Historia looked at her, confused for a moment, until she pieced it together. "Oh! sure!" Historia said, not even going to try and ask if her suspicions about why Miss Claire was asking her to read it were true. It looked like it made Miss Claire to embarrassed to tell Historia anyhow. "So basically, there's this elderly nobleman. He had a memory book, of his life I presume, and has lost it. This quest page doesn't give out too much information, so I can't really say how easy or how safe this quest will be, but seeing how a memory book only has sentimental value, not tangible value, I don't imagine we'd be fighting any thiefs. Overall, it sounds like something reality simple, pretty safe, and has the possiblity of a good reward to spilt between the two of us." Historia told her.
In a more hushed voice, Historia leaned towards Miss Claire a bit, and added, "And um...if you ever need help with...anything like this again, and I'm near by, I'd be happy to help." She gave her a surrporting smile.