"You really shouldn't move around if you feel that way." Wrenna told him, but she still continued to lead him into the kitchen to prove to herself she didn't care that much. "Seriously, how do you have all of this magic." She added, a little jealous. Then again, if she had to stay cooped up all the time, she might get pretty darn good at magic like that too.
"You sit down, and I'll see what's here." She told him as she sat him down at the table. "it'd be bad if you feel over and hit your head or something." Then I'd be up the creek without a paddle, she thought but did not say out loud..."And yeah. I came alone. The kingdom outfitted with the best armor, the best sword...which I left back in that other room...ugh...Anyways, and the best supplies. Even a really good horse I had to ditch once I got to your capital...But yeah, I had to come alone. Father said I didn't need an army and no one wanted to go on a possible suicide mission with the chosen one." You tell him as you start to look through the shelves.