It was not every day that one met up with their destiny, but Wrenna had been working towards this day for all nineteen years of her life. She was about to fulfill the prophecy and save all of humanity. Truth be told, she had never expected to get this far, not past her first trial, and she certainly wasn't expecting to get into the heart of the demon realm. Studying those illusion and cloaking spells sure had paid off. She had actually expected a lot more fighting at this point, but getting to the castle had been the most mundane part of the journey thanks to her spells and sneaking past the busy guards was also pretty easy as was almost disappointing. But then the feeling of unease began to creep over Wrenna as she started to explore the castle looking for the king...there weren't really any demons in here...nearly all the guards were outside preparing for something, which wasn't Wrenna's concern. "Maybe I'll even get out of here alive..." She told herself as continued down the quiet corridors.
Wrenna hadn't expected to be able to make it out of the demon castle after she killed the king, mainly cause she thought the castle would be much busier and someone would find the body quickly and then would find her before she could escape. At this rate, she might be able to make it far, far away from the castle before anyone discovered what she had done...will do. She hadn't killed the king yet. She already ready had her sword out as she wandered around the empty halls when she noticed what looked to be a grand door of some sort. She couldn't be quite sure, but perhaps it was the king's room? She crept closer and closer to it and thankfully it was opened enough to peer inside so that what she did. Wrenna could see an empty room...saved for a long guy in a king's robe. Finally. She had found him.
Wrenna paused, wondering. Should she try to stealthily kill the king, or try to induce some sort of grandeur battle. Common sense told her she should go with the stealthy approach, but hero's usually had some sort of battle that people would sing about for ages. 'Ugh. Why was it so hard to pick one?" Wrenna thought to herself as she started to quietly get into the room and close the door behind her. She had to pick now...
"I've come to vanquish you villain." Wrenna had lived her life by the prophecy up till now, she might as well have some epic battle to go along with it.