Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts

Lethal Developments, Part 3: Never Gonna Give You Up-

Consider me.... Yeah, I'm interested.

Jason nodded to CB's suggestion, glancing at the new member.

"Yeah, that's a solid idea. Two birds with one stone, that way. I can patrol on the downtime, get some exercise in, and continue being active on PHO. Heartless was the main guy for that but....I stayed active enough." Jason seemed excited as he moved to offer his hand to Alloy. "And, well, welcome. I'd ask that you give us some description of what you can do so we can remain an effective team?"

Lillian looked on in concern as Ev erupted, there really was no other words for that, and the senior heroes reacted. Alessa had showed up at some point, at least, and Lillian quietly slipped in next to her, warily watching the events transpire as her muscles felt like they were being strummed like guitar strings.

She covered the right side of her face with Alessa's shoulder and took a deep breath. She smelled the faint smokey scent of wood and fire mixed with lemons, an odd combination indeed, and her nerves calmed slightly. She knew this smell, she knew this touch. It was as much Alessa as her voice, and it helped her to center herself in the situation at current. With a little spring in her step Lillian followed the adults, casually intertwining her fingers with Alessa's, as she read through the file being projected. He wasn't much older than her and his past was difficult.

She found herself distracted as she started focusing on the smells. There was a tangy, almost pungent smell of paint and what she could only call wet. Almost rubbery... And that must've been Inkscape. The distinct smell of gunpowder almost overriding the strong punch of alcohol that swirled within it. Two smells that we're almost acrid, disgusting, and.... Coming from Morales? But he didn't - why would - that didn't make sense? She shook her head slightly, dismissing that confusion, when she settled on the harsh smell of cigarettes. Her nose crinkled at the poor attempt at covering it up with cologne. That would be the Director and she frowned at the realization. Smoking was bad! It's not like they had a healer of any kind out here to fix whatever cancer he got.

This was the heroes? Drinking and smoking? It left her feeling... Less. Like a part of her had been betrayed by her idols. She almost didn't want to smell Protean and Noble and whatever vice they were trying to hide. Wait, Protean was here? But he just smelled..... Like guy? She didn't know how to describe it, it was like he was almost without a scent, or that it was just so mild that she couldn't actually pick up on it. A product of his power?

She focused on the campfire and lemons smell again. At least Alessa smelled as pretty as she looked.

"He deserves better." Her words were simple in response to the Director and that foul mix of smells. She didn't say anymore, her eyes on the projection, as she waited for everyone else to say their piece.

Hopefully Decoy had heard her request earlier....

This. Was. Boring.

Those were the only words running through her mind as she made her way through the crowd when suddenly her tedium was interrupted by a couple referencing a jokester.

Mhmm. She could torture them for information..... But that was against her orders, right? Lucky for them.

So instead, she followed them.

Fruitful choice it was, for she was quickly greeted by an embarrassing sight: the worst street magician she had ever seen. She almost felt pity for the kid. Almost.

As everyone else left, she sauntered closer, sending a quick group text to the others.

Potential contact with Target. 7th near the museum and sculpture garden. Investigating.

She continued forward, stopping just a few paces away from the....kid? He certainly seemed younger than her. A sly smile curved her lips as she clapped lightly.

"You show promise. Don't listen to the haters, haters gonna hate amirite?" she said smoothly. "Can I help you up or pick up some of those cards?"

Alice squealed as the smoke settled, running to Cici to wrap her in a hug. She reached up and brushed what mud she could from her eyes, murmuring praise and affection the entire time, while the others spoke. "You did amazing, Cici!"

She stood up, carrying the little Pokemon, as she stepped up to the trainers they'd fought against. She held out a hand to each, speaking quietly to them.

"Simon.... Thank you for making me get creative and to better analyze the situation. You could be amazing, but you really should treat your friends with more care and respect. It's not fair to them to be treated like points on a paper, and I'll personally hit you if we meet again and you're still treating them poorly." Her voice carried a slight hint of anger to it before she turned to Vivia.

"Vivia.... I'm sorry the types were against you. Please don't beat yourself up, you did amazing with everything that happened. I think a little time to get Scraggy to trust you and for both of your confidences to grow you'll make a scary good team." Her voice was soft, a slight smile on her lips.

"And Skylar... I think we make a great team. Great job out there!"

She stepped away, moving back towards the adults. "I'm coming for your, Jacques!" she exclaimed with a giggle. "Professor, do you have anything I can wash Cici with? I don't want her to have to sit around with this gunk in her eyes when she did such an amazing job out there. And can we let that poor Rhyperior out of the house? He was such a sweetheart."

Rain hissed in irritation as the fucker ate a healing herb, letting his warm blood spill over her fangs before she was picked up and unceremoniously slammed into a wall.

She could feel the damage. The pain. The force.

Warning! Your HP is low!
System: Rain

No shit, she thought in annoyance.

Then he yelled at her and her anger bubbled over.
"NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT ASS FUCKING DIRTY ASS BASTARD!" she screamed before filling her maw with venom. She spit it at his eyes as soon as a Glob was ready. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU FUCKING RETARDED HAIRY FUCKER!"

She struggled harder, knowing full well that she was likely damaging herself, as she used her claws and fangs to rip at the hand holding her, holding back absolutely nothing. Each bite was accompanied with venom as she hissed in pain.

"I'll take you down with me, you fucking twatmuffin." The threat was more of a growl, but clearly audible.

Alice pursed her lips in annoyance. Of course she'd forgotten about what was essentially perfect vision. And it had cost her little Cici.

"I'm sorry Cici. But we've still got this because you're amazing!" she called out, thinking. The scraggy looked like it was going to be dealt with, but she needed to focus on what was immediate. Reduced accuracy and taking damage, not able to really mount an offensive....

"Cici, charge on in there. Get close and make that reduced accuracy not even matter!" Since the enemy was moving so quickly she didn't expect it would just stop, giving the perfect opportunity to make mud slap useless if it couldn't move enough to slap. And maybe the close up bubbles could help clean out Cici's eyes, if she was lucky enough.

Caesar watched the matches critically, noting where he could take things into consideration for his own capabilities. Using the momentum of spinning was an interesting concept that could work for attacks from the air, with some practice. Between the shrimp and Launcher it was blatantly obvious that he needed to dedicate more to training and practicing.

He bristled as the angry man continued to belittle his friends and he even took several steps forward as the match ended and he became irate. But before he could do anything things had devolved and the man was blasting into the sky.

Fucking magical aliens. The enemy Captain could turn into a bloody cannon.

Caesar shook his head, mildly worried about whoever was going to face that shorty.

At least he seemed jolly enough, considering someone had just tried to mutiny.

Then again... He had to have led a mutiny of his own by all the talk that had been going on ...

Blue stood outside the Smithsonian Gardens, a neutral expression on her face as she entered slowly. The place was large but she could make good time if she tried. She yawned, stretching a bit and ignoring the people that looked boring. Uninteresting.

She set off deeper, heading towards the greenhouses. If the Target was a plant person it made sense that the greenhouses would be the first place to look. From there she could expand her search as necessary, the gardens themselves could accommodate a comedy act for a fool.

The place was serene, she had to admit, with plenty of open spaces outside of the large building that housed the archives. Or something. She didn't find that interesting, and it seemed like an unlikely location anyways. Last on her list to check, at any rate.

She walked casually, keeping a look out for anything that might be a clue.

Jason was the last to enter and he quickly went downstairs to ignore the patrons of the bar. At least getting here had been simple enough.

Their instructions were.... Interesting, to say the least. Basically play low and be the not so bad guys. He could get behind this without hesitation.

"Well, this is.... Interesting." he said to the others. "New member and all that. I can increase my presence on PHO and start interfering in crimes. Take the money from them and turn them over and shit, I guess?"

Lillian left Collin after a little while of Mario Kart, feeling conflicted about everything. Ira was leaving, there was a supposed mole, there were some weird things on her mind... But who was she supposed to talk to about anything? Alessa already took too much on her shoulders and talking about this stuff with her therapist just felt weird.

"Decoy? I don't know if you can hear me without my communicator down here but....I need someone to talk to and I don't know who to go to." she murmured into the air.

She'd almost been able to forget the charity event from earlier between all this and the movie cuddling with Alessa. Her cheeks turned a slight pink at the thought before she registered the voices of several heroes and the Director? Curiosity took hold and she walked closer, following the conversation. She hadn't realized she was so close to the holding cells in her wandering.

She finished the text message she'd be typing up idly.

Hey, Alessa, can we meet? I'm feeling a little down and bit distracted. I think I'm.... Yeah, I'm by the cells. Something's up.

But that the Rocker leadership was just kids? That was more than "something is up" and she was nervous. She felt even worse about Shatterpoint's crying now, and his current situation. At least neither of them were causing problems, right? But to be sent to the Birdcage as a teenager..... That was crazy!

And then the bombshell dropped. Make him a Ward? Her brow furrowed as she restarted her feet, coming into view of the adults with an air of determination.

"We owe him it." She had spoken without preamble, flushing as she realized she was butting in. She cleared her throat nervously before continuing. "Sorry, I was walking and overheard a lot and I wasn't thinking. But he deserves a chance, right? It's not his fault he went bad and it's not like he actually killed someone right? He was just doing what he thought he had to do, I think. I... Don't want him to cry like that again..." She drifted off, looking at her feet. "Please? I know it's the right thing to do."
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