Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1729 (0.64 / day)
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts

Current IC month:
September, 2015

Early autumn.

Torrent was more than a little happy with her new skills, though she had this innate feeling that the little bit of time she'd spent regenerating mana was simply not enough as she walked. The day had been an extensive one already, but she was proud of herself. It hadn't been like the Beetle. She'd done it.

It wasn't terribly long before she heard a familiar voice across the stream and the sound of splashing coming towards her. She turned, warily at first, before Digbie was beside her and healing her. She laid down, letting Meditate activate again. She would need more mana in case something else happened.

"Found a plant that was alive and made of meat. Put up a fight, but I have food. New skills. New ideas. I'm stronger. I exploded in a wave of fire and anger," she said quietly. "I have things I need to do. Skills to learn. Gotta be stronger."

"You seem pretty powerful. Come, prove yourself."

Thanks for the edits, D! Looks good. Feel free to drop him over into the CS tab when you're ready.
With those edits, add in Master | Trump under classifications and feel free to port him over to the CS Tab at your convenience.

Formerly Mantis

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."

So, there's a few minor issues I have with this, Mr. Spiff.

The eye...Still kinda depends on Pro's character and if he's willing to have her have that balance I was talking about in the Discord. Beyond that, there's kinda no database in Serstol. So that part of it is out. The rest of it I'm okay with as far as the tech goes, assuming you adhere to the fact that it'll need semi-frequent work done to remain operational.

I would have much preferred you consulted with us before placing him as a founding member of Final Guard. That's gonna need to be removed, though we can discuss ways for him to have been involved in it from an early stage.

Finally, I'm going to need a few minor changes to the power. I'd like to bring the range down just a bit to about 100-150 feet instead of approximately 200ft, and the direct implanting of thoughts should probably be changed to implanting emotional suggestions (since as is it falls under Telepathy - which doesn't exist in the Wormverse). Something that they don't have to follow, but the weak willed and unsuspecting would. Beyond that it should be fine, though I'd like to verify that the final part is more of a "unconscious power use when experiencing strong emotions" rather than an actual, like, separate deal?



This is better than it was, thank you for expanding on it. The power looks good (It would be a Master for the record), and the basics are there. I'm still a little worried about the history though, given how short it is. But Solo's talked to you, and with those little tweaks he suggested I'm sure it'll be ready in no time. Keep up the great work hun.

"Being a living microwave isn't as fun as it sounds..."

This one, minus a few typos and missing words, looks good. I know you've had extra time to work on it and we've discussed a lot, so I'm willing to slap an Approved on Edith at this stage on the condition that you fix the typos for me.


"Quotes are for dummies."

Overall this is a very solid application, well done!

However there's a few issues I'd like to address before I'm comfortable approving him. First is the history. Edith's history is short for reasons, but I'd like it if you could add more to yours. There's also a slight time frame issue, where you say 3 years with the Junior Guard when it's only been roughly 2 years since Gold Morning. The biggest issue in the history is the general lack of details overall. If you could add some more, give a bit broader of a view of his life maybe, I'd appreciate it. Maybe not mention the specifics of the trigger since I'm not so sure it lines up with the power.

Speaking of, I'd also like to discuss the details of the power. Could he push someone's clothes, thus pushing the person? Or would his Manton Limit block him from doing that? Can he turn off the gravity flip aspect if, say, he falls into the sky or does he have to hit something to stop it? What happens if he reaches terminal velocity when falling before coming into contact with something? Does he just go splat?

Beyond that, I didn't see anything wrong with the application. If you could address though (and feel free to contact me and we can discuss things directly if you'd like), I'm sure it'll be ready for approval in no time.

"We're so very small, in the end." -Taylor

The world ended. Everything as we knew it was in ruins, humanity fleeing into other universes in a mass exodus after the greatest protector turned his eyes towards our destruction.

When humanity was at its lowest, he struck. But we didn't go down quietly. We didn't just lay down and roll over into our golden graves.

We fought back. We conquered the titanic monsters terrorizing our world and turned them against the Golden Man. Against Scion.

In the end, it was only because of one girl with powers she wasn't meant to have that we killed him. But we still lost our world. Finally everyone was working together, or so it seemed, and finally we could look towards rebuilding.

Some managed to get into Earth Aleph before they closed their portals. Most went to Gimel to start on a fresh planet. Some went to Chet, many more to various other worlds both alike and unalike to what we lost on Earth Bet.

But us? We went to Samekh. Where it didn't get hit so hard from the multidimensional fighting, from the radiation and the monsters. From the failed creations running free and the murderers roaming as they pleased.

We rebuilt here. Raised up the Silver City thanks to the locals and get left to make our own little country out of the way.

We're stronger here. We survived Gold Morning.

We killed a god.

Do you think you really have what it takes to step into Serstol?

The Pitch

Alright, down to business. This is based after the events of Worm by Wildbow, and as such all events in Worm itself will not be considered spoiler territory in this RP.

The gist of it, for those of you not familiar with the base, is that there's these multi-dimensional beings (Called Shards, which come from an Entity) that, for various reasons, connect to people's brains and grant them superpowers. These superpowers are thematic, granted primarily from times of great stress and danger, when you're at the lowest point in your life imaginable. They also, though not always obviously, work around real life physics. Though sometimes those physics are a little beyond human understanding.


Powers come in a bunch of classifications. Each classification (and yes, a single Parahuman / Cape / person with powers can have multiple classifications) is a general indicator of types of abilities. Beyond that, all powers are derived to create, sustain, and thrive off of conflict. There is no such thing as a power that can't cause conflict somehow.

Brute - These are about defenses. Regeneration, natural defenses, shielding, rebirth, and are about survival.

Mover - These are about powers that move the user, and sometimes others. Teleportation, super speed, agility, and the like.

Striker - These are about on-touch effects and melee range abilities.

Blaster - These are about ranged attacks. Lasers, beams, anything that you use from a distance.

Shaker - These are about AoE and environmental control.

Changer - These are powers that cause you to change physically. Gradual changes, many times animalistic in abilities and appearance, to grant you natural advantages. These are from physical changes.

Breaker - Similar to Changers, these however change immediately into something abstract. When not in their Breaker for, they normally have no powers. But upon entering the form, they gain access to abilities centered around the abstract themes and elements that their form takes.

Thinker - These are mental powers. While telepathy doesn't exist, there's plenty of other mental abilities that can. These are often about knowing things.

Tinker - These are people who create futuristic and seemingly impossible technology from various parts.

Stranger - These are about infiltration and avoiding detection.

Master - These are about control and minions.

Trump - These are powers that directly affect powers. Nullification, disruption, stealing, gifting, and the like.

The Setting

As you can see by the map, this RP has a fairly large, and custom built by myself and my Co-GM Solo (Thanks to the talented [] for creating the image for us).

The primary setting will occur within the city itself, a sprawling and relatively new metropolitan with portals to other dimensions.

Nearby are plains and rural areas, plenty of fertile ground, the dense forest, a mountain range, and finally a large desert. Hidden within the mountains and the desert are two parahuman prisons, and the mysterious Lodge is nestled away into the depths of the forest.

The Rules

Here's the big part that I expect all players to read and understand. If you have any questions, please just ask.

  • You are expected to be able to post roughly weekly, or rather approximately 7-12 days after a GM update, barring reasonable reasons for being unable to. This deadline is more of a guideline to help keep things moving for everyone, and if things start getting held up one of the GMs will contact you. Please, please, please communicate if something's going on and you can't post.
  • Posts should be a minimum of 5 sentences in length with minimal typos. We're all human, so this also isn't a hard rule. But if you're frequently posting updates full of errors or incredibly short replies, we may need to discuss how to proceed from there.
  • IC and character sex is forbidden. Fade to black, take it to DMs, whatever. Keep it out of the IC if it comes up.
  • All character CS's are to be posted in the OOC for review and approval by the GMs before being going to the CS tab and then being available for use in the IC.
  • All disputes between players, or disagreements with GM actions, should be brought to the GMs to be handled. Drama should never be in the open, and most all problems can be solved with communication.
  • Be respectful for everyone involved in the RP. We're all here to have fun, after all.
  • Please use the CS template and do not alter it's coding. It is designed for ease of reading by both GMs and other players, and altering the layout will result in me being highly irritated. (Thanks to Yosh for handling the coding of the CS! <3)
  • Discuss with the GMs in regards to character creation. It will make the entire process a lot smoother if there's communication between us and you. Please note that there is a current maximum of three character slots per player.
  • Character Death is possible. This is a largely sandbox RP with events, NPCs, and players reacting to what's going on. If you're not okay with this risk, this RP may not be for you. That's okay! Again, we're all here to have fun and tell a great story.

The CS and Lore

With all of that said, I have one last thing to add to this. And, yes, it's more reading. (I'm sorry!)

Please click this link to view the doc that Solo and I have put together with all the base line information about the city, the setting, and the general information that you may find useful for character creation. The CS template can be found at the bottom of the doc.

Finally, we have a Discord server with which to discuss things and have general fun on. If you'd like to join, please click here.

The very last note I'd like to make is that this RP is tangentially a "sorta sequel" to the Capes of Denver RP ran by ProPro. It's not exactly a sequel since that game is still ongoing, but most of the events of the game will be considered canon to this RP.

Current Skills:
Stun Fang II (2.3)
Muffle III (3.0125)
Poison Spit II (2.0)
Poison Glob I (1.75)
Poison Breath II (2.075)
Fireball II (2.0)
Stealth Kill I (1.0)
Minor Recovery I (1.0)
Fire Resistance I (1.1)
Fire Breath I (1.85)
Rabid Fit I (1.0)
Meditate I (1.25)
Tremor Sense I (1.7)
Soil Manipulation I (1.1)
Underground Movement I (1.55)
Monster Analysis I (1.025)
Magic Analysis I (1.225)
Material Analysis I (1.025)
Plant Analysis I (1.025)
Scale Shift I (1.5)
Overwork I (1.0)
Analysis (--)
Mental Resistance I (1.2)
Spell Cancel I (1.05)
Sensory Resistance I (1.0)
Crafting (0.2)
Alchemy (0.4)
Alert (0.4)
Warcry (0.3)
Poison Fang (0.3)
Blunt Resistance (0.6)
Smash (0.2)
Magic Break (0.1)
Suppress Presence (0.3)
Spiritual Awareness (0.4)
Prehensile Tail (0.1)
Fortify (0.5)
Spell Chant (0.4)
Dual Cast (0.5)
Guidance (0.5)
Focus (0.2)
Flame Burst (0.1)
System: Torrent

Torrent panted as she stared down at the remains of the plant that had tried to end her life. And the ashes, the scorched remains, the cooked plant-meat-stuff, and she felt a sense of overwhelming triumph blossom within her. Lifting her head slightly, she snorted before thinking on her skills.

And first and foremost among those, thanks to the new level she'd gained through that, she put five points into Dual Cast before she considered one of the new skills in her list. Guidance. It was alluring in a way, mysterious like Spell Cancel had been. With a moment of hesitation, she dropped her final five points into Guidance before turning her attention back to the 'loot' in front of her.

These could be helpful. Food, and the vines could maybe be useful for something if they couldn't be eaten?

While she thought it over she used Monster Analysis I, Magic Analysis I, Material Analysis I, and Plant Analysis I on the remains of the plant in hopes of learning more about the creature in case she needed to fight another one in the near future. Anything she learned she could also tell the others, improving their collective strength.

Another thought struck her, then, as she considered her options.

She had no mana. Which was, from what the skills said, how she used her fire abilities and some of the other ones. What was it that the others had said? Meditation was supposed to help with that, wasn't it? Wasn't that why she'd learned it in the first place?

With a careful glance around her, she used Mediation I for a few minutes to try and regain some mana. Her thoughts drifted back to the fire enveloping her, the heat permeating through her, and of the dancing shadows back when she was practicing in their little safe place before the Goblins appeared.

Feeling like she might be pushing her luck, Torrent turned back to the loot and made a snap decision. There was this thing in her throat that she never used before, and now was the time to do it.

Scooping up all five items, she stored them in her pouch and started back off towards base camp.



Maddison clicked her tongue as she watched the carnage unfold, it was on a whole ‘nother level, so many capes had already perished and if Mire wasn’t careful she was going to join the ever-growing pile of bodies. While Mire had followed after Alexandria and her group Maddy honestly wasn’t sure she was going to be able to survive Behemoth’s killing aura, she could easily only put a portion of her body into the range and test if her breaker form was up to the task, but that did involve getting uncomfortably close to Behemoth. Maddy looked around at the other capes gathered then let out an agitated sound, how the heck was she supposed to get involved and not get into shit for her power making people freak out?

Meanwhile on the opposite side of Behemoth, a young girl was pulling herself to her feet after being shoved by her newest teammate. She bit her lip as she called in an evac for Kendall, waiting until someone took her unconscious friend to safety.

As she stood, looking at the beast in the distance, Lillian felt a growing indignation and anger at the destruction of her city. Her friends and comrades being hurt or worse.

She took a deep breath before she activated her comms, speaking with a cold calmness that betrayed the storm within.

"Dragon, right? Is there anyone here who can give me the ability to get close to Behemoth without dying immediately to that aura?"

Closer to the fight, Jason was using his power to throw tinker made weaponry at the Endbringer like he was throwing rocks. Occasionally a cape would step nearby for Jason to throw them as well, giving them a height to attack from that they couldn't get on their own. He worked tirelessly, his only focus on helping deal as much damage as possible.

But he still felt like he was useless, that this fight was never ending. So many deaths.

If only he could get closer…

Maddy continued to look on the scene not sure of what to do, though when she caught sight of an angelic figure in the air her heart froze. She could feel fear swelling inside her, so she quickly averted her gaze. Though instead of being shocked by what she saw Maddy couldn’t help but smile. If some other cape was flying around with some fearful aura, then Mire’s fear gas wouldn’t be a problem at all.

Maddy started laughing as she shifted into her breaker form, her fear gas almost exploding out of her. Mire struggled not to giggle as she focused all her effort on spreading more gas and reshaping herself. As the gas started to really pick up Mire’s body began to contort horribly, shifting into a disturbing monster. Mire started sprinting after behemoth, her ever-growing cloud of mist following after her. The more her gas continued to spread the larger her monstrous form expanded. By the time she got in front of Behemoths current path Mire was already standing around 20 foot tall at the shoulder.

Mire firmly planted her feet on the ground then let out a roar, the sound being a mix of an ear piercing screeching and an unsettling rumbling.

Lillian was moving closer to the battle on the back of some kind of changer after Dragon had given her response. They had someone who could grant temporary immunity, but she’d be on her own for defense outside of that.

That was fine. She could feel the shifting in her gut already, riding alongside the waves of rage growing within her, when she saw a gigantic shadow rise in the wake of the missing angelic form, surrounded by a dark cloud of smoke or mist of some kind. It flickered into view sporadically as it advanced, letting out something akin to a roar and a shriek combined.

As Lillian dismounted at the edge of the safe zone, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up she saw a member of the Jacks, the one who had thrown her and helped save her, as he nodded to at her look.

”I didn’t think it’d be you.”

”Naw. I’m here for the same thing you are, kid. I’m going to put that thing on its ass.”

Lillian nodded, feeling another hand touch her lightly on the back of the head, before something that felt like goo spread out from the touch, coating her in a lightly glowing purple aura. She could feel something different, and the sight was odd to behold as she watched the same effect almost drip down on Thunderbolt.

“You have 5 minutes. I can’t give you any defenses alongside this, though, not when it takes so much just to keep you alive near him.”

Lillian nodded once, running forward into the open intersection, before she pushed as hard as she could. She could feel herself getting larger, larger, larger….

Until she couldn’t push anymore.

As she looked towards Behemoth, barely any smaller than the Endbringer itself, she leaned forward into a charge as she opened her mouth wide and releasing a mighty roar to rival the Endbringer’s own.

Mire was biding her time, making a slow approach towards the endbringer still slowly putting on mass, getting closer and closer to her maximum, she was sitting around 29 foot at the shoulder. Though while she was stalling she saw another massive creature take shape, a massive T rex looking thing that was big enough to make Behemoth not feel like the titan that he was. Mire couldn’t help but feel excited, so rarely did she get to partake in such thrilling carnage.

Mire charged at Behemoth, lunging up at the monsters left arm and clamping down on it with her jaws. Mire could feel her mist being evaporated by Behemoths aura, but her main body was seemingly not affected. This pleased Mire greatly, all she had to do now was keep a part of her main body out of the kill aura so it could produce mist and help to maintain her size.

Lillian collided with the Endbringer's other side, her own gaping maw closing around his other arm. Her teeth sunk in just enough to get purchase, unable to penetrate deeper, before she tugged hard. Between her efforts and those of Mire, the monster fell backwards for the second time.

As he tipped, Lillian let go as she turned to slam her massive tail into him, expediting his fall.

Mire released her grip on behemoths arm as he fell backwards, taking a few steps back to avoid the monster crashing on top of her. A huge tail whip from Lillian slammed behemoth into the ground with a loud crash. Behemoth went to raise his left arm and aim it towards Lillian but Mire quickly intercepted the arm and again clamped down on it with her jaws. A lightning bolt shot out from the arm Mire was pinning, the bolt turning in mid-air crashing into Mire’s head and instantly disintegrating the better half of her upper jaw.

Mire let out a pained shriek as she staggered backwards until she was outside of the kill aura. Her head slowly filling back out and retaking its shape.

Lillian, meanwhile, backed up cautiously. Hunching down she looked ready to pounce as Behemoth began lumbering to its feet. Lightning flickered and crackled around it as it let it another bone shattering roar.

It was then that Jason made his move, running in between all the gigantic beasts as his body thrummed with power and that light purple aura. He'd found a trump who could boost powers temporarily as well.

As he came near, Behemoth stepped forward, likely to try and simply squash Jason like the insignificant ant that he was, only for the foot to stop before it made contact with the ground. Capes all around the area readied up at his word, not that Lillian or Mire could hear the order in their altered states.

Mire having fully recovered was about to lunge at Behemoth once more, but Behemoth let out a terrible roar before she got within striking range. The sheer force this roar carried knocked Mire out of her breaker form and sent her rolling across the ground. holy shit! Mire had never been hit by something so strong, in that moment Maddie struggled to pull herself back up, but she had yet to realize that her entire left arm was missing. She didn’t even know how it happened, was it burnt off by the kill aura? Or had her breaker form been so brutally shattered that she lost her arm that way? Maddy didn’t get much more time to think as she fell unconscious.

Lillian recoiled at the roar, retreating a little as something felt wrong inside her, and nearly missed what came next.

Behemoth raised his arm to strike at Lillian and Mire only for his body start to lift off the ground. Beneath the beast stood Jason, his costume torn and his helmet cracked as he raised Behemoth above his head.

"See you in hell you asshole," he muttered as he threw Behemoth into the air.

The sight would have almost been comical, seeing an Endbringer of all things rising into the air like a toddler tossed by its parent. Jason stood there, breathing heavily, as he watched the beast begin it's descent.

As it came down it came down flat, however, and he knew he couldn't escape in time.

His final thought before being squashed beneath the Endbringer was hoping that he'd been able to help, and that that kid would be okay without him.
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