Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

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Torrent burst into the slime, tearing at everything she could as she prepared to explode within the monster, before she was forcibly ejected from the poisoning she'd given the creature.

Because of course it wouldn't be that easy.

The pain came, but it wasn't as bad as when she'd been burned alive. She could push through this!

And then she felt the effects of a shield, the lessening pain, and then the healing of the Sacred Ground spell. She could do this.

"Die to my flames!" she growled as she fired off her combined breath attacks straight up into the incoming appendages of the slime before darting forward to repeat her performance from before she got evicted from within.
"I can't tell if Torrent is just suicidal or a battle genius at this point."

Oh my god, I'm dying.

September 12th, 2015

The Great Heist

A City Awakens

Ragtag was busy flitting through papers in the Governor's desk when she heard the most god-awful screeching noise quickly followed by even worse sounds. She paused momentarily before grabbing half a dozen papers and two manilla folders before she dashed out of the office, zipped through doors on her way out. As she neared the bottom floor a security guard turned the corner, freezing for a moment at the young teen barreling towards him before her appearance clicked with his training.

“FREEZE!” he yelled, drawing a baton. She, of course, didn’t freeze. Instead she laughed, like she was sharing a joke with the man, before she bolted around him faster than he could blink. As he turned towards her, his mouth opening in confusion, she raised one hand to flip him the bird, her other hand drifting towards her side.

In seconds she was out on the street, holding two cans of spray paint. Utilizing her power she quickly tagged the entire front entrance to the Governor’s office with a graffiti message before she bolted again, just in time for the guard to stumble through the entrance. He turned to stare at the graffiti, shaking his head as he pulled out his walkie talkie.


Many blocks away, however….

Final Guard and Junior Guard

The First Test

Goosebumps were forming on Spindle's calf, her skin burning where the wire pressed her dress into her butt. The wire was thick, braided out of a bunch of smaller wires, which were formed by smaller wire, seemingly endlessly. She could FEEL them intertwine, could even unravel it within seconds from the inside out if she so chose. Instead she made small movements, keeping it between her and the ground as it swayed. She was left momentarily deafened by a strong breeze, forcing her to move the wire to keep her from plummeting. One of her hands held binocular, raised but not in front of her eyes, while the other was resting on the megaphone in her lap. Spindle was wearing a light blue dress, with shorts on underneath. No mask adorned her young face, framed by short white hair. As the wind slowed, the beat of helicopter blades reached Spindle's ears, tingling and almost numb though they might've been. It grew louder, approaching her position. More wires were spread in front of her, a veritable jungle of tiny strands. The smaller more central wires had been painstakingly greased to keep them from catching the light, caring less about the thicker wires hanging flush against the buildings on either side of her. Some of those thicker wires were acting as supports for the smaller ones, some of them were bound and restricted by her power currently, waiting to fall and trap the fly in her web.

The helicopter got much louder as it rounded the nearest street corner. It was dark blue, with the First Guard logo emblazoned on the side of the Little Bird's frame. The nose of the helicopter dipped down as it quickly approached the ground before twisting and dragged the right side of the craft upward, fighting against its own momentum to end in a hover. Spindle raised the binoculars as it slowed to a crawl. The soldiers were quickly unstrapped themselves from the strut. They picked up their weapons and let themselves fall to the ground.. The person Spindle assumed to be the squad leader took the longest, grabbing his backpack off the floor of the helicopter as he slid off the seat and over to the strut before falling to the ground. He landed hard, one of his men already holding out his gun. He stood from the crouch he had fallen into and they started advancing into a nearby alleyway. The helicopter turned and spun up its rotors in the same motion, gaining height and heading directly towards her. Idly she tugged a white kneesock higher, her head slightly tilted and lips pursed as the thing approached her. She dropped the binoculars, and left the megaphone in her lap as she raised her hands. The pilot noticed her when he was around 300 yards away; he hadn't been expecting someone in his airspace, despite the city's cape population. He tipped the nose up, trying to bleed forward momentum into vertical, and the rotors touched the first of her strands.

Spindle's hands moved in unison with the string, crossing in front of her. Psychic grasp released, the small leads fell as large wire suddenly swung outward, faster than gravity would allow them. Brute force meant no precision, but she didn't need precision. The helicopter's blades met one of the thickest pieces of wire, and warped suddenly, cutting through the wire while slowing significantly. The entire vehicle was already turning sharpy, twisting over itself when it hit the second wire. Too many things happened at once. Without Spindle even asking, more wires moved, pressing underneath the helicopter to catch it while the ones above quickly halted the rotors. It was loud, wrenching metal and the crack of her spindles snapping. A majority of the speed had been sapped, though the helicopter was still toppling. Spindle felt the wire move in her grasp, not entirely in her control as it rushed to compensate.

Finally the great beast stopped, hundreds of wires and wires within wires cradling it. A mere fifty feet from her, its rotors chipped in too many places to count, and the ends bent. It had broken a majority of the wires that touched it, but had lost the fight to quantity. Spindle raised a couple dozen of the recently wires into the air, guiding them to the cockpit to wrap and worm themselves around the pilot. Slowly she raised the megaphone with her hands, rising to her feet, ready to begin the show. Careless step after another she didn't fall, as she paced along her tight rope, holding the crowd so far beneath her absolutely transfixed. "Hello, my name's Spindle. I've got a hostage, and one term.

“Disband the First Guard."

Through his peripherals he watched the other members of the FInal Guard, as he accepted SWAT’s handshake with a firm grasp. A slight shift in the group meant Matthew could see one more member, Presidio. She had slipped his mind. That was a bad sign, that a cape under his employ was completely forgotten. He would have to take their files home tonight and memorize them. He could do a bit of flashcard work, read their histories a couple more times, and make himself that much more presentable to them. Speaking of acting more presentable to them, Fling was glaring daggers at him. He had heard a note that she’d been less amenable as of late, but this was a bit more than that.

Already in one of his team member’s crosshairs. Sometimes it couldn’t be helped, he would have to talk to her privately asap. 4sight looked dead to the world now that Matthew was closer. His costume concealed a lot of his features, but Matthew had met the man when he had a full tank. Running on empty changed one’s posture, where they put their hands, all the little things added up. That observation was doubly true for Slingshot; even without seeing the boy when he had a full night's rest, Matthew could sense the lack of it. SWAT was raring, and Matthew assumed, reading. Emotion manipulator and sensor, a terrifying person to be around. The other powers present were fancy and flashy, causing direct damage often enough. SWAT however, he could be subtle. Matthew had specifically told his various staff to not mention on their own a rule against using his power on the director. If asked, they were to respond that SWAT didn’t have “write permission,” in different words.

Presidio was last but not least. It was almost the feeling that she was a kindred spirit, a younger version of himself. An actor. It was good acting, honestly, only her own self doubts about her performance giving it away. He smiled at all of them, the act wrinkling the edges of his eyes. He spent the slightest second more smiling at Presidio before speaking. "Nice to meet most of you for the first time. Faces in a file-" masks, not even faces "-are so much different from meeting you all in person." Matthew said as he released SWAT's hand. Matthew opened his mouth to say something else, but Sandra interrupted him.

"Sir, the three Junior Guard members you invited are also here. Make sure to set aside some time for them." Matthew had completely forgotten. The invitation had been written a month in advance, one of the first plays he had made. It was sent a week ago, and had since slipped his mind.

"Of course. Thank you Sandra. Can you find them in the crowd and tell them I'll be with them in a moment?" He said, his tone polite. Sandra didn't answer verbally, just giving a nod before moving to follow the instructions. She had short black hair, and looked stereotypically secretary to the point of cliche. Matthew had asked about it once, and Sandra had seemed confused about the inquiry. Turning back to the gathered heroes, Matthew reached up to scratch the back of his head, giving the impression of being slightly embarrassed. Surface level. "I'm not at all used to being called sir. Some of the staff even started out trying to call me Mr. Fielding." Lowering his hand, he stood straight again, as if to reassert control. All of this was the game. All of it was politics, all of it was public relations, all of it was talking with people and shaping their view. Of you, of the company of the agency, it didn't matter. The expectation changed, the standards flexing with time, and boundaries redrawn.

John was walking towards them now, having just gotten off the phone. "I didn't actually want to set a time limit, I wanted instead-" He interrupted himself, looking over at John who had set a hand on his shoulder. As he did, he noticed how the room had shifted, light hearted before turning to quick conversations on cell phones. The news crew Matthew had been ignoring in the back of the room was packing their stuff up as fast as they could.

"We've got a situation. One of our helicopters was incapacitated by a shaker, and the pilot is a hostage. We're going to need your team's help, we can't lose that man. It would destroy team morale to have another death this month, and–God–he has a wife. It's only one cape, but we can't close the distance or take a pot shot without risking. . ." John trailed off, his voice tinged with barely supressed rage. Even though the man was a complete hardass, but it was clear that the soldiers under him did mean a lot. Fixing this without a causulty would mean John would owe Matthew.

It wasn't guaranteed though. Looking back at the heroes, his eyes instantly rested on 4sight. "Can your team mobilize?" Matthew asked. 4sight didn't immediately respond, but something about him convinced Matthew that he would say no. John spoke before either 4sight or Matthew could.

"I have the authority to pull some strings and allow some of the Junior Guard members at this event to join you. You can form two teams, with Dart commanding the second. I know you don't like having squads of five, 4 Sight." It was diplomatic, but also rushed. That would reduce the size of the favor.

Matthew was already nodding, keeping his eyes on the squad leader. 4Sight nodded tentatively, then nodded again more firmly. "It'll work. We can learn about the threat on the way. You don't mind commanding the Junior Guard Dart?" He asked, turning towards his compatriot. She looked surprised and a little uncomfortable about the prospect at first.

"Not about stealing glory, but I think it's better for our teams to have a consistent leader, and it’ll give you more field experience. You’ll be given the information from on high and will give them a briefing." 4Sight noted, trying to quell Dart’s worries. She reacted well to that, seeming to steel herself to the prospect. For SWAT’s benefit, 4Sight added ”I know you expected to lead a team sooner rather than later, but I want Dart to get some experience now that you've already gotten.”

It would be done then, two teams versus a single shaker. It was all too convenient though, wasn't it? On the day of his announcement, the First Guard runs into trouble they can't handle. Who was pulling this string?

The first Junior Guard that Sandra found was the very inconspicuous Calvin Ball. Without hesitation she put her hand on his shoulder, leaning down to say ”The director will see you after he has finished with the Final Guard. Come with me for now, I want to gather the rest of your Final Guard compatriots together.” Her voice was that of an older woman who didn’t like dealing with children. Calvin acted like a puppy who had just reached the end of his leash. Guilty, but still wanting to act. Sandra brushed it off quickly and searched for her objective.

Next was Coil, who was a bit less conspicuous. She was also in full costume though, so still very conspicuous. This one was wearing a–a witch costume? With Calvin close behind, Sandra approached her and spoke without trying to grab her attention beforehand. ”Coil. The Director is going to see you soon, with the opportunity to schedule a 1 on 1 interview in the future.”

"And he'll tell me why I'm here, right?" Coil said, sounding suddenly uncomfortable.

The communicator in Sandra’s ear buzzed briefly before beginning a message. ”A shaker has been spotted a couple blocks away, seemingly by herself, and she took down a First Guard helicopter. The Junior Guard are going to be gathered, and mobilized in a temporary squadron. John already approved these orders.” Sandra straightened as she listened, before speaking again.

”Change of plans. Come with me.” Sandra said, already turning.

A simple ”Oh, okay." was Coil’s response, barely heard as Sandra searched the crowd. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Calvin basically hopping up and down, very excited. She suddenly moved, approaching Werelight from behind and put a hand on his back while she leaned forward.

”There’s an emergency, your temporary team leader will brief you. Come with me, now.” She said firmly.

Werelight flinched, but after composed himself soon after. “Understood,” he said, rising from his seat. He began another sentence but Sandra was already moving, approaching the group formed near Matthew. His expression was thoughtful, and slightly grim as he looked over the Junior Guard members.

Sandra watched him, it felt like he was sorting through tones he could use for this particular conversation. ”Dart over there is going to be your temporary team leader. We’re going to brief her, and then she’ll brief you on the way to the helicopter. If you don’t want to participate in the mission, now is your time to back out. Otherwise, follow her commands, and it’ll mean great things, maybe even a full career as a cape in the future.” The tone he had chosen was guarded, seeming distinctly concerned about sending them into combat. Still he seemed confident they could handle it.

The Fallen

The Search

The wind was whipping through the open sides of the jeeps as they roared across the country side, dips and bumps in the dirt road jostling the passengers as the Fallen search party shot across the flatlands between the forest and the city. Several hours had passed since the meeting and their eventual leaving.

Rend was driving, Transcendent hanging half out a window of another, while Ripper was plopped in the passenger seat of a third vehicle. There were almost two dozen Fallen alongside them, and another two vehicles in total, while they talked through walkies on a special frequency.

“.....happen to know where she is?”

“Sanders saw her around the edge of town a few days ago. Couldn’t approach by himself.”

“Xaya noticed someone matching her appearance when she was out shopping yesterday around the food market.”

“So she’s moving inward. Towards the Guard?”

“Sounds like it. Maybe she’s hoping to use their base as cover and a defense to keep us away?”

“Maybe. She’s gonna be alone regardless though. Guard won’t help someone like her.”

“I don’t know. You hear about Final Guard? Bunch of capes being recruited as a fucking task force.”

“Eh, they won’t take her. She won’t go to them directly anyways. And, besides, we’ll get her before she even gets the chance. Bring her home just like Whisper ordered. She can’t get away from me,” Transcendant said confidently. “Think she’s probably gonna hunker down somewhere nearby. We’ll check hiding spots first, then go into the more likely places. We’ll divide in half, and I’ll take the newbie.”

The chatter died down as they approached the city limits, everyone carefully adjusting their face protection as they passed the first farm.

Red Eye

The Bank

"Was it strange to be there again?"

"No, why would it be strange?"

"Weren't you rejected the first time?"

"It's not polite to bring up a lady's failures."

At that Percy faked a guffaw. Vanish rolled her eyes, smiling slightly. They were in costume, Vanish looking particularly punk, dark leather, chains, and Percy. . . Well Percy didn't actually wear costumes. He had a hoodie on, the hood flipped over his head and sunglasses. Percy had never cared that much about the whole secret identity thing, always saying "I'm here for a good time, not a long time." It always sounded hollow though, he had been going to college when they met which cost money. Investing in one's future was not what the people who didn't mind dying did. Unless they were shorting it.

'Shorting' was about where Vanish's investing knowledge ended, and so did the metaphor. There was a reason she had failed out of college. It made her uncomfortable to actually think through those reasons, preferring the apathy of partying, drinking, drugs, and this. Percy opened the door for her, a sarcastic smile on his face. Vanish scoffed with equal sarcasm, but went through the door. The bank would've been beautiful, but the rejection of her internship made it ugly at the same time. It seemed to Vanish that the place was rotten underneath. The horse with a limp had to be put down. It would break the bone over and over, not knowing that it's continued action would destroy it.

Percy was gliding across the floor his torso barely bouncing as he approached a teller. One of the guards was already moving to intercept him, the smallest detail having given Percy's hostility away. Smiling at the mistake she could chide him about later, she raised her hand. The projectile was silent, despite being almost supersonic; the brick shattered as the guard's leg shattered. That was less silent, a violent cracking redoubled by the bricks crumbling

A few seconds passed before chaos erupted around them. Percy had jumped the counter, knocking a teller out with a swift kick in the same motion. He moved to intercept another one as Vanish looked for more security. "Put the fucking money in the bag." Percy yelled as Vanish's rested her eyes on the next guard. He flinched, undoing the clasp over his pistol. Steeling his nerves, he leveled it on Vanish and shot. There was no wound in her chest when she raised her hand again.


Not with a Bang...

Manifold stretched, not that she really needed to. It was an old motion that made her feel good, though, while she observed the pieces of her midsection in the mirror, looking for anything that stood out as abnormal.

She’d been up for the last 8 hours while everyone else slept tinkering away at herself. Adding, improving, making better. She’d even figured out a way to better improve her production systems in the process!

Upstairs she could hear movement as the other two got ready. She was about to join them when her phone lit up with a text message.

From TL:
Panzerstahl moving. ETA 15 min, 5 mile south. Maybe more or less depend on movement. Going towards the city. Big tank, heavy, two more of the old model too.

To TL:
Roger, thanks. We’ll take care of it. Thanks TL. <3

She stood up proper, shutting herself back up as she walked towards the stairs that led out of the guarded bunker. Pushing open the secret door in the floor she stepped into the lounge and pressing her fingers together for a sharp snap.

<<We’ve moving. Nazis in tanks, 15 minutes, a few minutes away.>>

Torrent heard Oberon speak up, glad that someone could get some useful information on the creature while she stalked ever closer from the sidelines.

Fire. Perfect.

She had an idea on what to do, based on what she had seen of the slimes back in the cave, and attacking the outside was the long way. The insides were weak. No defenses from the inside, right? Why would you have them? No one ever expected something like that, just like how no one ever looked up on the streets unless you gave them a reason to.

As Oberon's attack was sent flying, Torrent move forward from the side of the slime quickly. As the spell landed, whether it hit or missed, she would strike, diving forward as quickly as she could into the side of the slime while she released a combined Fire Breath and Poison Breath directly into the creature's side while she tried to force her way into the creature through brute force with her teeth and claws.

If she was able to get it to absorb her, or break in through brute force, she'd prepare to release another explosion like she had on the blood plant from inside the slime.
Current IC Day:
September 12, 2015. Saturday.

Torrent was looking at the stuff Ash had found (won? It almost looked like one of those frogs splayed open?), before the two with Tremor Sense turned and reacted.

In an instant, Torrent had activated Scale Shift to the forest floor beneath her, Muffle III, and used her Monster and Magic analysis skills as she moved in a bit of a half-circle on an interception path with the slime. She watched as Ash fired off some venom shots, asking them to keep it away from her stash, while Oberon attempted to distract the slime from the air. She moved in quietly, quickly, trying to remain hidden until she knew what this thing could do.

She didn't want a repeat of the Flak Beetle.
I used to have that avatar in discord, by the way. <3
Let's just say you impressed a few people and we were all generally okay with some possible ways to get you involved without it taking 90238571097350913827401932874 years.
@Stabby@King Cosmos

Torrent is pretty bent on learning the elements herself. She can be the General Grievous to you two. :D

And then assassinate the survivor

We've actually be talking a lot in the Discord about your question to join, ngl.

September 12th, 2015

The Overview

A City Awakens

September had brought a chill to the nights in Serstol, the first frost happening a week ago, with temperatures remaining comfortable most days. Trees were changing colors, animals were preparing for winter, and the city was the same as it had been for almost two years.


There were rumors flying around the city of changes to the Guard. That they were going to be opening using capes. The balance seemed to be shifting, and eyes are getting directed towards the Guard in scrutiny.

It didn't help that a small time group calling themselves Tag Team had been leaving graffiti over the Guard and the government buildings without getting caught. In fact sightings of the group, sometimes solo and sometimes having three or four members, were all but rumors to anyone outside the First Guard.

In the early hours a young girl with a skull bandana over the bottom half of her face walked through the fairly empty streets causally, whistling what some might recognize as an ancient pirate shanty. To the exceptionally observant, they might even notice that her shadow was just a tad darker than it should’ve been at this time of morning.

And then just as she passed by the Governor’s building she blurred, dashing forward, and disappeared through a window that was barely open. Anyone who might have seen her would be wondering if they had just imagined her or that the early morning was playing tricks on their eyes.

Final Guard and Junior Guard

New Beginnings

Matthew stood from the chair at the back of the stage, his blue eyes not particularly expressive as they briefly roamed the crowd. His footsteps quieted the murmuring, though he didn’t speak immediately. There was no microphone, he had to speak loud enough for his voice to carry. He was in his late 30’s, but looked far younger. He wasn’t particularly tall, nor attractive. Dark, short brown hair covered his head, though it was slightly messy in the front.

"Ah-Ahem. Good morning everybody. I know it's a bit early for everyone, doubly so for our night shift over there." His voice wasn't particularly deep or gruff, though it was masculine. He sounded at ease, the tempo of his words just slow enough to accomodate the more sleepless members of his audience. When he finished his first sentence he gestured vaguely to the darker corner of the room. A couple of Final Guard employees were there, 4sight and Slingshot included. "I imagine that they're the reason why our coffee pots had to be refilled the moment the doors opened." 4sight's face cracked the slightest of smiles, and he nodded his head a fraction, almost invisibly in the poor light. Slingshot nodded, a smile crossing his face as he raised his coffee cup. He let two beats pass, so as to not interrupt the scattered chuckles amongst the crowd.

"It's early for me too, but I wanted us to get onto the same page as soon as possible," His eye darted momentarily to the clock above the door, past the small crowd, seeing seven on the dot, before his eyes flicked to read John's expression. John was in his fifties, and looked more like a general without the pomp and circumstance than when he was in full regalia. Something in John’s eyes informed him of what he had already known--offering that little bit of acknowledgment to the midnight patrol had lost him some amount of favor. Sympathizing with the capes so directly was dangerous with John, and he was a dangerous man to lose favor with. It was not a good idea to get on the bad side of the man who had led the First Guard since its conception. Matthew continued on to the next sentence without pausing, his eyes going back to scanning the general sentiment of the crowd with a steady ease. If he had let it hang, it might've caused the slightest bit of anxiety in the younger members.

"I know I haven't had the chance to speak to some of you newer members," Matthew paused, moving papers to make the sound of him shuffling them. He had no need for the words on the page because he had already memorized the speech--this was a form of lip service, something to humanise him and bring him down to their level in some small way. "I'm Matthew Banks, the newly appointed director of the Final Guard. For the majority of you this will be my introduction, so I'll explain a bit about myself. I worked with the Protectorate and PRT in their original forms. I stopped working with both soon after the Alexandria incident." The name brought some people who weren't paying attention back to him. His face so far had been rather cheerful, genial even, when he had made his joke. Now, a bit of emotion colored his face. His lips tightened at the bad memory, his eyes drifting downwards towards the podium.

"Life was different, after. I was mostly working with standard law enforcement, but it didn't pay nearly as well. I chose not to sacrifice my principles and it was that much tougher when..." Matthew gesticulated, indicating the building, but also seeming to suggest the entire planet--the end of Bet. He took a moment of silence, in memory of what happened, not wanting to bring it up again. They had already experienced it and did not need further reminders. "I've been in Serstol for a year. I was working with First Guard rather recently when Article 114 passed, and trust me, I was as surprised as the rest of you when Final Guard began forming. Jonathan over there," he nodded towards the general, and the rest of the crowd followed suit. "Jonathan reminded me why we need capes. I'll let him tell you."

The older director had already stood and quickly begun climbing up the stairs on the right side of the platform leaving Matthew to stand off to the left side of the podium, free to take in the room without distraction. They were in a lecture hall with polished laminate wood floors and half of the lights were turned off, giving the room a mellow ambiance. Along one wall was an assortment of breakfast pastries and some coffee pots, and there was a good four feet separating the chairs and tables and the wall. Despite the fact that the room was clearly much bigger than its current purpose required, the way that the tables enclosed the seating gave the illusion of a smaller, cosy space that was almost just the right size.

In all there were about fifty chairs and forty people present. Fifteen of those were ex-First Guard members who had transferred, trained military men. four of them were capes, half of which Matthew could name off the top of his head. Six were journalists, specifically vetted by Matthew himself. Diana, the leader of the First Guard's Charlie Team, was present and looking towards her boss, while simultaneously looking extremely hungover. The rest Matthew didn't know, though he could intuit some information: a Junior Guard member here, a secretary there. The organization would grow, but for now it wasn't going to be trusted with the resources that he would've liked. John started speaking, and Matthew listened while watching the man in his periphery.

"The First Guard has been struggling as of late. Not with the jobs we've been doing, but with the jobs we can't do. We've been careful to not bite off more than we can chew, and have had an acceptable amount of losses over the years, but that's because we've let some criminal elements exist." John's voice was gruff, scratchy, roughened by cigarettes and time. Matthew idly recalled that it wasn't actually cigarettes, but instead cigars--that and brandy were his particular vices. He held himself tall, often towering over the room in more than just rank-- not just above them in standing, but just above them. "We need the Final Guard. To put it bluntly, we've needed them for a while, but the governor is a busy lady."

This admission of weakness felt wrong to Matthew. It was something that John wouldn't normally do. Did someone else write this speech for him? His eyes narrowed, almost imperceptibly.

"I'm hoping that the Final Guard will put an end to the more troublesome elements in play. The First Guard will try to cooperate as best as they can when needed, and hopefully a bit of training in the field will mean that our squads can work well together." John backed away from the mic, going back to his seat while the audience provided respectful yet quiet applause. Matthew joined in the clapping, only moving back in front of the mic once John was fully seated.

"Thank you John, I don't have any doubts about our cooperation." Matthew lied through his teeth, though it was unlikely the audience would pick up on it. "Our main enemies right now are some of the more resilient gangs that have popped up: Blood and Soil are a constant problem, Red Eye are a surprising newcomer to the scene, somehow having grown strong in a very small amount of time." Matthew saw nothing on the audience's faces that could betray any disloyalty. "Finally, the Fallen have set up camps nearby." Three people reacted to that, heads turning. Three people that Matthew didn't know yet, no one working for him fortunately. Did they know, were they members? Matthew's mind ran through the possibilities as he continued his speech without so much as a pause.

"We can beat these gangs, with your help. Powers or no, we can leave the city a safer place than when we started. Thank you for your time. I'll have a chance to talk to each of the new squad members today, even in a one-to-one setting if you prefer."

A few people rose to leave, retrieving their jackets off the backs of the chairs, while Matthew’s secretary Sandra hurried over in her heels to flick on the lights. He noticed some people squinting at the sudden brightness, Diana especially. Matthew gathered his papers, and moved to the steps while Sandra crossed the room to talk to the Parahuman Squad members, telling them they could grab more from the breakfast table if they desired as Matthew began walking towards them.

The group was SWAT, Slingshot, 4Sight, and a young cape the director didn’t recognize, who was wearing a mask over the top half of her face. They were all in costume, 4sight in a brown trench coat, looking like an old school detective, with only his black masquerade mask standing out. SWAT was wearing an FBI uniform, so dissimilar to the Final Guard and First Guard uniforms that it was almost nostalgic. Slingshot was wearing road leathers, a costume that Matthew didn’t actually like. Too many capes just wore motorcycle leathers as their full get up. The last one was the cape that Matthew couldn’t recognize. She was wearing a bird like mask over the top half of her face, with long dark brown hair. Her thin build, along with the brown hair reminded Matthew of his sister. He knew, power wise, she was pin that brought the team together but that was all he had. Fling, or something. He’d have to ask Sandra.

The Fallen

The Search

The sun was just beginning to rise, the cold chill of the night still creeping across the ground as a single leaf fell in front of her face. She reached out almost lazily, letting the slightly red-orange leaf land upon her gloved hand, before she held it up between two fingers to the masses around her.

“All things come to an end. The PRT, the Triumvirate, the world. Even Serstol. Because that is the inevitable fate that awaits everything,” she said, her voice muffled behind a black mask set in a black hood. Dark hair flowed out from the space between, wavy with streaks of blue, as she slowly rubbed her fingers together. The leaf, now shredded and falling scattered around her, was left forgotten. “But sometimes it needs a little help. Sometimes a little push. And sometimes...Well, sometimes it needs more.”

Her black boots didn’t make a sound as she stepped forward, sweeping her hands out from beneath her cloak vaguely towards the distance.

“The Twins understood this. The Twins knew how to shove, how to make the very land itself shove with them. How to make the powers of those who opposed them push with them. And so do I.” There was a moment of silence as even the animals and insects seemed to freeze.

“There’s one of ours who decided to make a bad choice. And somewhere out there, in that city, our family needs us. Rend, Transcendent. Take a dozen volunteers into the city. Find her. And bring her to me. Bring her home.”
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