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    1. Zenn 10 yrs ago


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@Prints Avoid shiny Starly made me lol, Are you gonna catch it?
Arceist: The radical group that believes Arceus proclamation that it wished not to be worshiped was a test and have chosen to bring Arceus glory all around the world. Based out of the cathedral Hearthome city in Sinnoh. While only a percentage of believers are so radical as to preform demonstrations most would agree with them. Main goal is to unite the world under one religion of the true creator and end all strife. Rayquaza cult: Came into being as a reaction to Arceus existence, fearing the fact that a creator could easily destroy everything they wish to awaken Rayquaza along with Groudon and Kyogre to defeat Arceus. Very few numbers at the moment but they are quickly gaining power in Hoenn Main goal to kill a god Another group of people who respect and fear the power of the legendaries aim to save humans by creating their own super powerful pokemon to fight the gods.
Just in case you guys wanted to start getting involved in some plot stuff in your next posts "Arceist" should be popping up everywhere like Jehovahs Witnessess. For literary cohesion I'd like them to show up first pushing their religion before getting violent later on. They wear white robes and want others to give up their barbaric customs and accept Arceus as lord I'll write some information on the actual groups an their agendas later today
@Prints Avoid I wasn't trying to be rude. I was saying it as my character. In this version, with them being impossible to catch insanely powerful, maybe people would consider them gods, but not creators. They haven't proven they have anywhere near the power needed to create a world or life. Anyone who was an actual atheist would probably just consider them to be insanely powerful pokemon, though.
@Prints Avoid Religious debate brewing lol Basically, Arceus is the only big bad legendary Pokemon confirmed to exist having shown itself. Ho-oh and Lugia have been seen but only sparingly. Groudon Kyogre and Rayquaza haven't been seen in ages, worshiping them is like worshiping Greek gods today Any atheist who doesn't accept Arceus as a creator god would see it more as just a titan, hyper strong and intelligent pokemon, or what ever their personal preference was.
@Prints Avoid Yeah, being form Sinnoh your character would have a different outlook on the religious climate brewing in Unova and Kalos could make for actual tension
@Prints Avoid Did you want to get involved in some of the plot once you've met with Rowan?
Not sure how to end that battle in my last post lol
Perry Cain Perry sat on the beach enjoying the gentle sounds of the waves crashing on shore, it was a nice change of pace having spent the past 4 days in Olivine. The next ship leaving for Castelia city in Unova would not depart for another 4 leaving him very restless. He spent most of the day trying to bond with and train his Spearow. The hustle and bustle of the port city had long lost excitement in his eyes having spent so much time here in his youth. He hated the ocean, it was to vast and intimidating. Due to this he wasn't to fond of water Pokemon either save for Slowpoke, Its dopey little smile had charmed him. He dug his feet into the sand and watched a group of Krabby scuttle into the water. "Vile little crustations aren't they Spearow? Go mess with them." He commanded as a grin grew across his face. Spearow cooed in agreement as it took flight and swooped down upon the Krabby is the back of the formation by the wrists and flew it up into the air. It took the struggling crab about 20 meters into the air before dropping it into the water and returning to Perry. "You enjoy doing that don't you ya sadistic litt-" He was cut off before he could finish by a startling high pitched voice coming from behind him back on the boardwalk. "What the hell are you doing?!" Shouted the kid. His tone was belligerent making his question sound more like a accusation. Perry already knew how this was going to play out, He could see by the kids clothes he was a new trainer. New shoes yet to have been worn in and only one pokeball on his hip, obviously a newbie trying to take a stand for honor and justice or whatever misguided ideals he thought he was defending. He stared at his his childlike features, pale skin with a round face with lingering baby fat and bad hair cut. This lead him to believe that he must only be about 16 years of age. "Just having some fun kid, what about it?" He asked in his best condescending tone as he stood to face the boy and alerted his Spearow of the approaching challenger. "You should leave those poor Krabby alone! If you're not going to properly capture or battle them then was the point of torturing the poor things?!" The boy sounded distraught and kept pacing forward standing now only 10 meters away from Perry. Perry contemplated getting the first attack in before the boy could send out his Pokemon, Not to harm him just to put some fear into his heart. He was hesitant however, What if this kid had a rich daddy who bought him a Voltorb or Pikachu. No, he wouldn't be intimidated by a kid who obviously needed to be put in his place. He wished her had his Tauros and Slowpoke as they were battle tested and hardened, but Spearow hadn't lost a battle yet and Perry had confidence in him. "You got a problem here kid? Lets have a quick one on one and see who the hell you think you are!" he shouted casting his arm pointing towards the boy in his best attempt to look intimidating. Spearow followed suit and hoped and front of Perry, spreading its wing and letting out a fearsome "Caaaaaaaw". Perry had never been more proud of the little bird than at this moment. The boy flinched at the sound of the birds screech and his hand immediately flew to the pokeball on his hip pulling it off instantly. This worried Perry, back when he was a newbie it once took him a good 15 seconds to get a pokeball from its holster. "If that is what must be done then so be it!" The boy said releasing a medium sized Squitrle onto the sand. "Oh what the fuck" Perry thought to himself "This must be some preppy little turd that got his starter from a Professor in Kanto". Perry wasn't sure how badly he had fucked up. Realizing now that the kid had more than likely bought the new shoes with his battle winnings. But he wasn't about to let some punk come into his region and start telling him how to treat stupid Krabbys. He could win this but he would need to make the first move. "Spearow use Fury Attack" Perry commanded. The bird took off like a dart towards it opponent flying in very tight circles around it, jabbing it with its beak at every opening it saw. "Bubbles use Water Gun and head for water" The boy cried. "Bubbles..." Thought Perry "No way I can lose to this chump" The Squirtle fired a stream of water from its mouth knocking Spearow out of the air and made an all out dash for the water kickng up lots of sand onto the grounded Spearow. "Don't let it get away!" Perry commanded worried that if this battle moved to the water he would surely lose. Spearow shook off the sand and closed in fast but just as it came within talons reach the turtle spun around and landed a well placed Bite. Feathers flew as Spearow struggle to free itself form the Squirles clutches.
@TheUnknowable I thought of it as an understood courtesy, like saying bless you in this world. Also when all your pokemon have fallen to exhaustion you have no means of self defense. Your opponent still has some left its better to offer up a cash reward than being robbed
Perry Cain The road to Olivine City was long and testing, though it had only been two and a half days Perry was already beat. Having to start this journey with a new Pokemon he wasn't familiar with made everything harder, the fact that the little devil seemed to have nothing but contempt for him didn't help much. The Spearow was a fine battler however, Perry kept a tally of all the wild Pokemon it would attack and chase away. 13 so far, if he had the money for food or pokeballs he would have caught one of them. Alas he'd need to win some battles for that and as fierce as Spearow was it looked almost as drained as Perry did. Perry turned to the creature and said "I see you're tired bud." Scooping up the foul little thing in his hand. It tensed up quickly but relaxed greatly at the thought of not having to walk for itself any longer. "I don't see why you don't fly, you are the strangest thing. It's a long road all the way back home to get Tauros from Momma, and an even longer road until you evolve and I can ride on you like some kind of elite trainer." He chuckled "But its only an hour or so to the city where we can rest up and get you healed so cheer up man." He tossed the bird into the air where it took flight for the first time since he captured it, doing circles above Perry's head. He felt rather safe here in the wilderness with his Spearow pulling guard duty. He pondered what it would be like to ride on a Fearows back, He'd seen one before on the news and in his lessons but never in person and never to scale. "I hope you get big enough to actually ride on bud" He worried looking up at his little gaurdian. They made there way into Olivine city a bustling port city full of sailors and traders and the occasional Hoenn Navy Seaman althought he paid them little mind. Finding a bed was most important, having dropped off goods from the ranch here maybe a hundred times he knew some people that would cut him a real nice deal.
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