Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Circ
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Circ Rawr

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Spencer Tras


Just your average busker-cum-mercenary from the streets and slums of Careo Fas, smelliest planet in the outer ring. He conceals his armaments under a gilt-trim crimson Technocrat officer jacket. Beneath that, he wears nanofiber mail combat fatigues that are remarkably scratch, slice, stab, projectile, and stain resistant; sometimes they even serve as camouflage. Around his waist is a utility belt, ornamented by both plasma and concussion grenades, trip wire, throwing knives, and duct tape. Slung across his back is his homemade plasma rifle, equipped with iridium capsules and an adjustable nozzle. Quite a few other things also weigh him down, mostly looted off the bodies of his victims. Well, let’s be honest, they were mostly victims of bad luck.

  • The Ghetto—a plasma rifle that has been rigged, jigged, and repaired so many times that it looks like it is more lethal to the person using it than their target.
  • Chapel—.442 caliber automatic gauss electromagnetic rail pistol with a phase-shift magazine that transmutes atmosphere into ammunition.
  • PI-PSA45-K—.45 caliber handgun with a high-frequency bayonet, flash light, and laser sight containing 12 explosive cobalt-tipped rounds in its clip.
  • Megumi Sakura—wakizashi, reflective as a mirror and tomb of an ice elemental, she has routed armies with her icy floes.
  • Keefe—war sword, crafted by the Xindi, carved with runes, and drenched in an ominous shroud of dread and decay; have no doubt, Keefe will carve spirit as readily as flesh.
  • Rhiannon—seax (long, thick knife) exuding a black mist that can solidify into a shield of sorcery at the bearer’s whim.
  • High-frequency Blade—katana vibrating in the ultrasonic, a factor that overcomes even the toughest of physical obstacles.

Under his ratty blond hair and over his dopey green eyes are designer shades that doubtlessly cause every girl within eyeshot become as moist as the ambiance ascending from his pits.

Whoops. That last bit is just nerves.


Having gathered just enough money for a ticket out of heck, after his loathsome beginnings at Careo Fas, Spencer went to the spaceport. He had no real plans, but they went up in smoke when a terrorist group bombed the facility before he even opened the door to step in. Unscathed, he did his best to take care of the wounded, but was driven off by their uncharitable nature. On his way back to his flat in the less affluent region of Careo Fas, he heard a shooting at a bar, and curiosity drove him in. There, a gunman thrust a weapon in his hands and told him to kill anyone who came by. He stood there in shock, and eventually someone did venture close enough to witness what had transpired there. Afraid, he shot the woman in the shoulder and ran.

Fortunately, that is the night war erupted. In the confusion, he managed to make his way as a stowaway aboard a freighter, which left him on the planet Terra in an interesting city called Southern Sea. From there, he was recruited by a man named Tersan Rogut, given clothes and armaments, and trained as an assassin with an affinity for energy rifles.

There are many exploits Spencer engaged in under Tersan's direction, especially those involving a lycanthrope named Will who had numerous run-ins with the Red Technocracy. The two would pose as pimp and product, and try to lure high-ranking members of the Technocracy into a disreputable situation. This resulted in quite a few questionable videos and pictures of Will being strewn across the Red Technocracy pornnet.

After a series of strange, psychotic dreams, Tersan made sure Spencer started taking some anti-psychotropic medication. Injected in the buttocks. Spencer wasn't a huge fan of being held down by Tersan and stabbed with a horse needle, but the medication did get the job done.

In the aftermath of these dreams, Spencer took up residence in Wing City and became a drunk, gambler, and a man of high-reputation and ill-repute. His many exploits there include urinating on a machine named Cuddles and escaping due to a Goldbergian series of events that sent him into the sewer below the Gambit's Bar, from which he was later rescued by Rin and Motoko, machines constructed by Ryand-Smith. After being informed of his assault on the robot, he created a nice apology card out of construction paper and colored sparkle-glue and forwarded it on to Cuddles. He never did receive a response.

From Wing City, Spencer ended up on Valhalla. At least, he thinks that was it. As a drunk stripper, it was too much to remember. Then a man named Loinel reconnected with him and offered him a job as an informant working for The Abdictory. Not hard; right? Not really. A frequent planet hopper, he got in a fight in Allure City on Fortis and, the next day, woke up in Allure City on Earth. Under siege. Well, he high-tailed it to his friend’s apartment, went into the back room, and hit the city-wide EMP, passed out, woke up, ran outside, and got teleported to safety just moments before an antimatter nuke hit the city.

Out of the Ordinary
> 0 Clout
> 0 Intellect
> 4 Magic :: unusually good luck ensures success in his endeavors
> 1 Physical :: street busker born and raised, always on the run
> 2 Technological :: can figure out any weapon on-the-fly
C | I | M | P | T

Beyond the Veil of Flesh
> Ximbic-8 inspected Spencer Tras’ soul and marked his right ass cheek with a radiant glyph: six-sided diamond dice rolling through a line of cocaine on a skank’s taint and scoring double sevens.
Soul Sigil
Hidden 5 yrs ago 11 mos ago Post by Circ
Avatar of Circ

Circ Rawr

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Dominic Ruiz-Malavé

Xenomisia-tainted patriotism smouldered in bosoms world-wide in the aftermath of the Iberian Incident, an event typified by Allure City's unprecedented manifestation and apparent permanency of presence, and that dark humor was poignantly exhibited in the subsequent surge of young men and women recruited into Earth-F67X's armed services. Born twenty-two years prior, Dom, a young man, although phenotypically female, was one such individual and his hatred of aliens ran deep. Recent events, for him, merely galvanized a long-present undercurrent of rage toward extraterrestrial intelligence after their first incursion, known as the First Contact War, left his father and hero on disability with permanent paralyzing nerve damage along the left side of his body. Pride in his father's sacrifice made Dom's military career all but inevitable. The deaths of millions of Spaniards merely accelerated the timetable. Within weeks of graduating air force boot camp and being assigned to Lakehurst Air Force Base as an O1 drone operator, he was recruited into the anti-alien hate group Honorable Knights of Terra (HKT) and helped brainstorm their slogan "MEGA -- Make Earth Great Again."

Appearance: While relatively small of stature and structurally androgynous, Dom does his best to project masculinity, sometimes to the extent that it is obnoxious. With irises as dark as his black hair and humor, his gaze is steady, haircut trimmed close to the scalp, and jokes obscene. Three hours in the gym each day along with hormone therapy make up for the remaining shortcomings of his unfortunately female body; thus, his secret pride and joy are his abs, biceps, ever-deepening voice, and the fine dusting of black hair on his upper lip -- all at the relatively minor cost of some acne scarring on his cheeks that he is convinced make him look even more rugged.

Height: 160 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Age: 23 years
Ethnicity: Latinx
Profession: Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Operator, Second Lieutenant (O1), Lakehurst AFB
Sex: Famale-to-Male Transitioning
Callsign: Thug

x0.308 Belkrait: a standard military officer-issued service revolver with a 5-score drip magazine of molten lead ammunition. Biometrically engaged, it may be fired line-of-sight or on a phase-shifting oscillation pattern. The latter is designed to bypass both magical and physical barriers and teleports the full force of the projectile directly inside the target lock location, although activation depth can be calibrated to circumvent thicker buffers. Lock is achieved via laser analysis and the quantum entanglement of the projectile's energy envelope with an atomic cluster in the target structure. If a melee situation arises, the Belkrait can deploy electro-static pulse barbs at the bottom of the grip and, alongside the barrel, twin vibro-blade bayonets. GPS coordinates trackable by military police.

Out of the Ordinary
> 1 Clout :: HTK member and military officer
> 0 Intellect
> 0 Magic
> 1 Physical :: active military in good physical condition
> 1 Technological :: extensive drone and arms training
C | I | M | P | T
Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by apathy
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sóse Oakes/Tekaronhióken
Operative Hihnon

Age: 51
Height: 6'9
Weight: 470 lbs.
Reach: 81"
Hair: Black (Graying)
Eyes: Copper

His face consists of broad planes cut by the sharp angles of his cybernetics, and could have been considered handsome if his expression weren’t so naturally dour. Retractable tinted lenses implanted in his zygomatic recesses add to Sóse's intimidating countenance.

He favors heavy clothes to mask his augmented form, leaving Sóse’s fashion sense obstinately out of touch. Eschewing vogue aborform and chromorphic materials for reliable nu-fibers, he models himself after action heroes of the past. A hydrophobic Deflexion jacket over a gunmetal mycofiber shirt and black d3o denim jeans tucked into size 22 combat boots are his go-to outfit.

Calm. Observant. Aloof. Jaded.

Sóse is a veteran of the First Contact War and subsequent Years of Blood, a retired operative with the NYDD and currently works as a private investigator. He operates out of Udica, North Capital City, formerly known as the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn.

His career in law enforcement was cut short after the 9 Suns Tower incident culminated with the destruction of its upper 50 floors. Professionally disgraced, Sóse established his own agency shortly after.

He lives out of his small office, located on the 10th floor of a Pre-FC tenement. Utilitarian to the point of self-neglect, Sóse surrounds himself with very few luxuries. Notorious for taking any case, he navigates the ghost of a city to piece together the clues and maybe get a glimpse at the bigger picture behind recent domestic terrorist activities.


Intelligence - Sóse possesses a gifted and inquisitive mind, honed through years of experience as a detective and private investigator. These innate talents (coupled with the OPHIUCUS) have lent themselves well to his less than legal ventures in cyberspace. He is a skilled tactician capable of quickly formulating strategies according to the demands of the moment. His memory banks contain vast digital archives covering a variety of fields of interests ranging from chemistry to xenobiology, along with manuals for piloting a broad variety of vehicles and aircraft.

Strength - While his uppermost strength level has never been properly documented, estimates place Sóse slightly beyond the 100 ton threshold. Sóse has displayed enough strength to lift a twelve ton reinforced utility vehicle (loaded with a further 4 tons in the form of a squad of cybernetically-enhanced sicarios) with little effort and toss it 100 yards.

Speed - Despite his size, the ceramsteel myomeres in Sóse's legs enable him to reach speeds well beyond the capabilities of even the finest human athlete. This lends to explosive bursts of speed to cover ground quickly, or to pursue targets fleeing in vehicles. Sóse can reach a top speed approaching 300 mph, but requires time and distance to attain such a velocity. His dexterity is enough that when coupled with his enhanced processing power, Sóse can engage threats that operate at much higher speeds than him.

Durability - Sóse is extremely durable, capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of punishment. High caliber bullets, 120mm tank shells and military-grade explosives cause negligible damage while hypersonic missiles and high-powered direct energy weapons require adequate countermeasures. His cybernetic arms can withstand almost unlimited impact, due to the neobohrium used. Fine tuning of his augmentations have decreased the drain on his power supply, allowing him to engage in full combat for several hours before needing to supplement his energy stores. Before cyberization, his ability to tap into and absorb bio-force on a level similar to the invading Val'Gara kept Sóse alive and capable of fighting high-end Cataclysm. This ability was mostly burnt out during cyberization but a vestige remains in his ability to counteract direct psionic and thaumic effects, localized reality distortions and other forms of supernatural energies or abilities with a personal field of bio-force.

Martial Abilities - Sóse is an extremely formidable unarmed combatant, as well as a proficient armed fighter. As a youth much of his time was spent in the boxing gym with his brother, Tawit. After years of training, they would become golden glove winning fighters before enlisting. Nearly two decades of military service has expanded his martial knowledge to other systems, first as a Private during the First Contact War; then as a Cybernetic Operative during the Years of Blood. He favors employing combat styles that make full use of his strength, endurance and durability such as Boxing, Judo and Muay Thai. He is a lethally accurate marksman with all variety of firearms, and is also proficient in projectile throwing, favoring knives and tomahawks.


Raweno Industries N-Weave 5 is an implant of advanced bio-electronic nano-neuro-circuitry in Sóse's cerebellum that hosts an impressive 30 exaflop quantum processor, vast digital archives and allows for direct interface between Sóse's thoughts and his myriad amount of augmentations and applications.

IZO Series-8 OPHIUCUS is a modular hacking device implemented into Sóse’s Raweno Industries N-weave 5, allowing him complete control over hacking operations without the need for any tactile device or virtual interface via integration with the SiMart Cochlear Module infolink. It contains predictive analytics engines; polymorphic intrusion and obfuscation rootkits; quantum VPN; military-spec ICE (intrusion countermeasures); a growing library of goblins (powerful hacking programs); and environmental dominator subroutines.

Raweno Industries AUGUR is a cranial implant that oversees a combination of audio, visual, thermal, and motion detection systems housed across Sóse's body, each updated once per nanosecond. Topographic information is compiled and accurately rendered in Sóse's HUD through enhanced sensory processing algorithms.

HEX RetPros serves as a high-end chassis for Sóse's optical augmentations, installed with an optoelectronic HUD by default that syncs with the rest of his systems to relay real-time data. They have variable zooms and frame rates of x2/8/14/20 and 60 to 6,000,000 fps along with anti-memetic, infrared and ultraviolet filters that have proven invaluable in his profession as a detective.

HEX Aperture Mk. 3 allows Sóse to locate and reveal persons and objects beyond nearby walls and obstacles (< 10' thick) by emitting frequency-modulated carrier waves from his pupils. Sensors from Sóse's AUGUR implant collaborate with the carrier waves to assemble a two-dimensional representation of the target's silhouette which is then projected as an overlay onto Sóse's HUD. Production of these carrier waves can quickly drain his core power supply if use exceeds intervals beyond 10 minutes.

n0 sc0p3 is a motion-dampening, stability-inducing subsystem which narrows the fire zone, allowing the user to aim at targets with greater efficiency while under extreme duress, moving at high speeds or during free-falls. n0 sc0p3 is decentralized, with elements embedded in the user's nerve-brain connections, inner ear structure, and optic nerves. From nanosecond to nanosecond, the augmentation reads and processes inputs from the user's sensors tied to balance and orientation, then modifies and adjusts his aim accordingly.

Flash Suppression via the prostheses inherent self-preservation parameters, negating the majority of distortion to Sóse's sight incurred through the use of concussion/flash grenades or other sources of harsh light that exceed 80 megacandela.

Combat Analytics Augmented Reflex Engine or CAARE is a decentralized implant (with elements along his vestibular system as well as nerve bundles in the legs and a distributed set of disc implants in the spinal column) that supercharges Sóse's nervous system for a brief time to increase his agility and dexterity by a factor of 5 and narrows his response time to picoseconds. Overuse does pose the potential to overclock Sóse’s systems. Estimated duration before internal damage is 10 minutes every 12 hours.

SiMart Cochlear Module is an infolink device capable of receiving and transmitting wireless communications and accessing networks, implanted directly into Sóse’s inner ear. Sensitivity to minute vibrations in the larynx allows for subvocalized communication when necessary. Sóse is capable of interfacing with electronic devices or networks within range (200m) via this module. By manipulating the module's settings, Sóse is also able to amplify or dampen his hearing.

IZO Aegis is composed of a supple, layered, micron-thin non-corrosive material replacing Sóse’s entire dermal system. Rated as Class XI armor, the base is a nanofiber lattice weave made from a phased composite of ceramsteel bio-organic nanotubes above a dilatant fluid that is then layered again with the nanotubes. This allows the Aegis to deflect molecular blades, mono-wires and other weaponry that operate along similar methods. When energy from a physical blow or discharge strikes Sóse, the fluid becomes rigid, negating all but the most severe levels of damage. Inductive properties of the material serve to dissipate thaumic, magnetic, thermal (heat and cold), radioactive (up to low-level gamma) or other forms of energized trauma including electromagnetic pulses. Sóse’s skull and torso are the most heavily fortified zones, giving him a rather hulking physique.

IZO Z-RO CHASSIS is the total overhaul of Sóse’s skeletal and muscular systems. His sim-bones are made from a proprietary alloy that was infused into Sóse’s original organic skeletal system during initial cyberization. This alloy enriched his marrow and increased its density while encasing then eventually replacing his bones, hardening them to rods of titanium-vanadium composite of similar proportions. Sóse’s tissues and joints have been replaced with ceramsteel myomeres and microrotors to function identically to their organic counterparts, though with exponentially superior strength, speed, endurance and dexterity.

AKONWARA Health System is an elegant collection of augments distributed throughout the body, meant to keep Sóse alive under the most inhospitable conditions, protected by layers of spacecraft grade ceramsteel housing.

The main unit tracks Sóse's medical condition and triggers secondary modules when it registers critical damage to his organics through internal or external trauma. Modules implanted in his heart tissue, lymphatic system, and adrenal glands utilize micro-electric charges and phase-released chemicals to stimulate the human body's healing reaction.

While the majority of Sóse’s body is artificial, he still retains 70% of his brain and nervous system as well as heart, kidneys and lungs.

A cocktail of glutamates, monoamines and AKONWARA's proprietary pharmaceutical ISAAC dispensed via nano-injectors into Sóse's amygdala raises his emotional perception and empathy to keep him from slipping into psychotic episodes following years of conflict-induced PTSD. Coupled with therapeutic subroutines developed over the years, Sóse has little fear of cyber-psychosis.

Housed in Sóse's chest cavity is an implanted T0 Membrane chemical filter and oxygen circulation unit (a compact, closed-circuit rebreather) to prevent injury from poisons, toxins and biological agents by
recycling and cleansing inhaled breaths before passing them to his lungs. A secondary hyper-oxygenation feature can provide increased amounts of oxygen into Sóse's bloodstream enabling him to resist exhaustion from extended physical effort.

Meanwhile his digestive system has been bypassed by the AKONWARA Energy Converter to convert nutrients into a bio-electric charge that is then stored in Sóse’s core graphene supercapacitors within the ceramsteel housing.

An artificial liver with bioware sensors allows Sóse to drink inhuman amounts of alcohol with little ill-effect.

The system culminates with a cardioverter defibrillator capable of restarting Sóse's heart; it is implanted directly in the sinoatrial node, and is specially tuned not to interfere with Sóse’s other implants.

SiMart Combat Prostheses has seen the replacement of Sóse's organic limbs with enhanced-function cybernetic substitutes.

Unique modifications to Sóse’s cybernetic arm's shock buffers and sim-bone frames in conjunction with the use of an experimental neobohrium underlay beneath the IZO Aegis enable Operative Hihnon to effortlessly strike through 2' thick vanadium steel plating at baseline hardness.

Neobohrium is unique in its ability to absorb impacts and convert them into exponentially greater amounts of potential energy that is then stored in/discharged by a dimorphic magnetorheological fluid suspended in layered neobohrium. This force erupts as controlled concussive blasts from his palms or knuckles. The yield is proportional to the potential energy stored, with a minimal discharge being enough to overturn a 4 ton vehicle from a distance of 20'. The secondary property of neobohrium causes its hardness and tensile strength to increase exponentially until accumulated energy is discharged. This makes Sóse a greater threat as fights stretch on and more blows are landed.

By modifying myomere density and activating a shock-gel matrix in his legs, Sóse can perform devastating kicks, neutralize damage incurred from high falls or perform standing long jumps upwards of 60' or running leaps quadrupling that.

STEADFAST Recoil Negation allows for precision shooting of high-caliber weaponry via n0 sc0p3's integrated reaction management buffers working in conjunction with bioplastic shock compressors housed within Sóse's shoulders.

IZO Experimental Nanoshield is an attachment housed within Sóse's left thigh and knee, meant to be concealed until deployed. When activated, a high-energy molecular assembler uses a relevant silicon-carbide cartridge in order to create a lamellar graphene shield that fans out as deployed in a fixed-plate large enough to be used as cover while stationary or detached to serve as a proper shield. It is rated as Class XV refractory armor, capable of deflecting high-powered direct energy weapons at close range or withstanding the impact of hypersonic missiles.


The contents of his Deflexion leather jacket include an AFAK to provide medical assistance to others; chemlights to illuminate dark spaces; a weathered field notebook filled with case notes; additional speedloaded .950 osmium alloy projectiles; silicon-carbide cartridges; and AKONWARA CalDense Bars. These unique bars are a high-energy blend of carbohydrates and proteins that Sóse can use to recharge his power supply if engaged in prolonged battles. Each bar contains two servings.

Slung from his belt is a magazine pouch containing additional 10 round 10g magazines and an additional 50 round 12.7mm box magazine.

Tawiskaron is Sóse’s custom creation; a Red Technocracy railgun modified into a 4-shot revolver. Named after the Mohawk god of destruction, Tawiskaron lives up to its sobriquet. Equipped with a SiMart Holographic Sight and Wetware Bio-Lock diagnostic and safety system (synchronized via sensors built into his palms), Tawiskaron is capable of firing .950 caliber osmium alloy projectiles at 4,000 m/s. Sóse keeps Tawiskaron holstered beneath his jacket in a 3D printed speed-rig based on TANIGAWA DYNAMICS schematics he’d been given as payment for a kidnapping case.

Uktena PDW-23 is a hybrid weapon platform with an overall length of 23". The Uktena consists of a fully automatic, magazine-fed bullpup 10g shotgun and a top-loading, bottom ejecting 12.7mm large caliber SMG. Sóse favors a mixed load in the 10 round 10g magazines; thunder-arc shells (disorienting at 220 dB & 70 megacandela), thermite-core sabot slugs (anti-materiel), titanium flechette shells (anti-personnel), and bionic brass buckshot rounds (greater armor penetration). Meanwhile the 50 round box magazine is loaded with armor piercing tungsten carbide ammunition. Unique design specifications include a Wetware Bio-Lock diagnostic and safety system; selective fire modes (including both barrels at once); and a rapid side loading/ejection chamber, synchronized to his neural weave, to cycle through or feed 10g rounds as necessary.

Atóken is Sóse’s folding combat tomahawk housed within a compartment along the posterior of his right thigh. When activated, the blade vibrates at an extremely high frequency, increasing its sharpness to the point where it can cut through the target at a molecular level. The haft measures nearly 3' (1.5' folded) with a 1.5' bladed head. Both are constructed from the same silicon carbide material as the cartridges used in his micro-assembler.

2029 Cadillac Escalade ESV "Mary Two-Axe" is Sóse’s pride and joy, as well as his home away from the office, plainly evident by its contents. It is filled with extra CalDense bars and bottles of electrolyte water; a small crate of silicon cartridges; 2 crates each of supplemental ammunition for Uktena and a box of supplemental projectiles for Tawiskaron along with extra magazines and speed-loaders; supplies to replenish his AFAK; chemlights and two full back-up outfits (jacket, rig, shirt, jeans, boots).

Features include high-end surveillance equipment; remote function mode; Class-XV armored windshield, windows and body; EMP countermeasures across the cabin's interior and engine compartment; vanadium-steel reinforced chassis and front bumper; and VFI run flat system. Its V12 Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Combustion (RCCI) engine delivers a stupendous 980hp, allowing the vehicle to achieve a top speed of 250 mph and accelerate to 60 mph in 2.4 seconds while its Magnetic Ride Control automatically adjusts its finely-tuned suspension system to extreme road conditions and prevents the vehicle from flipping over during sharp turns at high speeds.

C | I | M | P | T

> 1 Clout :: Sóse's reputation precedes him, be it his years as a military operative or his recent stint as a private investigator.
> 0 Intellect
> 1 Magic :: A vestige of Sóse's ability to manipulate bio-force remains.
> 0 Physical
> 5 Technological :: Sóse's cybernetic augments and Mobius Ops level hardware put him far above the average SOLO.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Circ
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Circ Rawr

Member Seen 15 hrs ago



Without the presence of the electromagnetic force, Reaex spreads across a flat surface, its actuators unable to synchronize with its distributed nervous system due to the environment. Amethyst arcs of violent energy and erratic crepitations disquiet its localized atmosphere. The pattern formed is a digital reinterpretation of the kalachakra mandala in reflective gray soot centered on an iridescent bramble connected by a central knot, like a horrid vitrified, petrified, and immobilized ratking. Once exposed to that vivifying force, however, Reaex's appearance coalesces into what appears to be a large metallic dog, cat, or similar quadruped, its nervous system hidden beneath layers of a shiny, dark, exoskeletal membrane.


Metralloic, a metal being from the equatorial region of the planet Metallo (also known as Panjiis Uor), a world where machines evolved rather than organic lifeforms and an area subject to rapid and violent transitions of temperature and tectonics.


Reaex is a refugee on Ximbic-8 recently escaped from containment in Allure City. Eats iron; a lot of it.

Out of the Ordinary
> 0 Clout
> 2 Intellect :: advanced empirical AI able to synthesize complete data from fragmented information
> 0 Magic
> 2 Physical :: built Metallo tough, strong as elephant, lithe as panther
> 1 Technological :: understands and interfaces with most simple machines
C | I | M | P | T

Beyond the Veil of Flesh
> an open maw with argent metal teeth clamping down around four nested rings with 2, 8, 14, and 2 points on each respective ring and a larger point in the center; i.e.: the atomic representation of iron.
Soul Sigil
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Circ
Avatar of Circ

Circ Rawr

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Other characters:

Czes Schäfer: roleplayerguild.com/posts/4283984

Lionel Duperie: roleplayerguild.com/posts/4288845
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Liaison
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Liaison Passive Aggressor

Member Seen 2 days ago


Full Name: Demarco "Jaguar" Lucas
Age: 39
Height: 6'9
Weight: 358 lbs
Race: Human

Jag is an enormous man whose size was only second to his pursuit of control. Built like a brick, he carried a reputation that painted him as superhuman. The rosette-like patterns on his skin from vitiligo were probably his most famous feature, and it only added to his intimidating mystique. When he was younger, he often put his Rühl-like physique on display as an enforcer for Trey Eleven Vice, an infamous gang known for clashing with the Red Syndicate in the 2020s before their leader, Hans, mysteriously went missing.

Since then, Jag has made a name for himself as one of the most brutal crime lords in the northeast. When it came to vice, he had his foot in it all: drugs, human trafficking, arms dealing, money laundering. He accumulated a fortune of wealth from it and was not afraid to flaunt it with his large collection of chains, watches, grills, and even gold-plated weaponry. Arrogant, but calculated was his motto. The crimelord often roped his adversaries into his very hands by playing off their impatience and intense hatred of him.

Jag was battle tested and ready for confrontation at a moment's notice. He has been beaten, stabbed, shot, jailed, and tortured. The whole nine yards. He wore his large collection of scars like a general's medals, with his proudest being his severed left hand. His solution to losing this part of himself left him far from handicapped. Instead of leaning towards regular prosthetics, he managed to fortify his arm with technology, going through experiment after experiment until it was a classified superweapon.

Jag gained the ability to mold his gold-plated arm into several weapons with its base form being a dangerous set Tekko-Kagi Claws. Other forms allowed him to fire bullets from his finger like a pistol. From his palms, he could let off shots like a machine gun and a shotgun. His arm could even go as far as becoming a full-blown flamethrower.

Out of the Ordinary
> 3 Clout :Has a small portion of the city under his control as territory
> 1 Intellect :: Extremely calculating in local crime and political strategy
> 0 Magic ::
> 2 Physical :: His enormous frame wasn't just for show and he was deceptively agile for his weight
> 1 Technological :: Understands advanced prosthetics and frequently invests in augmentations and newly discovered advancements.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 54v
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54v Weed cat

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Full name: Hannelore Amsler. (Goes by the nickname "Han")
Species: Synth variant (partly biological).

Physical description
Han’s hair is blonde, thick wavy, and cut short like that haircut popular with every single alt girl in the entire western hemisphere. Also has blue eyes, pale skin, the whole “aryan gf” package except for gigantic tits. The creator of this construct instead gave her a petite frame that looks like an 18 year old with normal proportions, a bit on the flatter side of things. 5’2”, her weight does not match her weight at all, being a hefty 83 kg (183 lbs).

As a shapechanger her appearance may change for missions, but unlike most she does not go through different appearances like one does outfits. Her clothes however do vary. She wears mostly dark clothes, especially black or dark gray ones. She especially likes black jeans with leather boots and one of those metal band t-shirts, but may sometimes go for something less strange like a pleated skirt with a dark gray hoodie (The boots stay on though). The black leather boots are genuine German paratrooper combat boots, made in 1940 and fixed quite a few times already through expensive nano procedures to keep wear at bay.

Out of the ordinary

  • Multi-state Physiology: Like a T-1000, this construct can withstand kinetic attacks very efficiently. Instead of damage her body enters a temporary liquid state that allows it to be deformed, though it hinders mobility, with the wound channels being as large as they’d be on a normal human. It may withstand temperatures between -200 and 400 degrees celsius, though it becomes immobile below -40 degrees celsius.
  • Shapechanger: Made up of a mix of nanites and organites, Han can change her appearance to resemble the texture and look of most materials. Unlike the liquid metal terminator, she may generate small pieces, detached pieces, and moving parts. The strength of these can vary between liquid gallium and tool steel. The overall volume may not vary too much however, she can look like most humanoids and things close to their size but cannot turn herself into, for example, a penny.
  • Internal systems: Like a Poltergeist Val’gara, she is able to take over systems (of her current technology level, unable to breach large corporation’s and governmental cyber security) via touch through side-channel attacks and generate strong electric currents, allowing her to attack by contact, make use of electronic warfare, and defend herself from contactless psionic, magical, and cyber attacks. Coupled with this is a military grade cybersecurity system, modified to make the most out of her hybrid bioelectronic internal computer, and special biosecurity protocols to neutralize natural and artificial pathogens. These systems also allow Han computer-like accuracy and processing capacity and, combined with her touch technological possession, allows her to operate machinery at an expert level after being breached or after making contact. Immediately learning its capabilities as well as how to best make use of them.
  • Enhanced Physical Attributes: Strength wise Han can lift up to 10000 kilos, with anything 5000 kilos or below being easily moved while being able to support 10500 kilograms at maximum. She may run up to 45 miles an hour and move her appendages at higher speeds than normal without losing precision. As long as her body isn’t disintegrated, she may regenerate lost weight through the same mechanisms it uses to sustain herself, namely eating, receiving radiation, or consuming fissile material. Han can store energy in the form of uranium instead of fat, allowing for very long operation periods without sustenance though she will starve to death eventually. Her telemetry is however not as advanced as she only has slightly enhanced eyesight and hearing, a shortcoming of being so adaptable. As well, she is as vulnerable to acid as a normal human.
  • Equipment: Rather than using one of the many relics her owner had, Han uses a modified M60E6. It has an adjustable gas mechanism to achieve the ludicrous fire rate of the original MG42 without losing the option of running lower rates of fire, can fire from a closed bolt when semi-automatic like an FG42, has a few 100 round belt pouches to feed the ammo hungry light machine gun, a vertical grip, a foldable bipod, and an adjustable zoom scope for better accuracy. These add-ons can be adjusted from its grip biointerface, which reads the intent of the shooter and adjusts the weapon accordingly, deploying the bipod, retracting it, changing the scope’s zoom, and firing rate. It is not encrypted so anyone can make use of it. The ammo it fires is normal surplus 7.62 NATO FMJ, not particularly devastating but it gets the job done, hopefully. In case it is lost or cannot be brought to battle Han always has a Springfield Hellcat on her person.
  • Property: Inherited from her creator, Han has a 120 square meter apartment, a lot of world war two Nazi paraphernalia and guns, and an old Silver Mercedes C-class with electric tint windows. The latter has been modified to be easier to maintain and more robust, explaining how it has been running smoothly for the past two decades.

Han began as a Xanathan project to cure the Val’gara virus on a patient that started at the beginning of the first contact war. The success rate of this procedure was even lower back then and so it took millions in funding for this project to get off the ground along with the other many that tried to achieve this, due to its complexity it was never completed. Cost overruns and schedule extensions could only last so long, and by the time the war ended the project was transferred to another company, a subsidiary of Xanathan. Thus began a phase where the incredibly expensive F-35-like project was passed from subsidiary to subsidiary as it continued. Eventually, the focus of the project shifted away from curing the patient.

The new direction of the project sought to make the subject express genetic material of many of the other Val’gara instead of curing the virus, with a lot of genetic material being inserted into the patient with the aim of granting it the ability to alter its genetic code on the fly. When this did not work through biological means a sample of nanites was injected into the patient. This had the unexpected effect of both the organic and inorganic materials recombining into a single one that rapidly altered the rest of the body in its image. At first it was thought this had killed the subject, though it was later found that this had instead made it able to change form to its will through certain impulses.

After this breakthrough the aim once again changed as it was theorized this could serve as a way to transfer consciousness as they could now control the nervous system of the amorphous liquid through computer commands. With this discovery more funds and personnel were allocated to the project, one of them being an extremist. This scientist had been an HKT member for a long time though did not directly interact with any alien materials, he silently rose the corporate ladder until he finally found something that could truly hurt Xanathan and, in his view, punish them for experimenting with Val’gara abominations. Eventually he used his anonymous board to tell HKT what they were doing in the facility and how to breach it, though unfortunately for him once they raided the complex they also killed him.

The project was left behind as once they had shot the test tube it was in it simply slipped out and looked dead. However, after a few hours it stabilized itself and formed into what it had been programmed to do by the same one who called in the HKT members to the black site at the outskirts of North Capitol City. Forming into a young German girl, programmed personally by the 4channer to be extremely xenophobic, she took the place of the now defunct scientist after scanning his computer. Now, she is looking for a job as the left-over money by the incel tech guy has started to run low. Not entirely sure of who she is, or why she is here.

Clout: 0
Intelligence: 1
Magic: 0
Physical: 3
Technological: 3
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Liaison
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Liaison Passive Aggressor

Member Seen 2 days ago

Alias: Erykah "The Empress" Morant
Name: Genesis Erykah Morant
Height: 6'2
Weight: 184 lbs
Affiliation: Tribe Barrio
Home: Earth-F67X

With steel will and an uncompromising demeanor, her words resonated, never falling on deaf ears as even Tribe Barrio members acted in confidence on her whims. As a genuine empath, Erykah consumed the feelings of others only to dominate them under the sheer presence of her aura. Through this, she was able to subdue animals and command them through telepathic means.

Erykah could out-wrestle a silverback gorilla as if it were a toddler. Her flexibility and strength far exceeded human anatomy despite her relatively compact size. The gradual infusion of bio force radiation through her marrow transplant, influenced by Thane's nanomachines, fortified her bones into an element creating a pseudo dreadamantium, an element from Colossus the original Val'gara home world.

Erykah's chiseled but curvaceous figure marked the peak of humanity and evolution in Jag's eyes. She operated on the grounds of a sophisticated savagery that the gangster saw befit for a Queen of the Jungle. Years of frustration molded an alternate persona that overcompensated her lack of ability to change her circumstances. In many ways, it quelled her anxiety. It spoke to her in a manner that assured her that she now had the power to enforce her will upon others as they had done so frequently to her.

Appearance: In base, her body reflects like a satin silver with subtle plated ridges. She had a curly fro like steel wool and it was common to see her wearing cheetah and other animal prints in a style fit for an amazon complemented with feathered cape shawls.


Val'gara Nanomachines: Though nowhere as malignant and versatile as the Herald they were recovered from, the machines over time augmented her body into that of beyond a super soldier. Because her marrow operated like a factory and produced them at the frequency of white blood cells, Genesis never fell ill to disease. Within a week of them being introduced, her leukemia disappeared without a trace. It was no surprise toxins had virtually no effect on her as the nanomachines fueled by the influx of Bioforce radiation, evolved her body to withstand the trials of modern combat. This included even biological warfare. Her body is slowly but constantly improving itself to become stronger with each battle that passes. What was not slow was how accelerated her healing process was. A bullet could enter her body and be pushed out but her rapidly healing wounds in seconds.

Faux Dreadamantium Skeleton: Once liquid dreadamantium cools and hardens, it can never be manipulated again. Draedamantium is a very powerful metal that does not combust under any sort of atmospheric pressure, even in the vacuum of space. However, unlike dreadite it does not grow through solar bio-force, but it simply diffuses it, taking none for itself. The version that made up her skeletal frame and razor-sharp nails were most parts identical to the original but dreadamantium does fare much better in outer space.

Accelerated thought: As a result of the nanomachines constantly working to improve her body, it is only natural that her brain did as well. Through this, Genesis' thought process sped up exponentially. She became an excellent strategist and could read people off the slightest nuance. She tapped into the ability to manipulate her bioforce and sense it in others.

Queen's Ambition: Seeing herself as the queen of the concrete jungle, her conviction and aura naturally dominated others. With just a trance, animals yielded to her and once they tasted Genesis’ blood, she developed an empathetic bond with creatures granting her the ability to command them autonomously.

Who's who?: As a metamorph, Genesis had the ability to alter her appearance, height, and voice to match individuals she interacted with. This is entirely cosmetic and for espionage purposes. She doesn't mimic or gain the abilities.

Out of the Ordinary
> 0 Clout ::
> 1 Intellect :: Accelerated thinking
> 1 Magic :: Capable of Altering her appearance and manipulate bioforce. Empath.
> 2 Physical :: Extremely powerful/Regenerative abilities/Freakishly Nimble
> 3 Technological :: Advanced Nanomachines.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Spider Pickle
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Spider Pickle [i]minecraft spider noises[/i]

Member Seen 4 mos ago

> Zuorn Ėtil Vátne (pronounced Zworn Ettle Votnuh)
> Nicknames: Ett, Vott, Vat (as in a frying vat)

Physical Description
> Appearance: If the stereotypical short, ugly gray aliens are the dwarves of the galaxy, then Zuorn is a cosmic elf -- plus a little something extra. She’s 8 feet tall and snake-hipped, with long, thin limbs and gray-blue skin. Her head is a little bigger and more bulbous than a human’s, containing eyes the size of baseballs. An indigo marking stretches across the bridge of a nose that lays flat against her face, almost like a cat’s nose. She only has tiny holes for ears, the way birds or lizards do.
> She has short, conical horns with wide bases. Their primary purpose is actually to channel empathic abilities, as opposed to combat (though they can still pack a punch).
She often wears the dark-green uniform of her military faction; short-sleeved shirts (rolled-up sleeves in her case), cargo pants with utility belts, black holsters and straps, all made from thick and durable cloth.
> Gender: Female
> Age: 25
> Height: 8’0”
> Weight: 240lbs
> Build: Lithe
> Eyes: Large black irises on white sclera
> Hair: N/A (unless you count her eyebrows, which are black)
> Skin: Light-bluish
> Ethnicity: Ecrui -- indicated by the black horns and eyes, blue skin, and purple marking over the nose.

> Possessions─┒
> Designated-Marksman Recoilless Rifle: A large, rugged thing resembling a lengthy submarine. The back end has a conical opening and is bulkier than the rest of the gun. Each cartridge is hefty, slowing its journey through the back-end of the rifle, which provides the rounds something more than air to push off of; allows pressure to build up as in a regular gun's chamber and barrel. Combining the backblast of rocket launchers with the speed of conventional, non-rocket-propelled ammo; the best of both worlds.
> The ammunition employs electric-primed tandem charges -- each round is two explosives in one and the primer is ignited via electricity. When fired, the round separates almost like a two-stage rocket; first charge flies ahead of the second to remove the first layer of armor, making way for the second to come finish the job.
> It almost doesn't matter whether the cartridge gets propelled out the back end or not, as the proper and easiest way to reload the gun is to point it upwards, then insert a new round into the chamber via your left hand. Of course, it's best if it does leave the barrel, as any excess friction will cause recoil; but even then, the recoil may simply bring the gun up into the reloading position.
> Plasma Pistol: Bulky at the front and oversized in a human’s hands, this black and silver handgun shoots scarlet bolts of plasma which burn through flesh and metal alike. It overheats if shot too frequently, however. The same scarlet light glows through perforations in two rows along the sides.
> The plasma bolts are streams of a gas formed into an advanced laminar flow plasma phenomenon called structured plasma. This phenomenon acts almost like a solid, having a cohesive yet unstable form; once one part starts breaking apart, it all breaks apart. When this happens on a direct hit, the target experiences a transfer of force as if hit by a solid object. In all other ways, however, it's identical to regular plasma.
> Structured plasma causes flesh to near-instantly melt or peel away. Wounds differ from gun to gun, but often resemble craters or quarries between 4 and 12 inches in diameter; this one creates 6-inch wounds.
> Ecrui Combat Knife: Being so tall, her species’ combat knives are longer and scarier. The one she carries is 12 inches long. A small metal “wing” juts out that can serve either as a finger guard or as a place to put her index finger for increased leverage. The blade is excellent for chopping and stabbing. Part of the back edge is also sharpened for back-cuts and the aforementioned stabbing.
> Secure Comms Device: For communicating with her commander and others aboard the rebel ship.
> Wristwatch: Its face divides the day into twenty-two hours counted by four thin, black hands, though that's not much help on an alien planet such as Earth. She doesn't bother to take it off.

Out of the Ordinary
> Clout: 1 ☳ Zuorn has some minor pull in her community, if only through giving direct orders. She also has a few diplomatic connections to Earth.
> Intelligence: 1
> Magic: 2 ☳ Her horns allow her to communicate empathically -- it’s not outright telepathy, but she can at least feel their emotions and feelings. Those who aren’t Lakretian aren’t privy to her own feelings in this manner -- or to the fact that she's even feeling what they are. She can turn her empathic ability off (i.e. for stealth), but it’s naturally always on. No species that feels emotions can feel them in isolation of this ability, though the closer those emotional ranges (and their owners’ physiologies and psychologies) are to her own, the easier time she has deciphering them. Emotions wholly unfelt by her race take much contemplation to figure out.
> Physical: 1
> Technology: 2
Being so long, her limbs gain extra oomph due to leverage when punching and kicking. She’s not actually that much stronger than a human, however, but she [i]can[/i] [u]run[/u] faster.
She’s also a good shot and adequate starfighter pilot. She’s a jack of all trades, really, especially anything pertaining to a spaceship or military operations.
C | I | M | P | T

-None available-
Soul Sigil

> If the stereotypical short, ugly gray aliens are the dwarves of the galaxy, then Zuorn is a lithe cosmic elf—plus a little something extra. She’s 8 feet tall and snake-hipped, with long, thin limbs and gray-blue skin. Her head is a little bigger and more bulbous than a human’s, containing eyes the size of baseballs. An indigo marking stretches across the bridge of a nose that lays flat against her face, almost like a cat’s nose. She only has tiny holes for ears, the way birds or lizards do.
> As mentioned previously, she has short, blunted, conical horns with wide bases. Their primary purpose is actually to channel empathic abilities. This "emotional signal" gets stronger the closer she gets to the source; and, to further the signal analogy, direct contact between her horns and another person's head boosts not only the strength but also the complexity and fullness of the signal -- like seeing a painting in person rather than through a CCTV camera. Turning off this ability is referred to as "going cold" -- or "closing one's third eye" by other (two-eyed) species.
> Her eyebrows lay far out to either side, almost not even adjacent to the eyes. An astute observer (or perv) might notice that the muscles in her neck and shoulder girdle appear to be reversed front-to-back compared to a human’s muscles. This necessarily cascades down her back, musculoskeletally speaking. (The pervs might also notice that she has... key mammalian features, let’s just say.)
> Her blood looks like teal syrup. It dries up within seconds of coming into contact with the nitrogen in the air, so it works great to clot and stop bleeding once outside the body. This does make surgery a pain, however.

> Zuorn is the rebels’ emissary. Her stated purpose is to establish relations with Earth’s government and procure food and medical supplies, among other things, for her people. She seems to be asking for an awful lot of it all, though…
> She may not have formal training in diplomacy, but she does make a good case. The things she describes don’t leave much to the imagination. But of course, the best way to lie is to tell the truth.

Zuorn was practically born into her role as a commander in the rebel forces.
Her father was the previous commander of that same garrison, and as a result, they trusted her and the training he gave to her. She was rather young to be a commander, but after the death of her father, she had no choice but to fill his shoes.
This led to a disastrous mission that ended in military forces taking over their moon base. Most were captured and tortured for information. She barely escaped, but the others now no longer trust her to make the big decisions. So, she demoted herself to being a mere officer; A right-hand woman to the new commander, Efrit Obnimar, who’s starting to abuse his power.
But, how would constant failure and sacrifice be better than constant crunch-hours?
That is the question she asks herself every day when witnessing her new commander’s increasingly authoritarian attitude.
One workshift, during normal operations, systems started going haywire. Electric sparks flew around like a lightning storm had just come into existence inside the ship. Then the ship slipped through a wormhole. They ended up right near Mars. The immediate reaction on either side -- Lakretian rebels and reasonably alarmed authorities -- was less than cordial, but eventually, hostilities died down. As Commander Obnimar’s right-hand woman, Zuorn became the bridge between her people and Earth's.
Obnimar refused to park his ship anywhere but in orbit, where they would be able to escape at a moment’s notice if need be, rather than be tied down on Mars and at the mercy of its inhabitants or the Earth government. Zuorn is currently the only Lakretian on the blue marble; less personnel lost if they do leave. Food, medicine, and supplies are sent up to their ship from the Martian surface. Any craft that gets too close, they warn, will be shot. Any sane person might assume based on this that they’re either complete xenophobes or hostages of Obnimar -- “But I assure you,” Zuorn will say, “it’s nothing like that. We wouldn’t dare do anything nefarious to an innocent society.”
The rebels’ secret?
No society is innocent in their eyes. Especially not ones they just met.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by odium
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

profiles for Ixchel and Zenji to be expanded upon.


> Ixchel Xiadani Xultún

Physical Description
> female, late 20s early 30s, around 178-180cm, average build, bronzed Hispanic skintone, extensively tattooed, pierced and light body mods, often wears unassuming street level clothes or traditional Mayan dresses;

Soul Sigil
> has not traveled to Ximbic-8 thus far

Out of the Ordinary

> 0 Clout
> 2 Intelligence :: more clever than your average cutter
> 2-5+ Magic :: a very competent witch, shaman, etc; never less than capable, but the high end of the curve is very unstable
> 0 Physical
> 0 Technological

> human

> tba


> Fujiwara Zenji

Physical Description
> male, mid to late 20s, 175cm, scrawny, Japanese, extensively auged, tattooed and otherwise modified

Soul Sigil
> has not traveled to Ximbic-8 thus far

Out of the Ordinary

> 0 Clout
> 3 Intelligence :: a savant in cyberspace and with technology in general, considerably less astute in interpersonal matters
> 0 Magic
> 0 Physical
> 3 Technological :: doesn't have access to top of the line gear, but Zenji is a known techhead and tries to stay ahead of the curve on wetware

> human

> tba
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