Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I want to build a realistic and fully functional Pokemon world. Realistic doesn't mean dark and edgy full of violence and sex, I mean actually realistic. To set the stage I'll offer a brief of history of this world. 10,000~ years ago Arceus gave birth to the universe and the higher tier legendary Pokemon to aid in the creation of the earth 8,000~ years ago humans discovered Unown and developed a written language and created individual tribes across Shinnoh 8,000~ years ago humans left Shinnoh and spread across the planet, different tribes populated the various regions of the world 5,000~ years ago apricorns began to be used to capture, train and work with Pokemon Once Pokemon were able to be captured and used to battle en mass fights between small groups became far more destructive. Eventually each region was dominated by a single people either through war or assimilation. 2,000 years ago the modern pokeball was invented 500 years ago technology and transportation became advanced enough for the regions to make constant contact with eachother. Trade routes were made, wars declared. In the end Johto and Kanto became unified holding the worlds largest standing army while Hoenn with the mightiest navy and Unova with the strongest air force partnered together for protection form domination, Shinnoh remained neutral along with Kalos who held no military. Each region created its own league and operates under a city-state type of government, a council from each region comes together to make decisions as a whole. Little conflict but tension still exists between the Kanto-Johto and Hoenn-Unova nation states. Only 100 years ago Lord Arcues itself came down and proclaimed its status as God of this world to all its inhabitants. Casting away all doubt of any other creating deities. It asked not to be worshiped and stated it just wanted to watch everyone live the lives it granted them. Those are the broadstroaks of the history of this world I can go more in detail on anything later Some details of this universe *High rung legionaries and god-like, to fight them is to fight a god *Starter pokemon are very rare, its highly unlikely to begin with one, only the upper upper class get a pokemon from a professor *The human population is quite low due to recent creation and the resources need to sustain a large pokemon population *A majority of the population aren't career battlers, farmers, fisherman, craftsman make up a majority *Supporting a party of six fully evolved battle ready pokemon costs well into the $100,000 annually. only truly skilled trainers can do it *Most of the regions are untamed due to low human population, cities are humanities strongholds. Just to give a slight insight to the tone I'm going for I want this to be a full on build your own adventure type of thing. I have an over arching story in mind that will affect everyone once it starts picking up but you'll be able to forge your own way. My personal character will not be any super special edgy mary sue I can promise that. I'd love to have help shaping this RP so I'm open to suggestions For those who cant remember the name of every town in every region and every Pokemon and how they evolve here is a quick reference http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page Religion Despite the fact that Arceus revealed itself to the world saying it was the one true god there are many people throughout the world that remain loyal to the region of their land and their fathers Kanto-Johto share much in terms of culture and religion is no exception. The oldest written record is a fable dating back to near 8,000 years ago, in it Ho-oh and Lugia were siblings and always in competition with each other, They would race around the world through the sea and in the air t prove who was better. One day the darkness came from the far sea, endangering all Pokemon and humans of the region. Together they fought the darkness for 5 days until finally thwarting it. The created their wards to protect their homelands should they ever fall to the darkness, The birds in Kanto and the beasts in Jhoto. The original copy of the story is kept at the Pewter city museum. Mew is often seen as a herald of misfortune and mischief in some translations and a sign of wealth and power in others; Celibi is used as a symbol of forgiveness, purity and second chances. Hoenn has developed a religion much more violent due to ages of isolation. Tales from before and written records of Hoenns history were passed down for decades before being recorded. Groudon and Kyogre are gods of destruction and creation. Groudon poured out magma that Kyogre cooled to form the world, Groudon shaped the Hoenn region and Kyogre filled the ocean. Their power combined brought humans and pokemon to life, However the duo quickly became jealous of each other wanting to become the sole ruler of the region. At this point in history there are written records of small scale wars between Groudon worshipers and Kyogre worshipers. There is documentation of Rayquaza coming and putting and end to the fighting, in the context of the myth Rayquaza was born from the anger between the two groups in order to bring order and protection to the world, Sky Pillar was built in its honor. Jarachi is often prayed to and thought to have answered the wishes of ancient people and brought Rayquaza to the people rescue Regigigas Regice Regirock and Registeel are found in every region except Kanto and Johto, the story goes that Regigigas pulled those regions away from Kanto-Johto to prevent them from being dominated by larger groups of people. although not worshiped by any they were worshiped back before written language. Shinnoh The oldest world religion, they have always worshiped Arceus and the recent revelation of Arceus existence has stirred a zealot group of worshipers that wish to begin a crusade to bring all into the light of Arceus. Dialga Palkia and Giratina are superpowerful beings but are seen as angels to the Lord Arceus along with the legendary pixies. Darkrai and Cresselia are not worshiped and not seen as god-like just super powerful pokemon that have a profound effect on dreams and nightmares, often used to explain and bad or good dream. Shaymin is the personification of the beauty of nature and Manaphy the beauty of the sea Unova a very secular nation not overtly worshiping any pokemon only respecting the power of the super rare pokemon of their region. There is a well documented story with multiple very similar versons so it is assumed to be true. Originally, they were a single dragon that helped found the Unova region's nation, but fighting between the two brothers who founded the nation split them into two halves. Despite this, the two Pokémon do not willingly fight each other. Kalos Xerneas and Yveltal are respected equally of personifications of life and death. The people of Kalos make offering to Xerneas for long life and to Yveltal to keep death away. Unova and Kalos being nations without a strong religion have the highest conversion rates to worshiping the newly revealed Arceus
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I'm liking the look of this. You mentioned career battlers aren't so common, and seeing as this is a more realistic setting I'm guessing our characters wouldn't be ten years old venturing out on their own. What kind of characters are we looking at?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm liking the look of this. You mentioned career battlers aren't so common, and seeing as this is a more realistic setting I'm guessing our characters wouldn't be ten years old venturing out on their own. What kind of characters are we looking at?
Career battlers would be about as rare as sports stars today, being a professional athlete isn't easy. The age range for out characters should range from 16 to 25, old enough to set off on their own but young enough to face the challenges of this world with a bright naive outlook.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Gotcha, gotcha. One other question. Is there a particular reason you left out Kalos?
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gotcha, gotcha. One other question. Is there a particular reason you left out Kalos?
In all honesty I totally forgot about Kalos, damn near impossible to find a map with all the main regions and Kalos on it too I'll edit it in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Technology Something often over looked that plays a big role in setting the reality of this world Having developed along side Pokemon gunpowder was never invented as there was no demand for it. People could kill eachother just fine with the monsters outside. Ancient man developed bronze tools to defend against pokemon back before pokeballs. Metal working has advanced enormously with easy access to energy and resources. *Engines are powered by electricity being that their is no oil or natural gas. *They have running water in the developed cities and in most towns *Agriculture can be handled by a small amount of the population with the use of pokemon labor *Power plants convert the power of electrical Pokemon into a usable form *When pokemon evolve the turn into pure energy before they take their new form as seen in the games, they are turned back into that energy when put in a pokeball. They feel nothing in the pokeball basically suspended animaton *Mega evolution has always existed. Mega stones are blank before being used and can be used by any Pokemon, once they are used than can only be used by that combination of human and Pokemon. *Computers exists but only used for pokemon energy storage, A internet has yet to be invented. *Cars exist but are expensive and impractical *Phones are in their early stages but not wireless *Air conditioning is a luxury, requiring renting a ice type *Pokemon centers work but healing the Pokemon in their energy state, which requires enormous amounts of power Large boats allow travel from Cianwood City in Johto to Lilycove City in Hoenn in about two weeks, Air travel has been restricted to large Pokemon but concepts are being worked on to allow for endless flight powered by a small electrical Pokemon. Government There are 3 major entities in each region Pokemon League Military Small council The Pokemon Leauge holds tournaments and gives challengers large amount of prestige and respect. It is quite common for some who have challenged the Elite 4 to go on and become generals in the Military. The Pokemon Leauge has no formal power in making decisions regarding the regions foreign policy however Gym Leaders are viewed as community leaders and the Elite 4 and Champion are always consulted in large region matters. The Military is solely responsible for the defense of the region, Although not all regions have one. The Small Council of each region is made up of one senator from each city. They collectively make decision for each region and communicate with eachother as a group. Unova, Kalos, and Shinnoh however have an elected leader from their Small Council. This make negotiations with Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn take much longer needing to take every senators opinion into account. Getting a place on the small council without 6+ badges from the regions league is near impossible In the case any argument is left in a tie a battle is used to deiced the outcome, wars have been started and ended with one on one tie settling battles. The small council collects taxes and funds pokemon centers for free healthcare Each city has a small local police force but they are usually understaffed and under funded The Champion of the Pokemon League is almost always the leader of the Military as they are usually the finest trainer in the land
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KakashiSensei69
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KakashiSensei69 The Fun One

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ooc: Hey there! My name is Dezz, I'm new to the site, but I'm not new to forum roleplays! I'd like to jump in on this because it sounds like a really fun idea. I'll go ahead and give you a character sheet and you can tell me what information you'd like in or what have you! Name: Ethros Arcio Age: 22 Pokemon: Level 5 Growlithe Background: Ethros comes from a very well known woodcutting family in Kantos. They live just outside of Viridian Forest and provide a lot of the materials for the regions slowly growing population. For his graduation gift, his father gave Ethros a young Growlithe he was able to capture. After getting this pokemon, Ethros decided to venture into the world (goals and motivations I'll leave for now).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@KakashiSensei69 sounds good to me, being that its well known woodcutting family I'm assuming its a large scale operation making your family more wealthy, did they personally cut wood or just run the business? also what side of the Viridian Forest just so I have a mental map.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Updated RP rules *No super edgy characters *You're not the chosen one *Legendaries are gods no you cant catch one *Limit 3 characters *Having a unique team is cool *If i mess up PM me and lets talk about it *Have fun lets make this cool
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@BlackCat I saw you character submission, Its actually spelled Eevee. also the motivation seems rather weak, Eevee are rare Pokemon I don't see why it would choose to partner with a novice trainer with no badges, no pokeballs and no other pokemon. I get the motivation to leave home but just an Eevee wouldn't protect you in the wilderness of the world I'm setting up. Thanks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So what is the story exactly?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@onenote The overall story will be of the beginnings of a war started by religious zealots that wish to make Arceus worshiped world wide, along with a small "cult" of Rayquaza followers who emerge to combat the larger Arceus group. Naturally there will be plenty of character driven stories and plenty of side stories but the religious unrest will be the longest story line. If attempting to challenge a Pokemon leauge is your goal that's totally fine, or just going on a journey in a more grounded Pokemon world. Joining a religious group would be an interesting turn too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I kind of want to make a character that's a photographer and she wants to take a pic of each legendary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KakashiSensei69
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KakashiSensei69 The Fun One

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Zenn My thoughts are that the family used to work the lumber mill for a long time in the past. Due to the increasing demand of lumber, they got rich enough to simply run it. This led them to get very arrogant and change their family name to Arcio, flaunting the strong backing of Arceus in the region of Kanto. Ethros caught wind of the legend of Rayquaza and has decided to find out answers before deciding which path to walk. I think it'll match up well with the religious theme of the RP. Also, I'm thinking the main part of the Arcio house would be here: . Just to the west side of the south entrance to the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@onenote Some legendaries will come out eventually so you could eventually do that, I wouldn't base the character off of having to see the legendaries, a full fleshed artist would make a great character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@onenote Some legendaries will come out eventually so you could eventually do that, I wouldn't base the character off of having to see the legendaries, a full fleshed artist would make a great character.
Oh that won't be what she's all about for sure, it's just an old dream of hers. So she might chase a few concrete rumors of a legendary if they're close by but she won't obsess over them. Also how many Pokémon can we start with?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

What's the world like in terms of Pokemon research and stuff? Have we got these famous professors around making huge discoveries? I ask because I'm seeing my character as one who wants to get out and do field research on wild Pokemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@KakashiSensei69 Interesting! Major lumber supplier for west Kanto being located around the main forest. Worshiping Arceus would be somewhat taboo in Kanto-Johto as Arceus is a new wave religion from old world Shinnoh and Kanto-Johto religions are a core of life for those people. Like when you hear celebrities are scientologist. It could make for a interesting conspiracy, rich family backing a zealous group of crusaders! Also I wanted the Rayquaza cult to start off small and isolated in Hoenn as a reaction to the growing Arceus power When you make a character profile if you could include some history for your family line that would be cool.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@onenote In the spirit of having a fresh journey only 1 or 2 Pokemon if totally needed. My character is only starting with a Spearow I ask that people to try and start with Riolu or Pikachu or all those super common generic pokemon, only what would you find in the hometown of your character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What's the world like in terms of Pokemon research and stuff? Have we got these famous professors around making huge discoveries? I ask because I'm seeing my character as one who wants to get out and do field research on wild Pokemon.
Yes for sure, professors are just that however, professors. Not mentors or secret tutors to aspiring trainers, The instances of a professor giving a starter to a new trainer are very low. Professors are the authority on Pokemon knowledge though, Just like how i don't know the talents and abilities of every animal on this planet, the average person wouldn't know to terribly much about most Pokemon. Professors discovered most forms of evolution, breeding techniques and mega-evolution. But yeah, going on journey to learn as much as possible about the pokemon world isn't uncommon for aspiring researchers when a formal education isn't financially possible
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