Avatar of KakashiSensei69
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    1. KakashiSensei69 10 yrs ago


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Hey! I'm a casual roleplayer that love to have a small group of dedicated people to really get into a story with! Give me a shot, you won't regret it! ;D

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I'm interested in this idea! Hit me up and I'll gladly join in!
Ethros Arcio Ethros patiently waited in the pokemon center for Dart to come out. He started to get impatient, and thus started to throw some rocks onto the ground and watching how they bounced. As more and more time went on, his throws got more and more intense. Eventually, after about 3 hours, he threw one so hard that it straight up bounced and hit a person right in the back. "O-oh god I'm so sorry!" Ethros murmured as he approached this mysterious figure. The figure turned and gave this look of such condensation that Ethros had almost thought he was looking at his own father. Noticing the mood, the cloaked man quickly put on a very forced smile and placed on hand on Ethros' shoulder. "Hello, child. Have you seen the light of Arceus?" The mans voice revealed a sort of practiced tone, something that it would appear he was being forced to say. Ethros took a step back, letting the man's arm fall. "I'm of the Arcio family, so I think I know a thing or two.." He kept a guarded stance. A few people walked passed and gave a very odd glance to the man. Some even seemed to be annoyed without having heard anything of the conversation. "Ah, yes. Your father is a huge help in spreading the love of Arceus in the Kanto and Jhoto region!" His smile quickly converted from a forced one to a genuine one. It would appear that for the first time since the conversation started, he was relaxed and actually pleased with the things he was saying. Suddenly a rock was hurled at the cloak, but it wasn't quite on the mark as the cloaked man was able to dodge. "No one needs your damned god pokemon. Get out of here!" A crowd began to gather behind the man who threw the rock, and none of them looked very happy. Ethros quickly turned to see that Dart was jumping up and down, happy. He quickly took this opportunity to get away. He walked in and the nurse let Dart run to him. "Take your pokemon and get out. We don't need anything from you or your cloaked buddy." The nurse said through a glare. Ethros quickly ran out with Dart behind him. The cloaked man was no where to be seen but the small crowd outside was still there. Without looking back he ran towards Mount Moon. After he distanced himself from the city, he rested with Dart. "It would appear our name isn't the safest thing to be spreading. Maybe we'll choose a new name.. like.. Rowlithe. We're now the Rowlithe family if anyone asks, ok? I know dad thinks we're training.. but that was some creepy stuff. Dart barked in agreement. "I guess we'll have to try and make our way around the world. But first... Mount Moon..
Ethros Arcio "I have no idea what to do!" Ethros saw the Rattata's quickly approaching. He panicked and quickly dove at Dart, which took him completely by surprise. He yelped and Ethros quickly ran past the charging pokemon with Dart in hand. The quickly scratched at his legs and began to rip his pants. Ethros' foot caught a rock and he fell forwards, scraping his fact and arms. He quickly turned to face what should have been three very angry Ratatta's, but instead saw Dart holding his ground growling. The Ratatta's quickly approached and overwhelmed the young pokemon, sending it into a panicked flailing. "H-hold on.. Dart..." is all Ethros could manage to say as he slowly stood and began to limp over to the battle. Suddenly a small shooting noise was heard and one of the Ratatta's was wrapped in a fine string. Ethros quickly spun around to see a young boy and a Caterpie ready to fight. The boy cheered, "You know what to do!" and his Caterpie shot a small poison stinger out of it's body. One of the Ratatta's got hit and the others fled. Ethros slowly moved to Dart and picked him up. After gently brushing his head, he turned to the young boy. "I owe you, friend. What is your na-" "Nah, you're fine, mister. Just don't go into the wilderness if you're that weak. Bye!" The boy skipped off with his Caterpie right behind him. Ethros looked down in shame. Then he realized he should hurry to the Pewter city pokecenter if he wanted to get Dart back on his feet. He quickly pulled what left of his strength he had together and rushed off into Pewter city.
Ethros Arcio I'm finally out of the forest.. Stumbling a bit, Ethros dropped down and sat just on the edge of Viridian forest. Slowly turning, he nudged Dart as he laid down. Ethros reached into his bag and grabbed a few berries and threw them in front of Dart. "Finally out of the house and the first thing we want to do is sit down. How in the world are we going to get anywhere. Dart made a small whimper and they both smirked at each other. Ethros picked up a stick and threw it a few feet in front of Dart. Dart looked over expectantly at him, and tilted his head. Ethros crawled over and grabbed it with his mouth and crawled back. He nodded in an exaggerated fashion and once again threw the stick. Dart barked with an excited tone and grabbed the stick. Ethros laughed a bit and stood up. "Alright, alright. Now that we've trained a bit, let's head towards Pewter town." They took two steps forward when 3 wild Ratatta's came charging at the two of them. Dart without thinking jumped in front of Ethros and began to growl angrily. Looks like we're in for a rough day after all...
I'm ready to go! Should we just go ahead and post to start things rolling?
@Zenn My thoughts are that the family used to work the lumber mill for a long time in the past. Due to the increasing demand of lumber, they got rich enough to simply run it. This led them to get very arrogant and change their family name to Arcio, flaunting the strong backing of Arceus in the region of Kanto. Ethros caught wind of the legend of Rayquaza and has decided to find out answers before deciding which path to walk. I think it'll match up well with the religious theme of the RP. Also, I'm thinking the main part of the Arcio house would be here: . Just to the west side of the south entrance to the forest.
Hey everyone! My name is Dezz - I'm a 22 year old guy that has a background in forum role playing back in my youth! As of late I've been itching for the fun stories I used to get involved in on those forums and stumbled upon this site! My general interests are: 1 on 1 Roleplay Fantasy Life Pokemon Naruto School Life Sports (Football) Mideval 18+ I do like to be caught up on the lore of the role play, so I generally look to join in newer role plays that aren't off their feet yet! I'm super open to trying new things and am very excited to get involved here. Do YOU have role play idea that you want someone to jump in on?? Hit me up!! Thanks for welcoming me! ~Dezz
Ooc: Hey there! My name is Dezz, I'm new to the site, but I'm not new to forum roleplays! I'd like to jump in on this because it sounds like a really fun idea. I'll go ahead and give you a character sheet and you can tell me what information you'd like in or what have you! Name: Ethros Arcio Age: 22 Pokemon: Level 5 Growlithe Background: Ethros comes from a very well known woodcutting family in Kantos. They live just outside of Viridian Forest and provide a lot of the materials for the regions slowly growing population. For his graduation gift, his father gave Ethros a young Growlithe he was able to capture. After getting this pokemon, Ethros decided to venture into the world (goals and motivations I'll leave for now).
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