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Our observation of the Great Migratory Fleet was our twenty-second encounter with an advanced alien civilization and composed of the fifth, sixth and seventh intelligent species documented by our xenobiologists. It was a strange and puzzling encounter to our people at the time. Centuries prior our astronomers detected the abrupt cessation of radio emissions from stars of a neighboring galaxy and our science vessels hastened to the nearest spiral arm of our own to establish an observation post, fearful for the implications of a power that could swallow the suns themselves...

At the farthest limit of detection, threading a path through the deepest night between galaxies, we saw them. An innumerably vast flotilla of vessels from worlds and species with totally isolated beginnings now bound together in the most forlorn exile. They fled along an incalculable trajectory through space, as far away from the darkening stars as fast as possible. After societal deliberation a decision was reached and cosmologists broadcast our question along every conceivable vector of communication:


And like shadows upon the sea submerging out of sight and beyond knowing, their answer reached us: THE INVERSE HUNGER. The event occasioned much unrest throughout civilization, but over five hundred cycles have passed, and xenologists still debate the message's true meaning.
'Chronological Treatise on Imperial Xenosemiotics and Calendrical Divination', Iccarm LXXI

Imagine a bacterial world, the multiverse interpreted through the sensory systems of the first prokaryote, vastly more ancient than the simplest animal, the first insane rumor of biology and its futile evolutive defiance of the impulse driving all matter towards death at thermodynamic equilibrium. Scarcely the crosstalk of a few gossiping molecules enclosing a rogue handful of nucleic acids in a sac on the sun-warmed surface of the primal sea, infinitely less than a neuron, thousands of millions of years too early to conspire towards anything approaching awareness. Truly the lowest of all things that could be charitably called an ancestor of life, the ur-being, lovely in the way the first childish brushstroke of a master artist heralds the coming of great beauty in their future creation.

Thus was Narcissus seen through the lens of a soul so small as Bethany Laveaux, or even Theo Spyredes. Butterfly nets fishing for dragons.

The being Beleth spoke to in the actress' sumptuous mansion could barely be compared to what awaited him along the boardwalk of the resort town, itself less than a shadow of what awaited the multiverse, given time for its hands to find themselves, for many tributaries to converge into one almighty river. What Beleth heard was a faint echo, the most distant reflection in a nest of mirrors a thousand deep, background radiation from the cosmos whispering through a radio Beleth had carefully, over the course of an entire human lifetime, tuned to those magic words.

Ooh eeh ooh ah aah ting tang walla-walla bing bang...

That Beleth -- or his master -- called it Theo showed how gravely they misunderstood the scope of what they had just brought back, what they naively thought under their control, yoked by their spell, sealed under geas. Perhaps they had reason to feel secure for now, but Bethany Laveaux was nothing but a spark, the breath on an ember that lit a forest during a long drought, an entire multiverse more than ready to burn, desperate for it. So full of want and desire and dreams, teeming with potential, perfect kindling for the perfect flame. Hesperides IV was a Class-7 world of the inner rim, ripe with life. A canvas.

If Beleth's eyes wandered through the town itself on his quick trip to the shadow of the Apparatus he would find many strange things there. People fucking and killing one another like their lives meant nothing, because they didn't, their bones and flesh contorting impossibly in the aftermath of obscene baccanalia, here consuming buildings in great mats of fleshy mold and there devising an ossuary from bones self-arrayed in a profane collagen tower. A score or more worshipers maimed by the animal remains from Beleth's ritual writhed on the ground, smiling and crawling towards the reborn god before them, a god that without their knowing claimed their lives, their entire world as nothing but a prayer for its baptism.

No more than one could beg the sun for mercy, it could not help that its holiness burned.

All across Hesperides IV the biosphere reeled and screamed and began to change. Soon it would burn like a funeral pyre, and the flame would be a beacon. Many existed out there who had been touched by Narcissus' influence, and who watched the stars for the prophetic signs of her return -- worlds that fled at the sight of him and others which flocked to its worship, and even a few temerarious cultures that would harken to wage war and destroy him. Narcissus called out his return to anyone that cared to see.

The body that had once been Bethany Laveaux sat at Beleth's command according to some atavistic circuit carved into her cerebellum by sheer adoration, a path worn by a cherished thought. Beleth was subject of an obsessive and lifelong love for her. For this reason alone she mustered an inhuman will, harnessing something of the profoundly inhuman power that possessed her to offer Beleth one last act of extreme and deranged devotion before the show began, as perhaps in the act of his command their minds may have brushed: getoutgetoutgoawaycantbeherelovegoawaypleasegetoutoutout.

If the man in the bear suit reached out again to bless Bethany with the kiss of his command, he would find a very different person waiting for him. Someone horrifically jealous for his attention, with whom any contact at all promised dire peril.

Narcissus then did something uncharacteristic. He sat almost close enough to reach out and touch his summoner, listening amicably to his monologue, glacial eyes unblinking. The distorted Apparatus receded far away into the horizon, as if Bethany were its projection from a point at infinite distance. Beleth cycled through the cards of his prophecy, prattling on about creatures that existed at a scale Narcissus looked upon through a microscope. Hounds and beasts and dragons in the forest, princes and liars and pariahs, quiet paladins and executed kings of the night. He heard the tarot reading, but a remote sliver of his mind fixated on a single thought.

What king calls upon another through their court jester?

Such provocation by Beramode Aurelius Pendragon would not go unanswered, but first. For the crime of over consumption I sentence you...

Even as Beleth continued speaking and Narcissus quietly watched him, the executioner's audience descended into unsightly chaos. Coordinating among themselves as if driven by divine compulsion, the citizens of the resort town held each others hands and began to pile themselves on top of one another, forming a great mountain of wriggling bodies behind glittering fairy wings. Their flesh began to unsheathe from bones that snapped together into new articulations, rising into the stalk of a mighty tree behind the gently reposed expression of Bethany Laveaux. Their arms locked together, fingers interlaced into a great halo, a circular window with a view onto the surface of the moonlit sea.

Are you ready for your journey, Theo? I will give you an hour... A curtain of flesh rolled down over the empty space, a membrane over a drum, and in the skin shapes stirred.

"It's been so long since anyone's wanted to spend quality time with me, Beleth. We've been very lonely," Narcissus said softly. "I'm starting to feel more like myself again now that I've had a chance to spread my wings, and when we look at you we can't help but see so much pain..."

Images of horror resolved on the skin of great flesh-mirror that Narcissus fashioned for Beleth, brutal scenes of sin and debauchery, every permutation of violence enacted upon victims beyond number. Men, women, animals, ecosystems and planets, children and every form of innocence imaginable. Vistas from Hell but also torments more subtle, and Narcissus laughed like the shrill song of birds and flutes shrieking through Bethany and through a hundred other mouths, entire body shaking, a rain of thick spittle falling towards Beleth and the stage and his tarot deck.

Then he stopped, eyes as unblinkingly locked on Beleth as they had been since the man in the bear suit began speaking a few minutes earlier. Narcissus reached out with Bethany's delicate hand, in case Beleth might want to take it, to accept their embrace. To become a part of him.

"And you're right, I very much want to go, but if we're going to spend some time together, I want to know all about you. Who you are, what you want. What you did. What you see."

hey guys, super excited to jump into this brand new and very active roleplay and get to meet everyone
profiles for Ixchel and Zenji to be expanded upon.


> Ixchel Xiadani Xultún

Physical Description
> female, late 20s early 30s, around 178-180cm, average build, bronzed Hispanic skintone, extensively tattooed, pierced and light body mods, often wears unassuming street level clothes or traditional Mayan dresses;

Soul Sigil
> has not traveled to Ximbic-8 thus far

Out of the Ordinary

> 0 Clout
> 2 Intelligence :: more clever than your average cutter
> 2-5+ Magic :: a very competent witch, shaman, etc; never less than capable, but the high end of the curve is very unstable
> 0 Physical
> 0 Technological

> human

> tba


> Fujiwara Zenji

Physical Description
> male, mid to late 20s, 175cm, scrawny, Japanese, extensively auged, tattooed and otherwise modified

Soul Sigil
> has not traveled to Ximbic-8 thus far

Out of the Ordinary

> 0 Clout
> 3 Intelligence :: a savant in cyberspace and with technology in general, considerably less astute in interpersonal matters
> 0 Magic
> 0 Physical
> 3 Technological :: doesn't have access to top of the line gear, but Zenji is a known techhead and tries to stay ahead of the curve on wetware

> human

> tba

——— Manhattan Borough :: Old Chinatown :: Kowloon Quarter backstreets ———
————— territory of Hanzu Fesyen, the fixer —————

The ground shuddered as a mag-train barreled by overhead on its circuit towards one of the corporate arcologies suspended over the gleaming New New York Metropolis. The megastructures loomed above the skeleton of the old city, like biblical angels passing judgment on those left below after Rapture. Sheets of condensation dripped from the Canopy's sluice gates and exhaust ports onto Manhattan at intervals in the eternal night, toxic rainfall relentlessly eroding the old world with the discharge of the new.

Crossing out of the Alphabet City enclave into Chinatown felt like stepping through a portal into another world, ghostly halogen hanzi script blossoming across the full visual field like digital lotus flowers twenty layers deep, unregulated adspam slipping over any connection to the Net no matter how remote. A neighborhood at the foot of the Canopy, Old Chinatown was spared the catastrophic gentrification of New Venice by a kilometer of dense city sprawl, becoming a shadowland, dark unadulterated if not for the neon lures of red light akasen brothels and psychonaut dens, each a species of deep sea predator waiting for prey to wander by in the abyss.

The backstreets this far out were inert, halogen signs dead or flickering, the moldering buildings of Kowloon Quarter shuttered and quiet.



"Good. Run me through it again." Their pilgrimage peeled back the layers of this far-flung fiefdom of New New York, a maze of narrow paths lit at first by lurid pornographic holograms, fading into holopaint murals on sidestreets claimed by urban subcultures long since mutated into forms unrecognizable.

"Hanzu Fesyen. Niche fashion designer, had clout with some microculture influencers. Liked the Oshima-gumi wavelength for his amphetamine fix. Was kind of a pre-Contact otaku, sold a lot of junk from back then. I think he had a foot fetish or something." The upper left quadrant of the young yakuza's face was a patch of chrome, eye an inset panel of mirrorsteel, shaky hands fumbling as he tried to light a cigarette. Kid was a savant at a console, not so much in the field.

Ixchel watched him for a moment. A corrosive patch of mold clinging to the side of a building illuminated them in its pulsing green glow. The Hispanic woman was taller than her companion and haloed in a nimbus of light, OLED tattoos bioluminescent against bronze skin in patterns that could be microcircuitry or a Mayan creation myth, others inherited from the rest of the pueblos originarios: a grid map of Tenochtitlan, Toltec jade, glyphs of the Zapotec.

"Focus, Zenji. Pump the stims if you can't hold down a thought without twenty screens in front of you."

Zenji took a long drag, strata of rising smoke captured by the glowing ember. Ran a nervous hand through hair coiffured into the latest femto-fad fashion, wild in front, shaved in back. "Couple other interests. Ripper doc, kinda guy that knew what to do with an io if you know what I mean. Modded some of our boys too. He was pretty good."

"Oh? You a cutter now?"

"I dabble."

They emerged from an alleyway half a block from their destination. Ixchel pulled her hood down, glimmering jewelry and jade beads woven into long black braids that fell halfway down her back. The color of her huipil dress shifted according to the way incident streetlight struck the nanoweave. A gawkish Japanese man in a worn Chiba Circuit bomber jacket stumbled after her.

Locals knew better than to get too close to the converted Salvation Army warehouse near the border with Kips Bay. The sort of outsiders that found their way into this corner of Kowloon Quarter were invariably in need of Fesyen's peculiar services. Some time ago the enforcers of the Oshima-gumi yakuza bōryokudan had begun to number among his clients, enjoyers of the fixer's selection of vintage shōchū and plum liqueur.

The warehouse's exterior façade rotted beneath many years of accreted digital graffiti. A short man stood outside it. Sikoja neotraditionalist, Ixchel recognized immediately, complete with conical rice hat and geta sandals in gunmetal gray, doubtlessly extensive cybernetics concealed beneath his heavy black robe. Rather than eyes a visor curved over his face, glowing green dots ricocheting inside the display from surface to surface.

Zenji took the lead, approaching to a respectful distance then bowing ceremoniously. The ronin didn't move a micron, rattled off a few staccato sentences in the lilting syncretic pidgin of the North Pacific Hub. Zenji replied, slower and more carefully; Ixchel could hear the stress he put on the honorifics except when he mentioned her, careful not to suggest she and the Sikoja cyborg could occupy similar station. The lights in the visor aligned themselves along an axis and converged into a single cyclopean point clearly fixed on Ixchel as their exchange continued.

Several factions within the Oshima-gumi offered considerable resistance to the executive decision to employ the services of the occultist from Yucatán.

"Alright, I told him you're cool. Kihachi-san will be our fangshi," Zenji eventually informed her after their negotiation concluded. One of the first Sikoja neologisms Ixchel learned, the fangshi were specialized netrunners, usually experts in some pathologically hyperfocused domain. The technomancer didn't acknowledge her again at any point then or thereafter, turning and beginning to gesticulate as if conducting an invisible orchestra, lattices of ghostly codelight propagating around them, expanding and expanding ever outward.

Zenji was grimacing at her. "We think Hanzu's connected in Nine Suns Tower. Friends in the Yinglong, maybe. There are rumors he might have owed the Red Guild. So they're gonna come looking and the most convenient outcome here is that we get in, get out, and the police arrive before our tong counterparts come in for their own cleanup job."

As if on cue, Kihachi opened his robe and a series of decompression algorithms executed, mathematical abstractions unfolding like origami geometry. Ixchel blinked as a litany of mythological creatures materialized before the ziangshi, projected like film onto the holoscreen of reality and the nonstop marathon of absurdist dystopian sci-fi their present had become, Chinese guardian lions and terracotta apparitions marching outward and effervescing into the cityscape.

"Kihachi-san will simply run interference for us. Nothing too hostile. A few mildly cognitohazardous tautology traps and NP complex self-encryption virals that will leave them thinking like paramecia until one of their buddies does a full reset, maybe need a therapeutic memory scrub if they find it really traumatic, but no harm done in the long run. It's all symbolic. The point is to lay a minefield too overkill to even bother crossing it until we're packed up and gone, like telling some poor asshole he needs to solve a Millennium Prize Problem so he can take a piss. Stag beetles measuring each other's horns rather than fight and waste both of their resources, you know, better than killing each other and everything."

Ixchel rolled her eyes, pushing open a barbed wire gate that hung half-ajar with a single squeal of rusty protest, totally unstimulated by the testosterone fixation of vividly describing how they would incapacitate some poor fools from a rival faction, people who could easily be them if not for the causal shift of a butterfly flapping its wings at god knows what intersection in spacetime.

It wasn't so long ago that underground nanocelebrities and niche influencers came through Kowloon Quarter once in awhile to visit Hanzu, sometimes leaving with pre-Contact relics: gemstones from Jaipur, rare Nike sneakers sourced from a collector in Colorado Springs hours before Dreadnaught shattered the summit of Pikes Peak. At other times they left with the face of a lagomorph. Not anymore.

The warehouse door yielded easily, probably left unlocked by Fesyen's last visitor and totally disregarded by the paramedics afterwards. Zenji's baseline eye was wide as a saucer as they crept over the threshold, the other mirrored inset a warped reflection of the eccentric fixer's studio. Ixchel could feel hair on the back of her neck stand up and steeled herself, sensing heavily the weight of death around them.

Fesyen's territory would be open real estate in a question of hours, as soon as the panopticon surveillance psychopaths noticed on their palantirs and posted their forbidden lore to the darkweb. Lmfao fixer fesyen's a fuckin slab, who's king of kowloon now? pic unrelated lol. Hanzu's hard-earned little corner of the Chinatown curio market would be briefly warred over by local microcultures, strains of bacteria struggling over common substrate, until new borders stabilized after hours or days of bloodshed.

Ixchel didn't need Zenji's ocular mods to see his fear clear as body heat in infrared. She could smell his sweat, the apprehension. Still, the upstart netrunner's intel was on point: Fesyen was the scrupulous sort. Had been. Despite its crumbling outer shell, rows of sterile fluorescent lamps illuminated a space kept compulsively organized, obsessively tidy. Accoutrements of every shape, size and substance lined the perimeters of the vast open room in stacks among other artifacts, low-tech watches and vintage leather footwear sumptuously displayed alongside other commodities.

The metallic tang of blood and antiseptic lingered in the air. Fesyen's private insurance EMS team had already rolled through, tagged the body as a probable homicide, then conveniently forwarded the ping for law enforcement over Oshima-gumi-controlled channels coincidentally experiencing severe packet loss, guaranteeing a few cycles of solitude to look into the event before the police caught wind.

"Ix, it's fucking creepy in here," Zenji said as they rounded a surgical bed on an elevated circular platform in the center of the room, arterial spray like a scarlet Pollock splatter across the plastic curtain circling the ripperdoc's workstation. Zenji was right, but Ixchel didn't dignify him with a response. Distractedly looking everywhere except where he was going, the gokudō enforcer crashed into Ixchel when she stopped moving forward. She didn't budge a centimeter from where she stood, eyes fixed on something in front of her.

Hanzu Fesyen's death mask was one of utter disbelief, as if the disappointment at the lack of pageantry to his demise killed him rather than the ragged red tear in his neck. Rigor mortis and the pallor of the exsanguined rendered him kin to the mannequins modeling his artistry throughout the bleached studio space.

Ixchel's eyes closed. Another spin of the wheel in the self-perpetuating cycles of violence that swallowed her, swallowed the Earth. It never ended.

"This is some seriously cursed shit."

Ixchel heard a click she recognized for the camera app her companion had bootstrapped onto the OS of his modded eye and spun to scourge her hacker companion with the most withering stare he had ever experienced in his life. Fujiwara Zenji was sure in that moment that he experienced the total departure of his soul from his body.

"Are you livestreaming this, pendejo de mierda?" the girl from Yucatán hissed in a single breath that managed to simultaneously curse Zenji's entire lineage to an eternity of torment.

Incredibly, however, the android yakuza returned her stare with indignation, clammy with stimulant sweat, speaking faster than his own brain could buffer, "Do you seriously think I'm, like, single-celled? This is top tier content, I'm probably gonna rail some ketamine to chill out when I get home because looking at dead bodies is seriously fucked up, then pop some stims to edit this until like noon tomorrow so I can post it to my Soulcast before a thousand shit-eating plebs post their AI gen garbage from 23chan memes and my art gets sucked into the content singularity."

The infinitesimal red notification dot in the corner of his eye disappeared despite his protests. Still staring, Ixchel made a show of maintaining eye contact while she drew a long, jagged artifact from the folds of her dress: a wicked-looking knife, hiltless, more a shard of obsidian than an object meaningfully shaped by any blacksmith's hand, raw iridium cutting light into a rainbow across the edge of its dark stone blade. It drank the light around it, in stark contrast to Ixchel's luminescence.

After a dramatic pause, she gave a titanic sigh and the tension between them evaporated. "Go collect the security feed then scrub everything. This is going to take me awhile."

Ixchel glanced at the fixer's corpse and with an expert flourish pricked her other hand with the knife, a single scarlet bead growing fat on her fingertip, dropping into the thick puddle of Hanzu's blood. It rippled, and something began to stir which was not meant to be called back over the boundary it had crossed. She began to whisper in Nabʼee Mayaʼ Tzij, the oldest tongue, a spell soporific to the spirits of the underworld Xibalba, words to coax secrets from the lips of the dead...

——— Staten Island — The GreenbeltHigh Rock Park ——

Pruned of error by selection pressure, demanding a pinnacle of rigorous execution, every variable tuned to the principal components of the other, he realized in its wake that their act of ecoterrorism was a plot requiring perfect mathematical precision: who better to execute it than Vernon Hayes, statistician employed by the Metro Transit Authority, a man that understood the stochastic flow of commerce across New New York's infrastructure like a phlebologist observing the course of blood through vasculature.

And its jugular was the monolithic Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Years of careful planning went into the creation of NEW DEAL, into the subtle manipulation of complex chains of cause and effect, time to orchestrate and infiltrate the proper circles. All along NEW DEAL had been the puppet of greater forces, and Vernon Hayes instinctively knew that ultimately his pact was with the all-devouring dragon of capitalism, too beaten in life to naively believe in a shady cabal of trillionaires interested in ecorevolution.

He saw himself clearly in hindsight, too caught up in the rush to go deeper into the rabbit hole and see where it led.

The last twenty-four hours were an epinephrine smear in his memory. Collapsing ferrocrete as the shoulder of the BQE disintegrated under the demolition charge, fireballs of shrapnel falling over Brooklyn Bridge Park, his heart thundering in concert to endorphin microinjections. Screams that untethered Vernon's humanity from the skein of this life with the laser scalpel of murder, terrorbird mech maneuvering adroitly afterwards through smoke and bedlam to the dropoff point. He reeled at the horror now that it was over, but in the heat of the moment the aggression implants modulating his personality were sky high on the dopamine rush.

An encrypted communique reached the ecoterrorist as a genome technician went to work purging Vernon Hayes from the Earth. The fentanyl submerged him in the deep sleep of anesthesia while CRISPR kits scrambled every marker gene and microsatellite signature to make his new identity inscrutable to the inevitable forensic traces Vernon would have left behind. Craniofacial reconstruction, skin pigmentation alteration, enzyme profile edits so that even the sweat of his new self smelled different.

For a time in the narcotic twilight, he dreamed still frames from the explosion. Then he shifted REM cycles and the military grade AI mods interfaced with his cerebral cortex, co-opting certain brainwaves to teach him the memories of his new life by the light of phosphenes. In the process he subliminally decrypted the transmission from codename Cánshén.

The message from his mysterious benefactor was a koan riddle, identical to every prior communication.

A man waits beside the stream where his father taught him to fish as a boy, but his father has been dead for many seasons, and the flowers of the persimmon trees no longer bear fruit. The man asks no one, What is the meaning of these lives we lead?

Seventeen hours later the man who had been Vernon Hayes found himself glancing down at his new identicard under the nuclear sun up in New Haven, near the bridge over the Quinnipiac. Harold Strauss, mechanical engineer. To go from theoretical to applied mathematics redoubled his disquiet.

A ghostly voice answers him on the wind, What is the price of rice in old Edo?

Vernon -- Harold -- knew precisely where Cánshén, the Silkworm God, established their meeting location. Their rendezvous point was surprisingly straightforward despite the poetic obfuscation. There was a place Vernon Hayes loved most on Earth, and that place was right where he sat in a tucked away corner of High Rock Park in the woodland heart of the Greenbelt on Staten Island.

At the terminus of a meandering trail far from the beaten path, a single bench overlooked a great pond, older than man when he was a boy and today still unpolluted by the toxic biochemical runoff of the arcologies. A haven in nature, kept carefully apart from the sprawling dystopia of North Capitol City. His father brought him here when he was a child and even then he marveled at the lives of the fat, lazy trout swimming slow spirals through clean water.

NEW DEAL had been an ambitious project, he mused, a successful project, disruptive no matter how slightly to the industries of Empire, still dominating the news cycles... soon to be swept away in the daily whirlwind of tragedies. Vernon Hayes already had been, like so many other lives as a result of his actions.

Harold Strauss stared into the pond and wondered if by tracing his finger along the vermiculated scales of the fish he might draw a line back to an Earth lost in the cinereal mists of time, an Earth before yesterday, before NEW DEAL, before Vernon Hayes ever learned the name Cánshén, before Contact. He did not recognize the world, or the man it had made of him, reflected back across that pristine water. He hadn't in a long time.

Yes, he thought, taking a deep breath as his OS ran a quick diagnostics check on the military-grade mods whirring to life beneath casual clothes fit for the end of summer. The intuitions that made Vernon an attractive target to Cánshén and whatever shadowy power she represented now cleaved to a new and disturbing conclusion about his part in this mess. He had many questions in need of answers.

What is the price of rice in old Edo?

—— Manhattan ChinatownLittle Fuzhou — Ramen Broadcast Station aka Ramen Hososoba Kyokua [ラーメン放送局] ——

Zenji drained a sake bottle with one hand while the other splayed thumb and forefinger to zoom in on the holoscreen superimposed over the back of their booth at the Ramen Broadcast, a chain of low-end diners affiliated with the Oshima-gumi family. The privacy filter occluded their business from anyone curious enough to eavesdrop, an uninspired aquarium scene from a documentary on coral reefs extinct since the early 2020s. Even Ixchel took the owner's reassurances of seclusion at face value, begrudging the organized crime outfits of the Sikoja sprawl and their NCC offshoots one fact: they took honor seriously.

Zenji's baseline eye was unfocused, jumping along the seams of its saccadic movements, fingers twitching spastically to a thousand cyberspace stimuli.

"Oh, Ix, this Fesyen guy was one eccentric little freak. He has sorted binary trees of gossip files on every acquaintance, a gigaton of dirt on everyone he's worked with over the years. It's gonna take me awhile to get through all this stuff."

Ixchel Xiadani Xultún, daughter of both Maya and Nahuas, the peoples of the Maize God and Quetzalcoatl, was not feeling her best just then.

A crystal philter rested at a tilt before her on the scored laminate of the table in their booth. Inside a roiling black fluid ever pushed at the boundaries of the flask, the blood of Hanzu Fesyen eager for freedom. The fever of the underworld reached through Ixchel, binding some shadow of the fixer's blasted soul to her grim fetish, a guiding light shining in from Xibalba... Sweat dripped off her brow.

"That's great, Zenji. Any luck on, you know, finding the guy that killed him?"

Zenji pried himself away from the holoscreen and Ixchel immediately recognized the apologetic look in his eye. "Oh, uh. Yeah, no, the guy's wearing an Arivex, jacket like mine but a nicer brand and a better model." He popped his collar self-deprecatingly. "What can I say, the man has drip. A2 blurs his identity in the feed. If you gave me awhile I could maybe piece something together out of the noise but we're talking high tier net wizardry and uh, not on the timescale we're operating on here."

Ixchel nodded, exhaling deeply. "Alright. We'll do it my way then." Zenji looked at her with an endearingly worried expression. She opened her mouth and a micropore on top of the philter, letting a single viscous drop of Fesyen's blood fall onto her tongue. Ixchel had time to set the flask down and grip the edge of the table, sucking her breath in sharply, eyes fluttering shut and opening again obsidian black, like portals into vacuum.

The logographs and Mesoamerican tattoo glyphs along her skin fluoresced, searing bright then smoldering, magic seals restraining the spirit that the medium invited into her body for however brief an interval, multiple redundant failsafes set to eject it back into the underworld at the slightest indication of foul play.

Slowly, like the head of an Olmec statue grinding on its vertical axis, Ixchel's face rotated independently of the rest of her body to behold the scared-shitless yakuza netrunner sitting beside her. Zenji fixed his friend and whatever else happened to be renting her headspace with his most supplicant stare, the one he used to give his mom when she logged him out of the matrix and told him to get his sorry ass to class if he didn't want to end up a yakuza dog like his father.

"Uh, right, this was supposed to be like vidchatting or something. Mr. Hanzu Fesyen, sir. Just c- call me... Hanzo. Hattori Hanzo, right, anyway, we're trying to figure out what happened to you. If you get any kind of connection to the net down there, it'd be great if you could like, forward me the coordinates of the guy that cut you."
Haha, there is a lot that has already happened so far in the thread for me to jump in at this point, but if I keep reading, maybe!
This thread is obviously too long to jump into and even reading the entire backlog is a daunting proposition, but I read the first page and the OOC info and just wanted to say, really interesting stuff!

"In the fifty-first cycle of my travels I came to the world of the songbird monks, practitioners of what they call the Skua Ree Cawta, or Way of Beak and Claw. I found them a peculiar but amicable civilization, and the mountain peaks of their great aeries a beautiful retreat from the busy worlds of the inner rim, and so I stayed to record their martial art in my chronicle, humbly unexpectant of a species whose bodies are so light, hollow-boned.

I asked one of the monks if I could observe their training and they obliged me, and on the morn I watched the monk perform ritual dances and squawking songs before a great stone in the shape of an egg. Awed was I when with a strike of the monk's tiny fist the stone crumbled to dust. So begins my tale of the Way of Beak and Claw..."
Volsaimmias, Codices on the Multiversal Arts of Battle, Tome IV

One minute she was Xx_haia-the-ill701_xX, clad in the full glory of her SSS gacha tier legendary loot, leading her guildmates into the Lunar Rift megadungeon with her fearsome battlecry Kokekokko! The next she was Haialark, eyes dilated from a cocktail of stimulants and raw catecholamines flooding every synapse, looking around herself and blinking in confusion, senses invaded by the utter disconnect. Wet cityscape and chilling fog assailed her eyes, the smell of asphalt in rain, faraway sounds of waves crashing against the shore punctuated by the deep, slow ringing of a bell. Funeral toll?

She tried to ping the guild channel but couldn't connect. For a millisecond Haialark was stunlocked, resisting the rising urge to incarnate the proverbial chicken with her head cut off, a hundred thoughts cramming themselves through her brain at once. The first were anger and confusion. The devs? Did the fucking server stutter or did she lag out for a second or what kind of shitty bug was--

Overhead she saw the chipped face of a hungy moon leering down at them and the adrenaline started to bubble back up inside her. She was supposed to be there with her guildmates, but that wasn't the megadungeon she remembered. She did not know those stars or constellations, couldn't fathom the prophecies they augured for her tonight. Then realization dawned on Haialark like the truth of battle to Phanskwa in the Scriptures of the Talon. Without taking her eyes off the crowd she peripherally noticed advancing towards them, her recessed little avian eyes swept over her new party, purple sparks of phosphorescence in the mist.

The glowing mammal and the shining geometrical synth were so-- so smooth, awakening an atavistic compulsion to collect them and fly off to put them in her nest, but in a stunning feat of self-control Haialark tore her gaze away from them. The soreness helped. She was getting insanely on point haptic feedback, like her gaming chamber's nutritubes and vitapumps had been undelicately yanked from her orifices as opposed to tastefully retracted. How had they imported her physical specs to sub in for her EO avatar? Brain-to-machine interfaces were supposed to be strictly one-way, making this highly illegal.

Haialark loved it. No UI was a nice touch.

Claw rising to her back, the tattered damp robes of a songbird monk hanging from her scrawny limbs, a beatific calm settled over her. As the elders said, everything made sense once the Yolk settled. Of course this was merely a tutorial. Any newb fresh out of character creation that wandered into an Empyrea Online PK zone quickly learned the handle haia-the-ill (numbers and edgelord aesthetics notwithstanding, as anyway these varied from alt to alt) and to keep a finger on the logout button when her tag popped into draw distance on the UI.

If the devs wanted her to fear the fodder, they wouldn't have left her the Featherblade.

"Alright, DLC dropped, we just got drafted for the beta test. Get ready for some unbalanced PVE," she squawked. "Mid range add in front, if this goes violent, someone CC him and see if his loot's worth farming. If it comes down to it I'll go sicko on the trash mobs."

That was all the demented avian creature offered as far as a signal to her companions that may or may not understand the hoots and crows of the violet vulture alien beside them before, with a single steadying breath, she unsheathed the Featherblade and cawed a first and only warning, "Come no closer unless you want me to camp you for twenty respawn cycles, little lootboxes. Identify your faction and fetch quest, and be quick about it!"

◄◅◆◇◈ — HAIALARK ILRIMCAW — ◈◇◆▻►

Alias(es): the Featherblade, Broken Songbird, Crazy Caw, Xx_haia-the-ill701_xX (EO handle)
Gender: Female, although the birdfolk are a sexually cryptic species
Hair: Variegated grayish black, blue and purple plumage
Eyes: Sunken and radioluminescent purple
Skin: Pale bluish gray, scaled
Height: 165cm
Distinctive Features: Well, depending on where you're at, crossing paths with a schizophrenic avian ronin can be a once in a life time encounter, or it can be just another day in the 'verse. Haialark is one of Neo Babylon's stranger selections for its heroes.
Likes: Astrology and occultism, new technology, occasionally cutting (everything), rodent and lupine creatures, various unfortunately ubiquitous illegal substances, MMORPGs
Dislikes: Fools that proclaim her prophecies madness, ill omens, trolls and trash mobs


Haialark is a squat, wattled, ugly creature from a typical mammalian perspective, and though once beautiful among the birdfolk, nowadays her grimy feathers reek of cancerstick smoke and her talons and beak go untrimmed, their ritual etchings faded. Odd baubles and shiny trinkets hang like ornaments from her feathers and robes, a corvid collection for the nest she doesn't have.

Here or there chrome pokes out between quill and plume, bodymods expanding her senses to hear a wider variety of frequencies and jack directly into any cybernet interface to see if she can log into her Empyrea Online account and grind out her dailies, violet predatory eyes always keen for prophetic signs and rare loot. She wears the ruins of her ceremonial robes, occasionally over a tactical vest depending on situational demands. 3D-printed netsuke dangle from her sash, mostly tiny sculptures of her EO avatars.

There is one possession Haialark rigorously maintains, her most eminent feature and the subject of her obsessive devotion: her sword the Featherblade, kept honed to a molecular edge to cut her enemy's tether to reality and reset their respawn timer on the cycle of samsara.


Raving mad but at times disturbingly prophetic, Haialark does not appear to distinguish entirely between Empyrea Online and reality and refers to events in both interchangeably at times. At once considered a paragon among songbird monks and a warrior of prodigious talent and virtue, during Haialark's lifetime her species was prepped for conquest and enslavement by a regional interstellar imperial power and in the process technologically uplifted.

Abrupt access to the local cybernet servers also implied an open portal to the terrifying multiverse of online gaming, completing a perfect and frictionless dopamine loop that fried Haialark's mind beyond conceivable repair when she discovered that as well as a prodigious martial artist she had been born an elite gamer.

Armed with secrets that might be occult birdfolk knowledge or could just be incredibly obscure references to half-remembered EO loredumps, Haialark frequently gives the impression that she believes she has been isekai'd into the gameworld and granted a chance at redeeming herself for a legendary raid she fucked up for her guild long, long ago.

Powers, Skills, and Abilities:

Skua Ree Cawta - the martial art Haialark calls the Way of Beak and Claw, also encompassing her swordsmanship. An alien scholar's account of interstellar forms of combat records it as an incredibly strange fighting style. Lightweight and fragile for their hollow bones, the birdfolk are somehow able to tap into a form of sacred mana. Described in the holy manual of their art, the Scriptures of the Talon, it is depicted as the divine yolk that suffuses all life. Its manipulation allows the songbird monks to display otherworldly agility and deliver pointblank strikes with impossible impact given the lack of force physics demands they posssess.

With her scrawny fists Haialark is capable of shattering walls and raidbosses, of reacting to gunfire or spam popup attacks from rival guild hackers. The divine yolk also allows her to blunt damage and defend herself from fists, magic spells and cybernet phishing attempts despite her diminutive stature; likewise, with her cherished blade she cuts along impossible arcs and insane trajectories, performing feats of mythical swordsmanship... when the vibe is right.

Shapeshifting - Haialark is capable of shapeshifting along a limited spectrum, from avian humanoid to unpleasantly large raptor, with a somewhat cloudy intermediate shape in which her limbs can be somewhere between arm and wing, allowing flight or greater dexterity as required. This process appears to be physically uncomfortable for Haialark and she tends to avoid it, as it seems to have some effect on her already tenuous grasp on a personal identity and small details of her appearance change as she shifts between these forms, as if she lacks a solid hold on her own morphology.

Psychoglossia - at times Haialark babbles on about strange omens and auguries she sees in the stars, nature, the past and future and probably subliminal propaganda constantly piped directly into her retinas via adware. It is unclear if these prophetic visions are real or just scrapped Empyrea Online content and unimplemented questlines.


Haialark is kitted out with typical cyberaugs to improve her senses and allow her to interface with technology as required, especially cybernet terminals running an instance of Empyrea Online. An OLED nanomesh conforming to the surface of Haialark's eyes allows her to see along wavelengths deep into the infrared and ultraviolet and feeds visual display information directly into bio-optic filaments to project a cybernet terminal directly onto her retinas, typically to keep an eye on her favorite sources for Empyrea Online patches and realtime metagame analysis.

Aural winglets protrude between iridescent feathers on either side of her head, chrome caps adhering tightly to the contours of Haialark's skull, equipped with directional microphones adjustable via neural interface feedback that allow her to focus on sounds throughout 3D space around her as well as sonic transducers amplifying input from frequencies beyond hearing and rendering it at comfortable volume. She also has a few endocrine mods installed for a quick pre-combat buff when the need arises.

Beyond being fully alien technology difficult to hack into, there are several failsafes and protections protecting Haialark from malware which she is pretty sure are top of the line antiviral mods. Or maybe this whole Empyrea Online as reality delusion is the consequence of downloading one too many cute mouse memes from shady underground holoboard sites. Her weapon and eponym is her pennaceous sword, the Featherblade that Haialark maintains with quasi religious fervor.

She usually wears any of a few different sets of filthy ceremonial songbird monk robes, nanofiber weave somehow keeping them alive despite the insane abuse Haialark puts them through. She also wears a surprisingly competent suit of tactical armor well-designed for her anatomy, what she calls busting out the legendary gear for the really critical raids on enemy guilds.

Your Last Memory:

Haialark was plugged into a sensory deprivation pod, slotted to be totally dead to the waking world for approximately seventy-nine hours, which was the calculated time for her party to reach the heart of the new megadungeon from the brand new Empyrea Online expansion patch. Brain drowning in dopamine from stimulant abuse and vitals sustained by intrusive nutrient pumps and REM sleep simulation drugs, Haialark thought she couldn't be more prepared for a marathon sesh of epic gaming, but she had no idea that the EO devs could be crunching this hard for the new DLC.

Additional Plot Hooks:

Perhaps there is a kernel of truth in the Empyrea Online lore that Haialark has been mainlining since the early beta, or some other mystical logic in her rants about the "cawmic" cycle. The Way of Beak and Claw is also sought after by many factions of rival martial artists for its secrets, and Haialark is often targeted by enemy guilds and forced to pubstomp some casuals and show why she's considered one of EO's elite PKers.
I came back after a really long time to RP with some friends. We set (most of) our threads in a shared multiverse. Back in the day throughout the 2000s and early 2010s this was a pretty popular conncept on other forums that got a lot of traction, it would be really cool to see something like that again, because it was very interesting to see the way peoples' ideas meshed together in a player-created and player-driven setting.

odium 1



In all his life Qu'dara'jinyeva had never seen a place so steeped in beauty, for no single universe could provide its equal.

Somehow these people forged a path into the heavens themselves to stand beside the gods and look over their creation. The sight of it beggared belief, the eye refusing its scale, gold filigree crawling like ivy across every surface, so that in the celestial light all gleamed as if gilded. In the flowers that bloomed amid the branches of the world-trees there were many galaxies. Great mysteries and the old powers of the multiverse lurked out in the boundless mist. As Qu's bare feet ascended those first steps, he understood the immensity of the day, and for an instant he faltered and sank to the ground to support himself on two hands, the others clasped in prayer.

The gods themselves will hear me in this place, he thought, eight-chambered heart throbbing for the ache of it, for the symbiont wanting to unsheathe itself from beneath his skin and encase him in his war-form: in ri, liberation in battle, a place set aside from all others, even here.

For a few breaths he waited at the gate, marveling at the images carved there. Impossibly, he recognized some of the legends, but what perturbed him was not their familiarity but that in the legends there were guardians at these gates of horn and ivory; their absence could not have come at a more inconceivably ill-augured time. He arrived deliberately early to complete his ceremonies and not belabor the onset of the duel. That they should not be here, knowing he would come? To attend to some threat? No, a threat that could move the gods from their posts would not have escaped his notice.

A test, he surmised, and if not then I have no patience for another answer. He began to Sing, and his Voice became the voice of the world, till creation sang with him... he held aloft one hand and high over his fingertips a great nail of light coalesced from whorls of unfolding energy. If the keepers of the heavens have left their gate unattended at the hour of my passing, so be it. Then they shall weep for the folly of promising passage to the Hero-Mage only to bar my way.

The Song grew more violent, the nail began to swing back as if to gain momentum for its siege -- and abruptly Qu'dara'jinyeva turned to face a newcomer, a diminutive creature no taller than his waist and standing on a heron's slender legs, a single wing emerging from its robes towards him, its face largely hidden beneath an enormously over-large witch hat save a ruinous vulture beak peeking out from beneath its sagging brim. Did it see itself reflected in the Alimir mantling his shoulders? What did it see there in the night of Xiri’zûlvir?

"Ease yourself, mighty warrior," the master wizard said in the high-pitched voice of a raptor. A very old creature, Qu realized, terribly powerful in the Art. As it spoke Qu watched his arcane construction waver and dissolve into nothing. "Our watch has been a long one... not all are driven by the same urgency of the youthful."

Qu knelt and offered his four hands palms up, head lifted such that a deathblow could be struck with ease, the xilviri stance of utter submission. "Forgive me, ancient one. My battle-lust overcomes m-" A squawk of laughter silenced him.

"Fear not I, mighty warrior, but the enemy you've chosen for the day. Show us the depths of your Art, lest you be found wanting."

In perfect silence, the gates swung open, revealing a path to the arena. Unspeaking, Qu rose and continued on his journey.



Their battlefield itself was as spectacular as the rest of this heavenly realm. A garden of unspeakable vastness, so great as to be a world unto its own, teeming with alien life of all varieties in a primordial forest. Among the massive trees platforms of levitating stone drifted lazily like clouds, impossible waterfalls cascading off some into rivers far below. Qu'dara'jinyeva waited on such a platform that traced small circles at a point almost directly in front of, but at some distance from the gate.

It was just large enough for him to unlash the Severed from his waist and position them beside him while he stood, as immobile as a statue hewn from stone. The Hero-Mage had brought all his contrivances of war: the axe Thûl and sword Kû, the spear Ynaui. Intra, his round shield, was clasped to his wrist at the size of a buckler. Qu had not yet sheathed himself in his war-form but was consolidating his passive wards and expanding his senses through the ontos, extending his perception, his awareness gradually permeating the space around him. To center himself he grasped onto a series of stones the size of his head and they began to circle him in their own lazy orbits.

Raising all four hands towards the sky, two balled into fists and two stretching their fingers towards heaven, the Bearer of the Word Battle began to sing the war chants of the xilviri while he waited, and perhaps as Bronwyn approached she would hear him and his song of war, his song of battle.
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