Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Breaking News: "Hello and Good Morning Unova, I'm Arnold Gloom bringing you this breaking story from Nimbasa City as a group of Arceus fanatics are surrounding the theme parks here preventing hundreds of customers from leaving the park. While the situation has remained civil up to this point there are worries that Pokemon may be sent out and attacks may start flying." The new anchor pauses for a moment before adding "What are the thinking of this back home Tom?" he asks There is a brief silence before the second anchor responds "We are are in shock here Arny, it's very disturbing that a group such as theirs is able to shut down a theme park and even more so that the police are doing nothing to fix this." He chuckles slightly before continuing "I suppose its hard to get a large response when the most they can do is shut down the Mr.Mime Merry-go-round, Haha. The backdrop changes to the Pokemon Language pattern and the League theme plays "In other news Joey is set to battle Cameron for a shot at taking on the Elite 4 and I know we are all just very excited for this bout aren't we?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KakashiSensei69
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KakashiSensei69 The Fun One

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ethros Arcio I'm finally out of the forest.. Stumbling a bit, Ethros dropped down and sat just on the edge of Viridian forest. Slowly turning, he nudged Dart as he laid down. Ethros reached into his bag and grabbed a few berries and threw them in front of Dart. "Finally out of the house and the first thing we want to do is sit down. How in the world are we going to get anywhere. Dart made a small whimper and they both smirked at each other. Ethros picked up a stick and threw it a few feet in front of Dart. Dart looked over expectantly at him, and tilted his head. Ethros crawled over and grabbed it with his mouth and crawled back. He nodded in an exaggerated fashion and once again threw the stick. Dart barked with an excited tone and grabbed the stick. Ethros laughed a bit and stood up. "Alright, alright. Now that we've trained a bit, let's head towards Pewter town." They took two steps forward when 3 wild Ratatta's came charging at the two of them. Dart without thinking jumped in front of Ethros and began to growl angrily. Looks like we're in for a rough day after all...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Perry Cain Perry shuts off the old television and heads outside, unconcerned with the activities of idiots half a world away. He steps outside into the fresh spring air admiring his families modest ranch for one last time, He would have almost been sad were in to for the profound sense of relief of finally getting to leave. Perry wished he could take his old trusty Tauros with him but his parents needed him far more than he did at this point, He crossed the field towards the beast while reminiscing about all the battles they won, and even more they lost. "Now you take care on Mama and The Old Man while I'm away you understand?" He questioned while stroking the bulls head. The Tauros nodded in agreement as if it could understand. "I'll miss you boy, I'll be back for y'all one day" he said motioning towards his former Slowpoke who was asleep as usual. "Goodbye" he whispered. With that he was off, trotting down route 39 towards Olivine City, The Port with Sea Breezes, as it is informally known. This particular path was about a 3 day walk, one he had made several times before but always atop his Tauros never on foot and he was not looking forward to it whatsoever. Perry decided to let his newly caught Spearow out for some well needed bonding time. Releasing the angry little bird from its capsule and motioning for it to come perch on his shoulder. "C'mon now, It's about time we got a better feel for each other since were going to be traveling together for a while." he shouted trying his best to sound at least a little pleasant. The Spearow was having nothing of it, Turing a full 180 and waddling down route 39 as Perry followed shouting sweet nothings and baseless compliments "C'mon! pretty bird pretty bird, Who's a strong little bird?" he pleaded. Suddenly inspiration struck, he just needs to get the fight out of him. Perry recalled his first encounter with this particular Spearow and how it fought for its independence so fiercly it battled his old slowpoke within an inch of its life. "I got it" He shouted "You wanna battle huh? Battle, yeah!" The Spearow looked slightly more attentive now, Perry scanned to surrounding brush and foliage for any signs of hidden Pokemon for this little monster to demolish. It wasn't long before they found a few feral Meowths and practiced their union as trainer and pokemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gene pulled his bicycle over to the side of the road and changed the station on his radio, his Butterfree landing on a nearby tree. From his home on the outskirts of Azalea town he had pedaled north on Route 34. Normally he would have headed south, but he'd already seen that part of the country. Once he found a better station, something with upbeat music playing, he called out. "He Free-free, come on." His little sister had named the pokemon, and he had kept the name. He started pedaling again and after a few minor battles they were inside the city. "Ok," he said, parking his bike near the department store. "I'm going to have to put you back in your ball while I go inside. I'm going to need to sale some of these Apricorn balls if I'm going to have money to survive on. Don't worry, though. I've got the stuff to make more if I can find some wild Apricorns. I won't run out any time soon, and I'll bring you some lemonade when I come out." "Free" said the insect as it was turned into red energy and absorbed into the ball. Inside he found the man behind the counter. "Hi, Joe." he said. Joe came by the farm at least a couple of times per season to by Apricorn balls from his father. "Hey, Gene. I didn't think you would be up this way. Did you come to bring me a shipment?" "No, I decided to set off on my own and need some money." He set several balls on the table. "How much will you give me for these?" After settling on a price, Gene took the money and went up to the roof. He bought a few drinks and went back downstairs and outside. He released Free-free and his Rattata and gave them each a lemonade. "As soon as you're done we'll head to the park and beat up a few wild bugs. I want the two of you to get stronger if we're going to be traveling."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Urrrggghhh," Amos groaned as he stretched his arms over his head. The pair of Kricketot he had been watching jumped, startled by the sound. The xylophone-like chirps of their antennae filled the air as they scampered of into the brush. He leafed through the pages of his notebook, a neat but unorganized tangle of observations. There were a few crude sketches thrown in, but they were barely recognizable. He was still working on his drawing."That's definitely enough about those things," he said aloud to no one in particular. He slowly got up from where he seated beneath a large sprawling tree and shook some feeling back into his legs. He'd been sitting there for three hours now, moving only to scribble an occasional note. A light breeze picked up, but it gave him enough of a chill to bring his hoodie out of his pack and pull it on over his black tank, leaving it unzipped. He frowned, noticing the bits of leaves that had clung to the hoodie and the dirt smudged on it in areas. He then pulled a Pokeball out of his pack, smiling warmly as he did so. "All right, I'm done. Come on out and take a look around, Bliss!" In a flash of light, the Aipom emerged from. Free to explore, she swiftly made her way up the tree and disappeared into it to explore its branches. Amos looked off to the north, absent-mindedly rubbing at his back. He was sure Floraroma Town wasn't too much farther ahead; he felt he could see it off in the distance. When he had set out from home, he had quickly realized aimless wandering and research would get him nowhere so he set out to find Professor Rowan and request a position as a field researcher. He had all his old notebooks and reports as well his new notebooks. Unfortunately, his initial trip to Sandgem Town hadn't worked out as Professor Rowan was away in Eterna City. Rather than wait around, he'd decided to take off and try and meet him in Eterna City or at least find him along the road. His trip through Jubilife City had been quick, as he didn't want to risk running into family and being teased mercilessly for returning so quickly. This had left him a little less prepared for the road to Eterna. Then there was the day he got stuck on the Ravaged Path after a rockfall blocked his path. He had battled and taken more notes on Zubats than he ever cared to see again by the time another trainer came around and had his Geodude clear the path. He was nearing Floaroma, and already he was running out of food -- if you could even call it "food". He was desperate to reach civilization again. The Aipom scampered down the tree once more and climbed up his back, settling comfortably on top of his head. Amos laughed and pulled out a pair of berries form his hoodie pocket, handing it to his Pokemon."Well, let's get going. I think we might be able to make it to town before nightfall." Bliss nodded agreeably as she devoured the berries.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Perry Cain The road to Olivine City was long and testing, though it had only been two and a half days Perry was already beat. Having to start this journey with a new Pokemon he wasn't familiar with made everything harder, the fact that the little devil seemed to have nothing but contempt for him didn't help much. The Spearow was a fine battler however, Perry kept a tally of all the wild Pokemon it would attack and chase away. 13 so far, if he had the money for food or pokeballs he would have caught one of them. Alas he'd need to win some battles for that and as fierce as Spearow was it looked almost as drained as Perry did. Perry turned to the creature and said "I see you're tired bud." Scooping up the foul little thing in his hand. It tensed up quickly but relaxed greatly at the thought of not having to walk for itself any longer. "I don't see why you don't fly, you are the strangest thing. It's a long road all the way back home to get Tauros from Momma, and an even longer road until you evolve and I can ride on you like some kind of elite trainer." He chuckled "But its only an hour or so to the city where we can rest up and get you healed so cheer up man." He tossed the bird into the air where it took flight for the first time since he captured it, doing circles above Perry's head. He felt rather safe here in the wilderness with his Spearow pulling guard duty. He pondered what it would be like to ride on a Fearows back, He'd seen one before on the news and in his lessons but never in person and never to scale. "I hope you get big enough to actually ride on bud" He worried looking up at his little gaurdian. They made there way into Olivine city a bustling port city full of sailors and traders and the occasional Hoenn Navy Seaman althought he paid them little mind. Finding a bed was most important, having dropped off goods from the ranch here maybe a hundred times he knew some people that would cut him a real nice deal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KakashiSensei69
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KakashiSensei69 The Fun One

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ethros Arcio "I have no idea what to do!" Ethros saw the Rattata's quickly approaching. He panicked and quickly dove at Dart, which took him completely by surprise. He yelped and Ethros quickly ran past the charging pokemon with Dart in hand. The quickly scratched at his legs and began to rip his pants. Ethros' foot caught a rock and he fell forwards, scraping his fact and arms. He quickly turned to face what should have been three very angry Ratatta's, but instead saw Dart holding his ground growling. The Ratatta's quickly approached and overwhelmed the young pokemon, sending it into a panicked flailing. "H-hold on.. Dart..." is all Ethros could manage to say as he slowly stood and began to limp over to the battle. Suddenly a small shooting noise was heard and one of the Ratatta's was wrapped in a fine string. Ethros quickly spun around to see a young boy and a Caterpie ready to fight. The boy cheered, "You know what to do!" and his Caterpie shot a small poison stinger out of it's body. One of the Ratatta's got hit and the others fled. Ethros slowly moved to Dart and picked him up. After gently brushing his head, he turned to the young boy. "I owe you, friend. What is your na-" "Nah, you're fine, mister. Just don't go into the wilderness if you're that weak. Bye!" The boy skipped off with his Caterpie right behind him. Ethros looked down in shame. Then he realized he should hurry to the Pewter city pokecenter if he wanted to get Dart back on his feet. He quickly pulled what left of his strength he had together and rushed off into Pewter city.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gene stood outside the tall grass. It was too thick to see very far into it, but ever once in a while he'd see part of one of the pokemon hidden there. "Ok, Ratatta," he said when an unsuspecting bug got near the edge of the grass and stopped. "Go tackle that Weedle and then run back here." He hated using a tactic like that, but Ratatta was too weak to survive a normal fight. "When he runs away, I want you to use poison powder on it." he said to Free-free. "Ready, go." Ratatta ran into the grass and jumped, landing on the weedle. Once it was down, Ratatta turned to run, but Weedle got up and hit it with a poison sting. Ratatta managed to escape, however, and Free-free flew in to dust it with poison powder. That was apparently all that was needed, as the weedle soon fell over, unconscious. Gene picked up Ratatta and realized that it was getting weaker. "Come on, girl" he said, "I'll take you to the pokemon center and get you patched up." He set Ratatta down and put it back in its ball, then raced back to the pokemon center as fast as he could go. "Oh, no," the nurse said. "Your Ratatta's passed out. Don't worry, though, I can fix it." She placed both of the balls on the machine and soon they were both back to full health. "Thank you, come again." said the nurse. "I'm going to have to train you harder," Gene said to Ratatta. "I can't afford to send you to the daycare, but I'll make you a deal. You get strong, and we defeat those trainers in the park, and I'll buy you another lemonade. We'll even take a boat to Olivine instead of walking there. "Sound good?" Both of them looked excited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zenn
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Zenn That One Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Perry Cain Perry sat on the beach enjoying the gentle sounds of the waves crashing on shore, it was a nice change of pace having spent the past 4 days in Olivine. The next ship leaving for Castelia city in Unova would not depart for another 4 leaving him very restless. He spent most of the day trying to bond with and train his Spearow. The hustle and bustle of the port city had long lost excitement in his eyes having spent so much time here in his youth. He hated the ocean, it was to vast and intimidating. Due to this he wasn't to fond of water Pokemon either save for Slowpoke, Its dopey little smile had charmed him. He dug his feet into the sand and watched a group of Krabby scuttle into the water. "Vile little crustations aren't they Spearow? Go mess with them." He commanded as a grin grew across his face. Spearow cooed in agreement as it took flight and swooped down upon the Krabby is the back of the formation by the wrists and flew it up into the air. It took the struggling crab about 20 meters into the air before dropping it into the water and returning to Perry. "You enjoy doing that don't you ya sadistic litt-" He was cut off before he could finish by a startling high pitched voice coming from behind him back on the boardwalk. "What the hell are you doing?!" Shouted the kid. His tone was belligerent making his question sound more like a accusation. Perry already knew how this was going to play out, He could see by the kids clothes he was a new trainer. New shoes yet to have been worn in and only one pokeball on his hip, obviously a newbie trying to take a stand for honor and justice or whatever misguided ideals he thought he was defending. He stared at his his childlike features, pale skin with a round face with lingering baby fat and bad hair cut. This lead him to believe that he must only be about 16 years of age. "Just having some fun kid, what about it?" He asked in his best condescending tone as he stood to face the boy and alerted his Spearow of the approaching challenger. "You should leave those poor Krabby alone! If you're not going to properly capture or battle them then was the point of torturing the poor things?!" The boy sounded distraught and kept pacing forward standing now only 10 meters away from Perry. Perry contemplated getting the first attack in before the boy could send out his Pokemon, Not to harm him just to put some fear into his heart. He was hesitant however, What if this kid had a rich daddy who bought him a Voltorb or Pikachu. No, he wouldn't be intimidated by a kid who obviously needed to be put in his place. He wished her had his Tauros and Slowpoke as they were battle tested and hardened, but Spearow hadn't lost a battle yet and Perry had confidence in him. "You got a problem here kid? Lets have a quick one on one and see who the hell you think you are!" he shouted casting his arm pointing towards the boy in his best attempt to look intimidating. Spearow followed suit and hoped and front of Perry, spreading its wing and letting out a fearsome "Caaaaaaaw". Perry had never been more proud of the little bird than at this moment. The boy flinched at the sound of the birds screech and his hand immediately flew to the pokeball on his hip pulling it off instantly. This worried Perry, back when he was a newbie it once took him a good 15 seconds to get a pokeball from its holster. "If that is what must be done then so be it!" The boy said releasing a medium sized Squitrle onto the sand. "Oh what the fuck" Perry thought to himself "This must be some preppy little turd that got his starter from a Professor in Kanto". Perry wasn't sure how badly he had fucked up. Realizing now that the kid had more than likely bought the new shoes with his battle winnings. But he wasn't about to let some punk come into his region and start telling him how to treat stupid Krabbys. He could win this but he would need to make the first move. "Spearow use Fury Attack" Perry commanded. The bird took off like a dart towards it opponent flying in very tight circles around it, jabbing it with its beak at every opening it saw. "Bubbles use Water Gun and head for water" The boy cried. "Bubbles..." Thought Perry "No way I can lose to this chump" The Squirtle fired a stream of water from its mouth knocking Spearow out of the air and made an all out dash for the water kickng up lots of sand onto the grounded Spearow. "Don't let it get away!" Perry commanded worried that if this battle moved to the water he would surely lose. Spearow shook off the sand and closed in fast but just as it came within talons reach the turtle spun around and landed a well placed Bite. Feathers flew as Spearow struggle to free itself form the Squirles clutches.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Amos trudged along, a sour expression on his face. The rain that had begun about an hour earlier was beginning to die down. While he typically enjoyed big storms and rainy days, getting caught out in the rain so close to town was not helping his already tired mood. Not that it was a heavy rain. In fact it was a light drizzle. The first few minutes had been pleasant, but at this point towards Amos felt thoroughly soaked. He made a mental note to buy himself a rain jacket at the first opportunity. His hoodie was just not going to cut it. He gave a light sigh in relief as the sun came out from behind the clouds once more, its golden light making him squint a bit until he grew used to it again. He pulled off his hoodie as the wet material was starting to get uncomfortable. He used the balled up jacket to wipe the excess water off his face, hair, arms and legs, then stopped to stuff it in one of the pockets of his backpack. He released Bliss form her pokeball once more, having recalled her halfway through the rainshower. The Pokemon cartwheeled around on her feet and tail, enjoying the fresh feeling of the outdoors after the rain. As they got closer to the city, more Pokemon emerged from hiding to bask in the sun once more. Amos passed a tree with a Starly chirping loudly. As he moved on he kept passing trees each with their own individual Starly, its harsh singing straining his ears. He kept walking, always finding another Starly singing just as he got far enough from one to not hear it. "I swear it's the same one following us. It just needs to shut up..." he muttered to Bliss. As if on cue, a Starly in a tree ahead of them launched into a shrill song. It only served to irritate Amos further. He was tired, hungry, wet, and now this bird wouldn't shut up. He groaned. "Just shut up!" he yelled at the bird. The Starly raised its head indignatly, "RRRRRRLLEEEEE." "I said SHUT. UP. Stop. making. noise. please." "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" it cried defiantly, flying out of the tree and dangerously close to his face. "Bliss. Let's practice our battling." The Aipom stopped it's frolicking and quickly ran between Amos and the Starly. The Starly angrily Growled, causing Aipom to shrink away a bit. "Go, use Astonish!" Bliss's characteristic smile disappeared and she jumped at the Starly. A black haze appeared around her and red angry face on her tail, as it spun around to hit the Starly. The Starly however remained unfazed and moved out of the way of the attack, countering with its own Quick Attack and knocking Aipom back to the ground. She rolled on the ground but stood up quickly. "Shit..." Amos muttered, realizing he had forgotten the typing of the attack in his mood. "Bliss, a sand attack! See if we can get it to stop flying around!" The Aipom nodded and kicked up sand with her tail, only to be struck by another quick attack from above before she could hit the Starly. Following the attack that had piled some sand behind her, she once again tossed in the Starly's direction. This time it successfully hit the bird's eyes. Unfortunately that was because the wild Pokemon had been in the middle of another Quick Attack which landed immediately afterward. Bliss fell back again as the Starly flew around wildly in its blindness, rather than come down to the ground and Amos had hoped. "Quick, while it can't see! A tail whip followed up by a scratch." The Aipom jumped at the Starly, turning to hit the Starly with its tail hand, followed by a scratch with its arms. It landed beneath the Starly and moved out of the way as it attempted another Quick Attack. "Try that again, Bliss! Sand Attack!" Bliss swept up further sand, getting a bit more on the Starly's eyes. At a command, she exceuted a Scratch attack with her tail, managing to knock the Starly to the ground. It countered with a Tackle, making to take off again. "Another Scratch attack! Keep it on the ground." The Aipom rushed forward, but was too slow and missed as the Starly took flight once more. It then turned around and hit with another Tackle. "Come on, another Scratch!" Aipom made to attack, but was clearly tired. She was unable to jump high enough to reach the Starly, which used another Quick Attack as soon as she landed. "All right, all right! Keep singing if you want I don't care anymore!" Amos suddenly shouted. He ran up waving his arms above his head trying to shoo off the Starly. It directed a Quick Attack right at his head then flew around a bit trilling triumphantly once more before flying off. Amos kneeled next to Aipom who had dusted herself off and was now sitting and breathing heavily. She showed a few visible injuries. "Sorry girl, I thought we were ready for that," he said as he put his hand and head. "You did great though. I'll get us the rest of the way to Floaroma, get you healed, and we can treat ourselves to some good food." He held up the Pokeball and recalled his Aipom in a burst of red light, then stood up. He began walking towards town, the first building already coming into view. The songs of the Starly making his mood even worse. He didn't even care to notice that one of them seemed a bit off in color.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KakashiSensei69
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KakashiSensei69 The Fun One

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ethros Arcio Ethros patiently waited in the pokemon center for Dart to come out. He started to get impatient, and thus started to throw some rocks onto the ground and watching how they bounced. As more and more time went on, his throws got more and more intense. Eventually, after about 3 hours, he threw one so hard that it straight up bounced and hit a person right in the back. "O-oh god I'm so sorry!" Ethros murmured as he approached this mysterious figure. The figure turned and gave this look of such condensation that Ethros had almost thought he was looking at his own father. Noticing the mood, the cloaked man quickly put on a very forced smile and placed on hand on Ethros' shoulder. "Hello, child. Have you seen the light of Arceus?" The mans voice revealed a sort of practiced tone, something that it would appear he was being forced to say. Ethros took a step back, letting the man's arm fall. "I'm of the Arcio family, so I think I know a thing or two.." He kept a guarded stance. A few people walked passed and gave a very odd glance to the man. Some even seemed to be annoyed without having heard anything of the conversation. "Ah, yes. Your father is a huge help in spreading the love of Arceus in the Kanto and Jhoto region!" His smile quickly converted from a forced one to a genuine one. It would appear that for the first time since the conversation started, he was relaxed and actually pleased with the things he was saying. Suddenly a rock was hurled at the cloak, but it wasn't quite on the mark as the cloaked man was able to dodge. "No one needs your damned god pokemon. Get out of here!" A crowd began to gather behind the man who threw the rock, and none of them looked very happy. Ethros quickly turned to see that Dart was jumping up and down, happy. He quickly took this opportunity to get away. He walked in and the nurse let Dart run to him. "Take your pokemon and get out. We don't need anything from you or your cloaked buddy." The nurse said through a glare. Ethros quickly ran out with Dart behind him. The cloaked man was no where to be seen but the small crowd outside was still there. Without looking back he ran towards Mount Moon. After he distanced himself from the city, he rested with Dart. "It would appear our name isn't the safest thing to be spreading. Maybe we'll choose a new name.. like.. Rowlithe. We're now the Rowlithe family if anyone asks, ok? I know dad thinks we're training.. but that was some creepy stuff. Dart barked in agreement. "I guess we'll have to try and make our way around the world. But first... Mount Moon..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Amos sighed with satisfaction, setting down the fork and placing his napkin on the empty plate in front of him. Now THAT had been a meal. He sat back in his chair looking around the fine restaurant he currently sat in. The tables and chairs were all of solid wood, and the table cloths of some nice material. He didn't know much about fabrics. Off through an archway he could see the lobby of the inn.

Upon arriving in Eterna City, he had made a bee-line for the Pokemon Center. His next was planned to be the inn as he was desperate for a meal and bath. Upon checking in, however, he had caught word that Professor Rowan was leaving town that day. There was even talk of him travelling to the Kanto region. Panicked, he had run about town searching for the senior researcher. A helpful man in white robes had kindly directed him to a local statue to the edge of town. Upon finding him, Amos stopped short.

The professor was much more intimidating in person than expected. Fortunately, after some talk of his situation and offering up his journals and reports from his time at school, Professor Rowan had opened up. He was actually a kind man and very understanding. However due to his busy schedule in the coming months, he wasn't sure how to work with the young man.

Luckily for Amos, a solution had been reached. He was to travel to the Unova region and research a pair of bug Pokemon Professor Rowan had heard about. Apparently, they evolved by interacting with each other and no other Pokemon. Professor Rowan was intrigued, bt could not check it out himself. As such, Amos's main objective was to observe these Pokemon and take observations both before and after evolution, as well as of the process itself. Along the way, he could learn to manage himself in the outdoors better and observe some Pokemon completely new to him.

He stretched then checked his watch. It had been a long day, and he still hadn't had that bath he sorely needed. He paid for his meal and went upstairs to his room, excited for the adventure ahead.

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