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I'm pretty good! I'm glad you're just about done!
i'm here and raring to go!
Simon wasn't sure which to deal with first. The hybrid looked at Eliza, giving one last look at Mulivon before smiling at the angel.

"Sure, we can go in the back. Albert, watch the front for a sec?"

The hybrid gestured for Eliza to follow him into the storeroom, hooves clopping on the tile as he double checked that nothing was burning or on fire. He turned and gave her a smile.

"Now, what's up? Something wrong?"

"Okay first off, I'm really sorry Simon." Eliza started with once he had brought her back into the storage room. "I didn't mean for it to happen but I landed weirdly and my bag hit the ground and the string came unattached and I just..." Eliza took a breath and opened her bag to show him his open parcel and pill bottles. "A....Are you okay Simon..."

The hybrid's smile froze, eyes locked on the pills. Heavy duty pain killers, specifically a concentrated form of Morphine. Simon looked back up to Eliza, then carefully looked around to make sure no one was looking into the kitchen. He reached out and took the parcel from her, and let out a slow breath.

"Upstairs please, I uh...Mmm."

The llama walked out of the kitchen, making sure to keep the package tightly under his arm and hidden from view, his normal breezy smile tight and frozen as he headed upstairs.

"Now please Eliza."

Eliza let him take the parcel out of her bag before following him silently out of the kitchen and upstairs to his living area. "I am really sorry Simon...I won't tell anyone. I just want to know if you are okay or not..." Eliza knew from experience anything having to do with medical history wasn't something people generally wanted to talk about, and Simon's expression when he realized that she knew about the pills only reaffirmed this...

The hybrid walked over to his dresser, placing the package on top before rummaging through a drawer. He placed the pills inside, pulling out a piece of paper.

"It's fine."

His voice suggested it was anything but, though he turned and walked back over to her. He held up the paper to the angel.

"Before you panic, they ARE prescription, I'm not an addict or anything...I just...look..."

Simon fumbled a bit, trying to maintain his composure. This was one thing he never wanted anyone to know about him. The rumor that he was doped up on morphine all day would probably kill his business. And his welcome in the town. Despite it being somewhat true.

"...there was a thing. An accident in the past, I don't...I don't really like to talk about it, but...I...was broken. I need these to just be able to move around during the day..."

His shoulders slumped and he avoided looking at the girl. He walked back to the drawer, putting the prescription slip back into it's hiding spot. He felt pathetic. He felt angry. But that wasn't fair. She was worried about him, and it was an accident. Unless it wasn't...no, it probably was. He knew Eliza well enough to not think so poorly of her. Instead, all his anger was turned inwards, at himself for having such a shameful crutch revealed.

The thought that they weren't prescription hadn't crossed Eliza's mind. She knew, or at least figured, that Simon wasn't that sort. Plus, if it was that easy to do drug trafficking, Eliza was pretty sure she would have either got more packages like that by now or the police would have already questioned her about it.

"I...I see Simon...we're kind of alike..." She told him gently once he was through explaining. "I had an accident too. Both of my wings were broken...it took nearly two years to get me back into flying shape. I guess I'm lucky that I don't need medicine to fly around but some days it feels like I do...You know, the days you see me out on my bike." She noticed he still looked...mad...and sad..."Just because you need help to deal with the pain doesn't make a weaker person. You do what you have to do to live your life and you live it with a smile...that takes a lot to do."


The hybrid turned around, giving her a measured look. He had always wondered why the girl even had a bike in the first place. With wings, it seemed rather strange why she would choose to stay on the ground.

"I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't know. What hap-erm..."

He caught himself before asking the question. There was no reason to be insensitive about it. Simon rubbed his head for a moment, eyes flitting unconsciously to Eliza's wings. Sure, he had noticed the scars. He saw her every week for the deliveries after all, it was only a matter of time till he noticed them. But he had never thought much of it.

Eliza noticed that after she said that Simon was paying more attention to her wings, and when he stopped himself from asking what had happened to her, she simply smiled. "I don't know if you've ever been to an angel city Simon, but the skyway is mostly a free for all ruled only be what we deem as the laws of courtesy. It's a pretty terrible system to have actually, but it works pretty well usually. Except for a few occasions...I was just getting done shopping for a trip I was about to take and flying home when some other angel that was racing with a few others ran into me. I tumbled down and out of the sky and hit the ground pretty hard...hard enough to break my wings. Thankfully modern medicine was able to help get me back in the air but...its just not the same as before. Not that I'm unhappy the way I am now. The whole thing just sucked but I was able to move on so I'm good." She finished with a unsure shrug, not sure of where she was going with any of that.

Simon was quiet as she spoke, folding his arms as he listened. Such a reckless accident...something so small as a race had altered her so much, and she could keep smiling and being so optimistic? The hybrid rubbed the back of his neck after she finished, giving a small smile that was far different than his usual airy grin.

"Huh...that's...you're pretty casual about it aren't you?"
"My t...I was told that if I let it be a big deal, it would always be a big deal. It happened, there's nothing I can do to change it but I can accept and move on. It was part of my life so I can't just ignore it either." She told him then realized how that might sound, "N-Not that I'm trying to tell you that's how you should act and think about what happened to you!"
He stepped over to her, laying one hand on her head gently with a slight ruffle, his smile far warmer than it normally was.

"You didn't have to tell me...but...thanks. Sorry if I pryed. And...uh..."

"You didn't pry." Eliza told him with another soft smile as Simon leaned down to her eye level.

"Let's keep my meds just between us. I don't want someone who isn't as sweet hearted as you to misunderstand my situation."

"I will, don't worry." Simon was really nice...she didn't want to do anything to hurt him or his reputation. "Well...um...should I go before people start spreading rumors that you and I are up to something up here?" Eliza asked after a moment of silence with a chuckle.

Simon chuckled, pulling back upright and gave a wink with a wide grin.

"Oh, those kind of rumors I wouldn't mind!"

"Oh you would if Mr. Fisher heard about them. He'd start calling you up to "Do right by me" or something." She laughed a little, but she did blush a little. Was he flirting with her? It was hard to tell, it was a possbility sure but...she just wasn't sure.

Simon's grin widened at that.

"Ohh...well, I guess we should head down then."

The hybrid t headed towards the stairs, giving no indication if he was joking or not, his regular airy grin on his face as he gestured for Eliza to preceed him.

"Angels first."

"Pfft, thanks Simon." Eliza smiled again as she walked past Simon and started down the stairs. Once they were both down stairs she turned to him and said, "Well I would stay for a drink or something but I'm terribly off schedule now." She gave a little emberressed laugh, "I'll try to drop by later though!" She added as she started towards the door.

The llama waved as he headed back towards the counter.

"Sure thing. And thanks for...well...a couple things really..."

The last part was more whispered than anything else, as Simon started to help Albert again.

Eliza stopped at the door when Simon said his farewells...she was sure that he said something after "sure thing" but she didn't quite make it out with how quietly he said it. So she just shrugged and stepped out. It was time to get onto the next delivery. "lets see...Oh! Anna's next on the list!" Eliza said happily as she checked her list. She opted to walk over to Nerd's Paradise since it was just across the street. As she entered the shop, she called inside, "Hello? Anna? I'm here to make a delivery!" That was odd...Anna was usually right in the shop...where was she?
*Raises hand*...

And the winner for the cute angel drawing goes to....XD
Ummmmmm...so anyone else want a cute angel to interact with their character?
that would work, just let me know when you're done with your collab!
Anybody want me to get Eliza interact with them once I get done with my collab with Spawnling?
Eliza didn't get time for a response. Almost as soon as the words were out of her mouth she noticed that she was at the clinic. "Oh! here we are! Just go in and ask for Doctor Pierce! She'll take good care of you!" She told Dullahan with a smile. "I'm sorry I can't stay to help but I have to deliveries to make and a schedule to try and fix! Take care and I'll see you around!" Eliza told her before crouching down a bit before jumping up and off into the sky. Eliza hated ground take-offs as they put a lot more strain on her wings, but she didn't want to waste time trying to find a high enough vantage point and flying was faster. It only took a few minutes to get to Simon's cafe, her first stop, but when she went to land, she landed in a way that got her off balance, causing her to fall forward. "OOf!" She grunted as she fell onto her hands, her messenger bag hitting the ground as well.

Eliza froze for a second when she heard a thud and rattle come from inside. She quickly got to her knees and looked inside. Only was package was disturbed, Simon's parcel...The string that held the parcel together had come untied and Eliza could see the contents inside. She really didn't mean to pry but...There were pill bottles...and Eliza recognized the name of the medicine. It was a painkiller, and a strong one too, she had been on this for a little while when she was recovering from her fall. But there was so much here...and...and Simon got this weekly? It was always a parcel like this. Eliza had always assumed it was just a special spice or something for the cafe...

Eliza quickly closed her bag and briskly walked inside, past Ian who was there for some reason and another girl who was talking to Simon and Ian about something, to Simon where she gave him a serious and concerned look as she whispered, "Can I talk to you in private...."
Well Bonum was going to have an ex-hacker who owed him a favor tell him where they could find sources of information. if RoflsMazoy is okay with it, I might save it as a last resort thing?
Bonum rubbed his head at Datze remark. It was hard to tell when Nacht was being serious or not, being such an avid roleplayer as he was. But he didn't have too long to be embarrassed by it before they were teleported off to Dural. Bonum visited the city often helping out with a few requests, he enjoyed the city even if it was as generic as they came. When told to equip something less conspicuous, he quickly searched his inventory and changed his white paladin outfit for a low-level dark grey one. Then he was told who his partner is and turned to Nacht.

"Well Nacht, there's only so much we can do incognito. But you should know as well as anybody how far a little charisma can go. But in case asking simply doesn't work, you and I have money, and I have a few items that might be useful with haggling with a few knowledgeable people. But if you have a better plan, then I am certainly all ears." He told him with a shrug. "I will suggest we check in the library and the marketplace for info before any other though. That's where knowledge and rumors usually reside."
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