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"Those are the two guards that almost caught me earlier..." Wrenna told Soreth when she saw the. "One of them almost caught me, I was hanging onto the chandelier above them. Thankfully neither of them looked up." She then listened to Soreth tell her how high up they were..."Well, those two could be involved because they're trying to find me, if that is a human in there." Wrenna looked closer to try and see...but it was impossible to tell for sure if it had a complete humanoid shape. It could also be another demon too with pitch black wings. "I can't really say I want to take a risk if I'm not sure the person is a human. Though I guess if you could find out, that would be good. And it doesn't seem like time is of the essence since they aren't doing anything harmful to him...yet at least. How long do you think it'll be before they ask you to get involved?"
"Alright. I understand." Wrenna said. This was a little like how she first started to learn magic. Except she didn't have to touch a mirror. Wrenna gently reached out and touched the surface of the mirror. It was smooth and cool...probably the coolest thing she had touched since arriving into the realm. As she tried to clear her mind she couldn't help but look at her own reflection. She was slightly bloody, her clothes worn a bit from the battle and she looked...tired. Not physically (but the hints of that kind of exhaustion was starting to show) but, tired of putting up with all of this. She really shouldn't even be caring about who ever it was that they had captured. By not killing Soreth, she had thrown away the title of The Hero. And with her situation being as it was, even if she found who ever was captured still alive, there was a good chance she couldn't do anything for that poor soul. All of this was probably just a waste of time...

"Shut up you're worrying to much..." She mumbled to herself as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting all of those thoughts go away. After just a few minutes of just breathing and trying not to think of anything, for the first time in a long time, her head was clear of any worries...and when she opened her eyes again, she didn't focus on the girl standing right in front of her, rather she tried to look through her. Then the reflections in the mirror started to go dark, and after a minute they were completely black. And then, a light. A torch light in a dark hallway that gave off an air of dispair.

Yup, that was a dungeon alright.

"Alright, you can step in now I think." Wrenna told him, keeping her focus on the mirror.
"That's what I've been thinking. Though this is sort of odd. I haven't really gotten that much help before. Usually the help I got was from people who were really passionate about the specific cause we were fighting for at the time, not the over goal. But I guess there's a few crazy enough people to care enough to follow me." Wrenna had to admit, if that was the case that was going on here, she would actually feel kind of touched...

"Yeah, a few pointers would be good." She told him as she looked back at him, "I don't really know the first thing about scrying. I mean, I've seen it done a few times before but this is the first time I've ever done it..." She paused for a second. If scrying was so hard that you had to be kind of specific with even a good tool as this mirror, how had he found her so easily...well it was probably just the magic that he got by being a demon king that helped..."Anyways, what do I do first?"
Wrenna made sure to stay close by Soreth's side in case he were to start to fall again as they made their way over to the art room. Once inside she started to look for the mirror he mentioned. It wasn't to hard to mix, it wasn't exactly a small mirror after all. She could pratically see her whole body in the reflection and plenty of the area around her. "I'm not to sure what I'm looking for." She admitted as she went over to the mirror. "All they said was that they had "found one of them" and "they were going to be properly dealt with. I'm assuming they're human so where would you put human prisoners here in this castle?"
Yes, almost poped out of Wrenna's mouth when Soreth asked her that question. An uncertain future wasn't something Wrenna wanted to face, disappointing her people and possible getting called a traitor by them was not something she wanted to face, disappointing her father was not something she wanted to face. Dying would have meant not having to face any of that. But Wrenna enjoyed living far to much actually say he should have just killed her. Wrenna still planned to live...she would either just have to face all of that or come up with a plan to avoid all of that stuff.

"Hm...thats all it takes huh?" She hadn't imagined getting the materials would be to hard and apparently she was right. "Well, if the best one is in the art room I say we get that one then since it'll save us time and energy...What?" She asked when she noticed Soreth's tone. "C'mon, I already seen your portraits of me, and like many things in my life, I am already over it so lets just use it. The matter might be one of life or death." She told him as she started towards the kitchen door.
"Thanks..." Wrenna said as she took some bandages out of the box and started attending to her arm. "I got it though. I guess you really didn't have your gauntlet poisoned or anything. I would have thought you would have, but I'm beginning to think you had no plans to kill me from the start. Also, is there any way for you to scry in here?" She asked him, not looking up from her arm. "If someone did try and follow me and got caught, I need to know what's happening to them right now." She didn't want to think anyone would want follow her, seeing how it would be an extremely dangerous mission, but there were a lot of crazy people in the world she lived in so Wrenna wasn't about to say that it was impossible. She made a little knot in her bandage to make sure it didn't slip off. "Oh...wait, so you no energy to do it huh...Well, how hard is scrying?" During her training there had been no time to learn any other spell then those that might be useful to her in battle, but Wrenna was a fairly competent spell castor. Surely something as simple as scrying in an area close by would't be to hard for her.
"Yes." Wrenna said as she got back inside and quickly closed the door. "I had to go through a lot of trouble to get it back and my arm hurts now but that doesn't matter! there's something going on out there." She told him before she started to explain what she heard. "I really didn't bring anyone with me so I don't know who they managed to catch...unless someone followed me? But that's extremely unlikely..."
and you give me more mysteries huh XD
Wrenna was beginning to wonder if the two beneath her were just trying to skip out on some work by hiding in the throne room with how long it was taking them to leave already, when they started to talk about something interesting...Something about a disappearance, rumors, "the new awakening" and things like that. But apparently those were just rumors...And then they finally got called away, which almost made Wrenna thank the gods out loud. Of course one of them just had to get the feeling something was off and almost stay. Thankfully he was finally pulled away by the new of...they found one of them? Who was them? She hadn't brought anyone...Wrenna waited till the door was close to let go of the chandelier, slowly her fall with another aero spell before looking around for an open door. When she saw it she quickly went through it, quickly making her way back to Soreth, confused and slightly annoyed that she had to hang in the air for about 15 minutes.
Wrenna looked down at them quietly, trying not to make any noise as she continued to hang onto the chandelier in hopes they wouldn't look up. Wrena didn't know much about the hierarchy of demons, other then the king ruled over all of them, but if they could open the doors, then they were pretty high up on the ladder...Wrenna briefly wondered if she could take on the two demons if worse came to worse...She could probably kill one right away if he got into the right place down below and she dropped on him. Then maybe she would still have enough time to catch the other one unaware enough to at least hurt him. And she doubted they had magic like Soreth. But still, it would be better not to take the chance...

Despite having to hang onto a chandelier for dear life, Wrenna was kind of glad they stuck around as their conversation gave her some new insight. They said them. Soreth had told her himself he had expected an army to be with her, but since she hadn't brought one, the rest of him army must have thought she brought in a small party of assassins or something along with her. And now they knew that she at least was in the castle, which meant that it might not even be safe to try and get back to Soreth at the moment. But they at least didn't know that Soreth had given her permission to run about the castle. 'Why would they think that anyway?' Wrenna thought to herself as she clutched the chandelier tighter. 'They probably understand logic better than Soreth or I do....' Wrenna really hoped the two would go away soon...Her arm was starting to hurt, and it was the one that Soreth had cut into. Wrenna just gritted her teeth and beared it.
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