fractal colony ---> thicker + 'skin' ---> structured colony that can produce spores --->
The Chaos One
Agressive Amoebas ---> +primitive poison ---> multicell posion blobs called Naes
........................................................................*The Forgotten (rogue pick up)
The Crawling Seeker
Fire Feeders ---> Slimey fire feeders --->
.........................................................---> multicell -disks
.....................---> The Forgotten (rogue species)
The Amorphous Jowls
predator cells ---> multicell blob with mouth
To Sow the Seeds of Harmony
The Parasite
mulitcellular blobs
The Whimsical Tinkerer
funky colour algae
The Matrices
reinforced amoebas ---> multicell with some specialisation ---> Agro (attacking type)
..........................................................................................---> Passi (fleeing type)
The Unmitigated One
cholorplast amoebas ---> multicell photosyntheses clutches
The Composer
Amoebe Aggregation with chloroplasts + bubbles ---> fertility rate up + closer to the surface of the water
The Ambitious One
Sting cells ---> Spike worms ---> double layer, specialized spike worms
The Mother