year later, after returning to the Academy, Yue graduated a year earlier than her classmates and though most suspected her family's meddling and influence, Yue knew they didn't bother with her Academy progress all that much. But when she was assigned to the Fourth Division, a hint of doubt began to surface. The Fourth were equally ridiculed by the Yukihiro as the Ichigawa, the members in the Eleventh Division often harassing the healers. Even as she got promoted the 17th Seat a few months later after picking up the most important Kido spells, Isao's disapproving frown quickly squashed down any sense of accomplishment she'd felt. The harassment of her fellow healers was a common, almost daily occurence and though the Yukihiro avoided antagonzing her, Yue still felt the effects.

Her progress in Kido and the Division's ranks was steady and good, despite her colleagues' chilly disposition towards her.Yue gradually realized it wasn't only her name and her connection to their tormentors; having Hakuda as a superior skill to Kido was seen as something of a disgrace, as Kido came above everything else. Naturally, she still trained in Hakuda at her family's dojo daily, but still received the same looks from her clansmen. Having talent for Kido in her family was pretty much the same; disgrace followed. There was no pleasing anyone.

The first hint of her family's meddlesome nature was when she was abruptly called to the Lieutenant's office, informing the young girl that she was being transferred to another Division. For a moment, Yue felt relief; had her request to be transferred to the Twelfth Division been accepted? However, she quickly deflated; her destination was the Second, the Division specializing in assassinations and other dishonorable deeds.

The Second, however, was more accepting. Due to her short and slender stature, she was quiet on her feet and quick, her uniform blending in perfectly in the darkness and rendering her invisible. The first time she'd been tasked with a solo assassination as a 15th Seat, Yue could barely do it. It had been a man that had been plotting against the Central 46, bribing servants in the Ichigawa to gain information. Though a noble from the lower families, his house was poorly guarded and Yue had no trouble getting in; minutes later, she stood above the sleeping man, hidden in the shadows that spanned across the room. Had he been awake, he'd have noticed the shadow that loomed over him for almost half an hour, visibly upset. However, after slitting his throat clean open, severing the arteries and his trachea, she plunged the tanto in between his eyes and into his brain, afterwards fleeing the scene leaving no trace, still upset.

Despite the Damage Control Corps-Commander's approval, Yue was still visibly shaken at her actions. Once home, she fidgeted about for quite a while until, unsure of what she was doing, left the compound and found herself standing in front of Akimoto-sensei's Dojo. It was after hours so unless he was training, Kouta probably wouldn't be very busy. That had been the first time she'd visited him after their ordeal. She didn't tell him about what she'd done; she hadn't come for consolation.

As she progressed up the ranks of the Second Division, Yue visited Kouta more frequently, getting closer to him in the process. He was more of a brother to her than anyone in the Yukihiro House, someone she could confide in without worry. Their time apart only drew her closer to him, his cold demeanour not fazing her in the least. He was like a shield that could keep her grounded, even sane.

By the time she was a Lieutenant, Kouta was no different from an older brother to her and Yue never failed to greet him with a hug, wrapping her arms around him and drawing him closer as a way of saying 'hello'. Even as she physically grew and matured, no thoughts of it being awkward crossed her mind and, hearing no complaints from Kouta, she continued to show her affection for the man.

It was strange, physical touch. It wasn't bad, no. His father didn't offer much physical contact outside the Dojo and his mother was busy and possibly just as stern as he. He was used to showing love by appearing strong. Hugging was foreign to him, but he couldn't deny the comfort and warmth it provided. Sometimes he would find himself grasping onto her a little tighter or a little longer than usual.



"You're getting married and that's final. And don't say 'what', that's incredibly rude and disgraceful. You've been taught to say 'pardon me', so utilize it." Isao didn't look up from his paperwork. Even without looking up, he could tell Yue was shocked and distressed.

Yue shook her head, unable to believe it. It was so abrupt, out of the blue - it had to be a joke. But Isao was never one for jokes. "But... I can't. I'm not ready for marriage.' Though her appearance was now sixteen, Yue's problems didn't end there. Marriage meant getting pregnant and having children, which meant she couldn't be a Shinigami anymore. Inwardly, Yue suspected he'd noticed a growth spurt she herself hadn't took note of. "I'm just about to be promoted to Captain, you can't do this, Otou-sama." Her voice took on a pleading note, but it went unheeded.

"That doesn't matter. You're getting engaged tomorrow evening and the wedding will take place a year from now. Give up on that silly dream of yours and focus on what matters." Isao's voice was cold and sharp, holding no compassion for the girl whose world was slowly cracking at the edges.

Days, weeks and months of arguing ensued. Yue had finally snapped and had a nervous breakdown, refusing to show up to any ceremony and leaving her fiancé-to-be hanging more than once. She'd argued ardently against the marriage and several months later, Isao finally relented and allowed her one condition; the marriage was to take place 200 years from now - seeing no other way out, Yue agreed. A week later, Isao and Kazuhiro overlooked the engagement ceremony as Ryuusei slid the ring on her finger.

Yue had left the room in tears, trying to keep others from seeing her break down. It didn't matter that she wasn't dressed appropriately for leaving the compound, wearing only a thin summer yukata despite the oncoming winter and chilly air. Her feet took her out of the compound and towards Kouta; she honestly didn't know who to go to. He seemingly hadn't sensed her approaching and as Yue stood behind him, she spoke, her voice shaking slightly, "Nii-san?" Approaching his form, Yue slid her arms around his neck, her long hair spilling over their shoulders. She fought hard to keep the tears at bay but as the seriousness of the situation came crashing down around her, they escaped and slid down her cheeks.

Kouta bent down so she could reach him without too much effort. He gently caressed her sides and back with his large arms. "Yue," he whispered to her, attempting to sound comforting for the obviously distraught girl. "Why are you crying?"

After a few moments of struggling to pull herself together, Yue relaxed into the hug. No matter how hard she tried, her lips wouldn't move, her voice wouldn't work. Unable to form coherent words for a while, Yue tried to steady her uneven breathing. She didn't even want to say the words aloud; it seemed like if she did, it'd cement the whole thing into place. Kouta's very presence managed to calm her down after a while and she took a shaky breath. "I'm engaged." Those two words brought on a fresh wave of tears that Yue struggled to keep in. "He's marrying me off to the Ichigawa family."
Isao nodded, having no intentions of doing so unless it proved counter-productive. "Your son is in the medical ward in the third building from this one. He is in one of the rooms at the end of the main hallway. Give him my regards." Perhaps there was an intentional irony to the words, well-masked under a polite tone.

One of the attendants stationed outside the office was called in and instructed to take Akimoto to Kouta. He was one of the oldest attendants, a rank above most others. He politely bowed to his Head then to Akimoto, and turned to lead the way towards the medical ward.

Through long corridors he paced through until he was lead to the chamber within which Kouta was being held. A faint voice could be heard speaking through the door, much too soft and feminine to be Kouta's. After a moment or two, the attendant seemed to recognize it and knocked on the door before sliding it open, not really waiting for a response.

The aging attendant gave the girl a disapproving frown and opened the door wider, gesturing her out. "Miss Yue, you shouldn't be here. Please reurn to you quarters at once." The man had no authority over Yue but she relented, bowing to Kouta before getting up and leaving the room.

Had Isao seen her weighed down and slightly stumbling as she walked, he'd have committed her to years of balance and kimono-walking lessons. She bowed respectfully to Akimoto, acknowledging her former teacher, to which he bowed back just as deeply. Yue had little doubt that Isao had allowed them to leave on proper terms and she hoped that he hadn't severed ties with the man. That wouldn't do anyone any good, she decided as she left the medical ward and returned to her room.
Nevertheless, he was Head of the House. It had been instilled into him to make the best decisions and remain diplomatic. His House came first, before himself or anyone else. "I apologize if I have taken up your time, Akimoto-san, but it seems you are not aware that you're disrespecting not only me, but my House. I sent a messenger when your son came back from the Human world and it isn't my fault you chose to ignore him. Did you not care why half of your shihan and students are dead? Did you not want to know why your son spent several days passed out cold and in immense pain? This is classified information, Akimoto-san, you wouldn't have known unless you were here." No matter his hard demeanour, Isao didn't believe in ignoring in order to train an individual, much less his family.

Akimoto allowed the senseless man to finish his ranting. He refused to apologize back, knowing he was not disrespectful in any degree, at least he believed himself to possess a lack of fault. "I trusted your House to care for my son as we have both worked to sustain and even improve the conditions of your House. My silence was my grief. My diligence was in their honor. Pain is an indication of life," he recited mostly to himself. Of course he felt some kind of sorrow that his only son was in pain and in a fatal position, but these were conditions of the Gotei and they would do well not to complain about the inevitable.

"Those mean nothing to a grief-stricken family, not in their current position. The least you could've done was come when called. I entrust my family to you, as I have done so for the past centuries, and we consider you family." Few were given the degree of trust of their House; even fewer were offered an 'adoption' of sorts into the House. Akimoto had been granted both of those and Isao considered him family. But it was hard to deal with the man at times, their ideals clashing at the worst of times.
Isao barely looked up from his calligraphy, being in the middle of a complicated character. It was about time Akimoto showed up, though he was mildly surprised to note how relaxed the man seemed. He himself wasn't in a particularly good mood, the last of the funerals having taken place only an hour or so ago. Not even calligraphy helped, and that usually staved off the worst of his moods.

Eventually, he did look up and gestured to the seat a few feet away from the table, identical to his own. "Please sit, Akimoto-san." Isao spoke in an uncharacteristically polite tone, though that was the only show of politeness he'd offer. "He's perfectly fine, he has been healed back to a healthy condition, and is residing in the medical ward." He made no effort to be diplomatic anymore, his cutting tone suggested what his words did not.

He did not sit. Instead he walked toward the chair offered to him and placed his right arm upon its back. He did not have time to converse freely. "Then why has he not been released? What reasons do you have for keeping him from the duties of the Gotei as well as your personal House?" His voice was still calm but his words were direct as frustration boiled his blood.

Isao looked up at the man, his hard grey eyes boring into him. "Because he is responsible for more than fifty deaths, directly or indirectly. I do not care whether it was partially his fault or not, I now have to deal with their deaths and the deceased's families." He kept his tone formal but his anger was rather obvious. "Most of your own shihan are dead." He still respected the man and his abilities and made an effort to keep his cool. It wouldn't do him any good if his House had a falling-out and he still had to be considerate of his family's opinion, most of who were proud to be a part of his dojo.
Hearing no response, Yue slid the door open wide enough to let her in but she remained outside. "Kouta-san?" She wasn't entirely sure what to call him anymore so she stuck to a general suffix. "Why haven't you eaten?" Yue asked, gesturing to the tray next to her. It was quite possible that he felt unwelcome and had probably missed the attendant so she picked it up and set it on the wall next to the door of his room.

"I wanted to apologize. May I come in?" Even though entering without spoken permission was acceptable, Yue couldn't overlook her manners and it had become something of a second naure. Her hesitancy and formality were tiring to most, if not everyone she conversed with, even herself. It was much more frustrating than one would suspect of her, but her docile nature didn't allow for her to displease Isao and consequently the House.

"Please," he said plainly. "For what do you need to apologize?"

Taking a seat near the door, Yue stared into her lap. "For getting caught up in this mess. And for the way my House has been treating you." She didn't blame herself for what had happened; that was beyond her actions, an accident. While the medics had done a good job of healing him, and Yue was relieved to see he was alright, she wasn't so sure about the attendant nor anybody else. "You saved me several times yet Isao-sama mostly blames you, even though I told him what had happened."

"He may have his opinions," he said again plainly. He didn't look up to see Yue in her mourning garb as he still mourned for them himself.

"They're not fair." she replied, her voice losing some of its airy quality. There was a layer of concern under her words which was rather uncharacteristic from someone who was only considered as an 'acquaintance' of sorts. After a long moment of contemplation, Yue spoke, "Why doesn't it bother you, Kouta-san?"

"It's not for me by which to be bothered," he said simply. "Perhaps he needs me for something," he lied hopingly.

"You do know he's not going to let you out, right?" Yue finally raised her eyes towards him. "I think of you as a brother and I don't know since when, probably after all that happened in the Human World but I tried telling Isao-sama that you and I are practically brother and sister by now, but he would not listen. I know his reasons for keeping you here and I'm afraid they won't do anyone any good."

"Yes, we are close. However, we cannot allow that come between your duties and mine." He was a touch solemn in determining this.
Isao knew that Kouta had responsibilities awaiting him in his family's Dojo but the man wasn't the least inclined to let him leave the compound. Even after Kouta had sufficiently recovered in the care of the Yukihiro house's healers, he hadn't been allowed to leave his room for any reason whatsoever. A while later, the healers had given him the liberty of moving around the house and using the adjoining courtyard for recovery training if he wished. It was more of a garden, really, but there was sufficient space to allow training.

Isao knew keeping Kouta under house arrest was highly inconvenient to others but frankly, he didn't care. It wasn't his problem to deal with; he had other problems of his own, namely his dead family members. Isao was beyond angry but there was no reason to act immaturely about it - there might have been a reasonable cause for them to be killed but he wasn't all too willing to listen to reason. Not even Yue's words impacted him enough to let Kouta go.

It had been close to two weeks and the House was getting ready to bury the dead. Isao himself was constantly busy, though the arrangements were done by others, and had his hands full with attending to the dead's immediate families and making up for the dead's roles within the House. It was a stressful job as he was increasingly on edge considerably more, giving Yue enough incentive to avoid him as much as possible. He'd already dealt with her, banning any more excursions to the Human world and temporarily pulling her out of the Academy, along with confining her to her chambers.

Even so, she wasn't entirely left out of the loop. The maids knew practically everything and through them, Yue knew Kouta was playing prisoner in one of the medical ward's private room that was really more of a living space. Knowing Isao, he would probably be there for a while, but Yue couldn't help but feel sympathetic. The Dojo was most likely suffering through Kouta's absence and she was sure it wasn't pleasant to be confined to a room. Yet she wouldn't leave her room for as Isao's daughter, her chambers were right next to his and his wife's separate house. It made leaving impossible, yet she couldn't shake off the nagging feeling.

Isao, on the other hand, was still busy. Having dealt with the absences of the dead family members, he was partly considering just going down to the Dojo himself but his pride wouldn't allow for it. He'd sent another messenger, requesting Akimoto's presence but word was yet to come back. In the meantime, he readied himself to attend the last of the funerals.

Dressed in elegant robes, a far cry from the usual kimono, and his wife wife quietly accompanying him by his side, Isao made his way down to the farthest point of the Yukihiro compound where, behind an exit framed by ornate double-doors and several fields down lay even more of the Yukihiro House's expansive property. Most of the surrounding land way beyond the reaches of the compound belonged to the Yukihiro Noble House, either rented, used for building various building for their House's use or worked to produce crops. There were several projects in progress as well as several gardens but today Isao's destination was an obscure yet highly decorated corner that served as the Yukihiro House's burial grounds.

On the way, he picked Yue up from her part of one of the houses and escorted her along to the burial grounds, as was customary. Like Setsuna, she had been required to wear a traditional mofuku kimono, usually reserved for immediate family members at funerals and made of plain black silk. Nevertheless, it was heavy and Yue found it hard to walk upright without stumbling, unlike Setsuna's graceful, fluid movements. Upon reaching the field, a hundred or so family members stood in uniform lines, their matching black kimonos standing out against the green of the field. They approached the small shrine-like temple and knelt, spending a good hour or so reciting prayers for the dead. Through a gap in the painted wood, Yue could see dozens of graves littering the field. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight, taking in the massive count of fresh graves. It was sickening, prompting her to once again close her eyes and pray.

After the burial came another similar ceremony exclusive to the Yukihiro House, held at the compound. Upon getting back to her rooms, Yue changed into a furisode kimono as was customary of unmarried women, the overly-long sleeves merely inches from the ground. As she had aged quite a bit since first arriving at the Yukihiro House, Yue wasn't considered a child anymore and was required to wear a furisode kimono.

Seated between Setsuna and Isao, Yue once again prayed for the very men she'd stumbled over moments after they'd died. Some had even been alive. The ceremony extended past noon and well into the afternoon, when Isao finally called the ceremony to an end. The gathering dispersed, men and women in colorful formal kimonos returning to their duties or homes. Yue was ordered back to her room and after bowing deeply to her parents, left towards her designated house.

The house was completely empty, devoid of a single soul. As Yue walked down the darkened hallway, she came across no-one else, not even a maid. Everything was left as it was. It was slightly unsettling, and Yue stopped in the middle of the hallway. The entire house was empty and its residents were only going to arrive in several minutes, allowing her more than enough time to leave if she wished. Furthermore, the maids had also attended the ceremony, making it an ideal time to simply walk out of the house. But was it even a good idea?

Her guilt overrode logic and she walked through the back door, carefully making her way towards the medical wards. She had a few minutes to spare, did she not? Yue felt like she owed Kouta an apology for everything that had happened, as well as thanking him. It wasn't something you'd expect of someone who'd lost more than fifty family members to Kouta but unlike Isao, anger didn't blind her reasoning and judgement.

It was late afternoon by the time Yue reached the medical ward and located the correct room. It was the only private ward currently being occupied at the far end of the building and she slowly walked towards it, her steps quiet despite the heavy kimono weighing her down. There was a tray of food on the floor next to the door, obviously left there by one of the attendants. Her hand came up to lightly knock on the sliding door, alerting Kouta of her presence.
Relieved to see the snow gone and the mist dissipating, Yue felt something akin to horror or panic sweep through her as the dead bodies were slowly revealed to her, one by one. She froze in place, eyes wide as the swept over every dead body, recognizing one here and there. It was gruesome and an absolutely horrifying sight to witness. Squeezing her eyes shut, Yue took a few moments to push the image out of her mind and calm her nerves before venturing back towards Kouta, her eyes anywhere but on the ground. Somehow, she didn't blame the man all that much for killing her clansmen.

He was kneeling but Yue could still see that he'd taken the brunt of most of the Hollow's and Hayate's attacks. His shoulder was probably the worst hit, wrapped in his kosode but bleeding profusely. She still had reiryoku left in spite of the several medium-level spells she'd used. "Sensei, you're hurt. Let me heal you." Yue's voice was quiet, her mind still in shock over her dead clansmen.

"Oh, yes," he said in a quiet voice. Due to all the excitement, the pain had subsided. Only when Yue began to heal him had the pain returned. There were other spells considerably less painful, but as this was the only spell Yue knew, the sharp stinging sensation was unavoidable. He was impressed that she'd learned healing Kido so early. She was truly talented in this field and silently hoped she'd pursue it further and not feel so pressured to follow his Dojo or her House's specialties.

Her cooling reiatsu was soothing and he layed down rest properly before they continued. They'd have to be here longer since the Senkaimon had, again, closed before harmful forces could make their way into the Seireitei. "I'm sorry," he grunted. He didn't really know what he was apologizing for but he felt the need to say it. It wasn't often that he was sorry for anything. In fact, this was probably the first time she'd heard him say those words.

As the wound slowly but surely stopped bleeding and closed up a bit, Yue's mind wandered back to the Hollow. Why had such a powerful Hollow ventured into the world of the living and attacked the men? They weren't particularly powerful, not as Kouta was. His apology was unexpected but nonetheless appreciated. "Don't worry about, Sensei, you saved my life. That's actually the reason I came out here. You've saved my life more than once so thank you."

The healing glow around her hands intensified, increasing the reiatsu transferred into Kouta's body and healing his injuries, once he's got used to the initial feeling. It was quite the task monitoring the flow of reiatsu and minding other variables such as the temperature, though her reiatsu was running low she didn't want him in pain.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" "No, I'm fine," he said, but it seemed she wasn't convinced. She ran her hands over his abdomen, letting her reiatsu heal the injury and fade the bruise down to a mere shadow, unnoticeable at best.

He groaned lightly as his body began to register the natural healing process along with Yue's medical skills. Not long after, a Senkaimon appeared a few yards away from them, emerging from it the form of Isao. He wasn't in a Shinigami uniform anymore, but wasn't the least less intimidating than last time. Kouta wasn't even aware of this until Isao's voice boomed over his phyiscal pain. Apparently, his pain was the least of his issues.

"Explain yourself, Akimoto." He ground out, obviously keeping his temper in check. Isao's steely grey eyes swept over the man's pained form, dismissing him for the moment and settled onto Yue. He made a brief second of eye contact with the girl - a long, agonizing second to Yue - before she ducked her head, avoiding his glare and instead keeping her eyes on her hands still encased in a glow on Kouta's abdomen. It was nearly done healing but as she hadn't finished, he was still probably in a large amount of pain. Despite Isao's reappearance, Yue didn't want to see Kouta in pain and kept up the spell.

"Come along, Yue. Now." Making no move to personally help the man, Isao beckoned Yue to follow him back through the Senkaimon, through where now spilled more men, but this time Gotei Shinigami. It seemed Isao was unwilling to send his own men in a second time lest they be massacred again. A couple of Shinigami pushed Yue away from Kouta, cutting the Kaido off and Isao's hand firmly clasped her upper arm once she was standing again. She couldn't have gone for much longer, as her reiryoku was now completely drained and she started feeling the dizzying, nauseous effects of reiryoku shortage. "Take him to the Yukihiro compound." Isao ordered the men handling Kouta and with one last look and went through the Senkaimon, taking Yue with him. She didn't fight, having no energy; she was physically and mentally exhausted beyond belief and no doubt Kouta was too. At least their ordeal was over.

Upon arrival, Kouta was taken to the medical ward of the Yukihiro main house as this was the only place emergency healers resided night and day. It was dark out, the moon just recently having taken its place in the inky sky. While Isao was undoubtedly angry, as Yue could tell when he dropped her off into the medical ward as well, she knew he wouldn't let Kouta nor his men die. Soon enough, the medical ward of the main and second family were occupied by surviving Yukihiro men; the rest were laid to rest in the third family's ward, to be buried in the following days to come. Additional healers were requested from the fourth division, and a messenger was quickly dispatched towards the Dojo to inform Akimoto of his son's condition.

The healers did a pretty good job of healing Kouta and, having been given a private room to himself, he was expected to stay until he'd been healed. Yue didn't know whether he was alright or not, as her room was on the other side of the wing. Isao and the elders had called her in several times, making her recollect everything time and again, yet seemingly they heard nothing.
However, running around didn't stop the Hollow from advancing as it simply followed her reiatsu, tripping her time and again, wrapping tendrils around her in an attempt to gain enough leverage to break bones and kill her. Had she been bigger and less mobile, she couldn't have managed for a minute. The Hollow was clever, exploiting her weaknesses - her utter incompetence in the field of Zanjutsu and limited Hakuda usage. However, it failed to take into account Yue was remarkably more intelligent than the creature. It didn't seem to have an apparent weakness but Kido was about as effective as a blade - it could serve as a shield. The only thing running against Yue was the long-winded incantations.

Kouta couldn't be put onto the defensive again, for his defensive techniques, especially against Hayate, was the application of all his limbs. Now he had to overpower the man rather than attempt submission through skill. When Kouta shuffled to Hayate's white and black figure, he raised his left arm and swung powerfully across Hayate, hoping to smash away the man's skillful defenses. This worked for a time before he heard Yue close by.

"Hado # 32: Ōkasen!" A bright yellow, concentrated beam of energy split two of its 'arms' directly off its body. The Hollow emitted another hair-raising screech. It slowly dawned on her, while she desperately fought off another direct attack by the Hollow itself with blasts of low-level Kido that the only time it was at its weakest was when it was attacked; apart from the main body, the tendrils that snaked out from the thick substance it dissolved into were only corporeal and susceptible to damage when wrapped around something and attacking. Maybe that was it's weakness, its fatal flaw.

"Kouta! It's weak when it attacks! Get its arms when it makes contact with you and its body when it's coming towards you!" She couldn't see Kouta in the mist but hopefully he'd heard her.
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